by Hal Thinglum
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(1) The American Quarter Horse Association, PO Box 200, Amarillo, TX 79168 (806-3764811) has a handy guide to the coloration of quarter horse breeds. Might be a charge for this book. This information from Ral Partha, Thank you, (2) 25mm Tradition figures are now available from Salvatore in Yonkers. I have many of these figures in my Sudan army and I like them. They cover Ancients, Norman Invastion, Japan, ECW, Spanish Succession Jacobite Rebellion, SYW, AWI, Napoleonics, Crimean War, ACW, Franco-Prussian War, WWI. (2) Glenn Grundei of Cincinnati recently informed me he purchased a nuts and bolts storage box of 60 compartments for storing figures. It is about 8" deep. This is really handy and I picked one up sometime ago at K-Mart on sale for about $15.00. (4) Geo-Hex (see picture above) 528 North East Hancock St. Portland, OR 97212 was mentioned in the last MWAN and Lynn Bodin was kind enough to send me a flyer. It looks good! Prices are $174.95 for basic set (covers 5'X7' table); $114.95 for rough terrain set; $54.95 for complete accessory kit; and $322.00 for all 3 sets! (5) Received lots of catalogs on bookstores from readers (thanks!). Articles of War has titles on Napoleonics Wars, Colonials, US Military History to 1938, WWII, Post 1945, Unit Histories, Armor, Naval, Aviation, Uniforms/medals/badges. Butternut Press Inc. 18761-W N. Frederick Ave. Gaithersburg, MD 20879 (301-963-7878) specializes in the ACW and has good stuff! P.G. de Lotz, Bookseller, 20 Downside Crescent, Hampstead, London N.W.3 2AP, England has a catalog entitled Warfare History Germany which covers the military, political, diplomatic, naval 6 aviation history of Germany. Ned Zuparko reports he is very reliable! Internation Military Books, 76 Priestfield Rd. Gillingham, Kent ME7 4RF, England has a wide selection of books including Napoleonic period. The Legionary, 823 Central Ave. Wilmette, IL 60091 recently put out their new catalog which is very good! (6) The Soldier Shop Inc. 1222 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10128 (212-535-6788) has a very nice catalog on 54mm figures as well as an extensive listing of books on aircraft, Am. Rev., American Wars, ACW 6 Indian Wars, French 6 Indian Wars, Heraldry/medals/flags, General military history, Ancients 6 Medievals, 18th-19th century , Napoleonics, WWI, WWII, Post WWII, Military miniatures 6 Wargames, naval, military music, tanks, uniforms, weapons, firearms and artillery. (7) Falcon Miniatures 1 High St. Medford, MASS, 02155 has released their 25mm Ancients (6 foot',4.00; chariot = $7.00) which consists of Western Barbarians (command, Gauls, Britons, Germans, Barbarians, slingers, archers 6 Gaesati Warrior as well as light 6 medium cavalry. A British chariot is also available. I saw these figures at LITTLE WARS and they are top-notch!! Also available now are 25mm SYW Austrian foot figures including command group, musketeer (march attack/firing/on guard) 6 grenadier (on guard/march attack). The musketeer on guard 6 grenadier at march attack wear hungarian uniforms. Again good figures and I have some for my SYW armies! Also released are 25mm Boers (command, advancing, firing kneeling, mounted on guard, artillerist and Sudanese Dervish command, attacking, advancing, cavalry and camel trooper as well as Fuzzy Wuzzy attacking and advancing and Jihad rifleman. Again, all quality figures, I have to get some of the Sudan and Boer figures. Falcon is to be congratulated on turning out such quality figures. I hope we can expect more from this fine company. (8) George Grove writes "A must for the colonial wargamer is 'Savage Wars by Laurence James covering British campaigns in Africa 1870-1920, See address in #5 on page 52. (9) James Torello sent me an update from Quality Castings Inc. PO Box 11714, Alexandria, VA 22312. They announce that the following 15mm WWII items have been released (new products): German 2cm flak 38 w/ground mt 6 trl, Jadg Tiger 12.8cm, Tiger II; British 2 pdr AT gun, Achilles 17 pdr T.D.; US M48A3 Tank; Russian SU8S T.D., SU122 Assault Gun; and Japanese Infantry advancing 6 defending. They will soon come out with the Russian BT7, German PZ38t, M3 Honey for WWII and are going into the modern period with the US M113, M113 ACAV, and the Russian T55 plus more. Looks like good stuff for WWII gamer. (10) Munro Miniatures, PO Box 1512, Cambria, CA 93428 has released a new 25mm line of Medievals, infantry 6 cavalry as well as equipment packages. Foot are .75 while cavalry are $1.50. Some figures include longbowman, gunners, peasants, monk, crossbowman. (11) Raider Games, 119 Elmete Way, Leeds, LS8 2ND, UK has 15mm flagsheets for the SYW covering Austro-Hungarian infantry; Austrian Cuirassiers 6 dragoons, French Line infantry, guard infantry, dragoons 6 foreign infantry in French service; Prussian infantry, cuirassiers, dragoons; Russian Guard/line/grenadier/corps of observation infantry; Swiss infantry in French service, Scots/Irish infantry in French service; 6 Hanoverian infantry. They have flags for specific regiments and list many of them! This would seem invaluable for the SYW 15mm gamer! (12) Todd Kershner, 27679 Featherstone Rd. Sturgis, Mich. 49091 informs me that his WARFARE IN THE AGE OF REASON rules ($9.00 including postage) are at the scale of 1-50 with modifications for 1-20. I mentioned something else in the last MWAN. At any rate, these are very good rules - fast/easy playing/enjoyable! They cover mid-18th C. gaming and I have played them/enjoyed them and bought my own copy! (13) Tom De Vug, BATTLE HONOURS AMERICA;, 17 Ridge Road, Budd Cake, NJ, 07828 (201691-2423) is ifow carrying the great (!!!) 1Smm Battle Honours figures. I saw these figures and they are very very good! They have released the Waterloo British as well as Portuguese and some Russians. They are in the process of releasing artillery (British 6 6 8 lb and French 81b). Limber sets will soon be available as well as artillery crews in both loading or firing positions. High quality stuff indeed!!!! (14) Hinchliffe (now Skytrex) has released a Russian 12pdr cannon with short barrel, British 3pdr battalion gun 6 limber, British 6pdr battalion gun 6 limber, and a set of draught horse/outrider/attendant for the above. The British stuff was used in the 18th C and early Napoleonic ways. These can be obtained from SG Simulations - see ad on page 2. (15) Dixon miniatures has released the Army of James II (c 1680-1700) which has over 20 different figures with numerous head variants. Available from Wargames, 1410 Promenade Bank Centre, Richardson, TX 75080. (16) Connoisseur (Peter Gilder), available from MAN subscriber Keith Leidy of 2625 Forest Glen Trail, River Woods, IL 60115 (312-940-7617) has just released 25mm Russian napoleoinc 6pdr and a light licorne as well as I have the Russian infantry and find them to be great figures! I'm anxious to see more from Peter in Napoleonics!! These figures are large enough to fit into 30mm armies as well. (17) Heroes Miniatures, 7 Waverley Place, Worksop, Notts. England, has 20mm modern figures for Russian airborne, US, France, Israeli and Arab States. These are also available from Alliance Miniatures, PO Box 2347, Des;Moines, Iowa, 50310. (18) Asp Import Miniatures, 1021 107th St. W. Bloomington, MN SS431 has the new 25mm Britannia Miniatures for the Little Big Horn/Napoleonics/Vikings. I'd like to see the new Little Big Horn figures. That sounds interesting. These are 'large' 25mm's and highly detailed! If anyone gets any, consider writing a review for MWAN please. (19) Keith Leidy of Connoisseur USA (see address in #16 above) announces that he has 25mm Elite Napoleonics for the Jena 1806 period. These are very fine figures and go well with Peter Gilder's range. I plan on mixing them with Peter's as I am sure that many French soldiers did not have the up-to-date uniforms. (20) ESCI, the plastic 20mm figure people are releasing a set of Northwest Frontier British/Indians soon according to Lynn Bodin of Savage 6 Soldier. I wonder how many wargamers use these fine plastic figures? How about a report from someone who does? (21) Lyzard's Grin, PO Box 14522, Oklahoma City, OK 73113 has released a colt machine gun as well as a dismounted Frontier Light Horse (you won't find another one anywhere!), and some new Dervish figures. Lots of good stuff for the Colonial gamers!!! (22) Asp Import Miniatures (see address in #17 on last page) can supply you with the Hovel buildings (supposed to be very good!) as can Stone Mountain Miniatures. Hovel is supposed to be releasing some Colonial War items as well! (23) The Victorian Military Society publishes SOLDIERS OF THE QUEEN, a quarterly publication devoted to the Colonial period. $17.00 per year (US Dollars) to George Dibley, lion. Treasurer, Victorian Military Society, Arm Farm Cottage, Blisworth Arm. Northamptonshire NN7 3EF, UK, (24) Frei Korps, now available through Ulster Imports Ltd. Box 1748, Champaign, IL 61820, has released some great l5mm American Indian Wars figures and Rennassance period figures (equally as great detail!). It would appear as though the metal, due to a high content of tin to increase detail, has been changed somewhat as these figures do not appear to be brittle as they used to be. Very good stuff indeed! If you ever write to any of the companies listed, please give MWAN's name as a referral source. It may help to pick up ads/additional information regarding their new releases. Thanks very much! Back to MWAN # 23 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1986 Hal Thinglum This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |