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The smallest unit of action in these rules is a platoon or a war party. A platoon is made up of 10 figures which includes 8 enlisted men. an NCO figure and an of ricer. A war party consists of 6 figures, one of which is a leader. Two platoons make up a company. A company has a company commander figure and a company NCO for a total of 22 figures. Two war parties make up a war band. A war band has a leader for a total of 13 figures. If not given as a part of a game scenario, each unit must establish its ability to function. Unit ability, if assigned, is judged as follows:
02-03: Untrained Militia 04: Trained Militia 05: 2nd Rate Line 06-07: 1st Rate Line 08-09: Elite 10-11: Grenadier To randomize ability roll 2 D6 and cross reference the results on the chart below.
European trained, lirie irifaritry may add a +1 to the result. EXAMPLE: A dice roll of 5 and a 4 would give a random ability rating of 8. If the unit was part of the Continental Line a +1 would give the platoon an ability of 9. Multiply the ability rating of the platoon by 20. This gives the unit its Unit Strength Point (USP). It is possible that two platoons in the same company will have differing abilities. SEQUENCE
Company or individual skirmisher are selected for action. Unit moves arid/or fires. Melee Morale checks taken as needed. DRAW CARDS A deck of cards is prepared with one card being assigned to each company (and to each individual skirmisher if the rules are use in conjunction with Firelock and Scalplock). When a side's card is drawn a unit may be selected to act. Impulse points will determine how much a unit can do. At the beginning of a turn the company commander or war band leader rolls a 10d to determine how many pips are available for his command that- turn. The die roll affects all units in the company command or war band. Command radius is 6", outside of 6" the 10d roll cannot be added to the unit, instead a 6d is used. Commander's led PLUS the ability rating of the unit determine the number of Impulse points a unit has. EXAMPLE: A current ability rating of 5 plus a 10d roll of 4 gives a platoon 9 IPs that turn. However if the company commander is more than 6' away from the platoon a 6d is rolled instead. So that an ability of 5 plus a 6d roll of 2 gives 7 IPs that turn. If the company commander is dead the company sergeant or platoon officer may roll with add. The leader of a war party can roll if the war band leader is dead. The war party leader rolls with a 6d. If the war party and war band leaders are dead only the ability rating is used to generate IPs If the officers the platoons and the company leader and sergeant are dead the platoons may only use their ability rating to generate IPs. IF a platoon finds itself without a platoon officer or a platoon sergeant it will disintegrate and begin to move off the field the next turn. The company commander or company sergeant may be sent to take over the platoon. If the platoon leadership is replaced by the company commander then a 6d is used for both platoons. IPs must be used in the current turn. There is no carry over of some points for platoons and war parties to reload as there is for skirmishing figures. MOVEMENT Once IPs have been determined movement and/or firing takes place.
Company and War Band command automatically move to keep pace with their subordinates.
1. Platoon in a road column on a road moves 2" per IP. FIRING. Firing is conducted by the platoon/ war party. The platoon's/ war party's arc of fire extends 30 from either side. If several targets present themselves the platoori/ war party will always fire at the closest target that presents the greatest danger. The platoon that is firing must acquire targets that are in cover and have not yet fired. Unfortunately the only way to acquire a target is IF IT DID fire already OR if a skirmisher on your side did acquire the target (as outlined in Firelock and Scalplock! and said skirmisher is scouting within 6" of the platoon. RANGE 0-12" Roll 1 die per enlisted man firing (8 max); All war party members may fire (6 max) :, 13-25" Roll dice = to 1/2 the enlisted men, rounding down. (So that 8 men roll 4 dice, 7 men roll 3 dice) 26-50" Roll dice = to 1/4 the enlisted men, rounding down. (So that 8 men roll 2 dice, 7 men roll 1 die) Calculating war party dice presents the only complication to the mathematically challenged. For example there are six figures in a war party and half of them are armed with muskets and half with bows and they have 6 IPs. Three figures would fire a musket once and three figures would fire their bows three times each. There are then 12 potential dice. At the 13'-25' range 1/2 of the 12, or 6 dice would be thrown b the war art . Modifiers to the number of dice thrown Firing at:
Obviously some of the deduction means that no fire can take place. For example if the war party in the above paragraph could roll 4 dice; but the target was in a building, the war party's fire would be 0 dice. EFFECTS AGAINST INDIVIDUAL TARGETS
Before firing, each individual target in the arc of fire assigned a die until all firing dice
are allocated. If there are left over dice these are assigned to figures already assigned a
die. EXAMPLE: There are three skirmish targets in the open and in the firing arc of a full strength platoon at 11'. The platoon may fire 6 dice (8 dice, one for each man, deducting two dice for the skirmish target in the open). Each skirmisher would receive two dice. Each figure's dice are rolled and left to sit until all dice are rolled. Out of 6 dice let us say the two sets were doubles. That would mean that two of the skirmisher figures are killed. The worst effect die left is allocated to the surviving figure and applied. A Dice 3,5 B Dice 8 ,5 Platoon C Dice 4,4 In the above drawing, figure C is killed and either A or B is also killed, the choice of the firing platoon. Let us assume it was A. B now has the result 8 applied to it and receives 2 hits.
- Roll the modified dice total for the target group.
EXAMPLE: Platoon A fires twice at platoon B under 25". Each platoon is a full
strength. Four dice are rolled for each volley fired for a total of eight dice. The results
are 0,7,7,5,3,6,6,6 (devilish good rolling on the last three). The two 7s and the three 6s
are removed. An enlisted figure is removed for the doubles and the platoon commander
is removed for the triples. The remaining dice are now totaled up. A 0,5,3 = 18 points
subtracted from the platoons USP. Two more points and the platoon loses an ability
point (a 7 becomes a 6 for example) and another casualty would be removed.
Individual skirmishers firing at groups. - EXAMPLE: From our first example skirmisher B (the sole survivor) returns fire on the platoon that killed his friends A and C. B has the ability to load and fire twice, carefully aiming both times. He rolls two 10d and adds a +3 to each for his careful aim. His Modified dice are a 7 and an 8 for a total of 15. These points are subtracted from the platoon's USP. Thus the slow erosion of skirmish fire on a formed unit begins. PLATOONS FIRING AT GROUPS AND INDIVIDUALS IN THE 30 ARC.
- Range is calculated on the distance of the formed target. - EXAMPLE: An enemy war party of 6 is under 25' away from a platoon of the First Regiment of the United States Army. There are also two individual warriors in the platoon's arc of fire. The platoon would normally fire 4 dice but deducting 1 die for the war party in the open and adding 1 die for US fire under 25. So 4 is our number. One die is thrown for each of the two individual warriors and the remaining two dice are applied against the war park. SNIPING AT LEADERS: Individual skirmishers may snipe at leaders. 1. if the figures have a direct line of sight to the leader. 2. leaders are assumed to have 6 hits like an individual would when being sniped at. 3. hits and results are just like those outlined in Firelock and Scalplock except any result 01-06 is a miss and not a roll again. UNIT MORALE.
- Units must check morale when they lose a casualty or when they are within one inch of
a formed enemy unit. Morale is checked after firing is completed and before melee begins.
Modifiers to both morale rolls.
-2 Company leader or war band leader in command radius MELEE
Any figure within 1" of each other will melee. - Skirmishers can evade formed unit melee by rolling a 10d and moving double the pips in inches away from the formed unit. Disregard terrain penalties. THE COST of evading for skirmishers is to mark off one hit box. - Melee - group to group - is adjudicated by each side rolling a 10d and adding in their current eliteness rating. High total wins.
Modifiers When groups of skirmishers fight formed units, each skirmisher rolls separately. So DO NOT total skirmisher die rolls. FORMATIONS
road column
field column, officer stationed anywhere
war party
platoon in line with approximately 30 arc of fire We mount figures just as in Firelock sod Scalplock, Regulars are individually based on 3/4" squares. Indians, militia and backwoodsmen are all mounted individually on 1' square stand. This is most definitely a work in progress. I think the infantry side of the rules is OK (very generally). I would like to add in cavalry and some artillery too. If you have any thoughts you can reach me at E Mail - hg11@ix.netcom.com or Henry G. Lubbers, 2519 Hazelcrest Ln., Cincinnati, Ohio, 45231. Back to MWAN #89 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1997 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |