by Hal Thinglum
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By Hal Thinglum - MUSKET MINIATURES 22MM ACW - Musket Miniatures, LLC, PO Box 1976, Broomfield, CO 80038 ( has an extensive, well-done catalog of 15mm and 20mm items. One of my favorite lines is their 22mm (HO scale) American Civil War in pewter - I have about a thousand of their infantry and artillery in my 20mm ACW armies and they offer a great variety of figures and accessories for this period. For example, mounted Generals and officers: they offer two sets of USA or CSA mounted Generals (4/$4.95 w/horses) in mixed poses; one of the sets is in capes. There is also a set of four mounted Couriers (2 kepi/2 hat) carrying messages. They also offer two figure mounted packs of personalities ($2.95 each): Lee/Jackson, Long street/Stua rt, Hill/Pickett, Grant/Lee, Grant/McClellan, Meade/Chamberlain, and Sheridan/Buford. I received four packs of mounted cavalry ($4.95/4 figures w/horses): in gum blankets, enfield on backs, shotguns, and mounted command in kepis (officer, bugler, two standard bearers w/attached pole), and one dismounted cavalry horseholder ($4.25/8 figures). There is not any flash on these clean and well-cast figures! There is an extensive listing of infantry, artillery and cavalry and they are sold individually, by the pack, or by the bulk pack (to save money). Their artillery is very well done and varied with 17 different guns and crews loading, aiming, firing, and kneeling. With "bulk" infantry packs at $39.95/100 figures, the line is very affordable. I found myself in need of 20mm buildings for my ACW project and Musket Miniatures offers by far the most extensive and high quality line of resin buildings. There are 34 buildings in this expanding line currently with prices varying from $6.95 to $16.95: farmhouses, outhouses, stone houses, cabins, barns, blacksmith shop, a church, railroad station and school house, mill with waterwheel, hotel/saloon, and eight different stores/offices. These are essentially one-piece resin castings with some having separate metal pieces for staircases - the church has a separate resin steeple. Detail is outstanding and there won't be any trimming of flash to be concerned about. Excellent quality! If you game 20mm ACW or wild west, these are the perfect buildings for your collection! Highly recommended! Nice job, Jim & Jeff! I would like to add that they offer a growing line of 10mm (European), 15mm (WWII, Rorke's Drift, Mexican and ACW), 20mm (Southwestern Spanish/Mexican and WWII), and "N" scale (Early American) buildings. Very impressive! I am most anxious to prime my ACW buildings black and try my hand at painting them - I'm sure they will great on my wargames table! By Hal Thinglum- CORVUS BELLI 15MM RELEASES - Corvus Belli, C. Seixo, 13, CP. 36940, Cangas do Morrazo, Pontevedra, Spain (phone/fax: +34-986300283;; e-mail: sent along four packs of excellent 15mm Ancients figures; two packs of Celts consisting of 15/0042 Peasants - a boy, woman, and two men along with a dog and 15/0005 Celt warriors with spear. There are four different poses (8 to a pack) of the spearmen and six of the eight have separate shields. They appear to be about 16mm from top of the base to eye level. Nicely posed, little bit of flash to remove. From their Early Imperial Roman line they sent 15/0022 Legeionary standing with mail (8 figures, three different poses) - caston spears with separate shields, Also received was 15/0036 Eastern Archers 1 (again, 8 figures/3 poses kneeling, standing, and reaching for arrow). Very nice figures - there are 22 packs in their Roman line and 16 in the Celt line. In addition, they have a flock of sheep and a pack of Kappadokian. Price is in Spanish (2.32 bag of 8 foot/4 cavalry/6 infantry command). Highly recommended - their next line will be 28mm War of the Roses. By Hal Thinglum - REGAL'S REALMS ACRYLIC PAINTS - Regal Miniatures, 1980 NW 941h St., Suite D, Des Moines (Clive), IA 50325 (515-253-0907; has released a set of 58 paints including six metallics to go along with the HOWARD HUES line of sixty paints. Darryl gave me the six metallics when I saw him at LITTLE WARS last weekend silver, gunmetal, copper, bronze, brass, and gold ($1.95/one ounce bottle). These are excellent looking paints! I am always on the lookout for metallics and these look very good! Came at a great time as I am painting 20mm ACW guns. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum- MERRIMACK MINIATURES NEW RELEASES - Merrimack Miniatures, 31216 County Road 112, Pequot Lakes, M N 56472 (218-568-7447; www.miniatureships(a) , in addition to their great line of ships, has released a set of what appear to be 25mm stone walls in resin (4 six-inch sections for $7.SO). These are excellent stone walls - just what I need for 20mm ACW! They stand about one-half inch high and detail is very good. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - CHEAP TREES - Cheap Trees, C/O Robert Richardson, 1114 Sagamore Drive, Seffner, FL 33584 is MWANer Robert Richardson's effort - he writes they are "aimed at the gamer in mind on a limited budget." He sent along some samples consisting of 20 light green sapling trees ($6.50), 12 pine trees ($5.50), a bag of dark green flocking ($3), and what appears to be a bag of bushes (20/$3). These are all plastic and require bases. In expensive items for the economy-minded wargamer. By Hal Thinglum- HOMEGROWN MINIATURES ACW RELEASES - Homegrown Miniatures, 914 Curlew Pd. #357, Dunedin, FL 34698 (e-mail:; has released a line of 25mm and 54mm ACW figures. They sent along a selection of 25mm figures for mention in this column. They are designed by Darrell Combs and look to be "about" 28mm in size - the standard bearer with cast-on flag is a really great figure and about 30mm. Two marching infantry and a standing firing (in two pieces) were sent in addition to the standard bearer. The two-piece figure would need a little work as the top doesn't snugly fit on the lower body. Also included was a mounted general and horse - nice pose. Also included was an artillery piece with a 3" and 10# Parrott barrel along with eight differently posed artillery crew: two w/rammer (one hit in the head and falling wounded), officer in frock coat holding pistol upright, a kepi figure falling wounded with outstretched arms, one figure in suspenders firing the gun, another firing the gun, one w/charge, and the last one is standing by. The gun is well done with some flash on the wheels. I'd say detail is good and they would great painted up. They have lots of character and animation. Prices are $21.95/30 mixed infantry poses or 24 infantry w/six command. The gun is from a gun/limber set with six crew and four horses and two drivers as well as two limber riders ($21.95) - Id say this would have to be good value. Their cavalry is $21.95/9 troopers or 6 troopers and 3 command. I'd recommend taking a look at these to see if they fit your taste - very animated and well detailed! By Hal Thinglum - THE LONDON WARROOM - The London Warroom, Vince and Sharron Clyant, 41 Beverly Hills Loop, Peta 1, M S 39465 (601-584-8533; e-mail:; has a virtual plethora of wargaming items'. First of all, Vince's resin buildings: R65 ruined brick wall U-shaped w/5 windows for 20/25mm($5.25); 25mm HT1 Wooden Hut ($7.50) and a beautiful thatched roof ($7.50) HT6, RB4 ruined brick wall w/2 windows for 20/25mm ($4). RB3 ruined brick wall corner w/2 windows ($3.75), RBI ruined brick wall small corner for 20/25mm ($1.75), RB3 ruined brick wall corner w/2 windows 20/25mm ($3.75), RB6 ruined wooden plan floor ($2), and T4 two ridge tents 15/20mm ($3.25). All of these resin pieces are very nicely done, though I would see them going more with 20mm than 25mm. Next are 25mm Apache Indians ($1.60 each) - I have five samples: advancing w/separate spear/shield, advancing w/bow and warclub, warclub and separate shield, warclub and bow, and throwing separate spear w/separate shield. There are also three Tupi Indians: firing bow, running w/bow and warclub, and advancing w/bow and a weapon I don't recognize - all three have separate shields. These are nicely done figures w/no flash - highly recommended for the wild west gamer! Vince and Sharron carry the complete range of Richard Houston's 25mm Colonial line - which I always loved! First of all, from the "Gunboats that Float" line, a pompom gun on carriage ($6). From the Maximilian Mexican Adventure line (1861-67) comes two packs of French Foreign Legion ($8/10 figures) advancing at porte and advancing with musket forward. In kepis with neckcloth and heavy equipment - very nice! Also included were two differently poses French officers advancing, one with sword, both in kepi. Also in this range are Belgiums, Egyptians, Austrain/Hungarians, Peasants, Mexican Imperial and Republic. From the Weapons line comes a set of two Sikh "Lion" mortars ($5), mortar ($4) in two pieces, Gatling gun for a ship ($3.50), Sikh "Fish" gun ($3.50), and gun w/shield ($6). From the Colonial Series is a pack of Sikh Fanatics (20/$15) with separate weapons/shields (nicely cast!) in three different poses; mounted Sikh Camel Gunners ($15/4 - very inexpensive!) of which I have a number in my Sikh War collection; a huge(!) Sikh gun with solid wheels ($10), and a pack of two oxen and two Indian Drovers ($3.50). Also within the Colonial series are Chinese, Abyssinians, Ashanti, and Maoris. These lines are highly recommended and you can't find figures for some of these periods anywhere! PARROOM STATION MINIATURES is a line I haven't heard of before - apparently they are for Sci-Fi games in 25mm - I have some samples - they seem to be 25mm high and nicely done. There are Martians, Sverdvolk, British, leaders and personalities, and Float ship crewmen. Some of these figures would be very handy for the British Colonial gamer - Captain lack Cole is an example and would be great for a Colonial gunboat - all figures are $2.00 each. TLWR also has a line of 25mm Vietnam figures and Vince gave me some samples of these ($1.60 each); they seem to be 26mm well-cast figures with very good, actually excellent detail - very impressive, Vince! Lastly, Vince's excellent 25mm Spanish (1733-63) of which I have lots in my SYW collection! There are 42 poses with three horses ($1.60 per individual figure/Horse at $1.85) with packs of 18 infantry for $22. Vince gave me some dismounted Spanish Dragoons very nice - and two fantastic Spanish officers and a drummer - what character! Highly recommended line! Check out their extensive web site - I should add Vince has several "ships" designed by Herb Gundt - a Cloudcutter and Ironclad Gunboat for Space 1889. By Hal Thinglum- 3-13 CONTOURS TERRAIN ITEMS - MWANer Andrew Doyle,120 McPhail Road, Hattiesburg, MS, 39401 (601-583-4321) produces some of the finest terrain items you'd want to see on a wargames table - all of it is custom built as well! While at the recent LITTLE WARS convention, I had the chance to view some of his terrain items for the first time. 25mm Picket fences ($7 for two 6" straight sections and $8 for two corner sections) which I plan on using for my 27mm WWII Russian Front project - excellent work, Andrew; irregular fence sections nicely painted and terrained bases! 15mm Corn Fields (2" X 4"), and ridge sections one and two feet long (prices vary from $14 for an end section to $28 for a two foot long ridge center piece). You can get ridges with rivers or roads going through them or cliffs, sunken roads, or wooded sections. Outstanding stuff and highly recommended! Andrew also mounted a 15mm painted farm complex on a base and terrained it for me - did a great job,two trees, hedges around the garden and crops growing in the garden! A great piece! Contact Andrew re a catalog; he'll special build just about anything for you. He also has great rivers and road sections at reasonable prices! By Hal Thinglum - COLUMN, LINE & SQUARE THIRD EDITION RULES - MWANer Robert Piepenbrink sent along a copy of CLS available from Dana Hom, 20399 State Rd. RD120, Bristol, IN 46507, the third edition rules. I cut my wargaming teeth on CLS and played many a Napoleonic battle with them! Cost is $5 including postage (can't beat that, can you?!). This is a 37-page effort in a plastic holder with a cardstock summary sheet. The revisionists state that there are primarily three changes from the original rules (now 40 years olfl: the rules are more focused, features which previously slowed down the game have been eliminated, and they have "tired to kill all the lawyers." The rules cover Order of Operations, movement, fire, melee, morale/combat effectiveness, terrain/weather/observations, national distinctions, special troop types, game setup & points, basing & organization, and a short section on what-they didn't do, but should have done. Recommended for all gamers based on it's lengthy history. Back to MWAN #117 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2002 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |