by D. Crowther and J. Dougan
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Sequence of Play Moves are alternate in the following sequence: Phase 1 Observation. Take Morale Tests due to being charged, in order to charge, to rally from rout or pursuit. Make initial rout moves due to shooting or hand to hand. Make pursuit moves and follow up retiring hand-to-hand opponents. Opponents take final charge moves and first pursuit of initial rout. Phase 2 Firing. Opponents take Morale Tests due to shooting casualties or to charge home. Opponents make repulse moves and final charge moves (charge home). Phase 3 Both sides fight Hand to Hand. Losers of hand to hand retire 2cm and then take morale tests. Phase 4 Make rally moves, other routs, and initial charge moves. Make all other movement. Observation Visibility for troops in the open is only limited by line of sight. In all other circumstances troops must test to discover their hidden foes. The observing player may select one area to observe for each of his units. The area selected may not exceed 20cm. Whether there is a target in the area being observed or not a test must always be carried out. Observation tests should be carried out in secret and the observing player only informed of the final result (either he spots something or he doesn't). Multiple units may observe the same area but may only act upon the result of their own test. Roll one average die: Add:
The difference between the observers FC and the targets FC (yes, this value may be negative).
The resulting total gives the range in cm at which the target unit can be seen. N.B. Gun smoke from firing units can always be seen, even if the unit itself cannot. If no umpire is available then the responsibility for conducting the test falls upon the player controlling the target (hidden) unit .... he will, of course, behave with the integrity expected of an 18`t' century gentleman! Morale Tests Morale tests are undertaken when a unit:
The testers basic morale factor is modified as follows:
To pass a morale test a D 10 must be rolled under the tester's modified morale factor. Results of morale test failure:
Attempt to rally (3.) continue routing/pursuing at maximum speed Being charged (1.) rout at maximum speed Attempting to charge (2.) no advance towards the enemy this move Attempting to charge home (5.) tester halts 5cm from the target Suffering casualties (4. and 6.) tester must halt if advancing last move tester must retire 5cm if halted last move Tester must rout if retiring last move or just lost in hand to hand. N.B. Once a unit is reduced below 50% of its original strength it must retire 5cm on failing ANY morale test (unless the test requires a more drastic result - e.g. route). Firing
In order to calculate firing casualties the basic number of casualties per figure (see above) is multiplied by a modifier to produce the final number of men hit by each firing figure. Roll one average die: Add:
0 or less 0 1 0.5 2 0.75 3 1 4 1 5 1.5 6 or more 2 Infantry fire example A battalion of British line infantry (28 figures strong, FF 2) fires it's first shot of the game at a unit of skirmishers 30cm away: The British player rolls a 4 on the average die.
Thus the modified die roll is 3 giving a multiplier of 1.
N.B. The result is the number of casualties in men - not figures. Fractions of a man should be diced for e.g. 4.7 casualties = 4 confirmed and a 70% chance of causing a fifth. A figure is removed once 25 casualties have been inflicted.
The table above assumes that artillery automatically use the most appropriate ammunition for the range to the target. Procedure is as with infantry fire (use number of gun models rather than figures firing). Die modifiers for artillery: Add:
Reloading Weapons require the following time to reload: Musket /4 move
e.g. a unit which fires muskets may only move'/4 of it's maximum move distance that move if it wishes to be reloaded and able to fire during it's next move. Regardless of reloading times a unit may only fire once per move. Cover Definitions Hard Cover All troops in earthworks, forts, stone buildings, and large watercraft. Troops in wooden buildings if under infantry fire. Soft Cover All troops behind substantial walls and fences, and in small watercraft. Troops in wooden buildings if under artillery fire. Troops behind abattis if under infantry fire. Skirmishers in forest, rocks, thickets, etc. N.B. Troops in close order do not count as in cover when in forest, etc. Hand to Hand Combat Charge Procedure Step 1: At the beginning of Phase 1 in a player's move he selects which of his units wish to charge, and what their targets will be. The target of a charge must be within 150% of a normal move for the charging unit (assume any dice rolled for move deductions roll is BUT roll the dice for real when actually moving). The charging units must then undertake a morale test in order to initiate a charge. During Phase 4 charging units which pass this morale test move a normal move (including any deductions) towards their targets. Step 2: During Phase 1 of the opponents next move the target of a charge must take a morale test. A target unit that passes the morale test stands to receive the charge (and may fire if loaded). Step 3: All firing on charging units takes place during Phase 2 of the opponents move. Charging units take tests to charge home. Chargers that pass this test make their final charge move into contact, and both sides fight hand to hand combat during Phase 3. Chargers that find themselves unable to contact the target due to move deductions must nevertheless move their full move and then halt. N.B. A unit may not approach closer than 5cm to an enemy unit unless successfully charging. Combat The basic number of casualties inflicted per figure is equal to the unit's Melee Factor. Procedure is as with infantry fire. To be eligible for hand to hand combat a figure must be in base-to-base contact with an enemy figure. The only exception to this is close order regulars who may also count a second rank of figures in support behind any figures that are actually in base-to-base contact with the enemy. This second rank must be part of the same unit as the front rank. Die modifiers for hand to hand: Add:
All attacks on routers are unopposed. Regardless of the results of morale tests losers of hand-to-hand combat are automatically pushed back 2cm. Winners of a melee whose opponents rout due to the subsequent morale test result must pursue (until rallied) unless the winners were defending an obstacle or fortification. Movement
Move Deductions Deduct 1D6 cm : Moving through forest, rocks, marsh, up or down hill. fording creeks, moving through a friendly unit, crossing a minor obstacle. Deduct 2D6 cm : Moving up or down steep hills, through abattis, across ditches, disembarking from boats. Skirmishers moving through dense woods and thickets. Deduct 3D6 cm: Crossing palisades. Disembarking guns. Skirmishers climbing cliffs. Whilst in close order formation changes consume an entire move. Whilst in close order turn about consumes '/4 move. Limbering/unlimbering guns consumes '/2 move. N.B. Deductions can reduce movement to zero - but not result in negative movement. Dense woods and thickets are impassable to all troops apart from skirmishers. Personalities Each side should have one personality figure per 3-4 units. Personalities represent senior officers (or perhaps priests in the case of Indians and Canadian militia). Command Points Command points represent the personality's abilities on the field of battle. At the start of the game each personality should be awarded a number of command points (from 2 to 5). Commanders may expend all or none of their points each move. Command points can be expended on the following:
1 CP buys one point increase in a morale test. 2 CPs enables the personality to issue a new order. A personality must be in contact with a unit at the time of the test in order to affect it's morale. CPs must be pledged to a morale test before the test is taken (i.e. before any dice are rolled). CPs may be spent in advance on morale tests which are taken during the opponents move (i.e. shooting casualties, charge home, losing hand to hand). Risk to Personalities When a unit that is accompanied by a personality receives casualties there is a chance that the personality has been hit. The percentage chance of a hit to the personality is double the percentage casualties received by the unit in the current move. When a personality is hit he is removed from play. Personalities may not become casualties in any other way. Optional RulesMovement Games set in the wilderness should have the forest areas divided into 2 foot squares. Unless following a stream, road, etc. units must test every time they cross from one square to another to see if they have made an error in direction: Roll 1D6: Subtract: 1 in severe weather (mist, snow, etc.) and 1 at night
5 1 4 1-2 3 1-3 2 1-4 Once lost roll a further D6 to discover your real direction:
4-6 exit from the edge 90 degrees to the right of that intended Definitions Fire Factor: On a scale of i to 4. Reflects fire discipline, marksmanship, and equipment.
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