by Hal Thinglum and Len Brewer
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By Len Brewer WWII Italians Combined Arms Inc. P.O. Box 2057, Warminster, Pa. 18974; Phone 1-215-635-2724. Recently received some very nice 20 mm World War II items from Britannia Miniatures. RVM - 134 Italian Semovente Assault Gun. Available for $14.95. This piece was made for Hal. This consists of two pieces. The tank and the gun barrel. The tank is made of resin with a metal gun barrel. The casting is very clean. There are no potholes or little resin balls on this model. The detail is very crisp and clean. For assembly, one has only to glue the barrel into the pre-drilled hole. This is a much-needed support for the Italian army. In real life this assault gun was good enough, that the Germans would use these in their units when they could. Gun 28 - Italian Breda 20 mm AA Gun. Available for $8.95. This piece consists of five (5) white metal pieces. Assembly is very easy and straightforward. This model can be assembled in the firing position or towed position. As expected from Britannia, there was no flash on this model. ITA 13 - 2 man anti tank gun firing. This is available for $2.45. The firer is kneeling firing his weapon that is resting on four (4) sandbags. The figure has his shirtsleeves rolled up to his elbows on both sides. He is carrying a backpack, canteen, and two ammo pouches at his waist and a small bag on one hip. He is equipped with the standard Italian steel helmet of WW-II. The other figure included with this one is also kneeling holding his rifle in front of his body. This figure has the same uniform and equipment as the other figure. The only difference is that this figure has the soft fore-aft cap on. On both of these figures, the bottom sides of the bases need to be files level. There was a small amount of slag on this. ITA 14 - consist of a three (3) man Breda crew. Available for $2.70. This pack consists of one sitting figure and two standing figures. The sitting figure has the plain standard uniform of the Italian army, along with the steel helmet. Both shirtsleeves are rolled up. The figure sits very nice on the Breda 20mm AA gun. The officer figure has a steel helmet, backpack, ammo pouches, and pistol in a case and he is holding a pair of binoculars in one hand. This figure is advancing at a slight crouch. The last figure is almost the same as the officer. The main difference is that this figure has a cap on. The two standing figures need some filing done on the bases. ITA - 15 consists of a three (3)-man antitank gun crew. Available for $2.70. This pack consists of two (2) kneeling figures and one standing figure. The first kneeling figure has his legs bent under him at his knees. This figure is holding the shell. His shirtsleeves are rolled up, has a backpack on, ammo pouches and the steel helmets. The next kneeling figure is kneeling with one leg down and the other up. This figure has the soft cap and is not holding a shell. The standing figure is yelling with his left hand cupped over his mouth. He is advancing with a slight crouch. He is wearing a steel helmet, backpack, ammo pouches; a small pouch on his left side and his binoculars is in the case around his neck. Once again there are several small balls on the bottom of the bases. By Hal Thinglum ARMORCAST 25MM TERRAIN ITEMS - Armorcast, 3200 Dutton Ave., #424, Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (phone/fax: 707-576-1619;, e-mail: is a wargames terrain manufacturer who is not well known, in my opinion, to the historical wargaming community. I hope to correct that to some degree with this review! If you are into 25/28mm WWI/WWII/modern wargaming and are looking for terrain items, this is the place to start! No doubt about it! Here we go! #100 Battlefield in a Box: Brick Ruin start set - eleven different ruins including nine corner sections and four walls ($28). I should mention that each set comes with a handy "Care and Feeding of Resin Models" instruction sheet which is helpful. All sets come with exterior and interior detail, which is quite good! #101 Battlefield in a Box 2 - ruined building set ($55) has four one-story corners, a two story corner, and one three comer. In addition, it has two "T' sections, and three pieces of flooring for a total of 19 pieces; enough to build two substantial ruined buildings. There are different types of doors and windows; this would be a great kit if you were interested in building a Russian factory, as I am! Great kit! #119 four-story corner ($15) featuring three pieces of flooring and two pieces which when joined together form a three-story corner section. I should also mention that all of these sets are intended to be brick. #114 twostory "L" section ($10) 3.5" tall comer section with large floor section. #112 two corner low ruined sections; both different ($8). #115 3.75" comer with roll-up door ($8) - the door has a large shell hole through it. #102 Ruined Cathedral set ($52) is a fantastic set (7" X 10") consisting eight pieces; can be used for virtually any period. The sections can be purchased individually or you can purchase it undamaged. You can also obtain stained glass windows, gothic walls, pews, and an altar for it! Outstanding piece! There are many other ruined sets you can purchase which are included in the larger ruined sets. Now, more interesting stuff! I am interested in putting together a ruined WWII Russian factory and have been looking for interior items. #137 pipe walls ($8) consists of three 1" high X 6" long sections of two different types of pipe walls; my vision doesn't allow me count the number of pipes, but it appears as though there are about five on top of each other with different types of valves and hoses on the top and sides. The sections butt up against each other. #520 double check valve ($9) has one large (!) 2 1/2" high X 6 1/2" long section of a large single pipe with four shut-off valves. One end of the pipe comes up from underground while the other end is an end-piece. #566 Modular Refinery 6 ($25) has three pieces, one of which is the base. The other two pieces are 1 1/2" and 4" high and fit on the base. Lots of hoses, valves, factory-type stuff! #541 Overhead Pipeline ($9); if you've got a factory, you have to have overhead pipelines, don't you?! Well, you can obtain damaged sections as well as two different heights of pipelines; they are joined together by piers to form elevated walkways on which you can place figures. #521 Propane Tank ($8) is 1 1/2" high and 4" long with lots of valves and hoses. #138 Pipewall Accessories ($7) has three pieces and can be used to butt up with other pipeworks. Two of the three pieces have joint edges on all four sides. Lastly, #571 Large Oil Tank ($16) is 2 1/2" high and circular; every factory has a number of these! Armorcast has many more items than I obtained: high tech walls, rock walls, sandbagged walls, breastworks, shark tooth walls, large graveyard ($481 I've got to get this someday!), transformers, dumpsters, control panels, radar dish, air duct vents, many more refinery items, oil well, and much more! Highly recommended and excellent, prompt service as well! Great work, Tim! By Hal Thinglum IT MINIATURES 20MM RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR The Tin Dictator, 39 Adeline Street, Hampstead, NH 03841-2363 (phone/fax: 603-329-5695; email:; website: carries the complete line of 20mm IT MINIATURES which includes WWI Western and Middle Eastern Front, and Russian Civil War as well as fortifications. I'd never really seen the 20mm Russian Civil War (RCW) figures before but have long had an interest in this fascinating period of history! Figures can be purchased in packs of three foot ($2.60), three horses/camels ($4) or in company packs (30 foot/12 mounted for $24.50). The Western Front is quite extensive encompassing Germans, Austrians, Belgians, Italians (Arditi and Alpini), British, Scots, British Marines, Americans, Anzacs, French, and Zouaves. There is a wide variety of artillery and limbers (you know I like limbers!) as well as some vehicles (ambulance, reconnaissance car, staff car, and three tanks (two British MKIV male and female, and German A7V) as well as vehicle crews, pilots/aircrew, and a medical station. The Middle Eastern Front has British, Australian Light Horse, Indians, Arabs including Sanussi and civilians, and Turks. Now on to the reviews! The Russian Civil War features 16 packs of Red Army troops including troops in summer shirts and greatcoats, maxim HMG with three crew, artillery crew, dead figures, and a command set. Figures are firing, charging, advancing, at ready, loading, and with bomb rifle. The Don Cossacks have figures at rest, charging with rifles and/or lances, and an officer. The Partisans have five figures: firing, advancing, kneeling w/rifle, running w/rifle, and an officer. The Sailors have nine packs including a HMG Maxim with three crew. The Russian cavalry are in summer shirt and at rest, charging with sword (two variants) or lance, and officer. The White Army, which can also be used for Eastern Front WWI has 12 offerings: marching, firing, charging, advancing, at ready, kneeling firing, officer, maxim with crew, field gun crew (5), casualties, and staff set. Finally, the White Army in British uniforms have seven offerings: firing, kneeling, advancing, running, standing, Lewis team, and Maxim with crew. There are two variants of horses available: standing or galloping. Lastly, there is a Russian 76mm field gun ($6). I obtained company packs of all of the RCW range: IT/P200 Red Army in summer shirt - these are 20mm figures from top of base to eye level. There is a mix of poses (as mentioned above) including four officers (same pose) and three casualty figures (same pose - falling wounded) for a total of thirty figures. I don't know if the pose mix stays the same within the same company pack or not. The figures are nicely done with as much detail as WWI uniforms allow. They are wearing the peaked Russian cap. IT/P201 Red Army in Greatcoat follows the same arrangement as P200 - the officers are not wearing greatcoats but rather are the same as P200. I can see these figures painting up rather quickly! IT/P202 Don Cossacks has 12 horses/riders; six horses standing and six galloping. There are three poses of troopers with swords (five striking downward, four with sword overhead, and one with rifle on back. The set includes three officers of the same pose. Horses measure 25mm from top of base to top of head. I prefer the standing horse. IT/P203 Kuban Cossacks has three poses of troopers (four w/sword by right leg; three with sword on shoulder; four with sword out to right side) and one very well done officer figure with fur cape. Two of the trooper poses have rifles on their backs. IT/P204 Sailors has three officer figures with five enlisted man poses. IT/P205 Russian cavalry has four troopers with lance (no lance included), three with sword on shoulder, three with sword on right leg, and three with sword upraised (officers?). IT/P206 Partisans has four enlisted man poses and an officer (3 figures, same pose). The officer, if you wish, could be used as a standard bearer as his left hand is raised and with a little bending, you could place a standard pole in it. The Partisans have different types of headgear and equipment and could very well be used for WWII Partisans. I would mix them in with both Red and White infantry units. IT/P210 White Army Infantry has six enlisted man poses and one officer pose and all are wearing blanket rolls. IT/P211 White Army in British Uniforms has five infantry poses and one officer pose; again, all wearing blanket rolls. I also got a British Limber ($10) with six horses (two different poses) and two differently posed crew (wearing steel helmets) for the limber horses. The limber comes in three pieces, the main body and two separate wheels. The limber is very nicely detailed with equipment on the top. I also obtained A2 German supply wagon ($9.45) which comes with four horses and a wagon requiring assembly. RG1 is a Russian 76mm Gun ($6) in five pieces (nicely cast!); the field gun crews have five figures and all are differently posed. The maxim HMG's usually have moving and firing teams (three differently poses figures) and the HMG is nicely done. The Lewis team has three figures; one could be firing the Lewis gun from his hip (don't you love that pose!), another is carrying two ammo boxes and a third is advancing with rifle. Lastly, the command packs have three differently posed officers. To my knowledge, no one else, other than B&B Miniatures, has a 20mm RCW line and the two manufacturers, unfortunately, won't mix together sizewise. This is a pretty complete line though it doesn't have any foreign powers; however, you could use WWI IT figures for this purpose. The company packs are less expensive than the three figure packs; however, you of course lose flexibility as to selection of poses and number of officer/casualty figures. It is a matter of preference, but I like the advancing, at ready, charging types of poses simply from a personal point of view. I like the "look" of these figures; they are slender and I think they'd paint up easily! Licensed and available as well from LANCASHIRE GAMES, 29 Platting Road, Oldham, OL4 4DL, UK(; e-mail: lancgames@, By Hal Thinglum PERRY MINIATURES 28MM NEW RELEASES The Perry Twins, Alan and Michael, continue to churn out quality figures (Perry Miniatures, PO Box 6512, Nottingham, NG7 1UK, UK (e-mail: penyminiatures(; website: have added to their 28mm Crusades, AWI, and Samurai lines. First of all, from the AWI line - Woodland Indians (which can be used for most Iroquois and Algonquin tribes): I should note that there are no identical poses in these packs (mounted packs have three figures w/horses or one mounted with five foot for 5.50 pds; foot packs have six figures for 5.50 pds) AW29 Chiefs; great mounted European officer with musket on his back mounted on standing horse and five different poses of Chiefs on foot - all have muskets, different hair styles/headgear, one has a cape, while another has a European soldier's uniform coat. Very well done! AW30 Warriors advancing w/rifles & muskets; six running/advancing braves. AW31 Warriors skirmishing w/rifles & muskets: two standing firing, one loading, one reaching for cartridge from pouch, one kneeling firing, one kneeling loading. AW32 Warriors skirmishing w/bows: two running, one standing shooting arrow, one drawing arrow (separate bow), one kneeling shooting, one kneeling reaching for arrow. AW33 Stockbridge Tribe skirmishing: all dressed in more European clothing (some with hats) with muskets and most have bows on their backs; four advancing, one firing, one loading. Next are three packs of American Riflemen - AW34 Skirmishing: one prone firing, another on his back loading, kneeling firing, standing firing, running, and at ready. AW35 Advancing: different headgear, two running (one with separate rifle), three at steady advance, one at cautious advance. AW36 Mounted Riflemen: Three differently poses horses (with different equipment as well!); one rider w/rifle across lap, another w/rifle in right hand resting on thigh, and third w/rifle in left hand. Different headgear. Now Continental Infantry - AW37: mounted Infantry officers: three differently poses horses; one rider in hunting shirt, other two uniformed. One is leaning from the waist holding out his hat with his left hand (great pose!). AW38 Command advancing: two standard bearers (provide your own pole), one drummer, one fifer playing, two well done officers w/muskets. AW39 Command standing: two drummers, two standard bearers, two officers (one of which is holding his musket against his body with his left hand and holding his hat in his right). AW40 Infantry advancing at shoulder arms: my favorite pose for enlisted me of this time period - minor variations in poses. Great AWI line; as expected, fantastic detailing/posing! I should add before I forget that there are no difficulties with broken weapons as the metal is of such a quality that you just bend it back into shape. Next the Samurai: SAM23 w/Yari standing: separate spears/banners; unbelievable detail re body armor! Extremely detailed spears! SAM24 with swords fighting: great detail and animation! No separate weapons; action poses! SAM25 w/swords charging: "fearsome" warriors on the attack! The Perrys have such a "feel" for animation! SAM26 Yari Ashigaru running w/shouldered Yari: separate weapons, nice variety of running figures. SAM30 Ashigaru ammo bearers: six figures, three separate packs/boxes. One kneeling opening drawer in large chest. SAM 31 Armed Peasants advancing: Variety of separate peasant weapons; variety of headgear/clothing. SAM32 Victorious Daimyo and Generals viewing enemy heads: one stack of many heads, another of one head; six seated figures. SAM33 Defeated Daimyo committing Hara-Kiri w/loyal retainers and discarded armor: stack of armor, unfortunate Daimyo kneeling plunging sword in left side, two others kneeling (one distressed), one standing pulling sword out, another retainer standing observing with lots of equipment/baggage. In general, amazing detail and some outstanding figures! Lastly, the Crusades! CU15 Clerical Command including Peter the Hermit on donkey, mounted Abbot with true cross (Separate arm with cross), Archbishop on foot, and priest leaning on cross. Mounted figures are one-piece castings; outstanding work! CU16 Foot command standing: two standard bearers with cast-on poles, two hornists, and two leaders - very good! Separate shields. One leader has sword high over head - great figure! CU17 Foot command advancing: two standard bearers w/cast-on poles leaning forward; two hornists, two great leaders in excited advance. CU18 Mailed spearmen standing: cast-on spears, separate shields. CU19 Mailed spearmen advancing/attacking: separate spears/shields in determined advance. CU20 Unarmored spearmen standing: cast-on spears/separate shields. CU21 Unarmored spearmen advancing/attacking: separate spears/shields. CU22 Archers: three firing, two reaching for arrow, one holding bow in left hand and arrow in right hand. CU23 Mailed crossbowmen: two firing, one drawing, two advancing, one holding (three have separate weapon). CU24 Unarmored crossbowmen: same as CU23 but unarmored. CU25 Mailed sword/axemen advancing/attacking: four axemen (what a weapon) and two swordsmen. CU26 Armed Pilgrims: different headgear/clothing, two slingers, another slinger with long stick, spearmen, axeman, and figure with knife. The Perrys report these figures were intended for the First Crusade but the infantry can be used for many European countries from 1050-1200. A highly recommended line! They also offer 80 steel spears (40mm steel spears flattened leaf-shaped heads for 8 pds. By Hal Thinglum PARTIZAN PRESS' BATTLEFIELDS Partizan Press/Caliver Books ( carries MWAN in the UK; they also publish a number of historical wargaming publications including BATTLEFIELDS: Scenarios for Wargamers (5.99 pds). Vol II, No 1 offers the following: Battle of Tamames (1809), Wargamer's Forum, Varus Battle (AD9), Roundway Down1643), Anglo-Spanish War (1588-1603), Nieuwpoort (1600), Chinese Fort of Tung Hung (1800's), and Medina de Rioseco & Bailen (fields of battle revisited). This is a glossy 56-page digest-sized booklet; maps are nicely done, well-written pieces, very interesting. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum ACW SCENARIO BOOK - ENDURING VALOR - GETTYSBURG IN MINIATURE Scott Mingus has done an excellent job on this glossy full-color 64page 8 1/2" X 11" scenario book published by the talented Ivor Janci; first of all, let me say that I love scenario books! The book is designed for the Johnny Reb III ACW rules and covers regimental-level wargames for Gettysburg. There are 13 scenarios covering the three days: Witmer Farm, Herr's Ridge, McPherson's Ridge 1, Forney's Fields, McPherson's Ridge 2, Seminary Ridge, Blocher's Knoll, Blocher's Knoll & Forney's Fields, Coster's Last Stand, Pitzer's Run, Devil's Den, Little Round Top, and Peach Orchard. Each scenario provides an historical background, orders of battle, Union and Confederate details, scenario details, game turns, and a very nicely done color map. Obviously, this scenario booklet can be used even if you don't do Johnny Reb III. Scott plans to do additional ACW scenario books and I look forward to them. Contact: Marek/Janci Design, Dept EV1, 725 Ranch Road, Wheaton, IL 60187-3656 (; e-mail: Volume 2 will also be concerned with Gettysburg. Fine job, Scott and Ivor! Highly recommended! Scott encourages us to check out his website on ACW gaming: By Hal Thinglum< THE VIRTUAL ARMCHAIR GENERAL NEW RELEASES The Virtual Armchair General, 10208 Haverhill Place, Oklahoma City, OK 73120-3922 (; phone: 405-752-2420) has released some handy new products: a two inch urban barricade and a one inch one (two in the one-inch pack); each for $2.50 each. Perfect for any gaming where you have a city-type set-up! I'll be using mine for WWII Russian Front. The last item Is a pack of ten hex bases (1") for $2.50. What's interesting about the hexes are that they are different as to the texture; some have cobblestones; others have wood, dirt, etc. Very nice! By Hal Thinalum LE PETIT ARMEE PRODUCTS FROM SIGNIFER Sometime ago, Signifer, PMB149, 2001 E. Lohman #110, Las Cruces, NM 88001, sent some painted figures for their LePetit Armee rules; they have now released Le Petit Armee: Napoleonic Rules for Large Battles with Small Scale Armies - Version 4 as well as Le Petit Campagne: Rules for Historical Campaigns Using Miniatures Armies - Version 1. Both are spiral bound efforts with covers. The Le Petit Armee rules has a scale of one infantry figure equals 180 men with each cavalry/artillery figure equaling 120 men and each artillery piece representing 8-12 guns. One inch equals approximately 100 yards, thus 18" on the table top is one mile, One turn equals 30minutes. D10 are used in the game. Infantry stands have four figures (1 1/2" wide); cavalry have two figures (1" wide) while artillery stands have one gun/one crew figure (1" wide). Three stands of infantry represent regiment or brigade. Troop types are described and there is a section on army deployment (three forces: onboard, off-board reserve and flank-march). Sequence of Play is as follows: Determine Command Points (control ability of Generals to control units), determine Initiative, Attach/Detach Leaders, Issue Command Points, Rally, Charges, Movement, Defensive Fire, Offensive Fire, and Melee. There are numerous illustrations/explanations of play as well as rules on troops in towns, elevated artillery fire, leader casualties, and engineers as well as optional rules on quick movement and organic skirmisher options. There is an interesting two page section on tactical/grand tactical concepts for the rules system. There is also a section on army lists (French, Russian, Austrian, Prussian, British, Spanish, and minor powers. Also two cardstock reference cards. A well written, nicely presented publication! What I was REALLY impressed with was the Le Petit Campagne rules set! This is an excellently done booklet and will be exceedingly helpful to anyone planning a wargames campaign. The goal was to design "a simple method of generating meaningful battles fought using the La Petit Armee rules." I think the objective was well met; however, it was more successful in that the rules can be used in any campaign with any rules set, I believe. Scale is "grand strategy," where players act as heads of states, army or corps commanders. A very nicely, high quality map of a fictional region is included with the rules and it is GOOD! Two more maps, the Peninsular War and Central Europe are available and I plan to get them both! Also included are high-quality color counters as well as helpful campaign, army point, and army unit rosters. Instructions (objectives) for a four player campaign are also included. The turn sequence is as such: Strategic Reconnaissance, replacements, determination of supply status, initiative, movement, combat sequence, battle, supply attrition, and force reorganization. There are sections on engineers, weather, supply trains and lines-of-communication, battle outcomes, casualties, rules for small actions, reserve and cavalry corps, siege and bridging trains and sieges. There are rules for a 50-point campaign with the Le Petit Armee 10mm Napoleonic system which include some interesting and handy rules on campaign limits, neutral states in a two-player game, role of the judge, and expanding the campaign. Lastly, there is a section of tournament rules. Very well done system and most highly recommended! By Hal Thinplum CLOSE ORDER PAINTING SERVICE Chris Bennett, 5591 S. Valdai Way, Aurora, CO 80015, has been painting 15mm figures for me for a long time. I recently received a number of 15mm English Civil War (one of his main interests, and it shows!) from Chris. These were Essex figures and he did a great job on them. Essex have the cast-on flags and Chris did a great job with them, putting on more detail (phrases) than I expected. Black detailing is used effectively; I especially like the cavalrymen - I would think ECW figures would be very difficult to paint and these look great! I had him do two units (27 figures each) of Irish Musketeers and gave him a wide variety of Essex figures: actual Irish Musketeers, some Scots, etc., and he painted them up in a "rag-tag" uniform manner, which I really like. These painted units might be amongst my favorites in my collection! He also did about twenty-five mounted Generals including six Scots mounted officers and they are all individually done with different color combinations. Great job; thanks a lot, Chris! Highly recommended! By Hal Thinplum TSATF EVENT DECK "And That's The Way It Was..." 213 3rd Street NE, Hickory, NC 28601 ( has released Patrick Wilson's EVENT DECK ($18 plus $1 S&H), a set of 48 cards (19 British, 19 Native, one blank each, six "Universal Misery" and two blanks). These cards were developed to cover unpredictable situations which could occur during a battle and are intended to "average out" - meaning that there are an equal number of "positive" outcomes as "negative" outcomes. A very good way to introduce the "fog of war" into your wargames and remove some degree of control from your scenario design. The cards are cardstock and color on one side with the event on the back. I am not going to disclose what the events are, however, they all represent possible occurrences during a battle and I think you'd find them very helpful! By Hal Thinplum HISTORICAL COLLECTIBLES ASSOCIATES FREI KORPS 15MM David Clayton of Historical Collectibles Associates, PO Box 574, Kennesaw, GA 30144 (e-mail: histcoiassoc(@,earth1u .net) now has the Frei Korps 15mm line. The Frei Korps 15mm figures have been around for a long time and some time ago, a different metal mixture was used which eliminated their brittleness. I have always loved their cavalry, guns, limbers, and limber horses/riders. However, I'd stayed away from their foot because I'd thought them to be too small. David sent along five packs of 15mm SYW figures for mention in this column and I must admit I was surprised and pleasantly pleased to see what they look like - hadn't seen their foot in twenty years, I'll bet! ASY6 Austrian Grenzers - eight (foot have eight foot figures or four mounted/pack for $3.00) advancing Grenzers in the same pose. ASY12 Austrian Mounted Pandours - four enlisted men in two different poses; always loved the FK horses/cavalry as I'd said! Quality figures with lots of animation, well cast, and good detail. Two of them are in capes. SSY1 Swedish Musketeers - Swedes at rest with musket rested on the ground; all the same pose. RSY5 Russian Musketeer Corps of Observation - marching; same pose. Very nicely done figure! HSY4 Hanovarian Jaeger - two poses; one standing loading, one kneeling firing. The figures are virtually flash-free; stand about 14mm from top of stand to eye level. They would fit in with Essex, being a tad smaller, but Old Glory would tower over them. Their Seven Years War range is very extensive! Nice stuff! I'd also check out the English Civil War and 1860-70's European Lines if you do 15mm for either of these periods. I don't think anyone does better artillery limbers/horses/riders than Frei Korps 15 and their cavalry are outstanding! 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