by Curt Murff (of Murff-Turf)
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The Elite Group, Keith Leidy, 2625 Forest Glen Trail, Riverwoods, IL 60015 (847)-9407617 Keith Leidy is now handling the Front Rank line of figures. I have recently purchased some of the French and Indian Wars figures, wagons, wheels, draft horses, oxen, and limbers made by this manufacturer. I will use these in the "General Braddock Bashes Ft. Duquesne" game I am planning to run soon. This will be a "what-if' Braddock was prepared for the ambush scenario, and does reach Ft. Duquesne with some of his artillery train and forces. If you have a yen for any of the Front Rank line, contact Keith Leidy. He is also stocking the Redoubt figures lines, including the new Trojan Wars figures and ships (see below). The Trojan Wars, Redoubt Figures from The Miniature Service Center, 1525 Bridge #163, Yuba City, CA 95993-8611 These figures are also available from The Elite Group, Keith Leidy, (see above) - Now that we all have our Hector, Achilles and Paris figures, and are busy reconstructing Troy, we have received news about more releases in the Trojan Wars line from Redoubt. At the end of April, the Black Ships from the Trojan Wars are to be available. Both a fighting ship and a transport ship with crews, or without can be obtained. Also, additional figures in "Dendra" armor will be offered in poses advancing and standing at the ready with spears at 45 degrees or upright. A new set of rules Before the Gates of Troy are available, by Bill Johnson and David Ratcliffe. These rules cover hero hand to hand fighting, godly intervention, and large scale skirmish actions. Brookhurst Hobbies 12188 Brookhurst Street, Garden Grove, CA 92640 (714) 636-3580 This hobby shop is advertising Drew's Militia 20mm figures from the Battle For Berlin, 1945 line. This line even includes Hitler Youth and Volkssturm figures (are you paying attention Bob B.?), Russians, Wafen SS, etc. I can see the possibility for some real ugly skirmish games in the ruins of Berlin, even taking the Furher's Bunker. (I'd love to build a model of that for someone, a volume on W WII in my collection includes the floor plan for that notorious installation). They also state they are carrying Normandy `44 Range of American Infantry figures, a Russian Front Range in padded jackets, SHQ vehicle crews and storage range, German halftracks crews and accessories, and MMS Classic Models (20mm vehicles & guns). I'm sure glad I can control the urge to start buying figures for a new period. Brookhurst also has Firebase Games rules and accessories for Vietnam, Normandy, and the Eastern Front. cast buildings listed are for 20 mm are available for Vietnam, 15 mm Roman Forts, 15 mm East European and European, 15 mm ACW, and 15 mm Vietnam "brown water navy" ships. The Armorer And His Craft - From the XIth to the XVIth Century, Charles ffoulkes - Dover Publications, Inc., New York, ISBN 0-486-25851-3 This is the paperback edition of this volume, which has 199 pages of text, drawings and diagrams, and photographs of the armor and the implements used to make it. This book includes information on "armorers marks" biographies of notable armorers, materials used from leather to iron and steel., the wearing of armor, the Armorers' Company of the City of London, etc. I especially liked the chapter on "Tools, Appliances, Etc." No, Kenmore, GE, and Frigidare didn't make armor. This book is an unabridged republication of a work originally published by Methuen & Co. Ltd., London, in 1912. The George Catlin Book of American Indians, by Royal B. Hassrick, Promontory Press, 1988, ISBN 0-88394-046-9, 208 pages This book has 48 color plates, and 120 black and white illustrations. In 1830, George Catlin devoted his life to the task of making portraits of every tribe of Indians on the North American Continent, with faithful portraits of their principal personages, views of their villages, etc. 168 of Catlin's paintings are reproduced in this volume, representing nearly half of his work, representing over 40 tribes. Firing Line Figures, 4761 N. Bear Canyon, Tucson, AZ 85749 I purchased a unit of ACW 25 mm scale naval figures and a naval artillery crew from Firing Line. This naval crew and the three additional ones I have ordered after seeing the figures will man those Dahlgrens and Columbiads. Steven Phillips of Firing Line Figures offers this line of ACW Naval figures for $1.00 each, and $5.00 shipping/handling charge per order. The artillery crew currently consists of four figures: an officer w/spyglass, a rammer, a seaman carrying a shell, and one with a large wrench. Steven said there will be 1-2 more artillery figures added. The artillery officer measures 27 mm from the top of the base to his eyes. These figures are a little thinner in heft/proportion than the Dixon ACW line figures. The landing party figures include two different figures with sabers and pistols, an yelling officer pointing with a saber, a firing figure pose, and two different advancing figures armed with rifles w/bayonets. One of the advancing figures sports an eye patch. The pointing, shouting officer measures 28 mm from the top of the base to the eyes. These figures are animated and fairly well proportioned, with one exception. A flaw with one of the figures is apparent. The left arm of the artilleryman holding the wrench is noticeably shorter, when compared to the right arm (10 mm right/7-8 mm left arm). All the figures are in appropriate naval uniforms and headgear. These figures have crisp detail including buttons on officers, insignia on hats, rifle details, etc. I know of no other manufacturer producing ACW naval figures in this scale. Now we have to come up with a few 25 mm river craft for these stalwart gobs to man. Seven Years War Association Convention, South Bend, Indiana, March 29 - 30, 1996, contact Paul Petri, 1012 Dartmouth Drive, Bartlett, IL 60103 (708) 289-2182 I was fortunate to have the opportunity to attend this convention this March. I attended this event as an observer Friday evening, and Saturday. I was very impressed with this "focused" convention. I plan to attend again next year. Paul Petri and the other Seven Years War Association members made us feel very welcome. Even though I did not participate in a game, it was a great time. There were several dealers present, and quite a few games running. The game participants all seemed to be having a great time. The. facilities of the hotel were very comfortable. There is indoor parking in a multi-level garage, the top floor of which can be reached from doors in the gaming room. If I had attended this convention as a dealer or to run a game, this would have make it very pleasant. Those of you who have struggled to get merchandise, stands, terrain, and other gaming equipment into a convention would welcome this parking garage, since you can drive up to and unload within a few yards of the gaming and dealer tables. It was unexpected, but I happened across a dealer selling painted Dixon ACW cavalry figures for $4.00 a figure. Try explaining 3 units of these to your significant other..."Yeah it was a Seven Years War Convention dear, and these are Confederate ACW, but dear,... they were so reasonable, ...look at all the money I saved,... and all I'll have to do is touch up the faces!" This dealer also had a large number of painted 25 mm ACW infantry, Dixon and Old Glory for a very reasonable prices. One never knows what can be found at a convention! Outland Games, 1061 Bertram Avenue, Dayton, OH 45406, Chris and Gloria von Fahnestock, ( 513) 276-2336 Outland sells Rank & File 15 mm Miniatures (many, many periods), rules, RSM 20 mm figures, Battle Honors figures with the infantry in 100 figure bags, Freikorps 15 mm figures in many periods, even the Great Paraguyan War 1865-1870, Parade Ground Flags, and they offer a painting service too. Contact them for their catalog. On Military Matters, 55 Taylor Terrace, Hopewell, NJ 08525 (609) 466-2329 The book titled Sir Henry Colvile 's History of the Sudan Campaign is now available at a subscriber's price of $63.00 postpaid. This Battery Press edition combines the original two texts and one case pf ten maps. Eight more maps are in the text. This is listed as an extremely rare book and as a must for the serious student of British Colonial History. Articles of War, Ltd., 8806 Bronx Avenue, Skokie, IL 60077-1896 (847) 674-7445 This company provided a new listing of books available. Please contact them for the listing. They have an extensive inventory. Their hours are: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 11-6pm, Thursday 11-9pm, Saturday 10-5pm, Sunday & Monday - closed Osprey Publications - Elite 62. Zouave Units of the American Civil War, by Robin Smith (1085532-571-3) This book will be available in March 1996 and will cover "... Some of the most colorful units of the Civil war..inspired by the French Colonial units raised in North Africa with their distinctive uniforms and reputations as hard fighters." This should be available at any shops that stock the Osprey Series, or through Specialty Book Marketing, 443 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016, 212-685-5560. Other new Osprey titles available include: Rorke's Drift 1879, Bagration 1944, KV-1 & 2 Heavy Tanks, M2/M3 Bradley IFV, Republican Roman Army, King George's Army, The Russian Civil War (1) The Red Army, and British Forces In The West Indies 1792-1815. Preziosi Publishing Enterprises, 11017 SW 125th Avenue, Miami, FL 33186 (305) 274-9745 This company lists 18th & 19th Century Colonial and European Orders of Battle, South, Central and Mexican American orders of battle, Paddy Griffiths Associates Books, El DoradoBooks, books by Pickelhaube Press (1866 period European), and the Balkan Press (Balkan war 1912-19-13. Send &5.00 for a complete catalog, or $2.00 each for British Colonial Obs, European Colonial/Imperial Wars 1816-1939, and South, Central and Mexican American Wars. Quality Castings, Inc., P.O. Box 11714, Alexandria, VA 22312 (703) 354-5469 This company has new releases as of 3-96 that include: U.S. halftracks & Sherman tank, redone German PZ35t, redone Russian KV-I, II, 85, and SU-152, French Rhone-Gnome motorcycles w/sidecars (3 numbers), German and US trucks (vehicles range from& 4.50 - $6.25), decal sheets, and new infantry figures ($.50 each). Richard T. Houston/Houston's Ships/Lyzard's Grin, P.O. Box 14522, Oklahoma City, OK 73113-0522 Now available from Richard are: Maximilian & The Mexican Adventure 186167 line of figures (25 mm), British Colonial figures (1840 - 1900) by Chris Ferree, with separate heads, outfitted in dress or undress uniforms, including cavalry, artillery and infantry, also included are Sikh or Native infantry and cavalry figures. Infantry are $.60 each and cavalry are $1.10 and $1.20 each. Modelers Mart 16100 Fairchild Drive, F102, Clearwater, FL 34622 1-800-223-5260 The Modelers Mart Newsletter has arrived, and is full of figures, books, aircraft, armor, flags and buildings. They offer the Old Glory figure lines, Signifer flags, Osprey books, Drews Militia and FAA figures, Honor & Valor 25 mm ACW flags, rules for many periods, Yucca WWII miniatures, BP Castings, Thoroughbred Ironclads 1/600th scale, 15 mm figures and buildings from Military Miniatures of Auckland, New Zealand, Eldorado books, Schiffe Military History Publications, JR Miniature, Hostile Aircraft 1/285 WWI planes and decals, and more. Call for a catalog or to order. Back to MWAN #82 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1996 Hal Thinglum This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |