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Voice Like Thunder Plains Indians War Party, and Geronimo s warrior band, available from Foundry Ltd., Huberts Lane, off Doyle Road, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1RG, Channel Islands, GB First thing, note the new, slightly different address. Note that Wargames Foundry has now moved to the same address. Now. the 18th Century Russians of the Seven Years War. Grenadiers. Hatmen! Cossacks and their mounts. If you don't start doing 7YW after seeing this lot you have no soul! If you don't have the ready cash and belong to a club, persuade the committee to look at these figures. I began wargaming with Tradition (i.e. Stadden) 7YW figures - I still have them, wouldn't dream of parting with them, but these Guernsey figures are "something else." I rave! The musketeers have their capes (blue) rolled and slung like blanket rolls. The Grenadiers have their distinctive mitres uncovered and look very imposing. I will deal with the Grenadiers first. These are in campaign order ar d have weatherproof covers on their mitred helmets, wearing waistcoats and no coats. If the hatmen looked tough, these look even tougher! Grenadiers RGC1 Attack march (variants). General description of the 5: All have a dispense pouch on the Font of their waistcoat waist belt. It usually had a copper plate covering the front bearing the regiments' "arms." The helmet has the impressive neck guard cf. p 137 "Arms & Uniforms, The Lace Wars, Part 2. L&F Funken, Ward Lock. The faces of the grenadiers are all subtly different. On the cross belt is match holder for igniting grenade fuses. RGC1d Attack march (6 variants). All ready to make grand variety in your unit. RGC1d Bareheaded. Deficient! it'll be stopped out of your pay lad! RGC23d Standard Bearer. Supply own staff and fly. RGP31b Drummer. Playing vigorously. RGOC1b Bareheaded officer. Wearing coat, sash beneath it, gorges, dispense pouch and well decorated grenade bag. RGOC2 Officer, waistcoat, advancing with musket. RG C 23 Standard Bearer. No staff or fly, provide your own. Sword at his leh side. RGP31 Drummer. Marching forward beating his drum very vigorously. RGOC1 Officer. With a fusil rather than an espontoon, held across the body. Sash, sword, dispense pouch and grenade bag - the latter has tremendous detail molded on the flap. Gorget at this throat. Excellent Figure. Musketeers - Campaign Order Waistcoat, rolled capes, no coat or sword. RMC1b Attack march. (6 variants, e.g. shouting, bandaged head and different facial features) RMC1d Bandaged head. RMC23b Standard Bearer. Sword sheathed at his side, grim expression. Supply own staff and RMOC1a Officer, waistcoat, walking with musket. Carrying it in his left hand, at the point of balance RMOC1b Officer, waistcoat, advancing with musket. Also holding musket across the body. RMOP1b Officer, coat, advancing with musket. More likely to be a fusil, as it was lighter. He looks about to do something nasty with his bayonet. A really tremendous group of figures. I hear that artillery for one nationality or another is coming soon. Cossacks! (and you!) Wild and desperado-looking either on foot or mounted. RC8 Sergei Krovski the Cruel Haughty Hetman. He looks all those things. Sword and Pistol. RC9 Father Krasnoruki. Mad Hieromonk. "out-Rasputin's Rasputin!" RC 10 Kolya Sergeivich. The Hetman's Brat. Just looks like a young Russian to me from "Ivan the Terrible." No brattishness about him. RC11 Poor old Starik: ancient retainer, musket. Russian equivalent of "Oh me pore old back!" RC12 Quiet Don, the crackshot, musket. Taking aim. RC13 Stepan the Sober. Jolly Cossack. With a bottle! Oops, tankard! with lid. Aim at the centre image Stepan! RC14 Fyodor the Fragrant. Musket. No need for personal defence weapons, the pony (imaginary) is enough. RC15 Hairy Igor the Animal. Sabre and pistol. Snarl and dangerous looking hat. RC17 Young Yertushenko. Pistol. Cautious advance, pistol at the ready, holding his sword up in his left hand so the chape doesn't scrape! RC91 Cossack fatality. Shapka beside his head - "scalplock" noticeable, spread eagled on his face. The mounted versions of these are as good. You can easily tell who is which and they have some of the best ponies and horses I have seen. The Hetman's has special decorative harness (HP4). There is also a dead pony (HP91) to go with RC9l. The list numbers for the mounted Cossacks are: CavRC8-Sergei Krovski the Cruel Haughty Hetman, CavRC9-Father Krasnoruki, CavRC10- Kolya Sergeivich, CavRC11-Poor old Starik, CavRC12-Quiet Don, CavRC13-Stepan the Sober, CavRC14-Fyodor the Fragrant, CavRC15 Hairy Igor the Animal. CavRC17-Young Yertushenko, CavRC91-Cossack fatality. All easily recognizable as their foot counterparts. The ponies and horses are up to the standard one has come to expect from OF, other words full of flowing modeDing and well observed musculature. Drawings below. If you don't see what you like, send for samples. OF are among the leaders in miniature models, in my opinion. Plains Indians - Voice Like Thunder s War Party As the US Army officer said as he fell back against the wagon wheel, pierced by two arrows, "Well, I guess that breaks the Indian treaty!" Here they come again! I will list this lively war party, comment and draw some of them, not to scale. Young Braves on Foot P126 Striped Dog. Firing bow. Feather at angle, meaning he has counted his 3rd coup. Breechclout. P127 Strikes like Bear. "Gunstock club." If you have seen the recent "Last of the Mohicans," Chinagook clobbers Magna with one of these at the end of the Slrn, not a pretty sight. P128 Dean Wolf. Spear. Round shield, knife at his belt. P129 One shirt, firing trade musket. Looks as if he's shooting on the move. Either very strong, wild, or stupid. P130 Fish Arrow. Drawing bow. His name could mean he was an exceptionally good shot. P131 Lazy Boy. Firing bow. This name could also mean he was a good shot. He killed the game with the first shot so he didn't need to run over it! Looks as if he's "regarding his shot" - i.e. tooling at the flight and effect. P132 Crow in Rain. War club. Not sent, but the illustration looks pretty active! P133 Holds Fire. Firing trade musket. Another good aiming pose. P134 Walks alone. Trade musket. Cautiously easing back, musket held across body. P135 Swift White Raven. Trade musket. Moving quickly forward with musket across the body. P14 1 Mighty Warrior. Voice Like Thunder. Breech clout and leggings, war bonnet with a train of many feathers cast onto his coupstick for you to cut off and stick into the socket provided at the rear of the bonnet. Large pipe/tomahawk. Bear claw necklace with medicine bag. All these braves are repeated in mounted form. "Cay" being the prefix for them. 3 of them with missile weapons, are cast with a lug between the hips and torso, so that you may glue them in a variety of positions - firing one side or the other, or even a Parthian shot! CavP132 Crow in Rain has a musket in a hide case across his saddle bow - besides his war club. Cav141 is the mounted version of Voice Like Thunder - a very charismatic figure, and the ponies and horses! HP11& HP12 are galloping ponies, each with two variants. > HP21 & HP 22 are galloping horses, each with two variants. HP23 is a standing horse - yep!, two variants. Geronimo s Warrior Band Here we have eleven small sculptures. I hope wargarners appreciate how lucky we are with model sculptors of the calibre of Mark Copplestone, Michael and Alan Perry, all around at the same time and creating better and better wargames figures. I shall list these apaches and corarnent and draw some of them, not to scale. Mounted Apache OWCA21 Chihuahua, firing rifle. Chihuahua is the name of a hairless dog of the Mexico region! The rifle is a carbine. He's cast torso and legs with joining sprue so you may cut it and position him in whatever way you like, 360ø! OWCA22 Dutchy, rifle. Carbine across the body, a loose porte position, riding with his knees. Image knife on his left hip. Bandanna round his long hair knotted in the centre of his forehead. Medicine bag (?) slung behind him. Bandelero of ammo round his waist. OWCA23 Soldado. Mexican shako, rifle. Besides his carbine he has a military Colt holster on his right hip. His right hand is raised - either "Yahoo!" or "To the rooor, Har!" as befits his "Soldier" nickname. OWCA24 Coyotero, lance (supply own). Little coyote only wears breech clout and necklace. No other weapon than his lance. He has yet to steal White Eyes weapons. OWCA25 Ulzana, war hat, rifle. Shirt and bolero, big knife on his left hip. Gesturing with his carbine. Looks 1/4 right. Shouting. OWCA26 Natchez. Hardee hat, rifle. Looks like a Sharps carbine. Colt on his left hip in crossdraw position. Shirt, bolero, leggings, ammo belt. A really menacing mien about him. OWCA27 Nalte, filing bow. Again an articulated at the waist figure for you to position as you like with glue. Quiver of arrows across his back OWCA28 Loco. War club and shield. Yelling his war cry, waving his club - Celtic! Celtic! Apache Mightv Warriors OWCA41 Geronimo. It looks like him - photographs I have seen. Sun discs on the front of his jacket OWCA42 Vitorio. Long flowing hair, noble face, rifle across his saddle bow, pistol. OWCA43 Chato. Cloth bound hair, medicine bags round his neck. yelling. Carbine, bun on his right thigh. He also has a pistol. All these figures are supplied as foot also. List numbers lack the 'C', e.g. OWA21, Chihuahua, kneeling firing rifle. Dutchy cautiously advances; Soldado is still waving; Coyotaro is running with the lance you supply; Ulzana is in the "house entering position;" Natchez fires from the hip, Nalte is scouting "3 men pass this way 2 days ago" sort of pose; Deco is still inviting someone to come and have his brains bashed out. Geronimo stands with his rifle across his chest. Victorio is cautiously advancing with his rifle and Chato has a bottle - could be fire water or a petrol bomb! Beautiful apache horses are also available: HA11, HA12, HA21, HA22. I draw a couple in the drawings section:
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