by Hal Thinglum
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SAUVE QUI PEUT! - $1/3 issues; Edi Bi-rsan, 950 Alla Ave. Concord, CA 94518: #47-48 for--review. Xeroxed publication dealing with Napoleonic EMPIRE rules. Lots of modifications (house rules) enclosed/Campaign news. #47 had article on crest lines (terrain); #48 had articles on bombardment fire B line of attacks. Good stuff! SAVAGE & SOLDIER - $15/4 issues; SOS, 23902 S.E. 42nd St. Issaquah, IVA 98027: Vol. XVIII, #2 had article on Guantanamo (Paul Hinson), Boer War, Howard Whitehouses' rules for purchasing camels in the Sudan, and a battle report on the battle of Isandhlwana (not by me!). Book/figure/magazine news. All Colonial gamers should subscribe to S&S. Another fine effort by Lynn Bodin! PW REVIEW;- $10/12 issues; Wally Simon, 12905 Layhill Rd. Silver Springs, MD 20906: June-July-August 86 issues on hand; June has complete set of SYW rules (interesting); July has complete set of British Colonial rules; August has articles on question of command 8, control, ACW scenario battle report (using Ore Banasik's Bristoe Station from MWAN). If you enjoy reading about rules, then you need PW REVIEW! A CALL TO ARMS - $5.00/6 issues; NIGA, PO Box 11133, Fort Wayne, IN. 46856: The publication of the Northern Indiana Gaming Association. Apparently back in publication, I received the April-May '86 issue containing an interesting article on Ft. Loudoun; convention reports; modern armor, and a complete set of rules "Redskins, Rangers B Regulars by Greg Novak". FRONT LINE - $1/issue; Hexacon Conventions Inc. Box 619, Station C, Toronto, ON. M6J 3R9: arch-April issue on hand. A 16 page "newspaper" type publication on board games kindly provided by Kevin Fitzpatrick of Games, Crafts, Hobbies $ Stuff (see ad on page 13). Seems to deal with boardgame reviews. SAGA - $10.00/6 issues; SAGA, 890 Janes Road, Rochester, NY, 14612: Vol II, #4 on hand. Special issue on the Anglo-Saxons 450-1066 A.D. Articles on Romans vs Gauls; Standards in Dark Ages wargames, Single Figure Based Dark Ages Wargaming 8, a set of rules on naval rules for this period. All good stuff! SAGA now has an appearance such as MWAN and looks much better. They are going to expand coverage from Ancients through the Renaissance and will include the ECW. A good move which should increase interest in this well-done publication. HELIOGRAPH - $5.00/10 issues, Tony Adams, 301 N. Willie St., Mt. Prospect, IL 60056. Number 35 on hand. Tony still has not found anyone to assume publishing this fine newsletter and he reports #40 will be his last issue if not. I would grab up all back issues I could as there is lots of good info in here. Fine article on Solving Some Problems With Colonials (scenario developlment) by Tony and one on Colonial Campaigns. MINIATURE WARGAMES - $3.50/issue from most advertisers in MWAN: #37 has battle B siege of Velletri 1744; Sabugal (Howard Whitehouse), The Sioux War 1876, Part II of Matabele Wars, Fulford Gate 1066, and Sun Tzu $ its context. #38 his articles such as Shieldwall (good article on dark age infantry warfare), Battle of Northampton (1460), Viet Cong Solo rules, Notes on Army of James II, Islam (article on constructing a fort), Battle of Arkow, Part III of Matabele Wars, Cavalry Battle of Liebertwolkwitz(1813), and Armies of the Gulf War. Very good articles, great pictures, well worth the money! BREAKOUT! - $3.50/issue, The Australasian Garners' Quarterly #21 on hand. I thought this was a miniatures publication, but #21 is devoted to boardgaming $ fantasy. From what they say, they concentrate on different aspects of the hobby in different issues and are supposed to be coming out with a miniatures issue soon. They also report they are aiming at the US market, though I doubt what effect they will have as there seem to be many publications for boardgaming/fantasy already here in the US. LONE WARRIOR - 10.75 pounds/6 issues; Mike Parker, 3 Wood Street, Ash Vale, Nr Aldershot, Surrey, GU12 SJF, England: Lots of good articles on solo wargaming, interesting letters to the editor (I always enjoy these most of all in LW), Also Play by Mail section. GAMELOG - $7.50/12 issues; James Lurvey, POB 27, Belcourt, ND 58316: #72 on hand. Well done amateur effort, same style as MWAN. Tons of info regarding new products for boardgaming/fantasy/miniatures/you name it! I really like this publication! Editor has lost his job and reports may have trouble turning it out on time in future, but it has gone out for 13 years and I suspect he'll find someway to continue! Good work! SLINGSHOT - Price unknown, Mark Gilby, 230 Rempstone Road, Merley, Wimborne, Dorset, 3HZl 1SY, UK: #126 on hand for review. Fine article on Spartacus and a solo game rules set for Spartacus; Other articles include The Achaemenid Persians Revalued, A Woman's Place, and The Newbury Rationale, as well as lots of letters (interesting) and a few letters on WRG 7th Edition (it would seem as though not everyone is accepting the 7th edition!). In #125 the reviews of wargaming publications (quite complete as regards their approach to reviewing) section seemed, in my opinion, to be quite overly critical of most of the magazines reviewed, something I do not believe is quite necessary in our hobby and I was planning on mentioning this in a future editorial. However, in #126, they give a most nice review of MWAN ("bids fair to be one of the best wargaming publications either side of the Pond".- "solid stuff from such as Howard Whitehouse, Greg Novak 6 Tony Adams" "MWAN is intelligent, thoughtful, wide-ranging f, is for innovation") so I suppose I shall have to think this over, uh? Actually, I would think every Ancients player would subscribe to SLINGSHOT. THE MAGAZINE FOR WARGAMERS - 70 pence/issue; six issues/year; AJ Dumelow, 70 Ferry St. btapenhill, Burton-on-Trent, Staffs, England; Put out by Andy Dumelow who also writes a column for MWAN, this 16-20 page professionally prepared publication deals entirely with historical wargaming with miniatures. #11 had articles on Hussites, Spanish War in Morocco, Chariots, Napoleon's Early Battles; #13 had Wargaming Wars of the Roses; #13 had modern warfare, stone-age warfare, forts of the Baltic 800-1200 AD; #15 had Vietnam wargaming, Austerlitz 1805, Dark Age Skirmishing, and #16 had more on Vietnam E stone-age gaming, Invasion of England and a finely done article on random and variable movement in wargames. All good stuff. Also available through Joe Gepfert, 3440 South Monterey Ave. New Berlin, WIS 53151. 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