by Tod Kershner
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Osprey Books, Michelin House. 81 Fulham Rd, London SW3:6RB UK has put out the the Military Messenger a newsletter on their new products and announcements about their various wargaming events in the IJK. This issue announces Philip Haythornthwaite's new Elite series book "Nelson's Navy" with a nice article on Captain/Admiral Thomas Cochrane, "have-a-go hero of the golden age of sail." Also Gerry Embleton is interviewed on various issues about military history and costume. His new Elite series volume is "Viking Hersir 783-1066 AD". Finally, Mike Chappell, author of the new Elite_ series' "The Gurkhas", discusses some thoughts on the Gurkhas, the British army and the future. Soldier World U.S.A. Dad's Day Off Hobbies P.O. Box 547, 1047 Norwood St., Radford, VA 24141 has released a new catalog of historical miniatures products that is double the size of the old one - 1 10 pages (as opposed to the old 64 pages). Amoung other lines the company carries Freikorps, Garrison, Heroics and Ros Hinchiiffe Naismith, Old Glory, Pester wing, Roundway_. TTG/TTF Panzerschiffe, Navwar, Flex-Terrain. Howard Hues, Revo Flags, Signifter Flags, Waterslide Transfers, Osprey Publications, Wargames Research Group, Valor Books and a large line of miscellaneous books and rules. Soldier World also operates a painting service offering 4 quality levels that is in its' fourth year. The Early West Box 9292, College Station, Texas 77842 409-775-6047 has a noted new item his month: Wyatt Earp's Tombstone Vendetta by Glenn G. Boyer. This is a "brand new narrative biography by an Earp historian who has devoted much of his adult life to researching this story." Also of interest is Black Red -and Deadly : Black and Indian Gunfighters of the Indian Territories by Art Burton. Finally, we have Rebels on the Rio Grande, The Civil War Journal of A.B. Peticolas by Don E. Alberts about the Rebel invation of New Mexico in 1862. Anthony Malta 813 Greenwood Rd., Glenview, IL 60025-4055 has released a new supplement of his extensive book list stressing 20th century topics. Some titles: Ambassadors in Green (USMC in Vietnam), Hey-l c. Where Ya Been? (USMC in Korea), From Pearl Harbor to Okinawa, Fall of Saigon, Eagle Day, (Battle of Britain), The Making of a Royal Marine Commando, The World Wars Remembered, Okinawa 1945, Yankee Samurai (The Nisei in WWII Pacific), The Last Parallel (Korea), History of Marine Corps Aviation in WWII, Marines in the Revolution (Continental Marines 1775-1783) and many more. Edward R. Hamilton Bookseller, Falls Village, CT 06031-5000 has released a catalog of "Bargain Books" including: Jeb Stuart, Damn to Torpedoes, Naval Incidents of the Civil War, Vicksburg; 47 Days of Siege, Great Battles of the British Army, Strategic Atlas: A Comparative Geopolitics of the World's Powers, Janes Fighting Aircraft of WWII, The Atlas of the Crusades and many more. Louisiana State University Press, P.O. Box 25053, Baton Roughe, LA 70894-5053 has released their 1993 Civil War Book Sale including: General Sterling Price and the Civil Wars_ the West, Reminiscences of Confederate Service, Guns of the Western Waters. Rebel Brass The Confederate Command System, Gray Ghosts of the Confederacy Guerrilla Warfare in the West 1861-1865, The Web of Victory Grant at Vicksburg, The Gleam of Bayonets The Battle of Antietam and Robert E. Lee's Maryland Campaign, September, 1862. The Emperor's Headquarters/Emperor's Press 800-59-EAGLE has released a new listing of Front Rank 25mm Jacobite Rebellion 1745 figures which is a completely redone set from the original FR line. 31 numbers are listed for the Government Forces including Fusiliers/Musketeers, Command, Government Highlanders and guncrew. The Young pretenders' forces are represented with 27 items including higlanders, lowlanders and command. Cavalry and artillery are in the works. The figures received for review are extremely nice, well proportioned with very good facial detail and varied poses. Also from EHO is the new 25mm Wars of Marlborough line in the Age of Reason series from Old Glory. 18 infantry in tricorne (icluding command) and 10 grenadiers are shown with "cavalry and artillery to follow". The figures are priced at $21.00/bag of 30 figures continuing OG's price/value breakthrough packaging. Speaking of Age of Reason this author is putting the finishing touches on "Bohemian Blitzkrieg" for a 1994 AOR campaign supplement. This is a campaign game on the 1757 invasion of Bohemia (Prussians and Austrians) designed to be a playable 2-player campaign game which does not require a gamemaster. The set will feature rules, special army lists, a strategic map and more tactical maps (a la AOR/Sport of Kings). Also in the works from AOR co-designer/developer Dale Wood is a Sport of Kings supplement adding Spain and its' New World possessions. Starfort Models John D. Smith, 27 Armlet Grange Mt, Leeds, W. Yorks, LS 12 3QB IJK (0532 793974) has released a catalog on its' range of 15mm Starfort and Adobe buildings "cast mainly in a hard dental plaster which is strong, durable and takes paint well. They have been designed with the wargamer in mind, they are a good height and have battlements that based figures can stand on without falling off. As bought the walls can be used for any era needing a Starfort, with little work they can be converted into earthen or wooden walled defensive works". Interchangeability is a key word used in the catalogue that shows a large variety of pieces. Also listed is a complementing line of cast metal models representing artillery and various horse and musket era siege equipment.
On Military Matters 55 Taylor Ter., Hopewell, NJ 08525 609-466-2329 has released used abook catalog #10. Some titles: Handbook for Model (toy 1. Soldier Collectors (by Don Featherstone), Airfix Mnanzine Guide #9, Ancient Wargaming by Phil Barker (1975), Advanced Wargames (Featherstone 1969), Napoleonic Wargaming (Charles Grant 1974), Napoleons Campaigns in Miniature, Saratoga 1777, Armies and Enemies of Imperial Rome (Phil Barker 1975) and Assyria (Alan Buttery, 1974), Blenheim (Fosten 1974), Army of Marian Theresa (by Christopher Duffy), Clive of India (Minnery 1975), Les Uniformes du 1st Empire 3 Volumes (Bucquoy) and many more. Miniature Service Center 1525 Bridge #163, Yuba City, CA 95993 has issued a new supplement on their Redoubt 25mm English Civil War range that "is getting raving reviews in England as the finest ECW range ever produced." 37 foot numbers are listed with officers/command types, pike and musketeers (including low countries mercenaries) both armoured and unarmored. 16 medium cavalry figures are listed with 4 horse types. These figures come without heads and when you order them you must specify which head type desired. There are 30 different head types with variants on bareheaded, soft hats and various helmets. An interesting dioramic "battlefield command set" includes officer standing dictating, clerk writing at table, gentleman seated at table with mug, sergeant, gentleman standing wiping sword, courier awaiting despatches, table, bench, chairs. Videos up the YinYang There seems to be an increasing number of video-by-mail retailers bombarding my mailbox these days. Not that I'm complaining with great videos like these: Great Carrier Battles of WWII, U.S.S. Arizona Death of a Fighting Lady, B17 The Flying Fortress, Crossed Sabers: A History of the U.S. Horse Cavalry, Buffalo Soldier, The Legand of Custer, the Revolutionary War, The Great Commanders series: US Grant, Caesar, Bonaparte, Alexaneder, Zhkukov, Nelson, The Bridges of Toko-ri and more from Military Video Collection 800-959-0061. Or how about: Waterloo, The Korean War. The Great War Collection: 1914-1g, Crusade in the Pacific and others from Fusion Video 800-959-0061. How about these from The British Video collection which has the same phone number as the last two: The Life and Tirmj Lord Mountbatten, Falklands: Task Force South, Fight for the Sky, The Battle of Britain and Crusade in Europe. Still more from Viewers Edge: Bat 21, The Eagle Has landed, Zulu, All Quiet on the Western Front, Night of the Fox, That Summer of White Roses, The Scarlet and the Black and more. Why stop now when there is PBS Home Video 800 538 5856: The Civil War, Last Stand at Little Big Horn, The Winds of War, Henry V (new version), and Geronimo and the Apache Resistance. Finally The Video Collection 800 733 2232: Smithsonian's Great Battles of the Civil War (7 tapes), The Dakota Conflict, Guns of the Old West, How the West Was Lost and George Wasshington: The Man Who Wouldn't Be King. Quality Castings Inc . P.O. Box 11714, Alexandria, Virginia 22312 has released some new titles in their 15mm WWII series. They are 5 versions of the German Panzer IV (H,G,D,F and F2), plus the German Sturmgeschutz IV assault gun and DFS230 airborne assault glider (resin). Allied sets include the U.S. M37 3/4 ton truck (totally redone) and 5 British paratroop sets. Coming attractions include German cavalry, Russiana cavalry, pack horses, German 2.8 cm Panzerbusch Regular and Airborne version AT gun and the US 3/4 Ton Truck with 37mm AT gun. (From the OOPs Dept.: Last month I erroneously listed these figures as 1/285th - my mistake, they are 15mm). Articles of War 8806 Bronx Ave, Skokie, IL 60077-1896 708 674-7445 has released catalogue #65 on new books on military subjects. Some titles: The Grand Expedition: The British Invasion of Holland 1809, Napoleon's TrishLegion, Wellington in India, The Defense of Attica The Dema Wall and the Boiotian War of 378-375 B.C., The Picts and the Scots, The Pirates of Malabar, An English Woman in India 200 Years Ago, Battles and Skirmishes of the Great Sioux, The Military View, and many, many more. Misc. note Did anyone catch the Larry King radio show on Nov. 19th? The producer of Gettysburg was the guest. He and Ted Turner are working on Joan of Arc! Back to MWAN #67 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1994 Hal Thinglum This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |