by Rich Smethurst
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Pike and shot battles between Parliamentarian and Royalist units during the first English Civil War. Unit Compositions; Infantry: Regiments of foot contain three divisions, two of musketeers and one of pikemen. (One card)
A) Game Play: Events and units are recorded on cards. As cards are drawn, events may occur and units are activated. When a unit is activated, the units immediate commander has 30 seconds to declare one of the following six options:
2. Advance 3. Advance and fire (1/2 move & one volley of fire) 4. Stand and fire (two volleys) 5. Rally 6. Defer (remain inactive) Once an option is declared, the commander proceeds to determine its execution under the scrutiny of his counterpart while game play continues. B) Game Mechanics: I. Formations:
b. Long March (Column): Travel formation for infantry, artillery, and cavalry. Multiple stand units arranged front to rear. Artillery turned sideways. c. Hedgehog (Square): Compact defensive formation for infantry only. 2. Movement: Infantry, artillery, and dismounted dragoons move 1d6 in inches. Cavalry, mounted dragoons move 2d6 in inches. Independent generals move 9 inches. Attached generals move with unit or are left stationary. Under game play option #3, roll for movement, modify, divide by two and round up. Oblique movement up to 45 degrees. Movement Modifiers:
Long March Road = +3 Hedgehog = -3 Difficult Terrain or Flank move = 1/3 movement Difficult Terrain includes plowed fields, marsh, woods, and each hill step up or across. When a unit encounters an obstacle (Wall, stream etc..) during movement, it stops. When next activated, the unit moves without penalty. For retrograde movement use game play option 5 (Rally). Units that move or rout through another unit cause a moral check (one musketry roll) on each unit involved. 3. Morale: General stands don't check for morale points. Other units start the game untested. A unit's morale points are determined when it is first fired upon, melees, or is called for by an event card. To determine morale points roll 1136; 1= I point, 2-3= 2 points, 4-5= 3 point, and 6+= 4 points. Artillery is 1D6; 1-2= 1 point, 3+= 2 points. A unit with 3 or 4 points has excellent morale, a unit with 1 or 2 points has good morale, while a unit that has lost all its morale points has poor morale. A general stand attached to a unit adds one morale point (up to 4) to that unit. A unit with poor morale that loses another point to rire remains at poor. A unit with poor morale that loses another point to melee or a morale check routs. 4. Fire: Two types of ranged rire; artillery and musketry. They are both direct fire at visible targets with a 45* arc of rire. First declare target, determine if in range (to closest stand edge). Roll 2D6 for effect. a. Ranges:
b. Artillery fire: removes morale points from, and may push target unit back 1D6. Roll 2D6; doubles remove 1 morale point, then apply modifiers (-1 if target is in forlorn hope or carole, -2 if target is behind hard cover or firer has poor morale). Compare modified sum to Melee Chart (5d). If the number indicates a PB2D6 or ROUT for targets morale, target is pushed back 1D6 in good order. c. Musketry fire: removes morale points from target unit. It doesn't push it back. Roll 2D6, doubles or a 7 removes 1 morale from target. Next, modify (-1 if target is in forion hope or carole, -2 if target is behind hard cover or firer has poor morale). Compare modified sum to Melee Chart (5d). If the number indicates a ROUT for targets morale, target loses a morale point. d. Attached generals with a target unit which loses morale points through fire may be killed. A 1D6 die roll of one kills the general, removing him from play. In that event, the general was the morale point lost. 5. Melee: ("Push of pike and butt of musket!") Occurs when opposing units make contact. a. Conditions: One unit melees one opposing unit. Artillery or independent generals can't advance into melee. Independent generals always evade melee. Attacking unit must use advance option to move directly at target unit. To close , roll 1D6 and compare to attacking unit's morale (excellent =2+, good=3+, poor--5+). Failure to close leaves attacking unit 1 in from target unit. b. The fight: Attacker rolls 2D6. Target loses 1 morale point each for unmodified 7 and/or modified ROUT result on Melee Chart (5d). Attacker loses one morale point each for doubles and/or modified HOLD results on Melee Chart. c. Melee modifiers: Target in Long March or attacked in rear = +4.
d. Melee Chart
PB1D6 and PB2D6 indicate target is pushed back that many inches in good order facing the foe. HOLD means target holds ground unaffected. ROUT in melee indicates the target unit is broken. Roll 2D6 for each unit stand and move that many inches away from foe, or towards friendly table edge. The routing unit will continue to rout each time it is activated unless it is rallied. When routed off a table edge, a unit is removed from play. The victorious attacking unit will pursue the routing unit 1 D6. If it contacts a routing unit stand, the routing stand is moved a further 2D6. It will continue to pursue each time it is activated until it beats its current morale point total on 1D6 ( 3 morale points needs a 4 + etc.), or the routing unit is removed from play. The pursuing unit then stops, may change facing, and may be rallied to resume movement. 6. Rally: Is used for any retrograde movement, to stop routing units, or to recover units which have ceased pursuit. It may also be used to rest a unit and regain morale points. a. Retrograde movement: Any voluntary rearward movement is conducted under option 5. It is handled at the same rates as forward movement. No dice need be rolled to allow such unless trying to break pursuit. b. A routing unit is allowed a 2D6 roll for each of its current morale levels (poor = 1, good = 2, excellent = 3 rolls). If a friendly general is within 3 inches of the routing unit, an additional dice roll is allowed. Doubles rally the routing unit. Its stands begin moving toward the flag stand to complete rally. When the unit is reassembled around its colors, it may move freely. Use the sum of the doubles to begin rally move. Routing units failing to rally use the last dice roll as continued rout movement for the flag stand. Then roll 2D6 for each routing unit stand's movement. c. Units which break pursuit also rally on 2D6 doubles, and use the dice sum as movement allowance. d. A unit may rest and attempt to regain points using the rally option. One 2D6 dice roll per activation. Doubles regain one morale point. A unit may only regain morale points up to its original morale level (good = 2, excellent = 4). Untested units cannot regain the unknown. 7. Optional Rules: a. Forlorn hope formation: To form, declare formation change. Use one division of musketeers to form in line 1D6 inches in front of the regiment. It moves the same ID6 distance at the same time as parent unit. Commanded musketeers need their own card. Roll morale as unit. The forlorn hope must have at least one morale point. When it falls to poor morale or is routed, it will attempt to rejoin its parent regiment. A infantry unit with poor morale cannot form or maintain a forlorn hope. b. Carole: Cavalry with rirelocks may use this rolling fire formation. To form, declare formation change. Place two stands in line, one facing forward and one facing rear. Additional unit stands are placed arced behind. If meleed, the carole formation will first evade 1D6 inches away. c. Capture flag or attached general: On a modified melee attack sum of 12 +, the attacker may attempt a capture. Attacker and target unit each roll 2D6. Target unit adds its current morale points and 1 for attached general to its sum. If attacker beats targets modified sum, a capture occurs. Add one morale point to attacking unit. Back to MWAN #82 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1996 Hal Thinglum This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |