by S. Richard Black and Maj. Bill Harting
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Anyone wishing to list conventions or see if a date is free for a future convention can contact me at: 5100 W 154TH AVE, LOWELL, IN 46356 (219)-696-3851, e-mail: . I must have your listing by the 10th of the odd months in order to have it to Hal for publication. TRUMPETER SALUTE 2003: 14-16 Mar 03 Bonsor Community Centre (next to Metrotown), Burnaby, BC, Canada. POC: Steve Allen E-Mail: big Ph: 604889-4970 BARRACKS BATTLES 03: 14-16 Mar Grant's Shelter, Jefferson Barracks National Park, ST LOUIS, MO POC: Pat Connaughton (314)752-3211 Email: WEB: ? 20TH ANNUAL SYW ASSOCIATION CONVENTION: 21-22 March 2003. Holiday Inn Downtown 213 W. Washington Street South Bend, Indiana 46601. POC: Paul Petri, 1723 Ashford Ln., Crystal Lake, IL 60014. (815) 479-1099 HM LITTLE WARS MW: 4-6 Apr 03 Marriott Lincolnshire Resort 10 Marriott Dr. Lincolnshire, IL 60069. 847-634-0100, $79.00 per night up to quad. POC: Michael S Cosentino 5641 S Rutherford Chicago, IL 60638. 773-586-3332 8TH ANNUAL BATTLE OF COWPENS HISTORICAL MINIATURES GAMING CONVENTION: 11-13 Apr 2003. Hendrix Student Center, Clemson University, Clemson, SC (the same location as the past three years). POC Chris Pagano 211 Shaftsbury Rd, Clemson, SC, 29631 864 656-4984 HM TWISTERCON 03: 11-13 Apr. Ramada Inn & Conference Center, N LINCOLN BLVD, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK POC: Jeff Lawrence email: jlaw2424@) HM, FM HAVOC XIX: April 11 - 13, 2003. Holiday Inn, Boxboro, MA (exit 28, Rte. 495). POC: Pete English, 44 Maynard Street, Northboro, MA 01532 Email: pkenglish( Over 100 events. RECON 2003: April 25-27 S. TravelLodge Hotel & Conf. Center, Busch Blvd, Tampa, FL POC: HM HAHMGS Call to Arms 2003: 2-4 May 2003. Overland Park International Trade Center Overland Park, KS POC: Brian Beal, PO BOX 15192, Kansas City, MO 64106. (816) 936-3201 Website: htto://www.hahmcis.oro THEME: The Pacific TOURNAMENTS: DBM, WAB, WARRIOR DRUMS ALONG THE MAUMEE 4:16-18 May Holiday Inn Toledo West, Toledo, OH (Sunday events at Ft. Meigs). POC: Jim Thomasson, 1217 BIRCH AVE, MAUMEE, OH 43537, (419)893-3025 Email: Web: ENFILADE 2003: May 24-26 2003. Best Western Inn Executive Inn & Convention Center 5700 Pacific Hwy E. (1-5 exit 137) Tacoma / Fife Wa 98374 POC: Kevin Smyth, 15008 111th Ave Ct E, Puyallup, WA 98374 Email: HM PNW ENFILADE 2003: 23-25 May 03. Best Western s Inn Executive Inn & Con Cntr 5700 Pacific Hwy E. (I5 exit 137) Tacoma / Fife WA 98374 POC: Tim McNulty 12418 67 av ct e Puyallup Wa 98373 (253)770-0957 email: HM ORIGINS 2003: 26-29 Jun 03 Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio. See HOT Pages at the ORIGINS Web: WARPARTY 03: 12 July Masonic Lodge #419, 11665 LEBANON RD, SYMES TOWNSHIP, OH POC: Rich Smethurst, 203 ALBRIGHT DR, LOVELAND, OH 45140 (513)677-1683 Email: WEB: HM E HISTORICON: 24-27 July 2003 Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: Jay Hadley email: Web: HM GENCON: 25-28 July 03. Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN HUBCON XI: 12-14 Sept 03, Hattiesburg Convention Center, Hwy 49 N & 155 POC: mixed ADVANCE THE COLORS: 12-14 Sept Holiday Inn. SPRINGFIELD, OH POC: David K. VanHoose, 10518 BROOKVIEW DR, CARMEL, IN 46032 (317)581-8840 Email: WEB: HM HURRICON 2003: 26-28 Sept 03. S TravelLodge & Conf. Center, Busch Blvd, Tampa, FL POC: HM HAHMGS BORDERWARS: 10-12 Oct 2003 Best western Inn & Conference Center, Kansas City, KS POC: Brian Beal, PO BOX 15192, Kansas City, MO 64106. (816) 9363201 Website: http://www.hahmas.orq THEME: TBA TOURNAMENTS: DBM, WAB, WARRIOR E FALL IN: 3 Nov 03, State Fairgrounds, Timonium, MD (Near Baltimore). POC: HM E COLD WARS: 12-14 Mar 2004 RECON 2004: April 23-25, S. TraveILodge Hotel & Conf. Center, Busch Blvd, Tampa, FL POC: http://www.hmgssouth.orq/ HM PNW ENFILADE 2004: 28-30 May 04. Best Western - Inn & Con Cntr 5700 Pacific Hwy E (I-5 exit 137) Tacoma / Fife Wa 98374 POC: Tim McNulty 12418 67 av ct e Puyallup WA 98373 253-770-0957 email: HM ENFILADE 2004: May 28-30 2004 Best Western Inn & Convention Center 5700 Pacific Hwy E (I-5 exit 137) Tacoma / Fife Wa 98374 POC: Tim McNulty 12418 67 av ct e Puyallup WA 98373 253-770-0957 email: timmcnultv( E HISTORICON: 22-25 July 2004 Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster, PA. POC: James E. Thomas. Jr. 8314 Sprague PI., New Carrollton, MD 20784, 301-552-4879 Webpage: ? HM GENCON: 5-9 Aug 04. Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN E COLD WARS: 810 Apr 2005 HURRICON 2004: September 24-26 S. TravelLodge Hotel & Conf. Center, Busch Blvd, Tampa, FL POC: http://www.hmgssouth.orq/ HM RECON 2005: April 22-24 S. TraveILodge Hotel & Conf. Center, Busch Blvd, Tampa, FL POC: HM E HISTORICON: 21-24 July 2005 Lancaster Host Resort Hotel, Lancaster. PA. POC: James E. Thomas, Jr, 8314 Sprague PI., New Carrollton, MD 20784, 301-552-4879 Email: Webpage: ? HM GENCON: 11-14 Aug 05. Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN HURRICON 2005: September 23-25 S. TraveILodge Hotel & Conf. Center, Busch Blvd, Tampa, FL POC: httD://www.hmgssouth.orgl HM RECON 2006: April 28-30 S. TraveILodge Hotel & Conf. Center, Busch Blvd, Tampa, FL POC: httD://www.hmgssouth.orq/ HM GENCON: 10-13 Aug 06. Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN HURRICON 2006: September 22-24 S. TraveILodge Hotel & Conf. Center, Busch Blvd, Tampa, FL POC: httD://www.hmgssouth.orq/ HM RECON 2007: April 27-29 S. TraveILodge Hotel & Conf. Center, Busch Blvd, Tampa, FL POC: http://www.hmgssouth.ora/ HM HURRICON 2007: September 28-30 S. TravelLodge Hotel & Conf. Center, Busch Blvd, Tampa, FL POC: http://www.hmcissouth.orq/ HM. In 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006 GENCON is planning to hold its event in Indianapolis CODE: RP-Role Playing; FM-Fantasy Miniatures; HM-Historical Miniatures; BG-Board Games; WRG-Wargames Research Group; SF- Science Fiction. POC: is point of contact. Back to MWAN # 122 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2003 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |