by John Stafford
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He and a regular cast of grognards gather at The Game Parlor in Chantilly VA every Friday to play a variety of historical games. It's really nice, and the owner just built 4 new 5' X 10' tables to play on and lots of stools for sitting. So far I have participated in or observed Tony Jacoby's fun and easy set of Zulu rules (my Zulus were victorious, my Brits-victims), Napolean's Battles (my Austnans held their own after a bloody fight with some elite French units), a wild west gunfight (my not-so-noble deputy shot a known felon after he surrendered), 10mm ACW, Spanish Civil War, microarmor, and (ulp!) Warhammer (yes, my undead army is 2-0, for now). Members get together at other places for a whole spectrum of gaming: The Fantasy Forum in Arlington VA, the Gaming Realm stores in Martinsburg WV, Fredenck and Hagerstown MD (been there, too-lots of historical and fantasy/sci-fi gaming there, and the owner Tony Ordona is a heckuva painter), and Dream Wizards in Rockville MD. NOVAG's annual NOVAC-CON in November will move to August to prevent conflict with HMGS East's new con "FAI.I. IN." Their newsletter contains a variety of useful information for members, including rules, classified ads, convention lists, and other tidbits thanks to the hard work of Rob Wayment. Anyone who lives in the Virginia, Maryland, and DC area should consider stopping in to join us for some fun. Only $7 for a year. P.O. Box 223660, Chantilly, VA 20153. Attacktix A warm MWAN welcome to Tom Dye and Bill Ninski at Attacktix in Aurora CO. Tom and I had a pleasant conversation a couple weeks ago. He runs a hobby shop featuring a very active game group our in the Denver area. Features include 1300 square feet of gaming area, historical events every weekend in addition to open gaming, 3 Gameday mini-cons per year, and attendance at Coldwars and Historicon. The shop provides tables and terrain for all games, and encourages newcomers to join in. I was very glad to hear from Tom that historical miniature gaming is alive and well in the Rockies, as the HMGS out there seems to have disappeared. If you live in that area, bring your figures or just yourself over to Attacktix and join the fun. You can find them at 15107 E. Hampden Ave., Aurora CO 80014, or call (303) 699-3349. They do mail order too, at fax ( 303) 699-3428, or e-mail at Andy Hardin sent me a nice letter from Illinois. He and the Sauk Valley Gamers get together at Darrell's Game Room, 205 W 3rd Street in Sterling IL. Thev are fairly new and lookmg for recruits. Recent events have included entry-level scenarios of ACW, Napoleanics. and Seven Years War. Aircraft games and sailing ships also are played. Please, if you're in that area, get in touch with Randy at (815) 288-2775--he and the others would love to have you join them. A third new group to our pages. the War Eagles Gaming Association, sent me their newsletter The Screaming Eagle. Dave Lawson gives a clear and informative review of the latest efforts by the group. These games include a mix of historical and fantasy/sci-fi games. Historical events included The Last Crusade (a WWII card game), sailing ships, and WWI naval engagements. For your kids or those days when you want something unhistorical or unminiaturish, Magic the Gathering. Star Fleet Battles, and numerous SPI boardgames are played. They run a gameday/convention every other month called DECON, attend Game Faire in Spokane, Enfilade in Seattle, and the local Civil War reenactments. If you'd like to try these folks out, they play at the Pasco Family Theater annex in Pasco WA on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Or contact Kim Harris at 629 Crescent Ave., Sunnyside WA 98944. Nice to hear from the folks at the Triangle Simulation Society again. Neal Smith included some brief notes of what the club has been up to the last couple months. Their Southern Front convention went well, with over 150 attendees. He also makes a pitch for smaller conventions rather than the big Cold Wars/Historicon events because we reach more new gamers with local cons rather than the larger events which are more the "hard core" of gaming. An interesting thought Neil, but I suspect a balance of both is best-bring in newbies with local events, then send them to Historicon/NASHCON, etc when they are "seasoned." A good description of their Napoleon's Battles refight of the Battle of Fuentes de Oro was also included, as well as a complete membership listing (I really like those-easy to find opponents; others do it, too). You can reach Neal at 101 Phauff Ct., Cary NC 27513. Hello once again to Heart of America HMGS. Their annual Armchair Generals' Ball is May 8- 11 at the Fort Leavenworth KS Officers' Club. Wish I could go. These guys put on some great games. Others articles in the Communique included Dave Phillips description of long range escort fighters in WWII, Tom Townsend's use of Sharpshooters in Fire & Fury, Nofi's article on the fall of Rome (the history not the game), a Fire & Fury scenario, and a good listing of upcoming events and local game clubs. Nice job Mark. You can get in touch with these folks if you live in the Missouri/Kansas/Indiana area and need a gaming fix, I guarantee you'll have a good time. Write Mark Duncan at 1721 E. 90th Place, Indianapolis IN 46240, or call Rick Nance at Borderland Games, (913) 384-2519. I received several more newsletters (Nov, Dec, Jan) from Maj Bill Harting at HMGS MidSouth. They are excellent as usual. highlights included a very good article on Command Decision compared to Spearhead, including some proposed optional rules by Torn Thomas, a membership listing, more Jurassic Panzer rules from Pete Panzeri, Gerald Swick's "Fire at Will" ACW rules for kids or those who like simple rules, Cory Ring and Derek Anderson's Marlburian rules [send these to Hal for publication in MWAN, guys], a Marlburian scenario, and the usual advertisements, events, and club listing ( 30+ clubs). Anyone south of the Mason-Dixon line should seek these folks out for a good game and new friends. Write Major Bill at 101 Taylor Road, Estill Springs TN 37330-3831 or e-mail at to get involved with this excellent organization. Lion's Den Wargamers are alive and kicking in Missouri. According to the January/February issue of their newsletter, 7he Penny Whistle, each issue will focus on a theme to support their gamers. This issue was air combat games from WWII, with Fighter Command, Gnatz, and DACT-ROE rules featuring prominently. Classifieds and other useful pieces fill out the journal. Editor Ken Van Pelt does a fine job. These folks strongly support Heart of America HMGS events and other local conventions. You can join up through Ken at 1205 Allendale Dr. Greenwood MO 64034 or call (816) 537-7883. The December issue of the HMGS East newsletter included their entire membership listing of well over 1000 gamers. Fantastic! LTC Wilbur Gray, Bob Giglio, Scott Holder and many others continue to improve East and to run terriffic conventions. Their newest effort will be FALL IN in Gettysburg in November. Keep an eye out for details. Brenda Klein continues her very usefull series on painting, cleaning, and mounting figures. Event listings, club reviws, a convention report from HAWKS, and other interesting sections were also present. Anyone in the eastern US and Canada should seriously consider joining the ranks, if nothing else, for reduced admission to all the fine events they host. Your recruiter is LTC Gray at 2727 Duke St, Apt 1106, Alexandria VA 22314, (703) 461-6723; (NEW!), and send him your $10. Back to MWAN #87 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1997 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |