by Hal Thinglum
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ARQUEBUSTER 7.50 pounds surface/quarterly; David Scott, Flat 2, 102/104 Stockinistone Road, Luton,'Beds, England: 1986, #4 in hand. Articles on Javanese Warfare, Wargaming with Aztecs, Marston Moor 1644, Imperial Infantry Colours c1580, & Siege of Leyden. Worthwhile for Pike & Shcit.wargamers. LONE WARRIOR 10.75 pounds/6 issues/year; Bill Farley, 50 King Arthur's Road, EX4 9BH, England: Publication of solo wargaming association and contains articles on Solo Skirmish, Campaign rules, Solo Naval system, Wargaming Basics, and several wargames reports played solo. Also contains play by mail info. Quality publication and interesting, especially for gainers who do solo gaining MILITARY DIGEST $19.95/monthly; PO Box 5526, Madison, WISC, S3705: Articles on the Division 86 Cavalry Squadron, Modernizing Marine Armor, Eastern Front, WWII light tank action in wargames, and US Airborne Divisions. Seems to carry many reprints from other magazines and from past issues. Of limited value to the wargamer in my view. THE COURIER $16.00/six issues; Box 1878, Brockton, MA 02403: Vol VI #6 and Vol VII #1 Vol VI #6 has a number of articles on cavalry in the Napoleonic Wars that are very good including a very interesting one by Paddy Griffith (who else?) that gamers way want to read who are putting together their own rules; On To Richmond (OTR) gamers will be interested in an article of Paul Koch on an experimental set of morale rules for OTR as well as an OTR variant for the Crimean War; Bob Beattie did a nice piece on figures for the Boxer Rebellion; and Hal Thinglum did one on a battle report from Rorke's Drift, Vol VII #1 features a theme year of the Franco-Prussian War with several good articles by Pat Condray, There are several scenarios for ACW battles by Dean West and Paul Koch and a complete set of Franco-Prussian wargames rules THEY DIED FOR GLORY, I'd like to see more sets of rules published in THE COURIER. Highly Teconimended and in my opinion, getting better! PW REVIEW $10/monthly; Wally Simon 12905 Layhill Rd. Silver Springs, MD 20906: 20-page publication of the Potomac Wargamer's group in Washington, D.C. and put together by Wally Simon. September and October, 86 issues on hand. September issue contains short rules set by Paul Koch LE KRIEGSPIEL A LA GRIFFITH, and several battle reports with an emphasis on how the rules worked. October 86 issue featured a battle report on the 7th edition of WRG; another set of rules by Paul Koch TABLEBLITZ II, a rules set based on modern gaining; a battle report on WWII Russian front by Doug Ziprick and a variable Length article. All interesting stuff! SAGA $10.00/6 issues; Terry Gore, 890 Jams Roadi Rochester, NY, 146.12: Vol 11 #4 articles on the Use of the Standard in Dark Ages Gaming; battle reports on Dark Ages gaming; Wargaming with single figure based figures-, an army list for the Dark Ages; and one on the Anglo-Saxons at the time of the Norman Conquest, Vol, 11 #5 had articles on the WRG 7th Edition, a review of Newbury Rules for Ancients Medievals, and Renaissance; Late Roman Shield desigas; Skirmishing with 25mm Ancients; MWANer Walter Compton an on-going article on warfare at sea in the Dark Ages (interesting), SAGA is expanding to include cove-rage of the English Civil War and should be of interest to gamers of this Period. A good publication that gets better with each issue and deserves support for their efforts! THE NUGGET $10 (I think) for six issues; Bob Cordery 50 Booth Close, Thamesmead, London, England: Publication of the Wargame Developments group in England which features game ideas of all sorts of gaining other than gaming with miniatures although there are articles on miniatures. #33 had articles on 1866 Brigade to Corps level Operations; Greg Novak's The Tunnels of Cu Chi (Vietnam) which included the rules, Wilderness Project; and numerous articles on the more "abstract" aspects of wargaming. #34 had articles oil a continuation of the 1866 Brigade to Corps level formations which should be of interest to Franco-Prussian gamers (very much indepth article); Ned Zuparko's VLB article; Howard Whitehouse's Camel Market game with rules; a good attic on leadership in wargames and their annual get together (an idea which sounds great, they get together on a yearly basis and test/play all sorts of self-designed games). In general, a publication for the miniatures wargamer who really gets into the more abstract aspects of our hobby as regards rules writing. MINIATURE WARGAMES $3.50 per issue/monthly; available from many advertisers in MWAN: 39 had articles on Liebertwolkwitz Part II-Regular Cavalry in the Zulu War by Ian Knight very good -- a continuation of Gunfighters/Bandits & Outlaws which western skirmish gamers will find of interest; The Spanish Civil War (try Ahketon figures for this period-nobody else makes them and they have a wide range-see Bits & Pieces for address; Norway 1940; Renaissance Campaigns, an article on Vietnam gaming great(!) color photos of terraiTi & figures, Top notch publication! HELIOGRAPH $5/10 issues; Tony Adams, 301 N, Willie St. Mt. Prospect, IL 60056; has not found a replacement editor for this fine publication , hope he does I would hate to see it discontinue as I am sure many others feel, #36 featured the Sword and the Flaw in Sumatra: The Dutch-Atchin War with an historical background and TSATF rules included. SAUVE QUI PEUT $1/3 issues; Edi Birsan, 950 Alla Ave, Concord, CA 94518: #49 Feature their ongoing campaign in 15mm Napoleonics; an article on terrain effects, and in general, lots of modifications/information for gamers who utilize the Empire rules set for their Napoleonic wargaming. Another good effort by Edi. EMPIRES EAGLES &,LIONS $18/6 issues;. RAFM Co, , 19 Concession St, Cambridge, Ont. is well done (60 pages) publication is edited by the New Jersey Association of Napoleonic wargamers of which Tom Devoe, recent MWAN subscriber, is Senior Editor. I marvel at the amount of information which this magazine contains regarding the Napoleonic period. They have also been including some ACW material as well as info on the Am. Rev period. MWANers Paddy Griffith and Ned Zuparko have regular columns in EE&L, I have #94 on hand and there are articles on the Cossacks, Sea Power, the Yorktown Campaign (Tom DeVoe), Howard Whitehouse's fine article on Cavalry Brigade action in the Peninsular War; the Russo-Swedish war of 1808-09 in Finland; War of 1812; and a number of regular columns for wargamers. Much good info re uniforms/organization/etc. for the Napoleonic gamer, Highly recommended! SLINGSHOT No price info but published 6 tines per year, I believe; by Gilby, T30 Hempstone Rd,, Merley, Winborne, Dorset, BH2l.1SY, England: #127 has articles on Spartacus, Howard Whitehouse's article on the Myth of Pure Tactics (Howard and Paddy write on wargaming more than anyone else I know , good stuff as well!); a good article on the Notion of Realism in Wargames; Paddy Griffith's article Sestetius which concerns itself with Roman counter-insurgency in lst C Wales - it has the rules included and would be of interest to any gamers planning campaigns, etc. There are reviews and much more in this quality publication. THE VEDETTE - $10/12 issues; Greg Novak, 618 W. Union, Champaign, IL, 61820. The publication of the Central Illinois Tabletop Warriors edited very well by Greg Novak (someone else who pens a great many articles), One should, I understand, be a member of CITW to get THE VEDETTE, though I still think Greg should develop two subscription prices; one for the Vedette and one for membership in the CITW as there are some good articles/rules,sets/etc. in this club publication. Come on, Greg! The September 1986 issue.had a complete,set of rules for the age of reason GENTLEMEN OF FRANCE, FIRE FIRST by GDW President Frank Chadwick, who seems to be doing more in the miniatures field as of late, a fact which I am glad to see as I think he has lots to offer the miniatures end of the hobby, If you wish to publish a wargames club magazine/newsletter get a hold of a copy of THE VEDETTE - you won't find a better example of what you should aim for! 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