by John Stafford
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Hi folks. I think I skipped an issue on you and didn't mean to--my apologies. I've been gaming quite a bit lately or working on painting figs so I can wargame. Currently on the table are some 15mm Mamluk and Ayyubid cavalry, while some Roman skirmishers and Pict warbands have recently found their way into the completed boxes. I've also sent off a number of troops to the painters covering two eras and three armies. Huzzah! I hope you have been as fortunate as me. I want to say a special thank you to Pat Condray, venerable workhorse of the wargaming hobby. He's been working very diligently the past few months making a book that includes every club and wargame store in the country for publication through HMGS East. He's shared a number of updates for clubs with me and I deeply appreciate that effort. It's really fun when I get updates to this column and the Megalist of clubs, but you guys are TERRIBLE about sending it in to me. Thanks to Pat I've been able to scrub a number of defunct clubs and add a few too. So "thank you" Pat. We have a new group in our midst today, the Shreveport-Bossier City Historical Wargaming Society. Craig Parent is the leader, and he likes Marlburian gaming, but they play a variety of games and periods and scales. They get together at Tom's Triple Play, 1701 Old Minden Road, Bossier City, LA 71111, (318) 747-6153. I just passed through this area at Christmas-wish I'd have had a chance to stop and say "hi". You can reach Craig at (318) 219-7746 home, (318) 221-5300 work, and Mike O'Brien is the leader of another new group, the Historical Miniature Wargaming Society of Sacramento out in sunny CA. He sets the club schedule. His mailing address is 3564 Sapphire Dr #3 Auburn CA 95602, phone is 530-887-9391, and email They meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Arden Creek Recreation Center in Sacramento from l lam-6pm. The Western Warlords came into existence the summer of 2000 also in the Bay Area. They normally hold monthly meetings but have gone through a slow period lately. Jon Caudill and Warwick Young are trying to restore the group and are actively recruiting. Jon can be reached though the website at or email The boys play a lot of 20mm SCW but other periods and scales too. The Kanawha Riflemen come to us from HMGS Great Lakes--their first club in West Virginia. They have about 15 full time members that play just about anything, including all periods of historical miniatures, as well as some Sci-Fi, role-playing and Warhammer. They meet in various locations in Charleston and Beckley, WV. Contact Nick Gillispie, 1507 Grandview Dr., Charleston, WV 25302. (304) 342-8749, or e-mail: Matt Irsik at the Wasatch Front Historical Gaming Society dropped me a line to say "hi" and give us an update. Their web site has expanded ( and all issues of the club magazine, Warning Order, are now available as PDF downloads. Warning Order is a full color publication with reviews, battle reports, scenarios, etc., and issue #6 featured a great interview with Todd Kershner, the author of Warfare in the Age of Reason. Issue #7 is being worked on right now and will feature a big North Africa scenario for Command Decision 3 by one of the NUTS members who participates in the magazine. They are currently involved in a Sport of Kings Seven Years War campaign, WECW, modern skirmish using the excellent Arc of Fire rules, and continue to expand their forces for Napoleonic Fire and Fury. Photos of events are posted along with a summary every two weeks so you can follow along by clicking on the Friday Night Update tab at the bottom of the home page. Some excellent links too. Thanks Matt. My local group, the Birmingham Wargaming Association, has kicked off their ancient/medieval Mediterranean campaign using DBM. Vincent Solfronk, our GM and club President is hounding us to turn in moves and try to get a couple turns done before the IWF tournament, but it looks hopeless. So far only one move and one round of combat--the Huns have decided to stand off from engaging my obviously superior Roman hordes. Folks are just interested in working on their tournament army and psyching themselves up to smack the Brits and other "guests" to our country. Don't forget our third annual Henry Brewer-Gus Sailors Memorial DBM Tournament April 26-7, 2003 at the Deluxe Inn and Suites, 7905 Crestwood Blvd., 35210, Reservations: 205-956-4440. Vincent has all the answers at 205-853-5434 or at Mike Galbraith at the 19&1 Game Club continues to keep a full schedule for his gamers. January gaming included the usual Advanced Squad Leader, as well as Mech Warrior, Fire & Fury, Close Action, and Cowpens AWL February continued the boardgame trend, adding Circus Maximus, Starmada, and Blue Max. Globetrotter Mike Demana, editor extraordinaire of the BMGS Great Lakes Herald dropped me a line to tell me about his Big Battle DBA tournament whose results are posted on their website. The pics are great and it looks like lots of fin. Patrician Romans took the honors. The newsletter, which just passed 50 issues, opened with a bang as Don Featherstone wrote HMGSGL a personal note thanking them as a group for the many letters sent to him as he recovered from his heart attack. Other tidbits included hype for the May Drums Along the Maumee convention in Toledo; Mike Stelzer's recap of a DBA campaign run at Advance the Colors that finished in 8 hours; Terry Hollem's nice accounting of his visit to Fort Niagara; Dennis Franks continuing Roots of Wargaming column focusing on wargaming literati; Mike Demana relating the current status and recent fights in the Mediterranean campaign; and Paul Westermeyer's coverage of the obscure battle of Maida during the Napoleonic Wars. Don't forget their excellent list of local clubs and hobby stores. Maj Bill Harting faithfully sends me my Dispatch every month from HMGS Mid-South. The membership issue was very useful as I think I've found another local to game with. Yeah! Other good stuff to read included Carl Arsenault's multiple battle reports on his 20mm Viet Nam games fought over the villages of Bop Din and Chi Dao. He's a good storyteller. Bill Hogan added a recounting of his trip to Normandy beach complete with photos-very nice. Dave Moniz penned an interesting article entitled Afghanistan Lessons Shaping New Military and Unconventional Tactics, Smarter Weapons Could Get Key test in Iraq. Ray Trochim offers new ways to base planes for Blue Max. There's a very good report entitled The Inherent Vulnerabilities of technology; Insights for the NTC's OPFOR by Col John Rosenberger, USA. Don't forget the 8th annual Battle of Cowpens convention at Clemson University April 11-13. Cold Wars looms just around the corner for HMGS East, and the theme is the Middle Ages 7001400AD. I won't make this one, but I'm shooting for Historicon in June. Scott holder has begun a new theme year for the newsletter too-the Crusades. Fred Hubig scored a victory with record attendance of his Fall In! convention this past fall, pushing 2000 attendees. The next Fall In convention moves to the Maryland State Fairgrounds. Dave Schueler opens the latest HMGS Northwest newsletter, the Citadel, with a review of the Falklands conflict and a scenario for fighting the naval battles. Kevin Smyth adds some ramblings on his experiences with a number of online and mail order suppliers, as well as the advantages of using a painting journal. Don't forget Trumpeter Salute in mid March at the Bonsor Community Center-great venue. According to the recent Fifth Column from Big Muddy Historical Gaming Association, Barracks Battles 2003 is going to kick off in about 2 weeks at Jefferson Barracks in St Louis, while Die Con 3 follows at the end of May. Harold Wones starts things off describing his recent mis-adventures with his new Aztec army. The Transmorastian Times tells readers that in the Napoleonic campaign the Austrians have ceased retreating and smacked the pursuing Germanic French allies at Aspern. Dave Naumann is organizing an interesting campaign the Barents Sea in 1942 as Germans try to sink the transports an the transports an their escorts try to slip through. Don Wolff's Camino Real Post comes to me bimonthly, giving me a handy list of game places and players to choose from all over the Rio Grande valley. His website at shows 37 members and offers quick reference to players, activities, and other useful postings. The gamers seem to be clumped in Albuquerque, Las Cruces, and north and east Texas. Richard Pinelli, President of HMGS-Midwest does a great job getting the word out with his online newsletters. Their website recently added a number of new links, including a couple different free flag sites that I found very useful. Little Wars, their outstanding annual convention is coming up 4-6 April and offering over 50 events a day to choose from. Mark your calendar if you live near Chicago. Well, that's it for this issue folks. I love to hear from you personally so please write an email and tell me what your club is doing. Illigitimi non carborundum! Back to MWAN # 122 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2003 Hal Thinglum This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |