by Pete Michels
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Sash & Saber Castings, 119 Dublin Road, Raleigh, NC 27609, (919) 870-5513, The price is $12.50 for a bag of 10 infantry figures or $40.00 for the 4 bag regimental set. The range includes separate packs of artillerists for both sides, each composed of 10 unique figures. The guns can be purchased in pairs and S&S offers both the Union and Confederate 12 pound Napoleons. There are the common 3" Ordnance Rifles and a 10 and 20 pound Parrot. A 6ib Gun (1841) is also in the S&S offerings. The guns are shipped in )0000 pieces and easy to assemble. The bag of artillerists is $12.50 and the "set" of all 4 bags is $40.00. S&S has ACW cavalry for both sides, offered in bags of 4 troopers and a bag of 4 command figures. The Yanks come with sabers, pistols or mixed and the Rebs have sabers, pistols or shotguns. These are also offered as a "set" for the 4 bags. The bag of 4 cavalry figures is $12.50 per bag and the guns are $12.50 for a 2 gun bag of one gun type. There are dismounted troopers, command and horse holders with horses. Wounded lying on the ground are currently available with falling wounded to be available soon. These are $5.00 for 4 figures. One limiting feature of the S&S range is there is only General Officer for each side and they are personality figures, rather than any generic generals. These are John Gordon for the Confederates and Abner Doubleday for the Union and they are offered mounted for $4.00 each. I discovered the Union Cavalry Officer can be used for an additional Regiment or Brigade commander, depending on what rules you are using. The figures are TB 27mm scale (bottom of the feet to eyes). Chris has a centimeter ruler on his web page. The figures can be purchased individually for creating units that don't match S&S packaging. I prefer multiple standard bearers whenever possible with State and Battle standards. This is easily accomplished with the S&S figures line by emailing and asking Chris for some addition specialty figures. The single figures are $2.00 each and the mounted are $4.00 each. The figures fit in very well with my existing collection of Old Glory (only other type of figure I have in this scale of large 25s). S&S produces a very high quality in the sculptured figures and the manufacturing of those figures. The level of detail on the figures is excellent. I strongly recommend you consider S&S for the ACW and SYW Prussians. Hal did a review of the Nappies earlier and he really liked those too.