by Hal Thinglum
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Hal Thinglum - DIXON 25MM ACW FROM WARGAMES WARGAMES, Pox 278, Route 4fl Last, Triadelphia, WV, 20059 was kind enough to forward MWAN new releases from Dixon's 25mm ACW line. ACW22- Zouave Firing: This figure has the stocking cap & is a very good figure having a ton of equipment items, baggy pants, and lots of hair sticking out around his stocking cap. ACW24- Garabaldi Guard: Advancing with back pack and blanket roll. ACW23- Zouave Drummer Boy: When Dixon says "drummer boy", I guess they mean "boy". This is a little boy - 12 years old - who is dwarfed by his equipment and drum. A very nice figure. Stocking cap. ACWC1- Mounted Cavalry waving Saber: Saber overhead; Sharp's carbine on right side; nice figure. ACWC2- Mounted Cavalry firing Colt: Firing pistol out to right side. I really like these two cavalry figures;lots of character and aniamation. H17 & 18-horses: 17 is at gallop and 18 is at outstretched gallop. Both horses have two blanket rolls and 2 saddlebags. They are very aniamated and muscular. ACW16- Dismtd cavalryman standing w/Spencer carbine: Very nice figure; cavalry hoots, sword. ACW12- Druruner boy Marching: Again, a 'boy'; very nice indeed. ACW15- Infantry advancing w/fixed bayonet: Blanket roll over left shoulder, nice advancing pose. ACW14: Infantry Standing Firing Enfield Rifle: blanket roll over left shoulder. ACW19-In Greatcoat standing at ready; standard pose. ACW20-In Greatcoat standing fitting: Nice pose. These figures are all of very high quality - I know wargamers who already have ACW armies who are purchasing them just because they are so good and I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say that these are the 'state of` the art' at present. They are cast with nine different heads, except for the Zouaves which I believe are cast with two (kepi and stocking cap). This technique makes for a nice effect. Infantry are .99 each as are cavalry figures, horses are $1.50, standard bearers/ drummers/officers are $1.49. By Hal Thinglum - SPACE 1889 By GDW GDW, PO box 1646, Bloomington, IL 61702-1646 has released SPACE 1889 by Frank Chadwick. Now, normally I would review 'fantasy' items within the pages of MWAN - however, I highly suspect that, this system may become quite popular, even amongst some 'historical miniatures players' (gasp). It may surprise you to learn that our own Howard Whitehouse did some writing fort this system. This is a 200 page highly professional book which provides an introduction to the system, characters, equipment, science, combat, travel/exploration, and information on the planets (Mars, Venus and the Moon). This system is set in the Victorian Age and may attract a lot of attention for this reason from the historical miniatures gamer if for no other reason than the fact that GDW will be producing 25mm figures which would he useful for the historical player as well. My understanding is that the personality characters will be cast in lead while the foot sloggers will be in plastic. I read this book from pover to cover (I've never done that for anything related to fantasy) and must admit that I enjoyed it - especially the sections on "The Victorian Age" and equipment/travel/plans. Seems very well done its we would expect from Frank Chadwick could be available at your local hobby shop or from GDW directly. Let me know what you think of this system. By Hal Thinglum - GUIDE TO MILITARY DIORAMAS BY MILITARY MODELLING MILITARY MODELLING has been releasing a number of soft cover books during the last year or so. This one - GUIDE TO MILITARY DIORAMAS by Graham Dixey, who I believe has written extensively for MM, is well done as were the others. It his sections on the appeal of dioramas, planning it, tools & materials# vignettes, groundwork, trees/bushes, water, buildings/bridges, boxed. dioramas and small scale dioramas. Whenever I see books such as this, I pick them up thinking I am going to learn something new to help me with my terrain and I usually do. I wonder how many of us entered the hobby because of an interest in diorama building - I was going to build a diorama of the Battle of Waterloo - I especially enjoyed the section of "A diorama from start to finish". Recommended. 6.95 pounds in the U.K. - no cost information for the U.S. of A. By Hal Thinglum - MIKES MASTERS - A PAINTING SERVICE I've never been asked to review a painting service before but Mike Cozens of MIKES MASTERS 10 Northumberland Crescent, Southend-on Sea, Essex SS1 2XA, U.K. sent me three 15mm figures. He mentions that the firlures themselves are from MATCHLOCK MINIATURES 26 Cliffsea Grove Leioh on Sea Essex, U.K. and are available from WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED and furthermore, his work can be seen in that publication. (Editor's Note: I am about to dig out my hammer to punish this typewriter - my regular typewriter is in the repair shop and this loaner & I arc not getting along). OK, Mike does not include pricing for his paint efforts but to continue the review - I find these figures to be attractive; I would describe them as 'average' wargames quality & if I knew the price, I could probably pass on an opinion to you as to if I felt they were worth that price. Not knowing that, I can,only say what I've already said. The figures themselves are quite nice & I would encourage anyone who is interested in 15mm ECW to contact Matchlock. Those who have their figures painted for them might contact Plike?to obtain a price listing. By Hal Thinglum -15MM CARD CUT-OUT BUILDINGS BY SCENICS SCENICS, 209 Henrich Drive, Kettering, OtI 45429 (see page 34 for full listin'i) was kind enough to forward 15nun ACW set it which contains 2 small wood houses, lame wood church, large stone house, small stone house, small wood sppinghouse, medium wood barn, large wood house (3), 2 small wood houses, and one small wood shed. This is priced at $9.95 & comes with p one-page set of assembly instructions. The system is on card stock and in black & white. They recorunend that you paint the buildings befprc putting them together. The buildings are attractive and quite inexpensive, I would say. I know that a number of gamerss prefer to use cut-out type buildings and these would be a real buy for them. Rich Black uses balsa wood to increase the durability of his card stock, buildings and this helps considerably. Perhaps Rich would be kind enough to do an article on how he does this. highly recommended to gamers who enjoy card buildings. At this low price, gamers who have never used card buildings but would like to try are not going to lose their shirt in trying them out with this system. There are two other ACW sets available and a Napoleonic farmhouse. Future releases include Napoleonics, SYU, Colonial, ACW, Rorke's Drift, Alamo, and Hougomont. These people have to be wargamers. by Hal Thirgglum - REVO 25MM/15MM FLAG FROM WARGAMES Again from WARGAMES, Box 278, Route 40 Fast, Triadelphia, WV 26059 comes the REVO line of 15mm and 25mm wargames flags. I've long heard of these flags and have wanted to obtain them for some time but have not gotten around to it because sometimes I find it a hassle to order from England. I do not enjoy making my own flags - never have - and am very pleased to find a source of good flags for my armies. From the 25 line there are some 30 or so flag sets available including Napoleonics (French, British, Austrian, Prussian, Baravia, Brunswick, Spain, Portugal, German states, Landwehr, Wurtumberg, etc), ACW, ECW, and medieval standards.- These ape flags you can cut out, peel off the backing paper and attach them to your flag staff. Each 25mm set costs $2.25 while 15i.un sets are $1.39. The 15mm flag sets are the same as the 25mm except that it includes SYW French, Russian and Austrian flags, American Rev, and British Guard Infantry from 1815. I do not know how many flags come to a set. I. can tell you that for the French line infantry 1804-12, there are six flags per sheet however, I do not know if one receives one sheet or more than one for $2.25. The flag sets are done in very nice color and each has much detail - as much as I would want for my flags - I would highly recommend these well-done flags. I understand that sheets of heraldic symbols are also available which have Japanese Mons & Greek shield designs. In 20mm they have Spanish Civil War flags. WARCAMES telephone # is 304-547-0000 and they accept major credit cards. The rest of the article defied scanning, and so is presented as images.--RL
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