by Fred Vietmeyer
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INTRODUCTION In 1976, I found in our public library a book entitled The Military Costume of Turkey which illustrates the Ottoman military costume of the Napoleonic wars. It was published by Thomas McLean, Haymarket, London. Based on this book, and others in the Turkish and English language, plus some kind help from the Turkish Embassy, I was able to fashion an Ottoman army of 30 mm figures using Scruby Zouaves and Colonial Wars figures, Stadden Mamelukes and Suren Colonial castings. After making the necessary conversions, I had the figures painted by a commercial artist, or purchased them painted with Napoleonic Ottoman colors. This army is most useful in that it adds a new dimension to Napoleonic campaigns not only against the French and British, but also against Russia who was at war with the Ottoman Empire from 1806 to 1812. The following formal game of the Midwestern Napoleonic Wargamers Confederation was played in 1986, using the Column Line and Square rules. BACKGROUND The constant pressure by Imperial Russia on the weakening Ottoman Empire was approaching a crisis. In the past four years, Russia had captured the Ottoman border fortresses, and the fertile provinces of eastern Rumania. Now the Russians were able to directly threaten the heart of the defences, the Ottomans decided to risk decisive action with their field army. The Grand Vizier, Kaz Ahmet Bey, moved north with 70,000 men. His army was an amazing polyglot of units drawn from many parts of the Empire, ranging in quality from the fanatical Janissaries, to troops such as the nearly useless Fellahin. Facing Ahmet Bey was General Kutusov. Fears that Napoleon would invade Russia left him short of men, and without crack units. He disposed of 46,000 soldiers, largely veterans, and with generals skilled in fighting the Turk. As usual, the Russian army was supported by a powerful artillery arm. Extensive maneuvering, and one inconclusive battle followed before the Grand Vizier made a serious error. Crossing one arm of the Danube into Rumania near the fortress of Rustchuk to press the retiring Russians, he lost contact with Kutusov's main body. Kutusov then managed to circle around the enemy while a covering force delayed their northern progress. Then the Russians attacked the rear ofthe ottoman army on the southern bank of the Danube with an advantage in numbers. For Ahmet Bey, the situation was grim, but not without opportunity. He had to hold off the Russian attack, or find himself surrounded. If this could be done, the 50,000 men who had already crossed the Danube could force the Russians to retreat into Bessarabia and much territory would be regained. This was how matters stood at the beginning of the Battle of Rustchuk. TERRAIN NOTES 1. Woods types are noted on the map as 1, 11/2, 3, or 5. 2. Boulders are impassable. They are low enough to fire over and can give fire protection of -2. 3. Very Rough Hills: Artillery can begin the game on such a hill, and be hand pushed on it, but it is impassable to limbered artillery. 4. All buildings have windows on every side. Each has a single door only, marked on the map with a "D" on the building outline. 5. All hedges are Type "B". 6. Stream penalties: -1/3 movement, no stand touching the water may fire. Streams negate all charge advantages. GENERAL RULES: 1. Set-on lines are marked on the map. All Ottoman forces must begin the game on board. 2. Weather:
Die cast 5 = Weather Condition #2 Die cast 6 = Weather Condition #5. Fog will definitely lift by the end of turn #2. Note fog only pertains to the low areas, not to elevations. Troops on one elevation can see (up to 36" away) troops on the same, or other elevations. 3. With the rather complex nature of tactical play in this game, due to the terrain and unusual forces involved, the non-interference rule will be strictly adhered to. 4. Unlike usual, the capture of artillery will not count against the CE of the side losing it. VICTORY CONDITIONS 1. Army CE checks will be taken after turns 5-7. If either side is below 40% CE, the game ends. If the surviving Russian CE is 15% or more greater than the Ottoman, then the battle is a major Russian victory, and they win the war. If the CE check shows the Russians with an advantage of less than 15%, then it is a minor Russian victory. If the Ottomans have a greater surviving % of CE of any amount, then the battle is a moderate win for them. 2. If the game goes seven turns and neither side is below 40% CE, then the battle is a minor ottoman victory. 3. There are several terrain objectives noted on the map with circled letters A-F. If after turns 5, 6, or 7, the Russians possess the majority of these terrain victory Points (VP) as detailed below, they automatically win a major victory as in #1 above regardless of army CE standing:
B = Possession of large bldg. or rubble 1 V.P. B= Possession of small bldg. or rubble 1 V.P. B= Possession of intersection 1 V.P. Possession of road exit 1 V.P. C = Eliminate enemy from southern 2' of board 4 V.P.
In cases D-F, a manned, unspiked, undamaged battery with ammunition counts for 75 points (even if a captured battery).
The Russian line Divisions (musketeers & jaeger bns) must be on the board at Set-on. The remainder of the Russians need only be on board by the end of turn 4. Any converged elite bns. formed from the line Divisions may also be kept off board. Entry to the board is accomplished through the use of seven Tactical Reserve Boxes & one Strategic Reserve Box (3R, page I, Rule h). Troops committed to the board are lost if they later leave the table. If it is the intention of the Russians to begin the game with less than 600 points on the southern 6 ft. of the board, then they must so inform the ottoman C-in-C two weeks prior to the game. Also, the number of points starting on the board in that area must be revealed to the nearest 100 points, if less than 600 points. If any artillery is in the force, it must also be revealed but not the amount, or type of artillery.
Note: The above units are representative of the Ottoman Army, but not the actual units involved in the historical battle.
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