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By Hal Thinglum - FREI KORPS 15 ECW 15MM/HOVELS 25MM RUSSIAN VILLAGE - For years, I've gone to Cameron Robinson of FREI KORPS 15, when I've been unable to obtain a needed wargames product and he's always been successful. This year it's been to locate the 25mm Hovels Russian Village pack, but first of all, I'd like to mention some I Smm Frei Korps ECW items I just received from Cameron. I needed more gun crews for my ECW batteries, so l ordered PS26 gun crew and PS26a auxilliary gun crew. The "26" pack has four figures: an officer ready to give the order to "fire"; crew w/ball; crew w/spike; and crew w/both hands held in front of his waist (could be used to push the gun or to place something in his hands). The "26a" pack is even better consisting of two kneeling figures (one kneeling by a barrel), and excellent figure pushing a large barrel, and what would appear to be an officer w/sash. In addition, there are three very handy separate barrels of differing sizes. I plan on obtaining more of the "26a" packs to allow me to have some of these figures in my "baggage" train. These are handy packs as I like to have lots of gunners in differing poses within my artillery. Also ordered 0RD23 6pdr Saker gun which was excellently done. No flash and exceedingly easy to assemble. Some companies, when they make guns/wagons, for some reason make the hole in the wheel too large or too small to fit onto the gun. Frei Korps 15 makes them so that I don't have to do anything except glue the wheels on to the gun! Thank you, Cameron! Great detail on this Saker gun! Also received ORD20 Frame Gun ( ) for my Scots - comes in three pieces: carriage, gun barrel, and supporting piece for carriage. Again, very little flash: I just had to lightly scrape the supporting piece prior to glueing it to the carriage and then glue on the gun barrel a few minutes later. Very handy! I'll be putting two Scots gun crew with each frame gun and four each with other guns; perhaps five with very heavy pieces. I needed more bullocks so ordered CM24: little more flash between the legs but easily removed. They come with a yoke which personally I never use. Again, good detail. I'm also going to have to request Cameron to send me a bunch of "drivers" - walking figures, actually - which I use to "accompany" each limber/wagon for the ECW. I believe they are included with the CM10 set (limber, 2 horses or bullocks & driver). I've long been looking for the 25mm HOVELS "Eastern European Range" buildings - actually "Russian" buildings for use with my 25mm WWII Russian/German Project. Cameron was able to "dig" them up for me and they are beautiful edifices and will fit in very well with the SCENICS EFFECTS 25mm MEDIEVAL-type buildings I picked up sometime ago. There are a number of log houses: Hl w/thatched roof ($15); H1b w/planked roof ($15); H2 Large log house "/thatched roof ($17); and H2b Large log house w/planked roof ($17). H3 is a large timbered church ($ 19); H4 is a long or meeting house ($ 18); while H5 is a ruined version of H1 ($ 12) and H6 a ruined version of H2 ($13). These are hollow resin castings with much detail and should paint up beautifully! None of them, save the ruined buildings, have access to figures, but actually, I prefer it that way. I used to like to place figures within dwellings, but now I would rather not as it tends to complicate matters in a wargame. I have no doubt that these buildings will "look right' for WWII Eastern Front scenarios as I have seen photos of WWII Russian villages with such buildings. Very nice range; highly recommended; and thanks to Cameron for locating them for me! By Hal Thinglum - ROYAL OAK MINIATURES - Fred Bultman, 1013 W. 12 Mile, Royal Oak, M148073 has been painting my 15mm ECW-type HOVELS buildings for me this year. I just received another group from him and am very pleased with the results. My all-time favorite is a large stone church with separate steeple. Fred painted "stained glass" windows, which look great(!) With lots of painting detail added! Makes a great looking building look ten times better! The blue tile roof sets it off nicely. Also sent him a large farmhouse which he did very well at: greenish-black type thatched roof; off-white walls with black undercoating; the screens over the windows are individually done. A village square stone piece came out really well; thatched green roof, several different stone colors, and vegetation nicely done on the sides of the piece. A small country barn with stones around all windows/doors and along each side of the building looks very good with a reddish- type tiled roof Lastly 12 pieces of 20mm stone wall including four corner sections, two different types of gates, and two "ruined" sections came out great! The "grass" was high-lited along the sides of the wall; gates really stand out due to high-lighting; though my favorite sections are the "ruined" sections as Fred's painting style/ability made the pile of"stones" really stand out! Total painting cost was $55.00 including postage. These pieces would not only grace my wargames table, but would look great as "display" pieces at work or on your bookcase! As usual, highly recommended! I can't wait to get my 15mm medieval castle back from him! By Hal Thinglum - DONNINGTON MINIATURES 15MM ECW LINE - Donnington Miniatures, 15 Cromwell Rd., Shaw, Newbury, Berkshire, RH14 2HP, UK produces a wide variety of periods within the 15mm scale and I recently obtained the ECW "casualty" figures from them for use with my 15mm ECW project to be used as "morale" markers. They were also kind enough to include some 15mm ECW samples. First of all, their "Casualties of War" line - For the ECW/TYW period, there are four castings: DD17 17th C heavy horse, pistols in holsters; 17th C musketeer in felt hat, lying on face; DDI9 Late 16W17th C pikeman in motion helmet; and DD20 17th C cavalryman in felt hat lying on face. These are excellent castings with very good detail; each casualty figure has a small base. I plan on mounting mine on Jeff Lista's metal stands for ease of storing in plastic shoe/sweater boxes lined with magnetic strips. As mentioned, they will work very well for morale markers denoting a change (decrease) in morale necessitating a morale check. There are a total of 20 casualty figures including Romans, Greeks, Celts, Barbarians, Asiatics, Parthians, Sassanids, Goths, Arabs/Moslems, and Crusaders. I was very pleased with them. The ECW samples are as follows: trooper in cuirass w/buff coat and Dutch lobster helmet and horse. Fair amount of flash on the underside of the horse; none on the figure. Excellently done standard bearer in cuirass w/cast on flag; drummer in plumed helmet; three pikemen in felt hat, motion helmet, and monmouth cap (one standing w/pike upright and two advancing); and three musketeers in interesting poses: at ready; standing with shoulder musket and rest; and loading musket w/rest. Cost is 15 pence for foot and 30 pence for cavalry (good prices). l would have to rate these figures fairly highly as regards quality, detail, and poses. The range features eight cavalry, four horses, 28 foot, and a medium gun and limber. However, the foot are probably about 18mm high which doesn't allow me to mix them with Essex and Matchlock Miniatures figures. However, the cavalry fit in perfectly! Donnington has a very extensive Thirty Years War line of 28 cavalry and 57 foot. They also have an "Age of Turenne and Montecuccli (1645-60) line of two cavalry and 15 foot. Also offered are four guns, cannon ball piles, budge barrel and powder coffin. Horse and rider are separate with the saddle cast on the horse, so I am going to order some dragoon horses for my dismounted dragoon units. I have to recommend this line but I don't think it will mix well with the more "true" scale 15mm lines. Oh - pikes are separate and consist of VERY sharp wire; they look great, however, you run the risk of sustaining real casualties by touching the points of the pikes! By Hal Thinglum - GEOFF SKELTON PAINTING SERVICE - Geoff Skelton, 1400 Heidorm, Westchester, IL 60154 (708-562-4086) offers a painting service for 25mm figures only, though he did a batch of 50 20mrn Confederate ACW figures for me. Geoff reports he is particularly interested in Renaissance and 17th Century though he would tackle any period requested. He uses the Americana acrylic paints and he coats in either flat or glass finish. Geoff charges $2.00/foot figure. My 20mm ACW figures were painted in what I call a "block" method; by this I mean there is no shading or black outlining. The paint job is good, in my mind; Goeff put patches on my infantry and painted them inn a wide variety of colors - which I very much like! Detail is good: all belts are done; muskets have musket bands painted; blanket rolls have straps painted on them; recommended! By Hal Thinglum - HEKI HEDGEROWS - While at my local railroad hobby shop lately, I picked up two packs of these attractive hedgerows for my 15mm ECW project. Priced at $5.99 each, they each have the same code numbers/names (Hedgerow Light Green; HE183) though one is a standard green while the other is light green. Each pack contains seven 3 1/2" sections of hedgerow mounted on a plastic base with plastic trunks. They are the perfect size for 1 5rnrn and would probably do well for 10mrn. The "drawback" is that the bases are not flat, being "curled" when removed from the adhesive backing securing them to the box. I don't suspect this will be a problem as I will try using superglue to adhere them to a base. By Hal Thinglum - BROOKHURST HOBBY'S IAN WEEKLY 25MM CASTLE: AND ROYAL OAK MINIATURES PAINTING SERVICE - I may have mentioned in MWAN #88 that I had ordered an Ian Weekly medieval 15rnm castle from Brookhurst Hobbies (see address in this issue) and sent if off to master painter Fred Bultman of Royal Oak Miniatures for painting. I can't locate the code number for the castle, however, it is 8 1/2" on each side w/walls almost 3" high. Each of the corners has a tower (4 1/2" high including the roof) with parapets along all four sides. There is one large main gate. Within the confines of the castle is a large removeable tower just over 5" tall and 2 1/2" wide on each of the four sides. It is on a base measuring ten inches on each side. A very nice model. I believe the price was just over $40. The entire castle and inside tower have individual stands with tile roofs. I would like to remark on how prompt I have always found Brookhurst Hobbies to respond to my phone orders! As soon as I got it, I sent it off to Fred (1013 W. 12 Mile Road, Royal Oak, M148073; 810-546-6781 ) for painting. Fred did his usual high quality job and charged me $45.00 including postage. It is beautifully done with the base nicely terrained with din and grass as well as some bushes up against the walls of the castle. The stones on all the walls are painted different shades of gray and off-white with shading and weathering techniques being utilized. The interior ground is dirt, but shaded. Fred, as usual, gave it a little extra touch by putting a coat of arms over the castle gate of a "T" over an "H" (for me, of course!). I continue to be impressed by Fred's work and can recommend him without reservation. He offers a wide range of painted and unpainted buildings from Hovels, Gallia, JR Miniatures, The Drum, Stone Mountain, and TCS. You can also, as I did, send him your unpainted buildings. Thanks, Fred! By Hal Thinglum - BATTLEGROUND WWII WARGAME RULES - MWANer Steve Carroll (Carpe Diem Enterprises, 408 Woodland St., Denton, TX 76201) has released "BATTLEGROUND: WWII Era Small Unit Actions Miniatures Wargame Rules", an 8.5" X 11" booklet of twenty pages ($7.00 USA/$10.00 Rest of World). The rules were written for 20mm, though Steve reports they have been used w/o change for 15mm/54mm. Each figure equals one to five real men while one vehicle represents one to two actual vehicles; the smallest unit is a two- figure unit while the largest has 12 figures which represents a platoon of up to 60 men. A Mger, flame thrower, etc. figure represents a "heavy weapon" figure. The game features playing cards with three phases within a turn: the card play, melee, and special actions phases. The suite of the pulled card denotes which side fires or moves. Movement is via die throws (i.e.. "walk" = 1D6); there are four grades or classes (A-D) which affects firepower. There are rules for mines, artillery, aircraft, smoke, flares, and vehicles, as well as advanced/optional rules. Two scenarios are offered. Interesting, easily learned system. Congratulations, Steve! By Hal Thinglum - VIDEO KOREA - THE FORGOTTEN WAR - I picked up this seven video set from Sam's Club for about $30 or so. Sometime ago, l was quite interested in the Korean War and could only find one video on the subject so I was pleased to find this set. I've watched about half of them thus far and they consist of the "Big Picture" film footage of the 1950's, if you remember them. l was a little disappointed, but they are still interesting. By Hal Thinglum - REDOUBT ENTERPRISES 25MM ACW - Redoubt Enterprises, 49 Channel View Rd., Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 7LN, UK, has released what promises to be an extensive 25mm ACW line! Peter Helm was kind enough to send MWAN their first releases which are extensive! There are six categories of poses: standing command (officer, drummer, two standard bearers, two sgts); standing colour guard (standard bearer, five sgts and corporals); and infantry at ease, standing w/ground weapons, at attention, and standing at right shoulder shift. Each of the six packs( six figures/pack) has figures in shirt order, shell jacket, sack coat, and frock coat with separate heads (kepis, slouch, hardee, Tennessee, Mex-Am cap, and bareheaded. Packs, including heads are 3.60 pounds while additional packs of heads are available at .50 pence/pack. The figures are very cleanly cast; have excellent detail; and would fit in well with Old Glory/etc. There is virtually no flash and the great variety of poses will lend themselves well to great looking wargarnes units! Also available from MINIATURE SERVICE CENTER, 1525 Bridge #163, Yuba City, CA 95993. By Hal Thinglum - MR GAJO PAINTED 15MM/25MM WARGAMES F IGURES - I've known George Johnson for many years and have followed his wargarnes business over that time. He began by purchasing painted ar~nies and reselling them and has branched out within the last few years to offering newly painted armies in 15r~m/25rnrn. I hadn't seen any of these figures and George sent about twenty of them for mention within this column. First of the 25mm figures: these are OLD GLORY pewter figures and well-painted; there is a highland grenadier, British Grenadier, and British line infantryman from the FIW period. I would describe the paint job as "above average" quality and I would be more than pleased to have them on my wargarnes table! Very nicely done. Prices for 25rnrn are $98 for 24 British line including cornrnand/grenadiers, thus, one is talking just over $4.00 per figure including the price of the figure. Drop George a line (Mr. GAJO, 930 Mellish Dr., Lapeer, M1 48446 (810-664-5655 evenings)for a listing of what is available. The 15mm Napoleonics are excellent! They come out to about $1.28/foot for Austrian line and $1.40/foot for French and Russian line troops. Flags are sent along for command stands. George rates the paint jobs at between a 6/7; 1 am impressed with the quality of the painting! To give you an idea of price for a full unit, an ACW Union or Confederate army of 72 Stone Mountain pewter figures including two guns/4 gunners painted to a 5+ grade on grassed stands is $ 100 for the set. A 24 figure unit of Battle Honours Austrian line infantry in Shakos (6 grade) unbased is $38.00. The Napoleonic figures are available in different facing colors. George offers a 20% discount for orders over $200. Highly recommended and top quality! By Hal Thinglum - MERRIMACK MINIATURES 15MM/25MM SHIPS - Merrimack Miniatures, 1524 Lois Dr., Shoreview, MN 55126 (612-786- 1526) is offering a new line of 15mm ships which are excellent. There are 13 ACW ships ranging in price from $20-$35 as well four longboats ($5) as well as the "Farwest" ($40) for the '76 campaign. I was sent the Farwest to mention within MWAN. The note mentioned it can also be used for the Sudan so I was very glad to receive it as 15mm Sudan is in my plans! Excellent model cast in resin with 12 parts and a set wooden dowels for supports. It measures 3" X 11 ", has very good detail and looks great! Well worth the money in my humble opinion! There are ships for "Cog Wars (6 w/crew); Galley Wars (5 w/crew); Dragon Wars (7th/1 Ith C)(4 w/crew); Junks (three w/crew), and 1600's (four w/crew). They also offer a set of rules "From Oars to Cannon ($7) and 15mm WWII landing craft (2/$12). Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - TERMINAL HOBBY SHOP ITEMS - The Terminal Hobby Shop, 5619 W. Florist Ave., PO Box 3039, Milwaukee, WI 53201-3039 (414-461-1050) offers a very extensive line of model trains and great catalogs with many items of interest to the wargamer. l've been purchasing my static grass from them for years and they offer very prompt mail-order service. l recently ordered a large bag of static grass by Noch (3.5 oz) for $9.99 for terraining figure bases and Walther's ' GOO" ( $2.98/tube) which I find to be perfect for mounting metal figures to metal bases. The static grass looks great on figure stands and is very easy to do. Just paint the base/stand and drop the static grass over the paint and let it dry for a few minutes. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - OUTLAND GAMES PAINTING SERVICE - Outland Games, 1061 Bertram Ave., Dayton, OH 45406 (937-276-2336) offers a 15/125mm painting service. l recently had Chris Fahnestock paint two 12-man units of ECW ESSEX/Museum Miniatures cavalry and was very pleased with the result. He used a black priming method and the painting detail was very good. Tne horses are especially well done with a nice shiny sheen to them! Each unit has a flag which Chris did in a basic, but nice manner, at no extra charge. I5mm horse/rider figures are at $1.75 (you supply the figure) while foot are at $1.25. Good quality painting and highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - WARGAMES FOUNDRY/GUERNSEY FOUNDRY 25MM - First of all from Wargames Foundry(The Foundry Ltd., Hubert's Ln., Off Doyle Rd., St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands, GYI IRG, UK): 25mm Napoleonic Prussian Cavalry 1813-15 consisting of Cuirassiers, Dragoons, and in Feldmutze (soft hat). Each has an officer, standard bearer, and two troopers while the Feldmutze figures have three troopers, one of which is charging bareheaded. There are also six horses, three Cuirassier and three Dragoon, galloping, cantering, and walking. Standard bearers have cast on poles; figures have excellent detail. The troopers "/shouldered swords have six variants. From the Northern European Bronze Age they have released two chariots; NBAEI Chariot w/wicker cab & two horses and NBAE2 Chariot with hide cab & two horses. There are five crew members: warrior w/2 handed battle axe; w/sword & shield; w/spear; priest; and driver. The figures have outstanding detail; the usual high quality we've come to expect from WF. The 25mm ACW line continues to grow with artillery releases with five guns (Napoleon 12 pd. Parrott 10 lb rifle, 3" ordnance rifle, 6 lb, and Napoleon 12 lb howitzer. There are also four crew sets: firing(in shell jacket), aiming, loading, and finng (in Hardee/frock coat). The first two sets were sent for mention. There are six figures per set including an officer or NCO. Excellent posing and characterization. The guns are outstanding; the wheels do not need an axle, which I appreciate; the inner part of each wheel has an extension which glues onto the axle. Guernsey Foundry (same address) has released "Reno's Reinforcements", 28rnrn cavalrymen from the Plains Wars. Major Reno, crouched Guidon Bearer, trumpeter, sat., and five troopers. These figures have outstanding "character" and are perfect for "skirmish" wargarning! Uniform detail is very good! Major Reno appears to have a straw hat which he is holding up in his left hand with a pistol in his right hand. This set of figures would make a great diorama! Highly recormnended! By Bill Widrick - GHO 10MM WATERLOO MINIATURES - GHQ, 28100 Woodside Rd., Shorewood, MN 55331. I received a pack of free samples of GHQ's new Rebellion Miniatures line of Waterloo era Napoleonics. These figures are cast in pewter and detail is very sharp. Eight figures were included in the sample package. The line covers French line fusiliers, grenadiers and voltigeurs, French legerechasseurs, carabiniers, and tire lleurs, with command packs for line and legere formations. The infantry packs come with 50 figures in three poses. Command packs include a variety of of ricers, drummers, flag (and eagle) bearers, buglers (or cornets), sapeurs, and mounted officers. I have been building Napoleonic armies over the last six months in this scale. So far, all my figures have been from the AIM line carried by Division After Division. I now plan to use figures from both lines as the GHQ figures are the same height as the AIM. However, the AIM figures are a bit more "chunky" in appearance. I will probably not use both in the same unit. British packs include Line/Foot Guards, centre co., flank co., light regt's, rifle regt's, as well as line and light infantry command packs. 12 and 9 pound foot artillery packs are available for French and British. These figures are well detailed and should paint up very nicely and quickly. They are highly recommended if you are contemplating Napoleonics at all. I Ornrn is great for large actions and very affordable. Samples can be obtained by a purchase from GHQ or $3 for their catalog and a request for samples. By Hal Thinglum - HERSANTS MILITARY BOOKS - Hersants Military Books, 17 The Drive, High garnet, Herts, ENS 4JG (0181-440-6816) has released "BY DINT OF LABOUR AND PERSERVERANCE", which is a journal recording two months in Northern Germany maintained by Lt. Col. James Adolphus Oughton of the I st Bn. 37th Regt of Foot 1758. It is Special Publications #14 of the Society for Anny Historical Research and sells for ten pounds plus postage. This is a 59 page booklet which would be of great interest to the SYW wargamer. There is an interesting introduction in which we find that Lt. Col. Oughton was an illegitimate child; it goes on to cover his early life and progress through the military. Very interesting. By Hal Thinglum - PRAIRIE PRODUCTS FLAGS - Orv Banasik, 3165 26th Ave., Marion, Iowa 52302 sent more color flag sheets including French & Indian Wars # I in 1 5mm which has six British and six French infantry flags; AWI #7 15rnrn with six American and six French; and ACW #35 25mm with eight Iron Brigade at Antietarn flags including four US flags and four stand flags. $4.50/sheet and as usual, very high quality. I have used Orv's flags extensively and find them very easy to put on! Highly recormnended! By Hal Thinglum - REGIMENTAL COLOURS FLAGS - Wow! We've never had it so great as regards wargames flags. This is a new company - 1416 Forsyth Way, Brandon, FL 33511 and they offer very high quality color flags in 25mm for the SYW, one of my personal favorite periods, as you know! Well, where do I start? I don't have a listing so I'll have to describe samples they sent. First of all, the Prussians: Colors for regiments 49 through 55 as well as colors for Garrison Regiments NR l-IX (beautiful flags!). They also sent regimental and King's Colors for Prussian regiments 34, 35, and 55. This next one is something I've not seen previously - "torn" colors for the 23rd Prussian Regt! I might have a little trouble cutting this one out, but I'm going to give it try! Very nice! Now Prussian horse: for the Cuirassier Regt's 5 and 6 they offer both regimental and King's colors; for the Dragoons, again regt and King's colors for 10, 11, and 12th regt's as well as "torn" colors. Provided for the French were nine flags for the following regt's: Royal, Poitou, Lyonnais, Dauphin, Gondrin, and Touraine. For the first three, they offer "torn" colors. Now the Russians, of which I have quite a few units without flags! Colonel's, Lt Col., and "torn" colors for Kievski, Vyborgski, Pskovski, Arkhangelogorodski, Astrakhanski, Azovski, Novgorodski, and I st Regt of Grenadiers. Color is outstanding with these beautiful flags! You just need to cut them out, put Elmer's white glue on the back, and place them on the flag to dry. Prices are $5 for 25mrn and $3.50 for I Smrn with nine flags per sheet. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - ACW RULES "BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER" - H.G. Walls, 3026 Springbrook Dr., South Bend, IN 46614 has re-released this revised and expanded interesting skirmish rules set in "living color" and a most attractive booklet it is indeed ($15.92 plus $2.50 shipping). It is now a 39-page glossy color presentation with a number of beautiful color photos (which always serve to inspire me to purchase figures!). The rules were written by MWANer Ivor Janci with modifications/additions by Herb Gundt, Lance Kizer and Lowell Francis and published by Stratagem Publications. The rules are designed for small actions/skirmishes between company or smaller units. 25mm figures are mounted on washers and a company equals three-six squads (one NCO with 9/10 figures) and an officer. D10 dice and playing cards are utilized (black cards representing Union activity and red for Confederate). There are four phases: selecting cards; each figure does one action; morale; and melee. Command radius is 6" for squad leaders; movement distance is determined by rolling 2D10 (subtractions made for terrain penalties); each figure throws a D10 for firing; while melee is a straight on figure vs figure "/modifiers. These rules cover cavalry (movement of 3D10) and guns (12 pd Napoleon has range of 120"(!). There are two ACW scenarios offered. The rules also include rules for the French & Indian War though the authors maintain they can be used for periods dating back to the 1750's. There are rules for ambushes, forts & boats, personalities, officers & leaders as well as two pages of optional rules. One F&l war scenario is included. This is a set of rules that you'll want to have on hand even if you don't game in any of these periods or don't care for skirmish gaming. They are fun to read and the pictures, as I said, are very good. l couldn't sleep one night and somehow these rules entered my mind. Getting out of bed and making my way to the basement, l spent a good 15 minutes looking through my wargaming materials before I finally found it and spent a very enjoyable hour reading it and making plans for a 25mm ACW skirmish collection! My congratulations for an excellent product! By Hal Thinglum - NEWLINE DESIGN 20MM - I have to admit that I have been bitten by the 20mm figure! I no longer can paint 15mm as I can't see the little devils and it seems to me that 20mm offers the chance to put more figures on the,table than 25mm - I haven't decided to sell my 25mm collections yet, however! Newline Designs is available in the states only from THE LONDON WAR ROOM, 41 Beverly Hills Loop, Petal, MS 39465 (601-584-8533) run by Vince and Sharron Clyant. They offer an extensive "Waterloo" range, Cannae (Romans, Carthaginians, Spanish, Celts, Numidians, Libyans, Samnites/Etruscans), and Ancients (Germans & Dacians, Thracians, Greeks, Parthians, and Persians in 20mm metal. Submitted for mention were Parthian Cataphracts (w/o horse); two French Grenadiers-a-Cheval figures, and two Celts foot figures. Casting and detail are good - I'd like to see what the horses look like. Prices are $2/4 foot; $4/8 foot depending upon the period. Highly recommended! I'm looking forward to seeing more 20mm offerings from NEWLINE! By Hal Thinglum - THE LONDON WAR ROOM 25MM SPANISH BOURBONS - Vince (see address above) has released another Spanish Fusilier in 25mm, this time at march attack, my favorite SYW position. This is a very nicely cast figure with good detail and character. A bag of 18 infantry is $14. Fits in very well with Front Rank/Guernsey Foundry. I quickly ordered enough to give me two 37-figure battalions! Where can I get 25mm Spanish flags? In case you don't remember, you can obtain command figures from Vince for these Spanish. Vince informs me he will be coming out with gun crew; I'm anxious for these as well as Spanish Cavalry! Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - 25MM NAPOLEONICS BY BLACK CAT - Brookburst Hobbies, 12188 Brookhurst St., Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714-636-3585) carries this UK firm's products. At present, they offer French (Guard and line in full dress and one line pose in campaign dress), British, Nassau and Russian infantry for 1812-15 (total of 30 poses); prices are 3 foot/$3.50. Included for mention was FN 17 French Fusiliers at march attack in campaign dress; actually, they appear to be in advancing positions to me. There are three slightly differently posed figures advancing; casting is cleanly done and they are slender, standard sized re height, 25mm figures. By Hal Thinglum - 25MM GRIPPING BEAST - I admit that I've wanted to see these figures for a long time as I've heard a great deal about the quality and expansiveness of the line. I wasn't disappointed! Brookhurst Hobbies sent a pack of these fascinating figures: VIK 17: four Rus Warriors featuring three spearmen and a bowman crouching. Spears are separate as are two of the three shields. Quality is high; I am tempted to rebuild this interesting period but I think I'll have to pass. I just don't need another major period! Hey, there are Vikings (20 packs), Middle Saxons (10), Scots/Irish/Welsh(14), Norman foot (5) and horse (11), civilians (5), Livestock (sheep, cattle, pony, geese, and pack ponies/horses), Personalities (10 at $1.50 each); Norse Mythology, and Ships/Buildings/Accessories (including longhouses, vessels, etc). Battle Packs of 36 foot ($42.50) are available. Four foot figures are $5.30 though prices vary; horse/rider are at $2.98. Highly recornrnended; what an interesting period of history this is to wargarne! I'd like to see more of this fine line! By Hal Thinglum - 28MM QUALITICAST MEDIEVALS - Brookhurst Hobbies sent a pack of this new venture for Qualiticast - 25rnm Medievals in pewter. Pack 9502 contains "Brian of St. Edrnunds, a Saxon noble on foot and on horse. The foot figure features old Brian standing defending w/axe while the mounted figure has him w/lance. Both representations are exceedingly well detailed and the horse is just fantastic; what do they call the cloth on horses of this period? The pack sells at $5.25 and is highly recommended. This would make a great looking diorama! There are packs of Knights, Men-at-Arms, and five characters. By Hal Thinglum - 20MM FAA WWII US PARACHUTISTS - Figures, Armour, Artillery, has released US parachutists 1943-45 and Brookhurst Hobbies provided a sample pack. The full listing was not included; just a pack of PIRI I Command post including officer w/walking stick ($4.50 for four figures). Besides the of ricer lisurely standing pointing, there is looking at a map and using (I think) a flashlight pointed toward the map; an NCO standing; and a kneeling radioman. When I was collecting 20mm WWII, 1 had literally hundreds of FAA figures and can highly recommend their entire line to you without reservation! By Hal Thinglum - 15MM OUTPOST WARGAME SERVICES NEW ANCIENT EASTERN RANGE - This is a new range for Outpost, available from Brookhurst Hobbies. Again, I don't have a full listing, just a single pack of EUR. I Avar Extra Heavy Cavalry (four riders/horses for $2.40). Spears are cast on while you have to glue shields on; these are "extra heavy" cavalry being fully armored, as are their "walking" horses. Quality appears good; spears are nicely cast and I don't see any flash. Very nice stuff! By Hal Thinglum - PETER PIG 15MM MODERN AFRICAN WARS 1960-85 - Peter Pig, available from Brookhurst Hobbies, offers a wide variety of quality 15mm periods and they have added "Generic" modern African Wars 1960-85 in 15mm to their offerings. Thus far, there are 14 packs: Regulars w/RPG and LMG; Militia, rag/professionals wlG31SLRs and crew; mortars/ammo; officers; LMG/HMG's; recoilless rifles/crew; and command. Eight figures or one vehicle is priced at $3. 10. Pack # 11 Regular/Professional G3/SLRs in caps was included for mention. There are three different poses in this pack of eight: advancing at port; advancing w/weapon pointed straight ahead; and running. Casting & detail is very good and this line is highly recommended! By Steve Dake - Battlegroup Figures - Miniature Service Center, Yuba City, Ca 95993; Here for your consideration are two separate ranges of 25mm WW II infantry, regular British and Waffen SS. The British have been out awhile, but the Waffen SS are new releases. These are largish 25mm figures, appearing slightly larger than Wargames Foundry. They do go well with both of the other 25rnm WW II ranges currently available from Battle Honors and First Corps. I like both the British and Waffen SS - they're both well-detailed figures with much variety in the poses offered. The British have 17 figures with an ample arsenal of weaponry including bren guns, sten guns, piat guns, flamethrowers, mortars, hand grenades and even a radio. Each figure has three helmet variants, and there's enough guys with .303s to keep you happy. Gamers who've seen the panzergrenadiers from Battlegroup will find little new in the Waffen SS except for the officer. These figures are the same poses as the panzergrenadiers except for the camo smock they are wearing. Not that there was anything wrong with the panzergrenadiers, they were better than the British in my humble opinion. Again you have a variety of weapons, but no head choice as all have camo-covered helmets. If you're looking for a small skirmish group to buy, get one each and you will not go wrong. Available from Doug at $1.65 per troop via the Miniature Service Center or from across the pond at Battlegroup. Look for their ad in MWAN. By Steve Dake - Battle Honors USA - 346 River St., Coopersville, Mi 49404 phone 616-837-7045 Steve and Steve (nee 19th Century Miniatures) are doing some wonderful things with their expanding business. Now that they've bought Connoisseur Miniatures, they've offered a sale on bags of those 25rurn figures - You can get 24 infantry with command for $15, 6 mounted cavalry at $10.50 , and 3 guns with 12 crew for $17. That's cheap for quality figures. The deals continue with two new exciting ranges in 25mm, both offering bags of figures with prices averaging a dollar per figure. What are they? If you've seen the color ads in Wargames Illustrated, they do a better job than I can of describing the new WW II Waffen SS and Russian infantry ranges, and the new 1859-66 Austrian Army infantry. There's a -huge variety with all these figures, as Battle Honors follows the trend of offering three or four variations of one pose type. These figures remind me of Wargames Foundry in both size and style - I would have guessed they were Foundry if I didn't know differently. I'm teal glad the Austrians are similar to Foundry figures, because now my late 19th Century Prussians and French have somebody else to fight. Right now the Austrians offer skirmishing, fighting, advancing and marching infantry with command in two types, 1859 with the white dress- coat and 1866 with the grey greatcoat. Also available are artillery and crew - three guns with 12 crew - and Jagers skirmishing, again in greatcoat or dresscoat. There are dozens of figure types, but if you can order specific variations at $1.25 each. Otherwise, they are 24 figures with command for $24, except the guns and crew, which is $27. Similar deals are available in the WW II bags, with German infantry with command being offered three ways, with helmet, side cap or field cap. These guys are in camo-smocks and there is a great variety. In the Germans I like the command figures, the MG tearns, and the radio guy. Russians have helmets, sidecaps, winter caps, winter gear and NKVD with saucer caps. All have an arsenal of burp guns, grenades, LMGs and rifles, and again, the command figures are particularly nice. The one problem is while they blend in well with Battlegroup, they don't do so well with First Corps figures. The Battle Honors group is already large and is promised to grow, so if you haven't started buying 25mm already for WW II, this range offers all the detail and variety you need, at a very good price. Back to MWAN #90 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1997 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |