By Russ Lockwood
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As February fades into March, the pace of wargame magazines never seems to let up. A constant train of the very best of wargaming 'zines streaks into on a monthly basis. I've seen a number of new publications arise (War of 1812 Gamer, Pakistan at War, WWII Newsletter, and King or Parliament to name a few), and sadly, a number of publications go under. For example, regarding Kriegspieler, a glossy Australian magazine, I'll let its publisher tell the tale:
Likewise, Napoleon Journal met its Waterloo so to speak. I sat down with publisher Dana Lombardy to find out what happened, and the gruesome details centered around the collapse of the distribution network. It wasn't that Napoleon wasn't selling on newsstands--it was--but that the distributor didn't fork over the funds to the magazine. I mean, if you have to choose which magazine to pay: People or Napoleon Journal, guess which one the distributor paid. I understand North and South, an ACW magazine, was caught up in the catastrophe. That's a shame, because with issue 17, Napoleon Journal was starting to come into its own. Issue 17, by the way, covered the entire Napoleonic period and was produced with the idea that PBS would be distributing the issue in conjunction with the special Napoleon program. That fell through as well. You may have heard that Command magazine has bit the dust as well. Ty Bomba and company couldn't go on and closed shop. I have, over the years, held talks with Command to get them on, but to no avail. I have no knowledge of why it collapsed, for it seemed healthy, but I have a suspicion that the move into an online electronic version of Command magazine may have had some part of it. As I recall, and don't quote me on this for this is a bit hazy, they charged $20 for six months of access, which offered five or six on-line issues. I mentioned that it was tough enough to try and do on-line with (at that time) 60 or so magazines, much less one. I understand they didn't attract very many subscribers, but that they spent a good sum on development. Speaking of Ty Bomba, I spoke with Decision Games at a USAF conference last week. He's hired Ty to continue developing wargames, so the talent will not go to waste. Those of you who read Bomba's letter of April (May?) 2001 noting that Command could survive only if he got a job as a corrections officer may be pleased to know he landed at Decision. Decision publishes Strategy and Tactics, which is doing much better--doubling its circ in the last couple years. That's good news. Fire and Movement and Moves magazines also continue to be published. For those of you with fond memories of Avalon Hill's The General, that publication is still dead. Yes, it sounds like vintage Saturday Night Live. There was a move by Wizards of the Coast to revive it if Hasbro corporate put in half the money, but that went nowhere. It was shortly thereafter that Hasbro chopped positions all throughout the company, especially at WotC. I have tried multiple times to reach someone in charge of magazines to try and get that legend of wargaming onto, but each time, the person is let go by the company. Hint for Hasbro careerists: never get associated with the Avalon Hill division if you want to remain employed... Multiman Publishing bought Operations magazine from The Gamers. Indeed, they bought the entire company so Dean could concentrate on design and back away from the business end. Some Plugs Lockwood and in USA Today Article About War Movies A November 27, 2001 front page article in USA Today explained the newfound patriotism and the comeback of the war movie as a Hollywood genre. In amongst the quotes from Steven Spielberg, Mel Gibson, and others was a couple paragraphs from Russ Lockwood and Here's the link to the on-line version of the article: htto:// Now, you have to keep reading the article to the end, because that's where my quotes come in--the icing on the cake, or at least the finishing touch on the article. At least now I have an answer to the burning question (big grin here), "What do Spielberg, Gibson, and Lockwood have in common?" Seriously, it's nice to be quoted in mainstream media. Cracks 100th Magazine, Lowers Membership Fee As of the end of February, signed up its 100th and 101st publication. The 100th is a newsletter called Pakistan at War, from Shahram Khan. He's writing a book on the Pakistan-India War of 1965 and wanted to put out a small newsletter to build up some publicity before its publication. Yet, he also didn't want to deal with subscriptions, credit cards, or the business end--so offered him a home. gets exclusivity, Khan gets notoriety and royalties, and members get another publication packed with information. The 101st publication is King or Parliament, an ECW newsletter just like Pakistan at War. Mark Turnbull is shopping his ECW novel around and wants to put some of his research to use. Another expert gets a home, and again, gets exclusivity, he gets notoriety and royalties, and members get another publication packed with information. Also, added a new price: $9.95 for one week of access. Previously, one month ($19.95) was the least you could join for, but with the idea that people might want to jump in for a one-shot special project, we just added the one-week $9.95 price. What sparked this idea was an article in a publishing trade journal where was featured as one dotcom that charged for access. In the article, Time magazine noted that $4.95 got you one day in its 15-year archive of Time magazine and they were doing very well for single project folks. Likewise, Penthouse had a $9.95 weekend quickie that got you access to its archive for two days. Well, if you research like I do, you need more than a day or two, so I thought a week was a good number. Sure, it's more than the $5 per month cost of a full 12-month membership ($59.95), but you are romping through a 25,000-article archive. We'll see how the response is and see if it pulls in more members, then make a decision on whether to continue or go back to the one-month minimum. on The History Channel A double dose of was on the History Channel: Feb 19 (Modern Marvels: Bulletproof) and Feb 22 (Modern Marvels: Battlegear). Of course, that was during the Olympics.... It's a shot in the ego to be on, and I could hear in the narration much of the background material I prepared for them. And yes, is credited in the tiny, fast scrolling type at the end. Magazine Editors at Borodino 2002 Conference (Fort Monroe, VA, Sept 5-8, 2002) is sponsoring the speaker's seminars at the Borodino 2002 Napoleonic Conference to be held at Hotel Chamberlain in Fort Monroe, VA (near Norfolk and Colonial Williamsburg) on Sept 5-8, 2002. You'll hear more later, but we're bringing in all five editors from the five Napoleonic magazines, as well as inviting academics, authors, wargamers, and others to give lectures on the Napoleonic period. The five editors invited are Dave Watkins (First Empire), Richard Partridge (Age of Napoleon), Jean Lochet (Empires Eagles and Lions), Dana Lombardy (Napoleon Journal), and Bob Snibbe (Napoleonic Society Member's Bulletin). As you might expect, additional speakers are being invited and the final lineup is far from settled. We're trying to work with HMGS to bring the keynote speaker in (Dr. Chandler was the keynote speaker at Borodino 1992, so we're hoping he will be able to make the trip again). Borodino 2002 is a "JodieCon" conference, with the centerpiece a 100-player miniatures game of Borodino that will be computer moderated. The lectures will be held during throughout four-day show, and "side games" and demos of other products Napoleonic will be given throughout. See the Jodiecon website for more info. Magazines Contents Here are some of the latest as well as back issues and what they contain. My pardon for not rating them. Abanderado vol 6 No. 1/2: July 2001 covers the Spanish Civil War with articles on Fiat G50 Freccia, Basque Anarchist "Bakunin" Battalion, The Botwin Company, Regulares Infantry MG Co., Regulares Uniforms, Fascists (Primarily CTV) Order of Battle, Italian Artillery, La Coruna Road OOB, Jarama OOB, Guadalahara OOB, Flags of the International Brigades, Republican Air Force at Guadalahara, Battle of Majorca 1936, Nash Quad Armoured Car 1920s drawing, wargaming ideas, and much more. After Action Review: Nov 2001 celebrates those who bring military history to life on the tabletop. Articles include: The Reel Civil War: Mythmaking in American Film (Book Review), Shevardino 1812 Scenario, Mexican American War, PR Rolls On in USA Today Article, Great Military Clip Art Site, Game Masters Get HOT, 2002 US Cavalry Field Days and National Competition, Custer Collection on Display, War 2001 and Beyond ("A Terror Era?"), Courage in the Face of Fear, and Crusades 2001 AAR. Age of Napoleon 29 (1998) and 30 (1999) offer articles on the Battles of Eylau, Maida, Almeida, Ligny, and Bussaco, Achievements of Field Artillery, Life in the Russian infantry, Pitts' Reign of Terror, Interview with Hofschroer, Profile of Radetzky, Officers and Gentlemen, French Tactics, Prussian and French Re-enactment Units, news, reviews, and more. Art of War 22 (Autumn 1995) and 26 (Spring 1997) fill in some gaps in our run of issues covering Clash of Arms gaming products. Articles include Battle of Heilsberg (1807), premonitions at Waterloo, A Narrative History of 1807: Chapter Two--Causes of War, a pair of American Civil War scenarios, L'Armee du Nord Designer's Notes, Canvas Falcons WWI Game Preview, The King's War (ECW) Designer's Notes, Infantry Tactics in From Valmy to Waterloo, and more. BattleTechnology 1: August 3027 [1987] is a sci-fi fanzine "of combat in the 31st Century" from the publishers of Counterattack and Grenadier military history magazines. BattleTechnology centers on the BattleTech system with a mix of rules ideas, scenarios, campaigns, and fiction. Chainmail 18: (July/August 1991) and 26 (November/December 1992) fires the imagination with role-playing ideas, including: locations such as Quarry and Magicrafter's Coal Mine, Twisted Horn Inn, Shrine, Kennel, Down Under Bar; monsters, magic items, and other dungeon campaign events; fiction; Round Table of questions, answers, and opinions; Convention Reviews, letters, and more. NHMGS Citadel: Summer 2001 and Fall 2001 offers a big 15mm Primer to WWII Miniatures (12 manufacturers' products compared), convention recaps, reviews, WWII Spearhead Scenario September 30, 1944, Battle of Neustadt (1809 PBM Campaign), Three Dimensional Warfare, Convention reports and other articles about the chapter. Command Post Newsletters 1 (Winter 1990) , 2 (Spring 1990) and 3 (Summer 1990) was the original publication that eventually became Command Post Quarterly. Both were edited by Greg Novak and both deal with the 20th century, especially in support of Command Decision, Combined Arms, and Over the Top wargames. The inaugural issue includes articles on: Battle of Chinese Farm 1973, Politics in Market Garden, TO&E (CD) for WWII German Mountain Division and British Infantry Tank Brigade, kitbashing the Soviet OT-64 Armored Car, CD rules ideas, and more. Also CD/CA TOEs for WWII German Heavy AT Bttns, North Korean People's Army 1990, and French Forces 1940. Also, scenarios for Malmedy 1944 and Balkans 1990, wargame ideas, and more. Competitive Edge 11: 1996 was a military history and wargame magazine with a game inside each issue. This one was Cybernaut, with supporting articles about hacking and government defense (sorry, the game components can't be included in except for the rules). Other articles include Cynoscephalae (197 BC) and Beneventurn (275 BC): Ancients Scenarios, commentary, extensive Industry News circa 1996, and more. Courier Vol. VII No. 3: 1986, Vol. VII No. 5: 1987, and 82: 2001 merges military history and wargaming with articles on: Three American Revolution Units, Relevance of Pre-1862 Drill Regulations, Tracking Down the Rebel Yell, Chance Factor in Wargames: Perception of Historical Reality, Woods: The Key to Musket Warfare in North America, Napoleonic Campaign Look, Scenarios for 1859: Magenta and Montebello and Palaestro, Warfare in the Age of Napoleon III, Renaissance WarGame Report, 20th C. Land Battle Rules: A Wargame Rules Survey, WWII Wargame Recaps, Scenario Design, Imperial Guard of Napoleon the Little, Orders of Battle: Franco-Prussian War, Pershing Expedition to Mexico 1916, Austro-Prussian War of 1866 Battle Report, Why Not Campaign?, Complete Index Courier Volume VI, Role Playing a Napoleonic General, On To Richmond Rules Modifications, Machine Guns and Automatic Weapons 1900-1918, War of 1812 American Privateers, Comparison of Three Recent WW II Rule Sets, Battle of Green Valley February: 21st, 1862 ACW New Mexico Territory, Preview of DBA 2.0, Using a Card Deck for Random Events, DBA-Based Set of Napoleonic Rules, hordes of product reviews, news, and more. Cry Havoc 35: August 2001 the magazine of the MENSA Military History SIG, includes well-researched articles on US P3 Orion Meets PRC F-8 (Eyewitness Account from the pilot), The Pirates of St. Tropaz (9th Century AD), The Battle of Manilla Bay (Admiral George M. Dewey's after action account), Battle of Ridgefield (April 27, 1777), Civil War Medicine (Book Review), Karl M. Tschanz Completed Basic Training, Some Ways For Old Salts to Simulate Being in the Navy (Humor), and more. HMGS-MS Dispatch: Jan 2001, Aug 2001, Sep 2001, Oct 2001, Dec 2001, and Jan 2002 offer up a captivating mix of military history, wargaming, and humor. Articles include: B-1 Crew Rescue in Afghanistan, Tomcat Driver Bet with RAF, All-Time Best Comeback: Army General vs. Journalist, Subject: Military Secrets, Catastrophic Kills in Modern War, Battle of Ghazlani (1991), Game Review of Chess: Humor, Review of Old Glory 28mm Maoris, Butch O'Hare, US Marine humor, Renamed Afghanistan Towns (humor), and much more. HMGS Mid-South Dispatch (December 2001) offers the latest on the group plus a history of the Maccabean Revolt (175BC), Military History of War in Afghanistan, Some Reflections on Fighting in Afghanistan, Afghanistan Ground Truths, 25mm Vauban Fortress (review), 1/2400 Scale Ships (Survey), Curmudgeon's Corner: Figure Size and Pricing, Xmas Poem, Historical Mini GMs Needed for Origins 2002, and more. Includes articles on Chaplains Help Victims at Pentagon, Sun Tzu and Four American Presidents, Open Letter to America from Former Director of Military History USAF, VP Cheney's remarks at Army Birthday Celebration, Dear Mr. Bin Laden (humor), Big Game Hunting Rules, Agriculture and Provisioning Ancient Armies, news about Waterloo, Historicon 01 Convention Report, and more. and more. El Dorado Vol I No. 1,2,3,4,5,6: 1985-1986 is a six pack of back issues featuring an overload of uniform details. Includes: Uniforms of the Gran Chaco War 1932 - 1935, Brazilian Uniforms 1765 - 1798, Danish West Indies: 1761 - 1916, Uniforms of the River Platte Region 1744-1795, Uniforms of Gran Colombia: 1814 - 1826, Chilean Army Uniforms 1879-1884, Aztec Figures, Brazilian Air Force Uniforms 1945, Uniforms of General Jose Antonio Paez and his Guard of Honor 1818-24, Peru 1827-30 Uniforms, Allied Armies of South America Uniforms, First Battle of Tuyuti: 24 May 1866 Brazilian Army, and Mexican Uniforms 1846. Also, Brazilian Army Patches 1960 - 80's, El Diario dek Imperio Mexico, Casa Militar del Emperador, Estado Mayor General Libertador, Troops Under the Command of Bolivar Peru 1823, Battle of Calderon Mexico, Bolivian Regulations 1842 and 1851, Spanish Regular Infantry Sent to America 1812-18, and more. Europa 8: July/August 1989, 10: Nov/Dec 1989, and 11: Jan/Feb 1990 cover WWII history and the Europa game series. Articles include: Yugoslav Royal Air Force, V13 "Wonder Weapon," WWII US Army Infantry Replacement System, Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana (Italy 1943-45), Soviet Guards Units, A Re-evaluation of March Rates, Touring the Europa SeaShore (Arctic and Norway), product news, lots of Q&A, fact-filled letters to the editor, Italian First Infantry Division, German Railroad Engineers, German Wehrkrise System, Ghost of Europa, Europafest I Convention Report and photos, Inside Europa (East Front troops and Italian Units), Rules Court, Europa at Origins, and more. First Empire 60: Sept/Oct 2001 and 61: Nov/Dec 2001 celebrates its 10`h anniversary! It covers Napoleonic history with articles on Eylau: A Russian View, The Prussians in 1806 Part II, Prussian 25th IR Uniforms, Treaty of Amiens and Formation of the Third Coalition, Fighting Battles and Dining Well (Food Preparation), news, books reviews, Capture of Breda and Geertruidenburg 1793, Netherlands Victory: Quatre Bras 1815, Prussians 1806: Dispelling the Myths, Trip to Raab 2001, General Charles Lefebvre-Desnouettes profile, Battle of Eggmuhl 1813 (Tabletop Replay and Orders of Battle), Whim of Fate (fiction) chapters 2 and 3, lots of Napoleonic News, and more. Frontline Vol. 2 No. 2 (2001) covers a wide range of military history and wargaming. Articles include: Armour in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, WWII German Raid on British Radar Station, British Camouflage in the Balkans, Cromwell and Comet Tank, German Maus in Combat, Panzer Regt 24 (1942), Battle of the Basantar Nala (IndoPakistan War 1971), Anglo Portugese Army, Great War Spearhead (WWI Rules), Firepower Museum (UK), Shell Bursts in Wargaming (Terrain), book reviews, news, web sites of interest, and more. The Gauntlet 22: Fall 2001 returns from its hiatus with a strong issue containing articles on: Battle of Mantinea: August 418 B.C., Kievan Rus (10th-13th C.), Russian Civil War: White Army of South Russia, World War II B-17 Rules and Scenario, a pair of reviews, and more. Heliograph 125 (June 2001), 126 (August 2001), and 127 (October 2001) keeps you up to date on Victorian Colonial Era information and products. Articles include Heliograph's Quick Guide to Figure Manufacturers, Indian Army Transport, The Egyptian War, Scenery and Terrain, Volley Fire Variant, Centenary Boer War Scenario, 14 book and figure line reviews, one Historicon Convention overview, and a multitude of New Product news. HMGS-GL Herald 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 42, 43, and 44 put a number of current and back issues on Articles from this official newsletter mix military history with wargaming and include: NW Ohio Forts, Historian's View of SYW Croats (Christopher Duffy), Society for the Preservation of Military History, Reasons Why Units Break, Ten 'Ironclad' ACW Naval Tips: Tactics, Strategies, and Impulses, Sikh War: NW Frontier Conflict 1845, U.S. Government Book Stores, Calculating Casualties and Army Effectiveness, Jack Scruby's Colonial Rules, Pocket DBA, Area Re-enactment Events, Bretwalda! A 9th C. Wargames Campaign, Roots of Wargaming: Naval Wargames Part 2, 1st Century B.C. Wargames Campaign, and Great Finds at 'Five and Dime' Stores. Also, loads of HMGS-GL organization news, convention news, product reviews (including one on, letters, Roots of Wargaming, France 1944 Scenario, 1st C AD Roman Civil War campaign, ACW campaign, 1940 Norway Naval Scenario, Visigoth campaign, Dark Ages Britain campaign, lots of reviews, plenty of HMGS-GL news, convention reports, and much much more. Inquisitor 5: June 1992 is the house organ of Armorcast, a company which used to produce under license 25mm versions of Games Workshop sci-fi vehicles. Although now switched to Battletech license, the magazine and accompanying rules and charts live on. Articles include: WWII Model Kits, Walkers and Civilian Vehicles, Dreadnoughts in Warhammer 40K, Rules for 40K Powerfields, Holofields, and Ork Force Fields, GW product reviews, and more. King or Parliament 1: Feb. 2002 is the 101st publication to appear on, and will prove to be a valuable source of information about the ECW. Articles include Great Commanders of Great Britain Part One: Prince Rupert of the Rhine, Edgehill 1642: Part One: First Battle: A Test of Nerves, King Charles I: The Wronged King, Fighting a 17th Century Battle in the 21st (ECW Re-enactment), Chalgrove Field, and the first chapter of editor Turnbull's ECW novel: King or Parliament. Larry Leadhead starts off 2002 with 23 comic strips on touching on all things wargaming. Lone Warrior 136: Oct-Dec 2001 and 137: January-March 2002 offers up the Northfield Bank Robbery (Jesse James), Fodder and Forage consumption for horse and musket period, Thoughts on Hidden Movement, Saxon Medieval rules, Battle of Culloden, Solo Diplomacy, Guide to Wargames Design, letters, WWII Flying Tigers, US Marine Corps Bumper Stickers, Tochi Valley Escapade 1897, Principle Battles of the Spanish Civil War, 'C' Troop Goes for a Horse Ride, State of Computer Wargaming, Computer Games Corner 25, Using ADCs in Campaigns, and more. Matrix Garner # 28: September 2001 and 28a: January 2002 starts off the year with Chaos and Warfare Part I and II, Do Games Really Tell Stories? (TV vs. RPG), Politics by Other Means: A Psychotherapy Game (exploring the use of cooperative gaming as therapy), Darkest Africa (Congo) scenario/recap, MG philosophy, Vietnam War scenario/recap, and more. HMGS/PSW The Messenger 52: August 2001 and 53: Fall/Winter 2001 is published by HMGS/PSW and covers its information and activities, as well as military history and wargaming in general. Inside this issue: Pericles' Funeral Oration, Italian Renaissance Wars: Gendarmes d' Ordinance, French Intervention in the American Civil War, Historicon 2001 Convention Report, Paint, Paint and More Paint (Beginners Suggestions), and organization news. Also, a brief history of the Knight Templars, a recap of a tabletop ACW battle, Fast Play 25mm Samurai Skirmish Rules, Strange But True facts about Gen. Nathan Beford Forrest and Maj. Gen. Ambrose P. Hill, Reconnaissance Report From Historicon 2001, and more. MicroMark Army Lists offer up detailed TO&E information that drills down through battalion, company, platoon, and squad levels, pinpointing individual weapons and vehicles. Included in this upload are US forces from the 20th century: 10 WWII, 4 Korean War, 5 Persian Gulf War, and 1 UN Forces in Korean War. WWII All: American Armoured Division: July 1940-June 1942 America A12: American Tank Attack Group November 1941 America A13: American Marine Division 1942 Pacific A14: American Marine Division 1943 Pacific A15: American Marine Division 1944 Pacific A16: American Marine Division 1945 Pacific A17: American Infantry Division Aug'42-July'43 Mediterranean A18: American Armored Division Aug-Dec'43 Mediterranean A19: American Marine Corps Support 1942 Pacific A20: American Marine Corps Support 1943 Pacific A21: American Marine Corps Support 1944-1945 Pacific Korea A27M: American Garrison Infantry Division 1946-mid 1950 Asia A28M: American Infantry Division late 1950-53 All theatres A29M: American Corps Support late 1950-53 Korea A30M: American Marine Division 1950-53 Asia A31M: United Nations Forces 1951-53 Korea various Gulf War A22M: American 82nd Airborne Division 1989-92 All theatres A23M: American 101st Air Assault Division 1991 All theatres A24M: American Marine Division 1989-92 All theatres A25M: American Armored Division, Mechanized Division, Cavalry Division 1988-92 All theatres A26M: American Corps Support 1988-92 All theatres Also: SU3MA Saudi Arabia National Guard Mechanized Brigade 1989-1994, Persian Gulf SU4MA Saudi Arabia National Guard Mechanized Brigade 1995+, Persian Gulf SU5M Saudi Arabia National Guard Mechanized Brigade 1977-1988, Persian Gulf AF8M Angolan FAPLA ODP Militia Brigade 1980+, Angola AF9M Angolan Infantry Brigade 1980+, Angola AF10M Angolan FAPLA Mechanized Brigade 1980+, Angola AF11M Angolan Unita Forces 1980+, Angola AF12M Angolan SWAPO Forces 1980-1990, Angola, Namibia AF7: East African 22nd Brigade Sept-Nov 1942, Madagascar A37M: American 187th Airborne Combat Team 1950-1953, All theaters A38X: American Proposed Marine Division 1997+, All theaters A41M: American 2nd Infantry Division 1990+, Korea A45MA: American Pentatonic Division: 1957-1959, All Theatres A46M: American Armored Division: 1953-1958 All Theatres A47M: American Mechanized Division: 1963-1972, Europe, USA A48M: American Infantry Division: 1965-1972, Vietnam A49M: American Corps and Army Support: 1967-1972, Vietnam A50M: American 1st Cavalry Division: 1965-1972, Vietnam A51M: American 23rd Americal Division: 1968-1972, Vietnam A52M: American Airborne Brigade, 1965-1972, Vietnam A53M: American 101st Airborne Division, 1966-1972, Vietnam A54M: American Light Infantry Brigade, 1966-1972, Vietnam A55M: American Mechanized Brigade, 19661972, Vietnam A56M: American Marine Division, 1965-1972, Vietnam A32: American Corps Support, 1940-2, Phillipines A33: American 5307th Composite Unit 'Merrill's Marauders', Oct'43-Aug'44, Asia A34: American Marine Brigade, 1941, Pacific, Iceland A35: American 4th Marine Regiment, Jan-May 1942, Corregidor A36: 1st AmericanCanadian Special Service Force, mid 1943-Nov 1944, All Theaters A39: American 474th Regiment, Apr-May 1945, Germany A40: American Infantry Division, 1941-2, Phillipines A44X: Hypothetical Armored Division, Late'45-1946 Europe A42GA: American Cavalry Division 1916-1919, America, Mexico A43G: American Expeditionary Force Infantry Division 1917-1918, Europe MWAN 113: Sep-Oct 2001 tackles historical miniatures within its 192 pages with rules sets for 20 mm Skirmish Rules for France 1940, 10mm ACW Rules, 1846 Rules, and Weather ideas. Historical articles or scenarios include a complete Blenheim Order of Battle, Battle of Katzbach (26 August, 1813), Battle of Leuctra (371 B.C.), and Battle of Sacile (16 April, 1809). Other articles: Thoughts on Morale and Firepower, Willow Creek Ridge (AWI Report), Gerasdorf (Napoleonic Report), Historicon 2001 Report, painting 1/72nd Plastics, Hal Pasha's Reconquest of the Sudan, loads of product news and reviews, and more. Napoleonic Society of America Members' Bulletin 57: Winter/Spring 1998, 58: Spring/Summer 1998, and 59: Fall 1998 offers a back issue including articles: Vendome Column, Napoleon in Paris, Napoleon's Work Ethic, Josephine Before Napoleon, Legion of d'Honneur, War and Peace Film History, Joseph Isambrie bio, several pieces on Napoleon's medical condition at St. Helena, Brandsen: A Napoleonic Officer (for Argentina), Hasidic Rabbi Shneur Zalman, Napoleon's Ships Found, Napoleonic Quiz XIV, and lots of news, letters, NSA info, Battles of Jena/Auerstadt, Hidden Letters of Napoleon, Russia 1812, Poniatowski bio, Paintings of Napoleon, Tilsit 1807, Napoleon's Work Habits, St. Helena, Glory in the Empire, book reviews, news, trivia quiz, and more. Naval SitRep 1,2,3,4,5 (1994-1995) and 21: October 2001 complete the full run of back issues in the archive (1994-2001). Articles on 20th Century Naval Warfare include: include Planning an Air Strike, How to Launch a Tomahawk cruise missile, Italian Aircraft Carriers WWII, Udbina Croatia air strike, Russian Subs: The Next Generation, Chinese Military Reforms Post Desert Storm, Russian RPK-5 Liven, Wake Island Defenses, New Torpedo Defense Systems, and Graf Spee's Greatest Battle. In addition, issues contain a multitude of scenarios for Harpoon and CaS: Beta Convoy (November 8, 1941), Korean Counter (modern), A Raider's Battle (19 November 1941), Split, Yugoslavia (modern), and a multitude of supporting ship and aircraft stats. Also, a cornucopia of modern naval news, reviews, rules errata, Gunnery Modeling, WWI North Atlantic Cruiser Force: US-to-Europe Convoys in WW I, WW I Painting Data, HMS Hood, Red Maelstrom (Harpoon Scenario), Adriatic Apoplexy (Harpoon Scenario), 1/6000 Naval Miniatures, American SSGN, New Dutch Frigate, Alerts (News), Kursk Salvage, Rules Modifications, Platform Specifications, and more. Operations No. 40 (Spring 2001) and No. 41 (Summer 2001) bring you up to date on The gamers, Inc. wargames. Excellent articles on the May 1940 air drop into Holland, strategy and tactics in Guderian's Blitzkrieg II, Random Events for This Hallowed Ground, Setup and Strategy in Hube's Pocket, Ten Years of Operations: Back Issues 1-41 on, A Frozen Hell: Tactical Challenges, Preview of Fallschirmjaeger, Soviet Order of Battle: For Guderian's Blitzkrieg II, Two Hard Weeks in Mississippi, Yom Kippur Variants, Role of Leaders in the NBS, errata, and much more. OSG News: Dec. 2001 updates us on Kevin Zuckers's latest Napoleonic games and tours. Pakistan At War Newsletter 1: Feb. 2002 is the 100th publication to appear on, and a timely one it is of a geographic area of immense interest. Publisher and Editor Shahram Khan starts his newsletter with a profile of Major Raja Aziz Bhatti, who defended the outpost of Burki with a company against an entire Indian Infantry division in September, 1965. PanzerFaust 56 (Nov-Dec 1972), 62 and 63: 1974 take us back a generation with articles on: Disposition of the German Army (1944), Aftermath of Napoleon's Victory at Waterloo, Swedish National Army of Gustavus Adolphus, American Civil War Part VII: Historical Organization of Confederate Departments and Armies: luka to Meridian, SS Cavalry 1945, WWII Delaying Actions, and numerous wargame rules and strategy pieces: Winter War, Strategy I, Realistic D-Day Rules, Bar Lev: The Yom Kippur War of 1973, Incremental Panzerblitz, Allied Victory In Austerlitz, French Victory In Napoleon at Waterloo, and more. Also, plenty of game, magazine, miniature, and other product reviews, plus news, opinion, and letters to the editor. takes us back to the halcyon days of board wargaming with several strategy articles on classic wargames like D-Day, France 40, 1914, Dunkirk, and PanzerBlitz, plus historical articles on Oblique Attack Tactics and American Civil War Confederate Army and Department Organization (Manasses to Sharpsburg). In addition, a look back on Fischer-Spassky chess match, an analysis of the demise of Anzio, Napoleonic rules, pirate campaign circa 1675, chess variant, Diplomacy "Fool's Mate," product reviews, and more. Paradies Lost 5: October 2001 from the imagination of Abe Paradies is irregularly produced, but offers an unqiue format for exploring a fantasy world of Arveta. A short addition covers thoughts on faeries. The Penny Whistle 54: October 2001 offers up a wargaming campaign for its d6 system based on Normandy 1944. PW Review: Dec 2000, Jan 2001, and Feb 2001 combines Wally's sharp analytical skills with an even sharper wit to point out fortes and foibles of wargaming rules. A variety of rules and rules ideas and periods from Renaissance to Modern are praised and skewered. Rebel Yell 20: Fall 2001 offers up tips on running a convention game, advice on terrain, several reviews, Historicon 2001 recap, and more. From HMGS South. Saga 1: December 1985 82: August-September 2001, 83: October-December 2001, 44: July-August 1994 and 38: May-June 1993 covers ancients through renaissance. This issue includes articles on: Battle of Agincourt, Gesta Francorum, The Trojans, Tactics in Medieval Warfare, Chariot Armies, Fall In 2001 Convention Report, Fanatic Greek Hoplites?, Castle Attack, Cold Wars '93 DBA Report, Norse-Irish List 112A, book reviews, letters, and more. #1 the entire newsletter run. Articles include social origins of Greek and Macedonian troops, Battle of Hastings, A Question of Morale for Dark Age troops, and many wargaming reports including, Battle of Oxford: 1067 A.D., The Vikings, Danes vs. Vikings, How To Lose an Ancients Wargame, Battle of Agincourt, Roman Maniple vs. Macedonian Phalanx, Armies of the Trojan War, Army of Sassanian Persians, Scythed Chariot in history, Phalanxes, Seleucid Army, loads of product information, letters, reviews, and more. Seven Years War Association Journals Vol VI No. 4 (June 1993), Vol. VII No. 2 (January 1994), Vol. XI No. 4 (Fall 2000), and Vol. XII No. 1 (Winter 2001) are a quartet of back issues covering a wide variety of 7YW military history. vVIn4 is a Jacobite Rebellion special with articles covering the period 1689-1745, Battles of Sheriffmuir, Cullodon, and Falkirk, Guide to historical miniatures, painting plaid, and more. vVIIn2 focuses on the Ottomans, with articles on the army in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, military units, product reviews, scenarios, and more. vXIn4 covers Three Battles of Landshut: 1745, 1757, 1760, Hanoverian Light Troops, Biography of Nikolaus Luckner, Journal of Horace St. Paul, Origins of Napoleonic Infantry Tactics, and more. vXIIn1 offers up a bio of Marshal Villim Vilimovich Fermor, Russian Pandours, Bougainville, Army Supply, more Journal of Horace St. Paul, and more. Each issue includes informative letters, news items, and opinions galore. Sharkhunters' KTB 116 (November December 1995), 117 (January February 1996), No. 118: (March 1996) and No. 119: (April 1996) tell the story of submariners the world over, primarily about WWII. Articles include U-Boat and Submarine Factoids, Operation Deadlight, U-34 and the Spanish Civil War, Martin Bormann in 1946, PostWWII U-Boats Deployments, Kplt. Robert Gysae, KorvettenKapitan Karl Jasper, Deschimag Project, Italian and Japanese Submarine Actions, Interrogation of Vice Adm. Weneker, I.J.N. Submarines L-1 and L-2 Types, Reinhard Hardegen: Drumbeater, Polaris and Other Missiles, USS S-32 and S33, U-131, U-132, Commander Howard W. Gilmore, I.J.N. Submarines 0-4, 0-5, 0-6, and 0-7, U-288, Luth, and Soviet Union, KorvettenKapitan Carl Emmerman, British Capture French Ships 1940, Song of Gochin (Japanese Navy Song from World War II), Gestapo Chief Heinrich Muller, U-534, 1st and 2nd U-BootFlotille Flotilla Commanders, Conning Tower Emblem Book, lots of interesting facts, members' news, bulletin board, and more. Also included U-126 U-127 Profiles and History, U-Boat Type Wa.201 Wk.2020 Profiles, U-Boat Refueling, Operation Ursula, more from Don Angel Alcazar de Velasco, Third Reich in Antartica, Sinking of the Tanker Berta, Otto Kretschmer Interview, Italian Submarine Brin, IJN I17, U-511 = Ro 500 German Gift to Japan, BiberFlotille 265 Flotilla Badge, Operation 'Deadlight' Type VII U-boats, U.S. Submarines: A Technological History Early Nuclear Propulsion, USS S-29 and S-30 and S-31 (SS 134 and SS 135 and SS 136) Profiles and History, Battle Damage USS Franklin 19 March 1945 and IJN Kaga 1942, Worldwide Submarine Proliferation in the Coming Decade, USSR Subs During Peacetime, USN Commanders Dealey and Fluckey, The Royal Navy British Parthian, 'Phantom' U-Boats I15 and USS Keith, U-Boat and Submarine Factoids, Convoy PQ-18, news, and more. Simulacrum Vol. 2 No. 3: April 2000 and Vol. 2 No. 4: July 2000 offers collectible wargame information. Articles include reviews/component lists of: Chinese Civil War, Tet Offensive: 1968, Jerusalem!, War in the East, Crisis 2000, Oil War, The World of OGRE, Ancients, Dien Bien Phu, Swords & Sorcery, Invasion of the Air-Eaters, Eagle Day, Eastern Front Tank Leader, Eighth Air Force, Escape From Altassar, Europe Aflame, plus a cool look at the Space Opera Subgenre: Introduction to Literature, Film, Television, and Gaming; Games Beginning With the letter E (list), Index to First Eight Issues, tidbits of info, other reviews, and more. Also, To the Green Fields Beyond, Cambrai 1917, The Marne, Angola, The Falklands Wars, Rise and Fall [Rome], Marine: 2002, The Beastlord, Battle for the Factories [Stalingrad], Dauntless, Deluxe Fighter Pilot, Dragoon vs. Hussar, Divine Right, Double Star, Frank Herbert's Dune, and Domination. Other articles include: Bulge '65 Historical, Avalon Hill Advertising Flyers: The Early Years, Games Beginning With D, Very Short History of The Military War Game, Cambrai 1917 Historical Overview, Rarity vs. Money, and more. SOTCW Journal 24 (Summer 1996) and 26 (Winter 1996/1997) cover 20th century military history, modelling, and wargaming with articles on: la Drang Valley Campaign: Landing Zone X-Ray 1965, Street Fighting in Germany: 1945, Polish Motorized Cavalry 1939, Burma Armour Actions: Nunshigum Ridge (Imphal April 1944), WWI Campaigns in Africa: German South West, Kiwis Vs. Tigers (WWII anti-tank), Panzerkorps Grossdeutchland (Part 1), British Home Guard WWII Anti-Tank Grenades, Cuban Fuzera Armada Republica, The Bay of Pigs Invasion, Naval Battles of the RussoJapanese War, Australian Advisors in Vietnam: The First Victoria Cross, loads of product reviews, gaming scenarios, and much more. Strategikon Vol. 1 No. 2 (February 2001) and Vol. 1 No. 3 (June 2001) cover the ancient era with articles on: History of the Munus (Roman Gladiatorial Contests), Homer's Greeks in Battle, History of Logistics (Cannae Campaign): Part One and Two, Myth of the Carthaginian Light Pikeman, the Falcata, review of The Mummy Returns and Outpost Miniatures, The Nimble Numidians, Curio in Africa 49 BCE, and more. Strategist 343: October 2000 and 342: Sep. 2000 explains all about the Strategy Gaming Society with an issue containing the organization's constitution and by-laws. If you ever want to know how to structure a group, this is an exceptional document. Also, humor pieces, a profile of Ronald Lee Ermey (1944- a Military Movie Star Biography), Treasurer's Report, News, The Near-Future History of SPI, and more. Also a review of Battle Cry, optional rules for Battle Cry, a timeline of SPI science fiction games, the ever-popular "Analects of Confusion," David Niven (1910-1983): Military Movie Star Biography, and more. Those Damned Dice Vol. One No. 2/3: Dec 2001 following historical miniatures with many articles on WWII Rapid Fire games, American Civil War 20mm Plastic Figures (survey, reviews, and painting guide), and Napoleonic wargaming. Plus, a review of the new GW Lord of the Rings game and a sci-fi game campaign. Time Portal Passages: Fall 2001 and Winter 2002 Prelude to the Balkan Wars 1912-13, Major Battles of the Balkan Wars, Army Orders of Battle and Organizational Data, Overview of Uniforms Worn During the Balkan Wars, Naval Actions of the Balkan Wars 1912-13, American Revolution: Continental and Other Patriot Units Uniform Descriptions (charts of 146 named regiments), Confusion With Regimental Designations, Regimental and National Colours, North Carolina Regulator Movement, Uniform Notes on the English Civil War, and more. Veteran Campaigner: Oct 2001 is the all-Afghanistan issue. Articles include Background Report on Osama Bin Laden, Fighting in Afghanistan by former SAS Commando, Essential Information about Terrorist Attacks, Military History of War in Afghanistan, Afghanistan Ground Truths, Operations in Afghanistan (Bombing and Terrain), Profile of The Order of Assassins: Birth of Terrorism, several web links pointing to various government sites, Women are the Solution (Humor), and more. The Volunteer: Fall 2001 and Winter 2001 presents a cornucopia of classroom exercises. Articles include: the battles of Marathon, Zama, and Adrianople (including rules); The Magnificent Seven Must Die! (western shootout), A Survey of 1/72 Scale Plastic Ancient Armies, a book review: 100 Decisive Battles From Ancient Times to the Present, Caribbean Smack Down (Pirates), Lord Stuffington's Safari in Kifaru (Darkest Africa), Into the Valley of Bones (Africa Exploration), Might of Arms (Romans vs. Gauls; and Greeks vs. Persians), Attending Barrage VI (convention report), Terrain Building (Wonder Cutter and Sculpted Hills), book reviews, and more. Wargamer's Newsletter _146: May 1974 and 152: November 1974 is a blast from the past with articles on: British Army in Egypt: 1801, Rapier AA Missile System, English Civil War 1642-1651, The Shandean Wargame (pre-HG Wells), Wargaming Inspired by TV, Before You Write Those Orders: Elementary Tactics, Sanguinus Mons Tabletop Battle, product reviews, extensive letters, and more. Also brings an historic look to wargaming and military history. Articles include Sir Basil Liddell-Hart Interview, An Early Wargamer (1920s), More on the Napoleonic Myth, Geveg im Jakkals Kop: Boer War Battle Report, Figures Review: 45mm Scruby Napoleonic, Reserves on the Wargames Table: Rules Ideas, Napoleonic Wargame Formations, lots of news and reviews, and more. World War II Newsletter 1: December 2001and 2: January 2002 makes its debut on with a profile of British Gen. Richard O'Connor and Operation Compass (North Africa 1940-41). Also features a biographical sketch of Captain Hans-Joachim Marseille, a Luftwaffe ace with 158 victories, including 17 in one day. The Zouave 54: 2001 brings ACW History and Wargaming front and center with one of the most colorful and eye-catching formats available. Articles include: Clashed Sabers Near Gettysburg-Hanover, PA: June 30, 1863, Forrest in Mississippi--Brice's Cross Roads: July 10, 1864, Todd's Tavern--Brock and Orange Courthouse Road, VA: May 7-8, 1864, Rail Steam and Foot (new products), a quintet of ACW figure reviews, and more. offers the complete run of The Zouave. Back to MWAN #118 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2002 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |