by David Corbett
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(Artillerymen are considered skirmished (-1) as small arms fire targets) CAVALRY: Light dragoons/haunted rangers operate as light horse except they may dismount as dragoons and fire carbines at 9" range; may fire mounted. Perform 2 operations. Carbines fire at 9" range. CHARGEE/CHARGING: All units must roll a pre-impact morale check before attempting to charge. If unit passes morale, it may charge, if not it advances half movement and/or fires. C.E.: European line, elites, rangers and crack Continentals check CE at 50%, all others at 39X. Me CE changes on benefits for charging. COMMAND STANDS: Fire small arms & melee. Must remain static when skirmishers reform to it. CONTINENTAL LINE: 1 operation, initial volley, may skirmish, act as militia light infantry. CRACK CONTINENTAL LINE: allowed movement and initial volley, check morale, etc., as grenadiers, my skirmish, plus one for small arms fire. DOUBLE LINE FORMATIONS Infantry in line in double ranks, both fire and melee. ELITES: Check CE at 50%; are allowed movement and initial volley, are plus one for small arms volley fire. LIGHT INFANTRY GRENADIERS, GUARD RANGERS AND CRACK CONTINENTIALS are elites . EUROPEAN LINE: check CE at 33%, have one operation, are allowed movement and initial volley, +1 for line charges. FUSILIERS: British Fusiliers regard as grenadiers, all other nations as line. GRENADIERS: Regard as this type Grenadiers,, Fusiliers (British only), highlanders, crack Contis are allowed movement and initial volley, chock CE at 50%, volley fire at +1, GUARDS: AS CLS Guards, +2 for small arms volley fire and guard morale. HIGHLANDERS: As Grenadiers. INDIANS: Always will check pre-impact morale, may skirmish, may only issue skirmish small arms fire, use 3 dice for first round of melee. JAEGERS: Operate as light infantry, fire as rifles, no bayonets. LINE: Allowed one operation, may form in two ranks, must fire by volley(sheet of flame) only. LIGHT INFANTRY: May skirmish, fire messed volleys at +1, allowed movement and initial volley. MELEE: Militia units -1, rifles -1, Indians and militia will always check pre-impact morale, melee casualties are halved, rounded down. Indians and Rangers use 3 dice initial melee round. Bayonet-armed militia -1 in melee, non-bayonet armed -2. MOUNTED TARGETS are +1 for small arms fire. MASSED RIFLES: fire 0-12 at +1, 13-18 at even. MILITIA: 1 operation, volley and skirmish fire at -1; will always check pre-impact morale. Check CE at 33%, may not skirmish unless militia weedsmen or game condition. Bayonet armed militia are -1 in melee, non-bayonet armed are -2. NON-BAYONET ARMED TROOPS are -1 in melee except militia which are -2. Rangers and Indians are considered bayonet armed as are artillerymen unless militia or game condition. OPERATIONS: All line units, one, horse units are allowed two; in or out of skirmish order is not an operation, but only 1 phase can be performed per turn. PRE-IMPACT MORALE CHECKS: All Indians & Militia must always check, all units attempting to charge must check, if they fail, 1/2 movement and/or fire. PARTIALLY BAYONET ARMED: Regard as bayonet armed unless militia who are -1 in melee. RANGERS: Act as light infantry, use 3 dice on first melee round. REFORMING SKIRMISHERS: Command stand may not move while reforming, figures reforming have performed an operation only if they have moved towards the command stand. To reform skirmishers cmd stand must not move, skirmishers must move towards the command stand. To reform skirmishers cmd stand must not move, skirmishers must move towards cod stand. Rail one die per turn, die roil equals number of figures reformed that turn. RIFLES: Fire every turn up to 18 inches, use 2 dice; 9's or better to hit; 2 hits to kill. Massed rifles fire 0-12 at +1, 13-18 at even. SKIRMISH MOVEMENT: In & out of skirmish order is not an operation, but only one phase (in/out) is allowed per turn. Units allowed to skirmish are all mounted, Indians, Rangers, light inf., militia woodsmen, all continentals, all Americans except militia, or as game condition. Skirmishers fire at -1 and are -1 as a small arms target. Indians are always skirmished. Skirmishers count as 11 point in melee and for pre-melee morale checks. Back to MWAN # 20 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1986 Hal Thinglum This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |