as witnessed by our correspondent,
Stephanicus the Vast Lawrence
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The once-in-a-while ancients campaign: Tactica Group (O-WACT for short) was at it again on Saturday in Mike Adams' basement. This time it was Rome vs. Rome. The reward for victories at Hadrian's Wall and the Battle of the Mists was a summons to the Senate to command the legions loyal to the Senate and the Roman people against the self- styled Dictator and First Citizen Warmus Wendellicus Deckerus and his patient right hand Tribune Wandrus Willicum Wheraminow, of renown for his uses of masses of elephants, of which there would be none present this day. W.W.D. had gathered 10 cohorts of Legionaries (24 each), 1 Psiloi formation of Crtean archers (24), 2 Alia of Equites Heavy Cavalry (24) backed by 2 auxilliary units of javelinmen (24) and 2 Alia of Heavy Cav (24 each). As General Gaius Mikos Adamicus moved south, he gathered to him his own good right hand, Tribune Gracchus Gregorium Graballican, reknowned for the ability of his progeny to roll well with the dice, neither of whom would be in attendance this day, either. Mikos gathered to himself 9 Cohorts of Legionaries, 2 Units of Cretan Bowmen (12), 2 units Allied Heavy Cavalry (24) each supported by a unit of Peltast Javelinmen (24), 3 units of Numidian Light Horse, supported by 2 units of 12 Peltast Javelins. The battle took place on a flat plain, with the armies deployed thus: ![]() Having the favourable omens, Mikos advanced his bowmen in the center and deployed them in skirmish formation. On the flanks, his Heavy Cavalry made straightaway for Wendellicus' Heavy Cavalry supported by the attached Light Infantry. The Light Cavalry wheeled to take up positions on the outer flanks of the Heavies. Wendellicus countered with the advance of his archers in skirmish order and the advance of his two large Heavy Cavalry formations with their Lights in support. No actual combat occurred yet as the Cohorts advanced. The omens next favoured Wendellicus, and he continued his advance, but only his right flank! Cavalry closed into melee. The exchange of bow fire proved even and eventually sanguinary exercise. The Smaller Heavy Cavalry units wheeled outward to protect the flanks of the larger ones. Mikos' forces also continued the advance, but his Cohorts stood their ground. The Light Cav continued to try for flank shots on the Heavy Cavalry, but were thwarted in their desire. Heavy Cav melee proved an equal contest, with the Lights getting the worst of the deal on both sides. The omens favoured Mikos again. and he continued his Light Cavalry advances. The bows and eight Cohorts stood, while the left hand Cohort advancedx into the front rank. Wendellicus charged his other large Heavy Cavalry unit into melee, and charged his bow into their opposites. The bows eliminated each other, and the cavalry duels continued their bloody path. Mikos' left hand unit of 24 Light Infantry collapses. The omens went to Wendellicus. and his smaller Heavy Cavalry on both flanks charged the Light Cav facing them. His five front rank Cohorts, having deployed earlier, charge the Cohorts still in column. Mikos moves his second rank close enough to enter melee next turn,, but the uneven exchange is devastating, outnumbered 3-1. Mikos gives well, but the odds are stiff. The right flank's Light Infantry fall to losses, but his cavalry passes the morale check, while Mikos' opposing Heavy Cav breaks. On the opposite flank, Wendellicus loses his other I ight infantry. as does Mikos, but Wendellicus' Heavy Cavalry is shaky also. Mikos next closes into melee with four more cohorts, and things even up a bit. Wendellicus prepares a second line of three Cohorts and dispatches a Cohort to shore up each Rank. His victorious Heavy Cavalry on the Right begins to wheel in for the kill. The central melee gains in momentum, as Mikos loses one Cohort to a flanking attack by Wendellicus Heavy Cavalry (72 throws!), and two more break from ongoing melee. Wendellicus loses three Cohorts as well, but the flanks are protected by the Cohorts dispatched last turn, and Mikos loses a Light Cavalry unit on the Right. Mikos Cohorts launched themselves through the holes in Wendellicus' first line, but it wasn't enough. A fourth Cohort collapsed under flank attack by the Heavy Cavalry, and a fifth due to pilum losses. It was all that Mikos battered forces could stand. The collapse was total. Back to MWAN #87 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1997 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |