This scenario was played using my Bushwar rules published in an earlier MWAN Magazine issue. It could easily be adapted to other rules.
The power base of the People's Popular Militia (PPM) is located in a shantytown on the outskirts of the capital. A rival militia group, the Raving Panthers, has decided to try and destroy the PPM and capture or kill its leader, Msamba Mutabele.
The shantytown is a densely populated area with numerous improvised buildings. Scattered among the shacks are a few concrete buildings and warehouses. One of these buildings is a radio station.
The PPM advantage in the shantytown is hidden movement and the ability to set up ambushes.
3 5-Man Squads, each with 4 Rifle and 1 Light Machine Gun, troop quality: trained
3 5-Man Squads, each with 4 Rifle and 1 RPG, troop quality: trained
Msamba Mutabele and 2 bodyguards with Assault Rifles, troop quality: professional
The PPM squads may set up anywhere on table. Msamba Mutabele can start in any concrete building except the radio station.
In any turn, 3 out of the 7 units may conduct hidden movement.
Msamba may try to escape by helicopter if the battle turns against him. If he can make his way to the radio station, he can call for the helicopter. On every subsequent turn, roll ld6
and track the total. When the total reaches 36, the helicopter arrives and may attempt to land and pick up Msamba.
Major Victory: The PPM drives off the Raving Panther attack and Msamba Mutabele survives the game
Draw: The Raving Panthers take the shantytown, but Msamba has escaped in the helicopter
Any other result is a loss
The Panthers have invested a significant amount of their drug money in hiring allies, including a large contingent from the Army.
-Man fanatic squads with Assault Rifles, troop quality: green Hired Forces
2 10-Man Army units with Rifles, troop quality: green
2 10-Man Army units with Rifles mounted on trucks, troop quality green
2 6-Man Paramilitary Squads, each with 5 Assault Rifles and 1 Light Machine Gun, troop quality: professional
l 3-Man Mercenary Weapons Squad, with 2 RPG and 1 Light Mortar, troop quality: professional
There are numerous roads leading into the shantytown. The Raving Panther forces will enter along 2 of them, dice to see which ones they are.
The fanatics are stoned out of their minds. They have a low chance of hitting, but never take morale checks
None of the green troops can use hidden movement or conduct ambushes
In any turn, only 1 of the Paramilitary Squads and the Mercenary Squad can conduct hidden movement
Major Victory: The PPM is driven out of the shantytown and Msamba Mutabele is captured or killed
Minor Victory: The attack fails, but Msamba Mutabele is killed Draw: The PPM is driven out, but Msamba Mutabele escapes Any other result is a loss
The Raving Panthers got a lucky set of entry rolls and had their forces enter along adjacent roads where they could support each other. The Panther assault began with the hired
army troops in the lead. Along one road, the army units were well disciplined and screened their truck-mounted squad with a unit of dismounted infantry. Along the other axis of advance, the army threw caution to the wind and sent a truck loaded with infantry roaring right into the main square. They were immediately ambushed by a RPG squad. The rocket exploded next to the truck causing I casualty and the truck failed its morale check. The driver squealed around in a 180° skid and fled back the way he had come. Fortunately for them, they rallied before leaving the board. What followed was a costly cordon and sweep action for the Panther forces as they tried to pin PPM forces in place and destroy them before they could slip away in hidden movement. Msamba Mutabele decided to call for the helicopter right away and made his way to the radio station as soon as he could. The Panthers weight of numbers began to tell and Msamba fled to the outskirts of town, narrowly missing being killed by one of the Paramilitary squads as he slipped through shacks. The last PPM forces sold their lives dearly in a desperate rear-guard fight so their leader could get away. When the helicopter finally arrived, Msamba was in the clear with one surviving bodyguard. Unfortunately, the mercenary weapons squad had been in hidden movement for some time and popped up in a perfect ambush. The bodyguard was killed and Msamba was captured. Major victory for the Raving Panthers!
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