by Steven Dake
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MODELER'S MART 2071 Range Rd., Clearwater, Fla 34625 (813) 443-3822 - MM has released its quarterly supplement with news its 89 catalog is now out, 165 pages with color ads for $3,50. MM a large inventory caters to metal figures, notably the Hinchliffe line, with other hobby accessories like books, rules, and paints. The supplement offers the Battle of Gettysburg, a video tape for $39.95 which I've heard is an inspiring, visual treat with thousands of figures and exceptional terrain. Also available are two ACW research books, Armies at First Manassas, and Armies at Gettysburg both $9.95, with orders of battle geared toward Stars n Bars rules. MM is also selling Outpost Miniatures, which consists of several old Frontier Miniature lines of little gamed but interesting eras. Included are Mohguls, American Revolution, 1860's French Foreign Legion in Mexico, Seminoles, and U.S. little wars 1912-1930. All packs are $4.50, six infantry or three cavalry. I'm not even a third of the way through the supplement, so imagine the yearly catalog! For the money its enjoyable in itself. to illustrate, the ad for Firefight 20 Modern Vehicles was so nice I framed it and hung it in my wargamea room. SUSSEX COTTAGE Carol Wright, Dept E130, 340 Applecreek Rd, PO Box 5808, Lincoln Nebraska 68544 - Available are four 15m, possibly 20mm English style cottages, useful from about 1650 to present. Crafted out of genuine gypsum (painted plaster, man) these houses have intricate detail sculpted down to individual cobblestones and roof shingles. Similaf to the expensive David Winter buildings found in gift stores, these are a steal at $7.95 each. Listed are A6LA ivy cottage, A6LB church, A6LC snowhouse, and A6LD English village. The ad came in one of those Carol Wright mailers with dozens of other ads. When I'd seen it I thought about reviewing it and then Hal sent me my bl-monthly review package. Lo! There was the same circular. Pity the poor mailman - Carol Wright must send one of those mailers to every man, woman, and child in America. SIMTAC 20 Attawan Rd, Niantic, Ct 06357 (203) 739-3609, after 7:30 PM, most evenings - Simtac has available 1/300 infantry packs from Main Force Miniatures of !he UK in combat packs, prices ranging from $3.00 to $7.00. All packs are geared towards current periods with such titles as USSR airborne C905, British mechanized inf COOL, West German'panzertruppen C004, and USMC heavy weapons C923. There are over 30 types listed so you should write Simtac for a complete list. Also listed are Main Force Aircraft sold in packs of two for $3.50. Included are fighter jets like the F-16 Falcon and MLg-29 Flogger and helicopters like the UH-1 Huey and the OH-58 Kiowa. Good stuff from the busy people at Simtac, who seem genuinely concerned for the customer. I recently ordered 25mm Pony Wars troops from them, told them I needed them quickly, and they arrived in,lesa than two weeks during the Xmas rush, via special delivery. MINIFIGS USA Box F, Pine Plains, NY 12567 (518) 398-5166 - Minifigs have started releasing periodic bulletins of one or two pages with hobby news items, modelling hints, plans for the future, and detailed reviews of new products. This is a good idea and durn considerate, I think! In bulletin #5 the bad news is a price increase with 25mm packs now being $4.98 and 15m packs at $5.50 or $6.50, size depending. The good news is that several new ranges are out, as well as new listings in old ranges. New ranges include the much heralded 15mm American Revolution with nine packs for the Continental Army and Allies and ten packs for the British Army and Allies. Also new in 25mm are nine packs of Aztecs, covering the usual Eagle, Jaguar and Arrow knights, etc., and the start of a 15mm Crimean War range with infantry packs from Britain, France, Russia, Turkey, and Sardine. Also out is the War of 1812, with 23 packs of 15mm US forces covering infantry, artillery., cavalry, and militia. MF-USA also carries Osprey books, plus the new castle from Greenfield Garrisons, at $99.95. The castle is two feet across each side and is useful for 15 or 25mm, "with the space-needs for wargamers in mind." (Steve Carpenter of MF's words). MUSEUM REPLICAS LTD 915 Center St, Box 840 Conyers, Ga 30207 1-800-241-3664 - major credit cards - This firm sells high quality weaponry dating from ancient to medieval & Renaissance items. There's Samurai swords, Highland Claymoree, two-handed Landskuecht swords, flails, maces, halbreda, war hammers, and so on. I saw some at Origins; they were very nice, looked and felt like real weaponry, and were not cheap, prices ranging from $100 -$300. But the stuff was Soo nice. I was most impressed with the fantasy barbarian sword ($195) a la Conan. Made me want to grow my ha!.r long, work out with weights, and study swordsmanship from an Oriental master. (Can't you hear your wife now- And what do you need that for? So you can hang this on the wall?) THE SHIP AND SOLDIER SHOP 55 Maryland Ave, Annapolis, MD 21501- The S & S Shop has released a MWAN sized 12 page pamphlet on the recent major conventions of Gen-con and Historicon 88, at no cost. This informative pamphlet has photos and Story highlights of both cons, lists the painting and gaming competition winners, and lists dates for next years biggies, like Little Wars in Chicago and Hiatoricon in Harrisburg. The pamphlet was entertaining, well put together, and useful, and didr't have a stitch of advertising. Very thoughtful, Ship and Soldier Shop. We'll remember you the next time we want to do a mall order. STONE CASTLE IMPORTS PO Box 141, 804 N. Third St, Bardstown, KY 40004 (502) 897-0'207 - -At last, prices and listings from the people carrying the old plastic 54mm Marx play-set lines! The figures are available in boxes of 50 for $25.00 (that's 50¢ each, which sounds a lot cheaper) Right now 33 boxes are out and they are: Romans, Robin Hood, US cadets, British Redcoats, Sons of Liberty, Mexican 7hakos, Mexican Zorros, Vikings, Knights, Eskimos, Rebels, Union & Africans iEcpl.orers. The ad is in the Feb 89 issue of Military History if you want to look. Civil War figures are pictured and its fun to see which poses you remember from years gone by. They're made of plastic, and yes, all the rifles are still bent. THEME PRINT LTD Box 123, Bayside, NY 11361 (718) 225-4067 - Again, this company sells authentic period letters, artifacts, and photos from the 19th century. Most items are the Civil War era, but Items from all periods as well as aspects of European history can be found. For those with spare change, a document signed by both President Lincoln and the VP Johnson can be had for $4500. For those with less money but equal enthusiasm a glimpse through the inventory of one-of, used books will provide more budget bargains in the $5-100 range, again items are mostly Civil War era. CONNOISSEUR MODELBOOKS Albion Scot Ltd, 51 York Rd, Brentford, Middlesex TW8 OPQ UK - A major listing of new war books from the US and overseas, dealing with ancients to modern times. An extensive selection of naval and air books are available. This firm usually advertises in Military Modelling if you wish a sampling of the titles. One order puts you on the mailing list for periodic supplements with hundreds of titles. MARAUDER MINIATURES 3 Derby Terrace, Derby Rd, Nottingham NG7 IND, UK - major credit cards or international money order - For those who wish to build their fantasy, Lord of the Rings style armies, this new company lists several dwarves, arcs, and goblin types, priced at six fort 2.99. The figures are designed by the Morrisons, who sculpt for Citadel. The figures are also on plastic bases with plastic shields, like the new Citadel stuff. CITADEL Games Workshop, Chewton Street, Hilltop, Eastwood, Nottingham NG16 3HY, UK - Speaking of, Citadel has released a new catalog with 90 plus pages and thousands of miniatures. Every miniature is pictured, something I wish more historical firms would do. The figures are mostly fantasy ranges, in the popular Lord of the Rings style or the Warhammer 40,000 line (Far in the future, Star Wars stuff with Space Marines and Imperial Guard - and Space Orca! I can hear it now - Here he comes, S-p-a-a-a-c-e 0-r-r-c!) Careful foraging through the catalog will reveal choice Vikings and Gauls for your Dark Ages forces, full plated knights for your medievals, and mercenaries for your Renaissance troops. And I hate to admit it, but those Warhammer 40,000 figures are like a Led Zeppelin album, you don't like it at first, but the more you're around it - Maybe just 20 or so for skirmishes, yeah, that's the ticket... Available in the US from Games Workshop, 1220 Key Highway, Baltimore MD 21230. The catalog is also listed as part one, so hopefully more listings will be out with the superb, well-detailed Norman, Viking and Gaul ranges. WARGAMES INC. Box 278, Rt. 40 East, Triadelphia, West Va, 26059 (304) 547-0000 Recently released is a new Essex catalog of 22 pages, featuring the 25mm lines. All the old popular ranges are available with several growing new ranges. In Ottoman Perstens there are new cavalry and infantry with the Janissary standard bearer D23WO being one of the premier releases. The standard bearer stands erect grasping the staff, feet spread wide, and the cast-on banner furled about his head. Also new is the Imperial Roman liue with 25 listings. Several new 15th century knights are also listed, all in full plate. The great detail Essex figures are noted for is still present, but the old animation of the original figures isn't there. I don't know for sure, but I'd bet the sculptor who worked for Corvus Miniatures a few years back did these figures, because of the poses, facial features and detailing are reminiscent of the Corvus style. Looking more like Essex of old are the tremendous figures in the Napoleonics line. You can go on about animation and detail, but these figures, especially the British, are obviously a labor of love and a testament to the sculptor's art. They're large figures that will only blend with Connoisseur Figures and the like, but they're one of those ranges that make you want to build an army even though you aren't interested in the period. Also to note for the Dixon ACW gamers- the Revo Unis" and Rebel state flags are in, at $2.00 a sheet. THE ARMORY 4145 Amps Ave, Baltimore, MD 21215 (301) 764-8100 Just mentioning again the new Wargames World from the publisher of Wargames Illustrated is available in quarterly subscription for $20.00. Here we have the same format as WI with about four times the color photos. By the time you read this the winter 89 (# 2) should be out. FALCON MINIATURES PO Box 444, Medford, Ma 02155 (617) 488-3541 Falcon has been busy. In 20mm WWII there is a German radio group WWG-09, a US radio group WWA-09, Infantry with SMG WWA-l0, and combat engineers WWA-11. The 15mm Civil War line has Garlbnldl Guard ACW-18, infantry kept with pack ACW-19, zuuave with turban ACW-2U, zounve with kepi ACW-2l, infantry, overcoat and kepi ACW-22, Infantry, overcoat, kepi and pack ACW-23, cavalry overcoat and sword ACW-35, and cavalry overcoat and pistol ACW-36. The 15mm Napoleunic Egyptian campaign range had five new Mamelukee with swords, pistols, spears, blunderbusses, and lance numbered NEC-25,26,27, 29 6 29 respectively; nettled with sword and shield, spear and shield, and spear only, NEC-35, 36, & 37; arab cavalry NEC-38; Turks with command group and three types of Turks infantry advancing, on guard and attacking, NEC-.40, 41, 42 & 43; and finally Jant.lssaries with a command group NEC-44, infantry advancing NEC-45, and infantry on guard NEC 46. In 25mm Seven Years War there are new Russians with Grenadier march attack S-3005, musketeer advancing, on guard, and attacking S-3008, S-1006; an artillery crew S-3009 and dragoons at rest S-3010, and dragoon command group, S-301:. Also now in stock are products from Lyzards Grin, Ahketon and Hovels, plus six new Osprey titles, Napoleon's Specialist Troops, Wellington's Specialist Troops, British Army on Campaign, El Cid and the Reconquista, Modern African Wars, and Louie XLV's Army. All Osprey titles are $8.95, all troop packs are $4.50, with six figures in 25mm, 10 in 20mm, and 20 in l5mm. Falcon takes Mastercard and Visa. This firm ah'aye supports the hobby, offers friendly, efficient personal service,,and seems to be present at most major conventions. SRUADRON SHOP 1115 Crowley Dr, Carrollton, Texas 75011 (214) 242-8663 must major credit cards - Available now is the new Squadron Shop 89 catalog for $3.50 from the abo,re address. For those unfamiliar with SS it has a large, large inventory of miltary miniature products and mail order is a specialty with fast turq-around service. Buying the catalog gets the 12 monthly supplements, usually 16 pages long, which, advertises specials and sales. SS should appeal to the modern gamar with their many 1/72 plastic aircraft and tank kits and the plastic gamar with their large variety of hard to find HO scale Airfix, Eschi, Matchbox, and Atlantic troops. SS has something for everyone in books, paints, 54mm figures, and so on. The catalog is worth the price for browsing's sake. Listed in the current catalog are a 1/72 Esci US Apache attack helicopter at $8.50, a Soviet Hind helicopter for $9.95, and 1/72 Israeli Merkavas at $4.50 (X-E58338). Back to MWAN # 38 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1989 Hal Thinglum This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. 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