by Dr. Rennie Baumstark
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2 war games I've tried, updates on Combat Mission BARBAROSSA TO BERLIN AND BEYOND OVERLORD 3-D, Some thoughts on World Wars in general and WWII Eastern front-Operation Zitadele-Germany's Gettyburghh' Well here we are once again. I have just been through almost a year of computer HELL. Nothing worked on any of my computers (two major machines and one laptop) for war games except good old dependable Panzer General II (Still one of the best games ever made) which works on almost anything. What a MESS it has been trying to deal with this! Especially since there are some really good 3-D games out there. My son gave me a PLAY STATION 2 last Christmas and I finally got into some of the PS2 games on my 60 inch Sony TV, mostly because I could not get any of the 3-D games to play well on my regular CD-Rom (30 inch screen) machines. I finally plugged the PS2 in to one of the video in ports of which there are three on my big screen TV. I now have plugged into it a VCR, a DVD and a PS2. I wonder what would happen if I got a combination VCR/DVD player. That would probably only use one port which would allow me a port for a really good Pentium 4 laptop with a high quality 3-D card. Wow, I'm getting too old for this! But they all play beautifully!! Thank God, I am reveling in it now like a pig in you know what! However, I have been unable to play the really good 3-D games now available on my two regular computers unless I wanted to frustrate myself even more than I already am. But that has changed the last two weeks. My white knight, Shawn McEvoy, has finally gotten both of my CD-Rom computers working well with updates and much travail! The Lack of caps on White Knight are deliberate!! What took you so GD long to get this done!!! Busy, busy is the excuse as always. Aren't we all! Customer service is the name of the game. In this era of economic turndown, it is essential for all of us if we want to survive!!!!!! A tip of the beret to George Dullughan who wrote an article on PS2 war gaming on page 158 of MWAN #116. THANKS GEORGE!!!! We would like to hear from you again re PS2 games! I got a copy of PANZERFRONT which was the game George recommended and it plays great even though it is a Play Station one game. Can you save the scenarios? I have not been able to do that so far but I have little experience with the PS2 as yet. PANZERFRONT is a really good game with decent graphics (the infantry don't look so good but that's on a 60 inch screen and they would probably look better on something smaller). There are lots of scenarios that look good. I have played some and enjoyed them!. There are some excellent battles here! You have the option of playing Americans, Russians or Germans. The introductory video to the game shows British tanks but I haven't found them in the game yet. Not a bad choice if they left them out as they were pretty poor for the most part except for the Sherman Firefly which could knock out a Tiger or Panther with tits' excellent 17 pound gun. However, it was still under armored compared t *the Kraut anks. The 17 pound gun was originally an antiaircraft gun comparable to the German 88 which they finally realized could be used as an antitank weapon. The British doctrine was that it was an anti aircraft gun and it was used only in that mode until 1943 or later. Too bad, it might have shortened the war in North Africa by as much as a year. PANZERFRONT allows you to select a Super Tank or Super Self-propelled Gun from a special graphically illustrated menu of six vehicles when you enter the game. There is a Russian Tank that looks like a KV-2 with a huge howitzer (152mm in the actual KV-2 and immense armor). I think this is really the KV-2 which was discontinued because of poor performance. The T-34-85 or one of its' successors (T-54/55) would have been better. The Russian CY-122c is a self propelled tank hunter with good armor and a powerful gun but a limited traverse. I think the JS-III would have been a far superior choice. There is also a super heavy American tank with four tracks which looks powerful but slow. Another choice is a German machine that I think is a Panther II (in development when the war ended and I think became the Leopard, it looks like a Panther with thicker armor and a 128mm main gun, this is the best choice of the specials). Reminds me a bit of the Russian JS-3. The battles with the German specials are a bit more limited in their number and not all of the best ones available can be played in this mode. However, this is great fun, especially when you are learning! The American and Russian specials don't miss any scenarios as far as I can tell. You may also choose the TACTICS Mode. This will take you to the actual tanks and self-propelled guns of the Second World War?? Aren't we full of ourselves? What were the Wars of the Eighteenth Century, especially the Seven Years' War which was known in North America as the French and Indian War, if not world wars? These were surely World Wars!! Then consider the World Conflict initiated by the French Revolution and the subsequent Napoleonic conflicts which continued until 1815. I might also mention that we had some Union world wide military incidents and battles during the American Civil War in Asia and South America. Thus calling the second German war WWII is more than a bit presumptuous, nest ce pas? Nevertheless, the Western powers won the GREAT WAR now known as WWI by defeating the Hun. They all then continued the war twenty years later and prevailed with the Tramendous help, yet again, of the Russians. Thirty million and counting Russians died, military and civilian, this time around. The number grows ever higher as Russian documents become available. Unfortunately many additional millions of Russians were murdered by Stalin and his secret police, commissars etc. during the Russian Civil War. More millions were murdered in the 1920s and 1930s in the Gulag (Soviet Concentration Camps in Siberia and other places) and Stalin's Purges. He killed some 70-80% of the Red Army officers in the purges of the late 1930s and then couldn't understand why he had leadership problems in 1941. He next proceeded to shoot many of the defeated leaders in 1941-42 if they survived. Many did not. Stalin would have executed Konev (one of their best commanders as later events proved) if Zhukov had not intervened on his behalf. Soldiers who retreated were shot by the NKVD as shown in the movie "Enemy At The Gates", a 4 star must see film. Some 7-8 million Red Army soldiers were taken prisoner by the Germans from 1941-1943. Less than 2 million ever returned to the Soviet Union and most of those were executed or sent to the Gulag including some of Stalin's close family and I believe his son. The total may be as much as a billion over Stalin's lifetime. He makes Adolf Hitler look like an amateur! We now call this WWI and WWII. Perhaps We and the Western powers are a little embarrassed that England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Spain, Holland, Belgium, Prussia, Austria, Russia, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden and other small nations fought each other for so long and so hard for so many centuries!! Do you see the pattern? The superb management by the British, a small island nation, who have played balance of power over so many centuries is amazing!! They fought us in 1776 and 1812 and than suckered us into being their buddies when they were faced with Germany becoming the dominant European nation as they had done with other alliances when the Spanish, Dutch and French threatened their hegemony!!! They are THE MASTERS OF THE GAME! But I digress. Let us return to PANZERFRONT. These scenarios are mostly small unit actions but good beer and pretzels material. Most are real time and take maybe an hour or less to play. You may take more than an hour if you pause and look around a lot which I tend to do. Those board gaming habits die hard! Lots of great stuff here that is excellent for smaller than 60 inch monitors and either PSi or PS2! Some that I have enjoyed so far are the Tutorials, Barkman's Corner (A famous action by Sgt. Barkman and his Panther in Normandy), Michael Wittman at Villers-Bocage (perhaps the most famous tank action in WWII) which features Wittman and his Tiger IE destroying an entire column of the British 7th Armored Division (Desert Rats) at Villers-Bocage on June 13,1944. These last two are not included if you pick the German super tank. Both of these battles are included and done better, I think, in COMBAT COMMAND-BEYOND OVERLORD!! The difference is scope. You get a small and fast scenario in PF but much larger and prettier in CM and you can play either side with or without enhancements. BEYOND OVERLORD also offers a complete Operation version of Villers Bocage which covers several battles comprising the whole action from soup to nuts. These are really excellent! Enjoy them. There are also some good Eastern front scenarios in PF such as Kursk and other earlier and later battles. Kursk or Operation Citadel was the last great offensive by the Germans in the East starting on July 4-5, 1943. It is my favorite battle and got me started on the study of the Russo-German conflict about 35 years ago. It consisted of two very powerful thrusts intended to pinch off and destroy the Kursk salient. One from the north by Model's Ninth army and one from the south by Von Manstein's Army Group South. The salient or bulge extended from just south of Orel in the north to Belgorod in the south with Kursk in the center. My first exposure was a pretty good board game put out by Strategy and Tactics magazine in the late 1960s. They did have some good ones on occasion. The northern attack did not get very far despite deploying a total of 590 tanks and 424 assault guns. This included 273 Mk IVs with the long 75mm gun, a Tiger Battalion (schwer panzer abteilung 505 with 36 Tiger Is with an 88mm gun) and two Ferdinand (Elephant) battalions (653rd and 654th Jagdpanzer abt.). The Ferdinand was a giant self-propelled gun featuring a long 88 mm gun on a prototype Tiger chassis developed by Ferdinand Porsche (hence the name). The chassis was abandoned when Henschel won the Tiger I contract. However, some105 chasses had already been built and these were converted to this self-propelled use. The gun was excellent (a long 88mm) and could defeat any Russian tank at long range. Unfortunately the vehicle did not have any secondary armament to fend off infantry- no machine guns at all, not even a co-axial and to make it even worse, it had limited traverse because there was no turret, just a huge heavily armored box. The Ferdinands penetrated into the Soviet defenses but their infantry had been left behind or gone to ground. Even though these massive vehicles were very slow, their infantry had been stripped away. General Guderian described their plight as "hunting quail with cannon" as the brave Russian infantry swarmed over them! The Soviet defenses were more than 30 kilometers deep and the German infantry could not keep up or survive in the inferno to help the panzers. The armored vehicles were thus gradually became very vulnerable to infantry magnetic mines etc. (that's why we get zimmerit on many vehicles in 43-44) and anti-tank weapons!! The entire northern offensive bogged down after a penetration of just 15 kilometers. To make matters worse, the Soviets launched a massive counteroffensive on July 12 in front of and behind them which threatened to pinch off the entire German Orel salient. There appear to be no scenarios from these battles in either PANZERFRONT or COMBAT MISSION, BARBAROSSA TO BERLIN. The southern thrust was more successful and featured the largest tank battle in history at Prokhorovka, July 11-13, 1943!! Recon in force began shortly after 1600 hours on July 4, 1943. Field Marshal Erich Von Manstein then launched three major armored groups against the Soviet defenses west and south-southeast of Belgorod early the next morning. Von Manstein was perhaps the Hitler's best commander! He is right up there or perhaps even better than Guderian and Rommel! He authored the brilliant invasion of France through the Ardennes in 1940. Erich then commanded the Panzer group of Army Group North in Russia ,1941, captured the Crimea and led the Back Hand Stroke against the Russians that recaptured Kharkov in early 1943 and led directly to the front's position that created the offensive known as Operation Zittadelle (Citadel or simply Kursk)! The western most of the three panzer groups was XLVIII (48th) Panzer Korps commanded by General Otto von Knobeisdorff. This powerfull unit consisted of from west to east: 3rd Panzer Division with 68 tanks and only 2 Stugs, Panzer Grenadier Division Grossdeutschland (the German Army's Elite Division along with Panzer Lehr (initially a training division, which was not deployed in combat until Normandy in 1944 where it was destroyed), 11th Panzer Division with 80 tanks and 22 Stugs and 167th Infantry Division. In addition there was the 911th assault gun detachment with 31 Stugs probably attached to the 167th Infantry Division. Grossdeutschland was meant to be the Irresistible force. This regular army Elite division which expanded to a Korps later in the war and the three Elite SS Panzer Grenadier Divisions were really Hitler's best and most trusted Panzer Divisions despite the sham of calling them panzer grenadier divisions to pacify the regular wehrmacht divisions. Gross Deutschland fielded 132 tanks and 35 assault guns. This total included 20 Mk III longs, 7 MK IV shorts, 68 Mark IV longs and 15 Tiger Is in a schwer (heavy) company. The 35 assault guns were Sturmgeshutz (Stugs) IIIs. The Hammer of Thor was intended to be the 10 Panzer Brigade, an unusual formation for the German army! This was also known as the 39th Panzer Regiment. I don't understand why, perhaps a ploy to deceive the Russians? This unit under the command of Colonel von Lauchert consisted of the 51st and 52nd Panzer Detachments with 104 and 100 of the brand new MK V Panthers respectively. The 204 Panthers were attached to Grossdeutschland and together with the Tigers and Ferdinands were Hitler's hope to achieve a major Victory and regain the initiative in the East. Next to 48th panzer korps to the right or east was the II SS Panzer Korps commanded by SS Obergruppenfuhrer Paul Hausser, the victor of the recapture of Kharkov in Manstein's backhand blow (a little known but brilliant counter offensive in early 1943 conducted without Adolf's approval). Hausser was still in command despite disobeying Hitler's order to hold Kharkov at all costs in January 1943. However his performance in retaking Kharkov during February-March of 1943 earned him a reprieve! He was a superb korps commander! East of the 167th Infantry Division of XXXVIII Panzer Korps was the Ist SS Panzer Grenadier Division "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler" which had more armor than most of the Panzer Divisions involved in the Death Ride of the Panzers. This elite division was Hitler's pet! It evolved from his Body Guard (hence the name) and were known as the Asphalt Soldiers in the pre war years because they were specially chosen. They had to be tall, possess perfect Aryan background and swear personal allegiance to the Fuhrer. They were greatly admired by the German public in their black uniforms and perfect drills. The original small group executed the SA (storm troopers who had become an embarrassment to Hitler when he came to power) on the "Knight of the Long Knives". Thus the black knights wiped out the brown shirts and became the nucleus of 1st SS Panzer Division as they were known by 1944. The LAH thus started as a battalion, then a Panzer Grenadier Regiment, on to a Panzer Grenadier Division and finally a Panzer Division with some attached SS Tiger battalions at various times. On July 4,1943, the Ist SS Panzer Regiment deployed 115 tanks and 34 Stugs. They had 11 Mk III with the long 50mm gun, 79 Mk IV with the long 75mm and 12 Tiger Is, one of which was commanded by Michael Wittman ( the most famous and top scoring panzer ace with 138 allied tanks and 132 anti-tank guns destroyed as of June 22, 1944. He was killed in action on August 8, 1944 near Caen in Normandy. His final total is unknown. Next in line to the east was the 2nd SS Panzer Grenadier Division " Das Reich" with the 2nd SS Panzer Regiment which had 116 tanks. There were 47 Mk III longs, 30 Mk IV longs, 18 T-34s and 12 Tiger Is. A separate unit of 33 Stugs was also deployed. The 3rd SS Panzer Grenadier Division "Totenkopf" was the right flank division of the 2nd SS Panzer Korps. This elite formation's 3'' SS Panzer Regiment possessed 125 tanks and 28 assault guns. Among them were 59 MK III longs, 5 Mk IV shorts (75mm howitzer with a short barrel intended for infantry support), 42 Mk IV longs and 11 Tiger Is. Both 48th and 2nd SS Panzer Korps were part of Fourth Panzer Army under Colonel General Hermann Hoth. The third major formation in the southern attack force was Army Detachment Kempf commanded by General Werner Kempf. His detachment's main offensive force was III Panzer Korps! The rest was supporting infantry in two korps which will be detailed below. Kempf's detachment was the Marshal Grouchy (remember Waterloo?) of this battle. They were located to the east, southeast and south of the main axis of attack by 48th Panzer Korps and 2nd SS Panzer Korps. The 168th Infantry Division appears to hold the junction between 2nd SS Panzer Korps and III Panzer Korps as of 4th July, 1943. However 168 ID quickly falls behind as the panzers move out to the attack. The new junction with 2 SS Panzer Korps- becomes the 6th Panzer Division with 117 tanks on July 1, 1943 which are 13 Mk II, 52 Mk III long, and 32 Mk IV long. Actual number of AFV on July 4 is estimated at 124 tanks. Attached to 6th Panzer was 503rd schwer abteilung with 45 Tiger Is. Sixth Panzer's neighbor to the southeast is 19th Panzer Division with only 70 AFVs, all panzers. These are 2 Mk II, 5 Mk III short, 22 Mk III long, 2 Mk IV short, and 36 Mk IV long. Adjacent to 19th Panzer is the Famous 7th Panzer Division with 112 tanks: 12 Mk II, 55 Mk III long, 1 Mk IV short and 37 Mk IV long. This division was commanded by Erwin Rommel in the Blitzkreig against France in 1940 and advanced so rapidly they were known as the Ghost Division. South of the panzers were XI Army Korps under General Erhard Rauss with 106 Infantry Division next in line and 320 th Infantry Division on their right flank. These divisions in Group Rauss were strong and had two assault gun detachment of 25 Stugs each. Next in line was the XXXXII Army Korps with three infantry divisionsand 80 Hornisse (Hornet) schwere assault guns in two abteilung. These were a long 88mm gun on a Mk IV chassis with the gun crew protected by thin armor plates on the front and sides similar to the Hummel. The Hornet was later renamed Nashorn (Rhinoceros) by Hitler to make it sound more aggressive. Kempf's detachment's role was to protect the flank of the other two Panzer Korps with his armor joining up with the 2nd SS Panzer Korps at Prokhorovka. It might have been decisive if they had arrived in time to help annihilate 5th Guards Tank Army or at least preempted the Soviet counteroffensive to come. But Napoleon's lament "Where is Grouchy?" was probably voiced by Hauser as "Where is Kempf?"! PANZERFRONT has two scenarios you can play as the Germans which are Hill 220.5 (7/5/43) and Swch.Oktjabrskij (7/12/43). The latter can also be played from the Russian side (very difficult, I can't seem to get my T-34s inposition to do real damage before they get shot up by the AI's Tigers ) as well as Junction (7/22/43) when the Soviets are on the assault. These are fun, quick scenarios where you get 4-8 vehicles and perhaps some infantry but most of the tanks are controlled by the computer and you had better be a very good shot!! The AI is a much better shot than I am at this point. Barbarossa to Berlin BARBAROSSA TO BERLIN has three good battles which can be played from either side from Operation Zittadelle and one from the Russian counter offensive in the south in August, 1943. These are Wittman in the East (7/10/43), Von Lauchert (7/10/43) and Prokhorovka-Finale (7/12/43). The Russian scenario is Borisovka Station (8/8/43). I have played Wittman and Von Lauchert so far and managed to score major victories in both. I have just started Prokhorovka and this looks much tougher. Another really good WWII game for the PS2 is MEDAL OF HONOR / FRONT LINE. This is not to be confused with the MEDAL OF HONOR game for PCs which I am told is completely different. I have not bought that one but I am likely to do so in the foreseeable future. I would love to see someone, anyone review it for us!! HINT, HINT! This (MH/FL) is a first person shooter. I am starting to pick up the lingo of Play Station games. I suspect the other platforms are similar. So, this game is a FPS as opposed to RPG etc. I told you about the great graphics in Panzer general 3 - Scorched Earth featuring rain, thunder, snow etc. This one is even better and awesome!!! You are a Lieutenant going in to the landing on Omaha Beach in a landing craft. WOW!!! The hand control vibrates in your hands when the in coming German shells hit your beach! This makes it very difficult to shoot accurately or even to move exactly the way you want to with any surety. This is very realistic and it makes you understand just what HELL it was for the troops going into Omaha beach. This is a very difficult scenario. I think I got killed at least 20 times. You can get the really good strategy book which I recommend or go for the cheats which are available for most PS2 games such as Invincibility, Unlimited Ammo etc. It's More Fun to try it with the book and no cheats. After completing the first mission you go on to the next which I am still playing. Still can't find the smoke grenades. Well, enough for now, this is already too long and may need to be split into two parts. Any comments etc. are welcome. Anyone interested in a list of good books on the eastern front? Back to MWAN # 122 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2003 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |