By Steve Carroll
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Bryan Ansell and Mark Copplestone have formed a sister company to Wargames Foundry, based on the channel island of Guernsey called GUERNSEY FOUNDRY. Their first release, a 25mm old west range, is impressive. They plan to have 150 different figures by May. The figures are based on actual period photographs. Many are wearing bowlers, caps, or other headgear rather than the usual cowboy hats, and can be used for the late 1800's even into the early or mid-1900's, and for many places besides the American West. They are well proportioned and detailed, and are designed to be compatible with the Wargames Foundry lines. They will work very well with my STONE MOUNTAIN and DIXON wild west figures. There is a minimum of flash, most figures just requiring a quick cleanup of the mold line along the sides. I ordered a 10-figure sampler of the initial releases (their choice), and they picked some great figures for me to check out. OWS 1 is Buffalo Bill Cody firing a pistol. He is wearing buckskins and a floppy hat and is really leaning into his shot. Neat! OWS2 looks like John Carradine (you know, the actor) in a suit and top hat. He is holding a pistol pointing up in the air, and could be a dueling dandy about to fire, or a mayor starting a horse race. OWS3 is a burly bouncer in a bowler about to draw, very intense on his opponent's demise. I also got a sheriff with a shotgun, and a rifle-firing Apache, among others. There was also an individually cast sombrero, so you can file a figure's head down and put on a different hat. Nice touch. The range also includes cowhands and Mexicans. Cavalry, more Indians, gatling guns, and some kinds of wagons or vehicles are in the works. If this first release is any indicator of the quality and variety to come, miniatures wargamers are in for a treat. Guernsey Foundry will offer an 18th century range from May 96-97, followed by a 19th century range the next year, and the 20th century the next. Bryan says he wants to do the "biggest, best 18th century range", so lots of figures will be available. Mark must be sculpting day and night. The price is currently about $1 a figure, but Bryan says he won't be able to hold that low price for long. For now, he wants as many folks as possible to check out the figures. However, he thinks they'll always offer a pre-release or initial low-price deal as new ranges come available. He plans to run worldwide mail-order from Guernsey, perhaps without any other distributors. My sampler arrived eight days after I faxed the order, and just one week after it was mailed. They'll also be publishing some history and gaming books. RENAISSANCE ARMIES OF THE ENGLISH, IRISH & DUTCH WARS 1487-1609 by Ian Heath will be out this year. Bryan says they may even interrupt the schedule given above to produce a renaissance range. The newest deal (told to me in a fax on February 13, and available by the end of the month) is "Big John and His Ornery Friends", seven gunmen and cowhands (including a black gunslinger and townsman) for $6.50, but not including postage (they'll only add the actual postage cost). The easiest thing to do is order by credit card. Fax to 011 44 1481 714905 or call 011 44 1481 714241 (these numbers include international long distance and the Great Britain country code - from the United States, anyway, these are the exact numbers to dial.). The address is Guernsey Foundry, Ltd., La Guelle, Mont Arrive, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 2AA, Channel Islands, Great Britain. So, to finish this - good figures and lots of 'em, very fair pricing, and bright prospects for the future - that's how I'd size up Guernsey Foundry. (Editor's Note: In the fourteen years I have done MVVAN, I've never had so many reviews sent in or as many mentions of a figure manufacturer within MWANer 's letters as has happened the last few months with Guernsey Foundry! If ind this a bit unusual, as thus far, they have only released one line - their Wild West line - and I wouldn't expect this type of response; however, the line is so extensive and such high quality, that it becomes more understandable. I've had considerable conversation/correspondence with Bryan, who seems a gentleman, and they do have big plans for both a l0mm and 25mm SYW line complete with rules - I have a prepublication copy on disk and they possess many innovations; I also just received a prepublication disk of ACW rules which I haven't had time to look at! In addition to what Steve mentions above, they also plan to of fier a vast number of rules sets and other related gaming products; one of which will be a set oSrules by MWANer Patrick Wilson see this issue's Letters column - re the British Colonial period in India/NWF which I am very anxious to see! Bryan also told me they plan to "supplement" current lines offered by WARGAMES FOUNDRY, which is run by Bryan's father, Ansell, another gentleman! I'm looking forward to further releases from GUERNSEY FOUNDRY! - I should also add Bryan sent me a 10mm SYW gun; three pieces consisting of the carriage/barrel cast in one piece with two separate wheels and it is very good - I'm waiting for their 10mm SYW releases!)--HT Another Review of the Wild West figures, including illustrations. Another Review of the Wild West figures Also, a Set of Wild West Gunfight Rules and shootout description. --RL Back to MWAN #81 Table of Contents
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