by Hal Thinglum
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1) Ahketon, USA, RD 1, Box 12S, Philadephia, NY, 13673 has WWI Trench systems in 20mm (actually 25mm in my opinion), 25mm Medieval buildings and fortifications, Samurai buildings in 25mm, Napoleonic 15mm buildings, 20/25mm British Colonial buildings/forti fi cations, 25mm Incas buildings, 1/76th scale WWI and modern vehicles, and 25mm Barbarian and Roman buildings/fortifications, of which more and more are becoming available through the American source as he is now casting them in the US. In addition, they have the most extensive, and finest line, I think, of 20mm WWI figures, Contact them for a catalog and price list to see what they have in stock and what is upcoming, 2) Modelers Mart 2071 Range Rd, Clearwater, FL 33575 (see ad on Page 2) has the new Hinchliffe 25mm Napoleonic French Revolution Range and the pictures look great. They also have the new additions from Hinchliffe for the Renaissance in 25mm. These figures go for 70 (foot) and .85 for a horse. The French range is based on the Blandford "French Revolutionary Wars" and the Ottoman Turks (Renaissance range) is from the Osprey book of the same title. They are also carrying all of the Frontier range which is greatly expanding by leaps and bounds. The French & Indian Wars and Am. Rev., both in 15mm are now out by Frontier. They wish to announce that all Frontier 25mm figures are now Priced at $5.50 (8 foot or 4 cavalry); 2 artillery pieces are $4.99; 6 foot command ($4,00). 2) From Lynn Bodin of SAVAGE & SOLDIER re Geo-Hex terrain system, "It is recommended that the terrain be set-tip on a smooth, flat surface, The whole system locks together good, but it doesn't tolerate a saggy or soft surface too well, so I'd say that it wouldn't work too well on a rug floor unless you've got a thin sheet of plywood, panelling,etc., to put down underneath it, then it would be great, The shapes are 3/4" thick and you can easily make a 4-level hill on each side of a 4X8' playing area, This is only.3" in height, but the illusion it projects makes the elevations look much higher. The 2" roads are perfect for 25mm. Most 15mm gamers seem to also prefer the 2" roads. It is mostly micro,armor and 5mm gamers who are buying the 1" road sets. Buildings look dynamite on the terrain. I have Gallia and Abketon buildings and they look very realistic." Address is Geo-Hex S28 North East Hancock St,, Portland, OR 97212. 3) My father, who was a combat infantryman in New Guinea during the Second World War showed me some publications from the Supt. Of Documents, Gov't Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 2,0402, one of which was DEFENDING THE DRIMIUMOR; Covering the operations in New Guinea, 1944, I found this book (S/N 008-020-1000-6 for $5.00) most interesting as it gave literally tons of information on the periodas well as very specific information, such as percentage of U.S, combat deaths due to our own gunfire (16% if I recall correctly), as well as combat casualties for those who were actually involved in he fighting as opposed to support forces. 4) Wargamers in Italy may be interested in a book dealer who recently sent me a listing of books some 190 pages long. Tuttostoria Notizie, Servizio Vendite Speciali, Casella Postale 395, 43-100 Parma, Italy. All titles were military books, SJ P-94, Ltd., 5-13 E. Maxwell St., Lexington, KY 40508, has a number of new releases. For their 20mm ACW line they have a dismtd cav. trooper firing kneeling, two gunners, and a new mounted cavalryman. For the Jacobite Rebellion in 25mm, they have a highlander with open hands attacking which is intended, I believe, for Claymore & Lochinbar axes. They have a number of additions to the 25mm SYW line (a great line) for Russians (2 musketeers and I grenadier), Prussians (three gunners and an officer), Austrian (grenadiers-2, musketeer and an Austrian jaeger) and three Austrian Pandours, all of which are very nice. 6) Falcon Miniatures, Suite 102, 1 High Street, Medford, Mass, 02155 plans to release 15mm ancients including late Romans, Assaryians, and Chinese as well as 25mm Renaissance (Italians) and log fences in 15mm for the ACW period. 7) Received a catalog from Brassey's. Fairview Park., Elmsford, New York, 10523 which covers titles encompassing "Defence & Foreign Policy, Military History, Weapons, Strategy & Tactics, Military Dictionaries, Journals, Yearbooks and much more. 8) A new hobby store has opened in Glendale Heights, Illinois: Guardian Hobbies, 2115 N. Bloomingdale Rd. Glendale Heights, Illinois (980-S454). They report that they carry GHQ armor, Napoleonic naval miniatures and board games. 9) Soldier World, USA, PO Box 175, Shrewsbury, PA 17361 sent mea new listing of their products. They offer all of the Panzerschiffe ships, GHQ ships, Superior Ships and Valiant ship models, In addition, they carry Naismith, Navwar, Heroics and ROS figures (1/300th scale), Peter Laing (15mm-vast periods covered), Frei Corps 15, Minifigs, Lamming (good figures), Irregular (also good) and Hinchliffe. The Naismith 15mm line covers Colonials (Sudan, Zulu Way); ECW, ACW, Ancients, Medievals, Samurai, Aztecs, Maya, Incas, Conquistadors, Napoleonics while the 25mm lines have War of the Roses, Aztecs, Conquistadors, Mayans, Incas, Samurai, Hellenistic period, and Condottieri. 10) Jamie Fish, 3079 Bridgeton Ct, Woodbridge, VA 22192 has a new line of 15mm Medievals available, I know nothing about this line but would appreciate more info. 11) Alliance Miniatures, PO Box 2347, Des Moines, Iowa, 50310 is now carrying the 25mm Medieval range from Military Miniatures out of New Zealand, The range covers the mid 14th to 15th century, Foot figures are 70 and mounted are $1.75. 12) Owen D. Kubik Books, 3473 ClarrVoit Drive Dayton Ohio 45430 (513426-8460) offers a catalog on books regarding the British line, The catalog covers the Crimean War, India and NW Frontier, Eygpt & Sudan, Africa, China and also eight books on the French 'Foreign Legion, These appear to be hard to core by books. 13) The American Civil Wargaming Society, (504-734-0937) is offering the first international ACW society for wargamers and plans on putting out THE ZOUAVE (6 issues/year) which will contain articles regarding the ACW to wargamers and historians, Charter membership costs $12.00 in the US and $16 overseas, 14) Lou Zocchi has invented a 100 - sided die, which appears to have created a great deal of attention - I'm not sure why - but you should be able to find it at hobby shops soon or at some of the advertisers in MWAN. 15) From Ral Partha, the American Quarter Horse Association offers a handy guide to coloration of quarter horse breeds, Don't know price for this book, but address is American Quarter Horse Association, PO Box 200 Amarillo, TX 79168 (806-376-4811) 16) SKT Wargame Figures, 9 Wargrave Road, Twyford, Berkshire, England, has 15mm figures for Sumer, Irish, Thracian and Burmese armies at 8 pence each for infantry and 18 pence for cavalry, They also plan a range of micro tanks covering France, Belgium and Hungary. 17) Games People Play, 5 Wellington T4zrrace, Bayswater Road, Notting Hill Cate, London, England W2, offers 10mm figuTe~s for the ACW. I don't know if these are available in the US at present, does anyone know, They also plan 10mm armies for Imperial Rome and it Is enemies and the Crimean War. Back to MWAN # 24 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1986 Legio X This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |