by Hal Thinglum
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With Christmas approaching us, I am trying to put together an especially usefull BITS & PIECES column for this issue. 1) Battle Honors, Samuel Cottage, S Moors Lane, Oreton, Mr. Cleobury Mortimer Kidderminster, Worcs. England DY14 8RH, has a new line of l5mm Napoleonic figures which thus far cover Peninsula British and French. Selection thus far looks good! 2) Frei Korps 15, 25 Princetown Road Bangor, Co. Down, Northern Ireland BT20 3TA, has their entire l5mm ACW line available and it is a most extensive one consisting of 30 packs of infantry, 11 infantry command packs, 2 artillery crew packs, two different limbers and horse teams, 6 packs of cavalry, and 29 different guns including 32 pdr seacoast guns on Barbette carriage and a 24 pdr sedge and garrison gun on casemate carriage. They have a most reasonable rate of ordering for us in the states. I have seen many of the figures/guns and they up to the fine quality we have come to expect from Frei Korps 15. I am most interested in their guns as I always thought it would be interesting to put together a fort for this period. 3) Frontier Miniatures, 629 Centennial, El Paso Texas, 79912, will soon be releasing a set of Franco-Prussian 1870 rules written by MWAN member Larry Brow. Congratulations to Larry for his latest effort. It appears as though the Franco-Prussian War is coming of age in the wargaming community. Frontier has the best range of figures available for this period. If you have not received a catalog as of yet from Frontier, send them $3.00. They are, in my opinion, the up and coming figures manufacturer. Their quality gets better with each new release. They are in the process of redoing their colonial line and have some new Zulus that I am most anxious to see. 4) Received a catalog from The Legionary, 823 Central Ave., Wilmette, IL 60091 (312-251-3677) and was most impressed with the range of books available. John Bulter, who runs The Legionary, has a very good selection of military history books. Send him $2.00 for a catalog. My service has always been very good. 5) From Ned Zuparko comes a Butternut Press Inc. Catalog (18761 W N. Frederick Ave., Gaithersburg, HO 20879 (301-963-7878) Ned reports that they have the largest collection of ACW books that he is aware of. Some interesting titles. 6) Al Younghaus, MWAN supporter, and owner of S-G Simulations 2071 Range Rd.,Clearwater, FL, 33575 (813-443-3822) reports that they have received the new Hinchliffe 20mm WWII figures/artillery. A new Skytrex range of coastal warfare models in 1/600th scale including PT boats, destroyers, trawlers, landing craft, etc; and soon expects Frontier's stagecoach (WOW!) longhorns, buffalo in l5mm for their Indian Wars range. Atley Turner, who runs Frontier Miniatures has told me that he intends to produce everything they make, except SYW(15mm) in 15 and 25mm. He would make a lot of people happy if he made a stagecoach in 25mm. 7) From Jim Torello comes a a three page catalog from Metal Miniatures Naval Dept.1000 Central Ave., Wilmette, IL 60091 (312-251-2455) featuring 1:1200 scale metal model ships. The selection appears quite extensive. I would think naval gamers would want to check this company out. Please let me know if someone does. 8) Soldier World USA PO Box 175, Shrewsbury, PENN, 17361-0175, recently sent me a complete listing of their Garrison and Lamming Miniatures they have available. I have a number of Garrison miniatures in my SYW, Zulu, and Normans/Saxons/Vikings armies and think they are very good. Garrison has figures for Ancients Medievals English Civil War, Seven Years War (I especially like these!), Napoleonics, ACW and some fantasy and star troopers, all in 25mm. Foot are .65 each while a mounted figure/horse runs $1.5O. Give these Garrison figures a try, you'll like them, I think Lamming (25mm) has Ancients (including chariots), Medievals, Dark Ages ECW and Napoleonics. In 20mm they have a WWII line of British (29 figures), Partisans (4), Germans (14), Americans(9), and Russians (4). Foot figures range from .60 to .70 while mounted are about $1.50. Also from Soldier World USA came a listing of Table Top l5mm figures covering Ancients, Medievais, Colonials, Pony Wars, Napiconics, ACW figures with very complete lists of figures. Foot figures are at .25 while mounted are .50. Minifigs have released their l5mm Samurai, which are also available from Soldier World USA along with a fine listing of l5mm Colonial figures for the Boer War and the reconquest of the Sudan. Makes my mouth water!! 9) For some reason I have long been receiving a catalog of Plains Indians art, artifacts and jewelry from Prairie Edge, PO Box 8303 Rapid City, SD, 57709-8303. Very nice looking items quite expensive, but of interest to those interested in this sort of thing. 10) Ral Partha Enterprises 5938 Carthage Court, Cincinnati, OH 45212 Toll Free 1-800-543-0272 now offers replica weapons including many machine guns ranging in price from $375 to $525.00. They have also released a l5mm ACW line encompassing ten packs ( 54.00 for 20-foot / 8-horse / 4-guns). The packs consist of Union Infantry Confederate Infantry, Union Cavalry Confederat Cavalry Dismtd. Cavalry, Gunners, two packs of cannon, early war US Regular, and Early War Militia in Greatcoats. These ACW figures will be available in November, 1985. I'll be anxious to see these figures! 11) Ahketon, USA, R.D. 1, Box 125, Philadephia, NY, 13673 (315-642-3235) recently informed me that they will be offering 25mm figures for the Arab Revolt and more WWI figures. They will have a personality figure of Lawrence of Arabia which should be quite interesting. It's funny how WWI seems to be growing as regards interest in the period. Minifigs have their fine line available and Ahketon's figures are very good. I would think this particular section of WWI would be fun to be involved with. They will also be offering 25mm Texas War of Independence figures (12 Mexican- 12 Alamo figures including Crockett, Bowie and Travis). I'll be looking for them soon. 12) Greg Novak was kind enough to send me the new Miniature Figurines Limited catalog(I-S Graham Road, Southampton, England, 502 OAX) for May, 1985. They have, as you know, extensive ranges of l5mm and 25mm figures, many of which are not available here in the states from Minifigs, USA. The catalog has many pictures of their figures and is most impressive! Here are some indications of what we might expect in the future from Minifigs: l5mm American Indian Wars (Spring-86), l5mm Am. Rev and Franco-Prussian War(Autumn-86), Crimean War (Summer-86) and 1916-18 and AFV (Autumn-85). Sounds exciting, doesn't it? 13) Stratagem, 18 Lovers Lane, Newark Notts, England NG24 1HZ, offers some interesting 25mm figures including Maori Wars of the 1840's and 1860's; 16-17th Century Africans including warriors of Guinea, Mozambique, Congo, and European Slavers-traders-colonists, as well as American Indians. Foot figures run 25p and mounted are 60p. Overseas postage is 25% (surface) and 50% (airmail). 14) Bicorne Miniatures, 21 Station St., Meltham, Huddersfield, W. Yorks England HD73NX is offering a new line of 25mm Napoleonics which at present consist of French and British foot. Figures reportedly have their heads turned in various angles so as to give them a random look. Figures are 30p each with orders above 35 pounds getting free surface postage. This line sounds interesting. 15) Britannia Miniatures, 33 St. Mary's Road, Halton Village, Runcorn, Cheshire, England, Wa7 2BJ has a new list of 25mm Waterloo figures; the first releases include French Cavalry (Currasiers, Caribineers and Hussars). Price is 65p. They report they will be releasing Romans, Imperial and Republican Dacians and Scythians soon. I wonder if these large figures would match Hinchlifee's Foremost range and Peter Gilder's PeeGee's for the Napoloenic period as I plan on collecting them in the future. 16) Essex is releasing French Cavalry (25mm) including Dragoons Chasseurs A Cheval and dismounted Dragoons. They are available from Wargames Inc. 1410 Promenade Bank Center Richardson, TX 75080 (214-241-3425). I have seen some the of the Napoleonic line and they are very good! 17) Lancashire Games, 8 Ducie Street, Bardsley Oldham England, OL8 2RD offers 25mm early German, Mycenean, Greek, Hun, Achaemenid, Persian and early Greek (25p), as well as 20mm WWI Germans, Americans, British and Italians. They also report they have l5mm Maccabean Jews, Parthian and Huns. Anyone tried any of these? 18) Peter Gilder has added to his range of Connoisseur Figures (Enchanted Cottage Folkton, Scarborough, N. Yorks, Y011 3UH, England) with figures (25mm) from the early Italian Wars, Pony Wars and some more British Napoleonics (foot - 30p, Cavalry- 70p). 19) Mike's Models, USA Box 1141, Denville, NJ 07834 sent me a catalog of their products. The ACW line (new) is listed in their ad. Mike's offers very extensive lines covering almost all periods of history including Ancients, Medievals, Renaissance, ECW/Thirty Year's War, SYW, Napoleonics,& Colonials. They also offer army kits of complete armies. $2.00 for catalog. Good Stuff!!! 20) Alliance Miniatures, PO Box 2347, Des Moines, Iowa, 50310 (515-277-9311) offers their own line ofminiatures as well Tabletop Games miniatures covering Ancients Medievals, Colonials, Napoleonics and the ACW in 15mm. 21) It has been a while since I mentioned the fine line of figures available from Stone Mountain Miniatures, Inc., PO Box 33195, Denver, CO, 80233. They have l5mm French & Arabs and l5mm ACW as well as 20/25mm ACW, I believe. Check them out. 22) Irregular Miniatures figures are now available from International Castings Outlet,32620 Concord Drive, Madison Heights, HI 48071. This company produces fine figures including many non-combative figures which are always useful in games, as well as seige equipment. $1.00 for a catalog. 23) The boardgame by John Hill, SQUAD LEADER has become a miniatures game, according to TAC NEWS, a house organ of GHQ. Avalon Hill will produce the line. 24) Greg Novak recently reported in the VEDETTE that Quality Casting Inc., PO Box 11714, Alexandria, VA is producing l5mm figures and vehicles. I wonder if this is the old Custom Cast line? 25) The Iron Brigade, 2345 N.W. 121 St. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 (405-755-7597) has introduced a new water-based acrylic paint (1 oz jars for $1.25) covering 30 colors. Tony Adams of THE HELIOGRAPH gave them a good review. They also announce that all arab camels and cavalry for the Colonials are now available and they are starting work on a new line of Boxers. Seven of the Boxers have already been released (6 foot for $4.00). They also have released some new Soldiers of the Queen figures (Ansars), Continentals (Hessian Fusiler and Grenadier Commands - $2 each) and WWII figures. 26) I know that many gamers enjoy reading fictional works concerned with periods of interest. There is a series out on the Napoleonic Wars by Bernard Cornwell (The Viking Press, 625 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10022) that is excellent. Lt. Richard Sharpe (SHARPE'S EAGLE) of the 95th Light Infantry fights his way through Spain. This is the first of ten novels designed to take Sharpe from Talavera to Waterloo. The second is SEVEN MEN OF GASCONY by R.F. Delderfield, who also has done Some solid historical writing, I believe. Simon and Schuster, Rockefeller Center, 630 Fifth Avenue, NewYork, NY, 10020. Very good book covering the Napoleonic Wars. Let me know if you are aware of any other books such as the above. Back to MWAN #18 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1985 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |