by Hal Thinglum
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CALIVER BOOKS (e-mail: is advertising a set of Franco-Prussian War rules - H1279"-'TO THE LAST GAITER BUTTON: Franco-Prussian War Games Rules-Real time. Large scale rules plus campaign system; colour maps-£12.50. HINDS FIGURES Ltd announces that their September figures for sale list has now been posted on the web site at . Ian states "this is probably the best list we have yet put together and most of the photos have been retaken to give better clarity." THE MINIATURE SERVICE CENTER ( announces that FRONT RANK has released the following 25mm Napoleonics ($1.70 per foot figures): French Old Guard foot and horse artillery, French line horse artillery, Polish fusiliers, voltiguers, grenadiers, sergeants and musicians in Czapka, Polish officers and standard bearers in bearskins, and Vistula Legion infantry in shakos. Terry Cabak announces that Imagine Image Multimedia is the exclusive distributor and marketer for paper wargame miniatures from artist Mark Sergeyev, previously d.b.a. "Crazy Cossack Miniatures." Many different eras of warfare and battlefield equipment for wargaming are being produced, including chariots, siege engines, fold-up terrain and much more. Feel free to enquire about custom paper miniature production for figures or equipment that might be helpful to the hobby and miniature garners. Supporting Mark's talent by subscribing to obtain a lifetime subscription of $20 USD, can be done from the Imagine Image Multimedia website at the link below. Please see the link below for more information. htto://www.imaoineimage.orq/paperge neral.htm There are a fair number of MWANers who have not re-subscribed since I started my new system of listing the re-subscription number on the address label. I am afraid that this is the last issue I can afford to send to you if this is the case. If you do not contact me, I shall have to drop your name from the subscription list. I don't know if you do not wish to continue; if you have moved and not informed me of your new address; or if you are confused by my new system. Please take the time to check the number on your address label prior to your name. I would very much appreciate this. Thank you. I am really looking forward to getting situated in the new house. The basement is quite large and will accommodate my wargaming collection very handily. The second part of this is that I retired on September 30th, five days ago. However, I returned to work the next day as a consultant till the end of November. I am taking a week's vacation the last week in October and my intention is to enjoy getting everything put away in the basement. Sounds like a great time to me! It has been several weeks since I finished my editorial and we have since moved to our house. While putting together this issue of MWAN, I realized that I did not have the editorial. After bringing all my MWAN disks to work and looking for it (my home computer is not ready to go yet), I remembered that it was on my hard drive! Oh, oh! Thus, I am rewriting the last page and a half. If I recall correctly, it was difficult enough to finish it the last time with everything that was going on. Oh, well! The move went well. I moved all of my hobby stuff to the new house on my own prior to moving day. After seeing how the movers put boxes on their end so as to "fit" into the moving truck, I am glad that I did so! I have two more days of work and then am off for a week and will work two days a week in November. I can't imagine how it's going to feel to have the time to get everything straightened out in the house and then go down the basement and start organizing my hobby stuff! I have a number of hobby projects which I have been planning on addressing for a long time. As I mentioned in past issues, I've been picking up 28mm SYW figures thinking that I shall try painting again. I've got lots of 20mm ACW to base and terrain as well as bunch of 15mm ECW/TYW figures. I've got a 15mm ECW/TYW campaign in mind for which I shall use Chris J. Hahn's excellent looking rules set which was in MWAN sometime ago. Then I have lots of 20mm Napoleonic Peninsula figures to organize and clean and send out for painting. For me, it is so much fun to sit there and "organize" figures into battalions or regiments! I've got some 28mm Colonials to base/terrain to fill up units for my NWF project(s) from 1840 to 1900. I also have quite a few 15mm Sudan figures ready to be based/terrained with sand and tuffs of grass. There are some 28mm European buildings that I would like to try my hand at re painting. My longtime friend Len Brewer painted my 20mm ACW buildings using a "sponge" technique and they look just great! I'd like to see if I can come close to his work! However, just getting all of my toys organized will be great fun! I can't recall if I just wrote about this next subject in a recent MWAN or not.... they are all packed away so I can't refer to them, but with all of the highly attractive 25/28mm ECW figures being produced nowadays, I expect to see more gaming in this fascinating period. Check out the 28mm buildings for this period - there are so many available! I was able to pick up a copy of WARHAMMER ECW and haven't had a lot of time to study them, but I would like it if someone who is familiar with them would write a review. There is an appeal here for me to put together a "small" force in this scale mounted on single bases using such a system as WARHAMMER ECW. I have heard that they are somewhat based upon the "old" FOUNDRY "1644" rules by Rick Priestly, but I could be mistaken. This, by the way, is a very attractive set of rules as well and they also include a campaign section, as does WARHAMMER ECW. The SYW "Charge" project concept sounds like so much fun to do with the ECW, or any other period, for that matter. My problem, which I believe I share with the vast majority of wargamers, is that we start out with such a "Charge" type project and add so many figures that the games become burdened down with moving lots of singly mounted figures. I'd be interested in hearing if anyone has attempted (and succeeded) this type of approach; how did you do it!? Moving regiments of fifty or more singly mounted figures, even if you only have a few of them per side, may detract from the pleasure derived from the game itself. I don't know, but I'd like to try it again! I've got my 28mm WWII collection mounted in this fashion except for machine gun/mortar teams which are mounted two or three to a stand. I haven't had a game with them as of yet, however, I have long since exceeded my original plan of having a small 28mm WWII project of Germans and Russians from the Russian Front. Whenever a new manufacturer brings out figures for this period, I feel compelled to pick up a bunch of them and it snowballs from there. I am completely out of color pictures for the covers of MWAN. I can not use color pictures from the computer as I am not skilled enough to do so. If you have some good quality color photos, please consider sending them to me with a description of what is going on including origin of the figures. I would greatly appreciate it! Doesn't anyone use snapshots anymore? Back to MWAN # 126 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2004 Hal Thinglum This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |