by Steve Dake
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1) Minifigs has released their 15mm War of the Roses line consisting of 9 packs of foot and 6 packs of cavalry as well as artillery and siege equipment. Twenty-four feet are $5.50 while eight cavalry are $4.50. Many of the advertizers in MWAN can obtain them for you. 2) Al Younghaus of Modelers Mart, 2071 Range Road, Clearwater, FL, 33575 was kind enough to forward me samples of the new releases in 25mm for Hinchliffe in the Medieval range. Included were three foot knights; MF33 attacking w/2-handed axe c. 1450; attacking with sword/shield c. 1350; and attacking with axe/shield 14th c. As one would expect from Hinchliffe, they are fine figures, good action, no flash, and in general, just well done work! Hinchliffe has also redone their 20mm WWII range and added some figures to it. Al also mentions that Gallia is shipping him six different timber-framed Tudor houses in 25mn with 15mm soon to come. Two 25mm Samurai houses are in production with a 5-piece modular Samurai castle in the works. I have mentioned previously that I used to scratch build buildings but with the great offerings on the market at low prices, I can't justify spending that amount of time and energy doing so anymore. Al also has Frontier's new 25mm line for the Crimean War. The range has 35 figures and I suspect it is a good, well-done range if prior outputs of Frontier are any indication! 3) While I was at Winter Wars last weekend I had the chance to talk with RSM, Ltd., 513 E. Maxwell St., Lexington, KY 40502. They have 25mm SYW, French-Indian War; as well as 20mn ACW, Colonials and Napoleonics. They should fit in well, that is the 20mm lines, with Jacklex (The Model Shop, 190-194 Station Road, Harrow, Middlesex, England) who offer ACW infantry, cavalry, guns/limbers as well as British Colonial figures and equipment in the 20nm scale. Should make the 20nm wargamers happy! 4) While discussing Hinchliffe's new releases, I neglected to mention that they have released a 25mm French Revolutionary Wars range of 16 figures covering the French, Prussians, Hanoverians, Baravians, and Austrians at .70 per foot figures. They also have a 20mm WWII horse team for pulling guns/wagons. Also forgot to mention that Al Younghaus of Modelers Mart sent me their new catalog, an 86 page "wish book" complete with many pictures. I would think $2.00 to Modeler's Mart would suffice to receive it. Also received the Hinchliffe catalog which comes complete with painting guides, general I am sure, for their figures, a good thing for the beginner! 5) Richard Houston of Lyzard's Grin, PO Box 14522, Oklahoma City, OK, 73113, has released six different casualty figures for British Colonial infantry, Dervish, and Fuzzy-Wuzzies (.25 each) and three wagon drivers (enlisted man, commissary officer and mule driver at .35 each). Richard has many odds and ends for Colonial gamers including the only Frontier Light Horse officer and is making dismounted Frontier Light Horse figures as wen . He also has a great line of 1/1200th ACW ships, a line of 1/72nd or 1/76th scale WWII equipment and some 15ms/25mn Ancients equipment. I received a large order of Sudan figures and equipment in 25mm from Richard last month and found them to be very good and inexpensive. For the most part, they match or are lower than Ral Partha's inexpensive prices, a most welcome event as far as I am concerned. He sent me a mule wagon in 25mm which is great as well as some 71b and 121b British Colonial guns, gattling guns, camels with ammo packs (I eat this stuff up!), and same redone Zulu War weapons which are the best I have seen! He is working on some more Dervish and Fuzzy-Wuzzies in 25nm. Richard is attending the HMGS convention in February and asks MWAN readers to stop by and say hello. 6) Charlie Prosek reports that he recently received a book that all Am. Rev. players would enjoy, STANDARDS AND COLORS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION by Edward Richardson. It is complete with 135 and 225 black/white illustrations. Available from University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982. Charlie picked up his copy from Columbia University Press, 136 S. Broadway, Irvington, NY 10533. 350 pages for $10.00 plus postage though it usually sells for $25.00. Sounds good, thanks Charlie. 7) Ned Zuparko of Los Gatos, CA reports that there are some good Napoleonic books in Peter Hofschroer's latest catalog available from Zeuthaus, 11 Hythe House, Swan Rd., London, England SE16 4LG. Ned writes that Peter accepts US checks. 8) Rich Black has a number of very interesting ECW booklets that I have seen called English Civil War Notes and Queries. Titles include MUSKETEERS IN THE CIVIL WAR, OFFICERS AND REGIMENTS OF THE ROYALIST ARMY, FOR GOD AND THE NORTH, SCOTS ARMIES OF THE CIVIL WAR, and many others. Cost is different for different publications with 20% for sea mail and 40% for airmail. Very reasonable prices! 9) Recently had a call from J.J. Daub of Die Kaiserzeit, who was mentioned in MWAN last issue. He reported that his business is once again going and if those people who wrote him for catalogs will write again, he will be glad to provide them. He has a wide line of WWI and Franco-Prussian figures available. J.J. Daub, Die Kaiserzeit, PO Box 38, Keyport, N.J. 07735. 10) Alliance Miniatures, PO Box 2347, Des Moines, Iowa, 50310 sent me a catalog of their offerings. They carry the fine line of Tabletop 15mm figures covering the ancients, dark ages, medievals, late medievals and Napoleonics as well as their own 15mm ACW line. Tabletop also has 15mm colonials available through Alliance as well as 15mm Pony Wars figures. Foot figures are .25 with cavalry at .50 although prices are cheaper for buying figures in groups and in boxed sets. 11) The Napoleonic Society of America, 640 Poinsettia Road, Belleair, FL, 33516 is offering their third Napoleonic tour to France and Austria in May. 12) Stone Mountain Miniatures, Box 594, Broomfield, CO, 80020 sent me a catalog with 15mm ACW, French & British Colonial figures from their own lines and 15mm Tabletop figures as well as 25mm American Rev., and 25mn SYW Campaign figures from England. I have mentioned Campaign figures previously in MWAN as many of my SYW figures are from this fine line. I recently ordered some from Stone mountain and found the service to be very fast indeed! Stone Mountain was kind enough to send me samples of Campaign's new 15mn ECW line which are mentioned in a separate review in this issue. Stone Mountain has a fine line of terrain as well. Check them out. 13) Iron Brigade, 2345 N.W. 121st Street, Oklahoma City, OK, 73120 has released a line of 25nm Boxer Rebellion figures. Infantry (6) and cavalry (3) packs are $4.00. I recently picked up a large number of their Sudan range and have always found them to be quite attractice and useful. They are from the old Soldiers of the Queen line. 14) The Lamming range of 25nm figures is now available from Minifigs, 1/5 Graham Road, Southampton, S02 OAX, England. This range covered a wide period of history and are very good figures. 15) Irregular Miniatures has released a line of 6mm (1/300th) blocks of figures for Ancients and Napoleonics. Remember years ago when Minifigs offered 5mm blocks? They were quite popular and I always wanted to see them. The blocks of figures are six men wide by 4 men deep and I would think they would be easier to handle than the current method of strips of six or so figures although Irregular also makes them in strips. Available through Pendragon Miniatures, USA, 1, 1549 Marview Drive, Westlake, Ohio, 44145. Soldier World, USA PO Box 175, Shrewsbury, PA, 17361-0175 and Asp Import Miniatures, 1021 107th St., Bloomington, MN, 55431 carry the Irregular line and their 25nm figures and equipment lines are very complete for the Ancients and Medieval gamer. 16) Jena Enterprises, 58 Wiston Ave., Worthing, Sussex, BN14 7PT, England have a 15mm model of the Alamo for 6.96 pounds (airmail 45% extra), a 1/300th model of Hugomount for 3.95 pounds and 1/1200 ACW chips. 17) Stratagem, 15 Lovers Lane, Newark, Notts, NG24 1HZ, England has some interesting 25nm figures covering the Marlburian Wars, Spanish Napoleonic guerillas, the Maori War, Red Indians and African and Europeon figures for 16th-17th century Africa. 18) Lancashire Games, 8 Ducie Street, Bardsley, Oldham, OL8 2RD, England is putting out a 15mm line of the Boxer Rebellion and will soon be putting out figures for the Russo-Turkish War. 19) The Flag Research Center, 3 Edgehill Rd., Winchester, MASS., 01890 puts out a bimonthly bulletin ($8.00 per year) and has a number of booklets on flags. 20) GHQ, 2634 Bryant Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55408 has a line of 15mm SYW figures which they are thinking of marketing, according to Bill Protz of the SYWA newsletter. From what Bill says, SYW gamers should contact them if interested. 21) Also from Bill's newsletter comes news that HWG 3Omm models are available from Continental Model Supply Company, 36 Gray Gardens, Rainham, Essex, RM13 7NH, England. Bill reports they have Prussian and English 30mm guns and assorted baggage and supply wagons. Sounds interesting. Would like to hear from anyone who has some. Back to MWAN # 20 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1986 Hal Thinglum This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |