by Fr. Aelred Glidden
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I. BEGINNING OF TURN MORALE A. All routing units (backs to enemy, marked with red chip) & prone units (facing enemy, marked with black chip) attempt to Rally. B. Routing units toss 1d6:
2,3,4 or 5 - Unit Routs 3d6 inches. 6 - Unit Rallies (remove red chip & face the enemy). C. Prone units toss 1d6:
2,3 = Unit fails back 2d6 inches facing enemy. 4,5 - Unit remains prone (marked with black chip). 6 -- Unit stands up (remove black chip). II. MOVEMENT Units may either change formation or move. Movement is by random die toss. Toss for each unit, result is number of inches moved. Movement on difficult terrain costs double. Routing units do not move in this phase.
1. British Infantry Road Column: 2d6 Two Deep Line: 1d6 2. Artillery
3. Natal. Native Contingent
4. Irregular Cavalry
5. Regular Cavalry
6. Zulus
All units must move the distance tossed, but may halt next to a friendly unit, general or an obstacle. Units willl halt upon contacting troops in front of than but regulars deployed in 2 ranks have the option to advance their full distance and push other units in front of them forward as they do so. III. MELEE A. Pre-melee morale: All units not in Rout must check their morale when an enemy charge results in contact. All results take place immediately. Routing units have their backs to the enemy and are marked with a red chip. Units that. fall back remain facing the enemy.
1,2,3 - Rout 3d6 inches/ 4,5 Fall Back 2d6 inches/ 6 - Stand 2. Irregular Cavalry:
3. Zulus:
4. Regular British units which are still limbered or in road column or are deployed in 2 deep lines but attacked in flank or rear: 1,2,3,4 = Fall Back 2d6/ 5,6 = Stand 5. Regular British units which are unlimbered or deployed in 2 deep lines and are attacked frontally:
B. Melee:
1. Zulus against infantry behind cover or cavalry toss 1d6 per 15 figures (8 to 14 odd figures count--1 to 7 are ignored). 2. Zulus against infantry in the open toss 1d6 per 10 figures (6 to 9 odd figures count, 1 to 5 are ignored). 3. Foot in the open against Zulus toss 1d6 per 10 figures (6 to 9 odd figures count, 1 to 5 are ignored). 4. Foot behind cover or cavalry against Zulus toss 1d6 per 5 figures (3 or 4 odd figures count, 1 or 2 are ignored). 5. Foot against routing Zulus toss 1d6 per 5 figures (3 or 4 odd figures count, 1 or 2 are ignored). 6. Cavalry against routing Zulus toss 2d6 per 5 figures (3 or 4 odd figures count, 1 or 2 are ignored). Die score is enemy casualties. C. Post-melee movement:
2. If units remain in contactt each side tosses 1d6. The loser retreats the difference in inches. 3. In the event of a tie Zulus will retreat their toss from British Regulars (who will stand), but Irregular Cavalry or NNC will retreat their toss from Zulus (who stand). IV. SCOUTING Total British figures in initial force & toss 1d6: Note that for every Zulu unit that is broken (ie, dispersed, eliminated or routed from the table) 1 is added to subsequent tosses.
25-38: 1 or 2 49-72: 1,2, 3 73-96: 1,2,3, or 4 97-120: 2,3,4 or 5 over 120 figures is automatic 2. Each turn toss once generally for open terrain and once for each bit of cover 4 within 15 inches (+1 to die the first time British enter difficult terrain that might shelter the enemy). 3. Zulus searched for in scrub (or other cover) will appear there--if they appear in the open toss 1d6: 1,2,3 - front, 4 = left flank, 5 = right flank, 6 - rear. (Note that if this is not a possible location [off the table or whatever], the Zulus are placed 180 degrees from this location--as a last resort, they appear to the front). 4. If the British are in scrub/woods/etc, Zulus appear 2d6 inches away. 5. If the British are open terrain Zulus appear 4d6 inches away. 6. Roll 2d6 for the number of Zulu riflemen who appear. Deploy them on a frontage of about 10 inches. 7. Toss 4d6 each turn the riflemen are on the table to see if the spear armed Zulus are sighted (check after each movement that puts the Zulus closer until the sighting is made). They are considered to have been sighted if the score is equal to or greater than the distance to the enemy in inches. (If the Zulus are in cover, toss 2d6 instead of 4d6). 8. . If located, the result of the sighting toss is also used to determine the number of spear armed Zulus: place 4 Zulus for every pip on the dice (if only 2d6 were tossed, place 8 Zulus for every pip on the dice). The Zulus armed with spears are placed behind the riflemen. 9. Once a Zulu unit is located and placed on the table, it remains in play until all of it's figures are killed or the force routs off the table. V. FIRE- British infantry can fire 2 deep. AMC, Cavalry & Zulus can fire 1 deep. Artillery, Rockets & Gatling guns must be unlimbered t fire. Note that it is best to take Zulu casualties from the spear armed forces to preserve what little firepower the Zulus have.
Rocket tubes: toss 1d6 per battery: at any range a 6 is a hit target group, roll again: 1-6 hits scored Gatling guns: range is 0-18": at Zulus not prone toss 2d6, jam (no Eire) on doubles at prone Zulus toss 1d6--jam [no effect] on 6 The result is the number of hits. 2. British infantry fire:
At Zulus prone at 0-6" or not prone at 6-18" toss 1d6 per 10 figures firing (6 to 9 odd figures count, 1 to 5 are ignored). At Zulus prone at 6-18" toss 1d6 per 15 figures firing (8 to 14 odd figures count, 1 to 7 are ignored). The result is the number of hits. 3. British carbine fire:
At targets in the open: 0-6" hit on 4,5,6 6-12" hit on 5,6 At prone targets: 0-6" hit on 5,6 6-12" hit on 6 4. Zulu/NNC rifle fire:
10+ figures firing hit on 5 or 6 (6 if target mounted or behind cover). 5-9 figures firing hit on 6 (no effect if target mounted or behind cover). VI. ZULU MORALE FROM BRITISH FIRE A. All non-routing Zulu units which took casualties from fire must check moraletoss 1d6: B. Zulus not in contact with British units:
2-3 - Unit falls back 2d6 inches facing enemy. 4 or 5 - Unit goes prone (mark with black chip). 6 - Unit immediately rushes forward 1d6 inches. C. Zulus in contact with British units:
4, 5 or 6 - Unit stands. British regulars always have goad morale. Irregular Cavalry & MAC who have no regulars within 18" will withdraw until within 18" of regulars (if no regulars remain in ply non-regular units will withdraw from the table). Back to MWAN # 54 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1991 Legio X This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |