by Hal Thinglum
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I've had a number of requests over the last year to bring back "Interview With A Wargamer", a column which has not appeared for quite awhile. The reason I stopped was that I found it difficult to put together the interviews and type them up when they were returned. However, now most people have computers and should be able to assist me with typing their responses. Thus, I hope to have our first interview in MWAN #88. I have contacted a number of individuals who have agreed to be interviewed. I am hoping you'll find them of interest! Boy, have I been enjoying my painting! Finished four 37-figure units of SYW Russian musketeers and one Grenadier. Even started on one of two 24-man units of Russian Cossacks - all GUERNSEY FOUNDRY figures, which I really like! I've been purchasing more OLD GLORY and some FRONT RANK SYW figures and farming them out to be painted. I have the first four units back and like them very much. It's very exciting to get painted figures in the mail. MWANer Kevin Killian sent me two Prussian foot units today while I was putting the finishing touches on this issue and I'm afraid I dropped everything to put static grass on the bases and mount them on bases. Kevin uses the black primer method and the units turned out very nice. Also picked up a copy of THE ARMY OF FREDERICK THE GREAT; Rich Black used to loan me this book many years ago and I always enjoyed reading it. As soon as I finish this editorial, I plan to go to bed early and read it again! I recently picked up some back issues of wargaming publications and it's always fun to go through them and find articles that are of interest to me. Sometime ago, I got in the habit of making copies of them and then putting them in a file for that period. It's always interesting to look through the file and makes it easy to find information on a certain period. My files for the NWF/Sikh War/Afghan War, ECW, FFL, Zulu War, and SYW are quite extensive. I also save figure listings in these files as well so I have all the information I need in one place. When I get interested in a new period, I always go through the hundreds of wargaming publications I have to find articles on that subject and copy them; thus making a new file. Works out well for me. Painting You know, I've painted wargames figures for about twenty-three years and I still don't know how to purchase good paint brushes. I usually do most of my painting with a 000 brush; however, they never last very long. I don't throw them away at this point: rather I save them for different types of painting such as terraining figure bases where they take a bit of a beating getting between the figures on a base. I sure would appreciate some advice on the subject! I've mentioned several times that my wargames table is covered with an "outdoor" type carpet purchased years ago. I finally found another source while out shopping. The brand name is Fanfare Carpet (Product type 1659 6158) and it comes in green (18117-05), which I presently have, or sand (181 17-10), which wouldn't be too bad for a desert-type terrain. Mine is 6' X 12' and I've been thinking about getting a 6' X 18' size; however, at this store. they only sold it in the roll eight feet wide and an unknown number of feet long. If you are interested, check out your local carpet shop for this type of carpet; you might like it and if they have a roll in stock, they'll probably sell you the size you need for your table. Twistercon V Last weekend I attended TWISTERCON V as the Guest of Honor - of course I was honored! I'm going to discuss the good time I had in greater depth next issue, however, I would like to thank everyone for having me out there and for showing me such a good time! I stayed with Richard Houston and his wife, Mary, both of whom I've known for years and I greatly enjoyed spending time with them. Richard gave me the grand tour of his facilities for Lyzard's Grin and I found it fascinating. Could have spent much more time looking through Richard's collection(s) and products. I would love to run some color photos of his 25mm Colonial ships; they are really something to see! I purchased a five volume set of the "History of India" from George Knapp of BUFFALO BOOKS while at the con and I was reading it while waiting for my flight back to Chicago from Oklahoma City. I suddenly looked up and saw my plane pulling away from the boarding area; that'll teach me not to get involved in a book while waiting for my flight! I held two meetings with gamers while at the convention and had a very good time talking with MWANers. Point about Points One of the points brought up was that of MWAN's print size which is "12" point. However, Rinck, my printer, reduces the original between 75-80% so as to make it fit into the "journal" size; thus, we may be looking at "9" sized print, which is a little hard to see. I was asked to ask MWANers if they would be interested in a larger size print in MWAN. This would, of course, mean that I would not be able to fit in as much into 192 pages as with a standard sized print. If you have any thoughts - pro or con - please drop me a line. Sometime ago an MWANer asked for the address of FALCON FIGURES in the UK; I recently ran across it (34 The Causeway, Chippenham, Wilts, SN15 3DB, UK). An MWANer wrote to inform me that he has over 600 15mm Stone Mountain and Minifig unpainted American Revolutionary War figures which he would like to give to someone who can't afford to purchase figures. Drop me a line if interested and I'll put you in touch with him. ON MILITARY MATTERS, 55 Taylor Terrace, Hopewell, NJ 08525, has a number of PLAYABLE NAPOLEONIC WARGAME RULES by Barry Edwards, one of my favorite rules sets, and is offering them to MWANers for $9.50 including postage. If you'd like a good simple set of Napoleonic rules for the Peninsula, get these; they are very well done. Back to MWAN #87 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1997 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |