by Richard Brooks
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It seems that Wargames Foundry has a new sister company. Their products thus far received for review are Western Gunfighters and Apaches. Into the near future they will continue the Old West line, adding regular and irregular Mexican army figures plus mounted figures. Following the Old West they will produce Seven Years War figures. The figures can be ordered directly from Guernsey Foundry by phone (01144) 1481 714241 or fax (01144) 1481 714905; La Guella, Mont Arrive, St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands, Great Britain GY1 2AA. The figures are $1.00 each or $35 for thc entire first set including postage. That's 35 figures for $35 from England a deal you can't beat. Generally speaking the figures have a little flash on them, but I didn't find it a problem. You have to clean and wash all figures before painting no matter what so this is no big deal. Detail is crisp with lots of nice crevices for a final black or brown wash to pick out detail. I would suggest using a medium to dark brown undercoat rather than black. I think this will leave a better looking figure when you are finished. Among the Apaches I had one favorite OWA 5. His expression and whole body is wonderfully animated. Among the cowboys there are too many favorites to pick even two. Close as I can come are Buffalo Bill, the old geezer with a shotgun and the hanged outlaw, and well there are too many others. Buffalo Bill looks like he is supposed to. I can see that I am going to have to invent some new adjectives to describe these figures. They are really quite nicely done and well worth the price, which I might add is less than most other large 25s. I measured as many straight standing figures as there are and each measured exactly 25 mm from bottom of foot to eyes. If these little guys are this good, and they are, I am going to have trouble finding words to describe the second old west release. And if the Mexicans are half this good I may have to invest in a lot more and start campaigning south of the border. While I am also interested in the Seven Years War I hope they don't make any figures like the ad says (especially for the French and Indian Wars) I might have to invest in them also. These guys are great, for Boers too, you might want to cut the lever off the Winchesters but otherwise they fit in perfectly. At first I had trouble trying to figure out what a felt hat was. Now that I know, no two are the same. Not even the bowlers are the same -- WELL DONE Guernsey Foundry. Geez, I am not sure what more to say about each figure, as you can tell I really like these figures. Old West Townsmen: Old West Cowhands: Old West Shootists: Apaches (these all appear to be Chiricahua Apaches): Next release will have one kneeling and firing. I would personally like to see more variety in kneeling or prone Apaches. I also hope we can see some mounted figures as well. My overall impression is obviously a job well done, the figures are crisp, well animated and a wonderful new addition to the wargame field. These will make a great addition to my Boer force and possibly other Europeans wherever I need them. That just leaves the cowboys, I guess I can finally use my Boot Hill rules. Another review of the Guernsey Foundry Wild West figures, including illustrations. Another review of the Guernsey Foundry Wild West figures Also, a Set of Wild West Gunfight Rules and shootout description. --RL Back to MWAN #81 Table of Contents
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