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Orders to the Raiding Party: The gunboat 'Dahlia' will lie off shore in Kriegs Bay. moving inshore at 6:30 am: landing scheduled for 7:00 am. The landing party will consist of:
Naval Brigade (48 men) The task of this force will be to destroy the batteries North and South of the Quay. after which they advance over the river bridges to aid the land raiding force in their attempt to destroy the third, inland battery on Grodnig Hill. The land raiding force will move from the South (coming from Haider). At 7:00 am they will be one hour from the baseline at the South side of the table. The commanders of the sea and land raiding forces will meet and will arrange a time for the land party to commence their attack on Grodnig Hill. The land party will not attack before this time in order that they can be aided by the Northern attack of the sea force, but they must attack at the time stated. whether or not the sea force is in a position to aid them. When all three batteries have been destroyed, the sea force will withdraw wither back the way they came, or with the land force back down the Haider Road. The Land Raiding Force will consist of:
Two Cavalry Squadrons (30 men) Enemy Dispositions: It is known that these strengths have not changed since the last intelligence report, so they are as follows - In Krieg Village, Quay area and Battery Guardroom, there are three Bns of Prussian Infantry (including one Guard Bn) plus a Gatling gun. In Grodnig Hill area, there are one cavalry squadron (15) and five Battalions of Infantry (including one Jager) and two guns. However, it is know that there is a very strong cavalry force of four Regiments (60 men) in Huglet, which is two hours normal riding distance from the area. It is essential that the raiding party is out of the area before this reinforcement arrives. Weather, Time, etc: Wind blowing from the North. Weather is estimated to be normal for time of year. First light is 7:00 am; dusk is 4:15 and darkness is 4:45. Terrain: From the sea, there are only two landing places - at the Quay and by a cliff path half way up the river; this path leads directly to Krieg Village and is known to be guarded. The river is uncrossable except at the two bridges. Neither of the bridges are mined and are too solid to be destroyed. Coastal Batteries: The inland battery is not yet completed so can not fire; the North Battery is sited so that it can not traverse to hit anything in the actual Bay, so this leaves only the South Battery which may be able to fire on the Sea Party. This gun is difficult to lay for close range firing. It needs a 4, 5, or 6 to score a hit and then two dice must total "8" or over to destroy the vessel. The crew of this battery will be in a nearby cottage and will have to man the gun before it can fire; they are not able to fire the gun in the same move that they actually man it. Information for Landing Party: The Dahlia can only disembark men at the Quay, which takes half a move. It has four longboats which each holds six men; these move at 6" per move as does the Dahlia. If more than 24 men are required to be landed by these boats, they must return to the Dahlia and reload - embarking and disembarking take half a move each. The quickfirer on the Dahlia fires as the Gatling; but at artillery ranges. Enemy Sentries: Range of vision at first light is 9". They are assumed to fire shots when they sight the enemy which will warn comrades. Sentries are posted at the river path, on the first bridge, on Quay and at South Battery. Defence force can not take any action until warning has been given. Defence force are concentrated in Krieg Village, at Bay Villa and the South Battery Guardroom. It will take them half a move to organize and leave houses, etc. Orders to Defence Forces: The Force guarding Grodnig Hill will not hear sounds of firing because wind is in wrong direction, so a courier has to be sent from the Quay Defence Force. He is in Bay Villa, and will take half a move to saddle, etc. From then on he will move at normal rate of 18" per move subject to conditions on Chance Card which must be drawn before he leaves. Grodnig Hill forces are commanded by General Schodnicki, who is in Staatz Village, to which the courier must go to (the Oast House) and his forces are not able to do anything until this information is received except for one unit which is encamped on the North side of the road immediately West of the bridge, who will be given news by courier and may act as the CO thinks fit. Commanders: Commanding Naval Brigade Landing Forces: Lt. Comdr Neville. Commanding Land Raiding Force: General Herriott Commanding Grodnig Defence Force: General Schodnicki. These CO's will draw to ascertain their morale value, but Lt. Comdr Neville can not be lower than "B" Grade. Destroying Batteries: Two men must lay charge, which takes one complete Game Move; next move they throw two dice and must total "8" or more to destroy battery. If they fail to make that score. then it takes another Game Move to relay charge. and again they throw two dice next move and again need -8" to destroy battery. Means of Discovering Whether Raiding Force Has Succeeded: Raiding Force will score points as follows:
1. For destroying South Battery - 20 points
Additional Information: 1. When courier arrives at Staatz Village, to warn General Schodnick, he must draw chance card and act according to instructions and his morale value. He must then send off a courier to Huglet to warn the cavalry. This courier will draw a chance card also, and cavalry command at Huglet (who is "B" grade) will draw a chance card when the courier arrives. 2. If either Raiding Forces Commanders are "A" Grade, then they may act according to their own discretion at all times. Back to MWAN #91 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1998 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |