by Hal Thinglum
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By Hal Thinglum RLBPS PRODUCTS - RLBPS, 4827 Treeview Terrace, Rockford, IL 61109 (Phone: 815-874-5351; web site: offers a number of wargaming products from England. First of all, 28mm ICON historical, formerly Harlequin. These are excellent figures and I have been anxious for them to expand their WWII line. Obtained from RLBPS were the following Germans: WW2026 Wehrmacht with MP44 rifles ($10.40/8 figures), WW2049 Panzerschreck Teams ($12.00/4 teams of two),WW2036 Motorcycle & sidecar (plus three figures), and WW2056 Riflemen in Greatcoats ($10.40/8) and Russians WW2035 Soviet Sailors ($10.40/8), WW2029 Assault Group ($10.40/8), WW2030 dismounted Tank Riders ($10.40/8), and WW2046 Anti-tank Rifles ($12.00/four sets of two). Also obtained was WW2054 Wehrmacht Hanomag Sdkfz 251/1 ($25.60) and two sets of French Resistance figures, WW9006 Saboteurs ($4/2 figures) and WW9008 Assassins ($4/2). These are "true" 29mm from top of base to eye level; all figures within the individual packs consist of different poses, something you find in all 25mm/28mm WWII figure lines! First of all the Germans: MP44 riflemen have one standing firing, one kneeling at ready, five advancing/at ready, and one walking with MP44 at right side; four are in helmets and the other four are in soft caps. All are heavily loaded down with equipment. Great poses! The Panzerschreck teams have one set kneeling firing, another with prone firer and kneeling assistant, one standing firing, and the fourth is advancing; five in helmets, three in soft caps. Riflemen in greatcoats - same mix as MP44 riflemen as to poses with four in helmets/four in soft caps with light equipment. The motorcycle is a great model; comes in three pieces: motorcycle, sidecar, and one wheel. In addition, there is a two-piece MG, two riding figures for the motorcycle, and a half figure for the sidecar; all are helmeted. Everything is very nicely cast. As for the Russians, the Sailors - there is an officer advancing with pistol and seven enlisted men with two types of automatic weapons. All are in sailor caps; I'm glad to see ICON release the Russian sailors; very nice indeed! The Assault Group comes with different headgear: helmets, winter caps, and sidecaps. Three are carrying short shovels, two have pistols (w/shovel and w/grenade) while others have automatic weapons and all have a mixture of equipment. The dismounted tank riders are all helmeted and carry SMG's and light equipment; two are standing firing and the others are advancing/at ready. The anti-tank rifle teams are advancing (two sets) and firing (two sets) and have separate anti-tank rifles (not sure I like working with separate weapons with separate tripods - I'm not good at assembling these kinds of things! All wear helmets, poses are good, assistants are carrying SMG's and the figures have differing types of equipment. The French Resistance figures are two to a pack: the Assassins are both in greatcoats and one is a woman (wearing a beret) reaching into her purse while the other is wearing a hat and apparently has a leather bag of some type and is holding it in both hands. The Saboteurs are hatless; one is reaching upwards perhaps placing a charge while the second has rope draped around his shoulders and is holding the demolition box. The saboteurs could be used for other fronts (i.e., Eastern Front) while the assassins can not be used for such. The Hanomag Sdkfz 251/1 is all metal and the vehicle itself comes in six pieces (two main body pieces, two tracks, and two side pieces for the top of the vehicle. In addition, there is one helmeted sitting figure with rifle, and one half-figure driving, two front wheels, the MG w/shield for the top of the vehicle comes in two pieces and there are three other pieces (axle, front of the vehicle, and a tripod - don't know what that is for). A very nice vehicle; would like to see more from ICON! Highly recommended! Secondly from RLBPS are some VILLAGE GREEN items from the UK. I've always loved the products from Village Green - they make some outstanding wargames accessories in resin. I obtained the following: 25mm log piles set ($5.25), a set of three different-sized log piles for my Russian Front; Sacks and boxlids ($3.25) and two different street defenses ($5.25 each), all in 25mm. All of these items are great for skirmish gaming or just spicing up your wargames table in 25mm. Also obtained were thick walls and gate sections (range of $4.75 to $6.95); these are 15mm/20mm walls although the gate section appears more like 25mm to me. I am hoping to use them with the Village Green monastery, a really great set of models. The walls have parapets and the corner wall sections have steps on them. Nicely done! By Hal Thinglum - NEW RULES RELEASES FROM BROOKHURST HOBBIES Brookhurst Hobbies, 12188 Brookhurst St., Garden Grove, CA 92840 (phone: 714-6363585; e-mail:; website: continues to release new rules sets. WARSHIP - Naval Wargames Rules for WWI/WWII ($14,98) by Andrew Finch and Alan Butler is a 76page 8 1/2" X 11" spiral bound booklet which are intended to cover 1914-45 for 1:2400, 1:3000 or 1:1200 scale. The authors state the rules are intended for smaller battles though larger battles can be played. Scale is one turn = three minutes; one unit (1 cm) = 100 yards, thus, for 1/2400/3000 scale, 1000 yards = 10cm and for 1:1200 scale, one unit = one inch and 10" = 1000 yards. There are chapters on command structures, ship structure/damage, game objectives/ morale, weather, observation, sailing, gunfire, torpedoes, catapults/aircraft carriers, aircraft, submarines, mines, MTBs, and game data tables for the major countries. There are eight phases to a turn: initiative, movement of bad weather/smoke/wrecks, movement/actio ns, attack resolution, gunfire, second air/MTB movement, morale, and clean up phase. There are also game record sheets, a section on calculating game data/factors, and quick play sheets. Iron and Fire - Naval Wargames Rules for the American Civil War and Ironclad Period 1850-80 BY David Manley ($14.98) bills itself as a "quick and simple set of rules that capture the feel of ironclad naval warfare"(44 pages, spiral bound). They were written for 1/1200, scale is 1" = 300 feet, one turn = 3 minutes, and 6D, 10D, and 20D dice are used. Chapter include ship/gun definitions, terra in/current/wi nd/visibi lity, sequence of play, movement, firing, ramming/collisions, optional rules (torpedoes, grounding, shore batteries, mortars, obstacles, MG's, snipers, morale, boarding, illumination, submarines, temporary armor, ships alongside, grapeshot, turret traverse, towing, forts, and movement under sail), as well as four scenarios (Hampton Roads, Iquiqui, Angamos, Yazoo River). There are ship data tables for the US/CSA, Austria, Italy, Denmark, UK, France, Russia, Turkey, and "generic" vessels. In addition, there are firing arcs/turning circles, ship record cards and quick play tables. Blue Steel, Grey Thunder - An American Civil War Supplement for Iron & Fire ($14.98; 32 pages, spiral bound) by David Manley and features a listing of all the major and many lesser warships as well as transports, mortar craft, and barges. It also offers new rules for troops/ breastworks, troops onshore & land actions, heated shot, elevation/plunging fire, cargo, minded obstacles, shot & shell, fire rafts, and wargaming in 1/600. Chapters include ACW gunnery tables, chance cards, a solo campaign system, convention campaign rules, and much information on warship data for the USA and CSA ships as well as forts and field defenses. The campaign systems look interesting. Ironclads at War - The Second Schleswig War, Lissa Campaign, Franco-Prussian War - A European Supplement for Iron & Fire by David Manley ($14.98; 36 pages, spiral bound) is another supplement and covers the three major wars in Europe in the 1860's/70's. A detailed history of the wars is provided along with campaign rules and special new rules. Additional chance cards are available as is warship data cards for the participants. I would think ACW/Ironclad period gamers would be very interested in these rules sets! By Hal Thinglum- DAY OF BATTLE - 2nd EDITION - Christopher Parker, 23 Kirriemuir, Stratham, NH 03885 (e-mail:; web: has released the second edition of DAY OF BATTLE (54 pages, 3-ring sheets for $20; also offered w/l/2" notebook for $30; prices include shipping). The rules cover the feudal period (AD 1050 to AD 1275). Players are "Warlords" (each with attributes and skills) leading bands into battle. The game uses a regular deck of playing cards to represent command; figure scale is 1:20 (1:40 for levy and militia), a single turn = 10/15 minutes, and 1" = 10 yards. Players need 50-100 figures for a game. D20 are used and the rules can be used for 2mm/25mm figures. Figures are based on stands (1-4 figures per base) and base sizes are provided for 15mm/25mm. There are basic (for new players) and advanced (to increase historical accuracy/complexity) rules. Information re unit formations is provided. Attributes and skills for the Warlords is explained in detail; there is a section on "honor points" (designed to "encourage the Warlord to act his part, and there is a section on a campaign. Organization and figure purchase cost is presented. Game sequence is as follows: challenges, first game move initiative, 1st command phase, 2 d Command phase, and sequence end. There is a section on command, and the usual game sections on morale/ melee/ movement/etc. There is a brief "historical analysis" of the time period, information re troop types, army lists, and quick play charts. Nicely presented! Chris reports the rules are "very heavy in roleplaying". By Hal Thinglum - PUBLICATIONS FROM PARTIZAN PRESS - Partizan Press, 816-818 London Rd., Leigh-on-Sea, Essex SS9 3NH UK (phone/fax: 01702-473986; email:; web: publishes a large number of quality historical publications including the two I am going to mention: THE AGE OF NAPOLEON (#35) and BATTLEFIELDS (#10) (each is 3.75 pds/$7.50; available in the US from On Military Matters, 55 Taylor Terrace, Hopewell, NJ (phone: 609-466-2329). Both are glossy, color publications and number 46 pages. Battlefields is edited by Mike Oliver and this issue features a visit to Talavera de la Reina along with orders of battle, a scenario for the SYW re a raid on the French Coast, an in-depth review of the computer game "Cossacks", Wargaming the Sumerians by MWANer David Gundt, Valmy and Jernappes 1792 as wargame scenarios by Paddy Griffth, a short set of Napoleonic wargame rules, and a re-enactment article on the Zulu War/Boer War. Interesting stuff! #35 of The Age of Napoleon is edited by Richard Partridge and has an interesting article by Brent Nosworthy on "The Current State of Military History", Part I of the Bridge of Lodi (5-10-1796), Part II of the Water Campaign, further information re a Napoleonic rules set published in #34, Peter Hofschroer's "Old Myths Die Hard", an article on skirmishers in Napoleonic wargames (interesting), and book reviews. Both are highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - REDOUBT ENTERPRISES 25mm ACW RELEASES - Redoubt Enterprises, 49 Channel View Rd., Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 7LN, UK released a great 25mm Galloping Artillery set (25 pounds) consisting of six galloping limber horses with three riders (all horses/riders are in different poses), limber, two seated limber riders (different poses), three inch rifled artillery piece, and mounted guidon bearer and officer. This is truly an outstanding set! I love any kind of artillery; what a diorama this would make! These are large 28mm figures and have the quality we have grown used to from Redoubt. The horses are just fantastically done! Flash is minimal; the gun and limber need assembly but the wheels fit very easily on to the limber and rifled gun. All heads are cast on. Their ACW line continues to expand greatly. Highly recommended'. They report that they will be raising their prices in the area of 10% in the near future. Also released are charging ACW cavalry - nine packs including three command (two guidon bearers, two sergeants, one officer and one trumpeter) at ten pounds per pack; all figures have separate heads. Again, horses are great - best I've seen! The figures all have their lower bodies attached to the horse so you can glue the trunk on as you wish to give you further variation. The various enlisted men packs feature them with swords and pistols and various jackets. Great stuff, Peter! By Hal Thinglum - MAGWEB.COM BATTLEMUSIC --MAGWEB.COM has released a classical music CD "Emperor Triumphant" with nine original pieces of war: Cavalry Clash, The Imperial Ball, Lost Battle, Rally to the Emperor, The Armorer's Forge, Battle Royale, Tattoo for the Dead, Accolades for the Heros, and March of Triumph. I'm listening to the CD as I write this and I really enjoy it! Many wargamers enjoy having 11 mood music" for their games and this CD would be very appropriate. I can visualize a SYW or Napoleonic game in my mind as I listen to this music. From the release info sheet: "Russ Lockwood created a story about an enemy invasion of a peaceful land. This framework and the various elements surrounding a military campaign were turned over the Wynter, a 32-year-old classically trained songwriter halling from NJ who was commissioned by to create original classical music, Her compositions tell the story of a land In peril from an enemy invasion, and of Its brave Emperor who must rally his people and lead the army to victory, " Cost is $20.00 including worldwide postage. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - B&B MINIATURES 20MM RELEASES FOR AWI AND SAMURAI B&B Miniatures, available through BROOKHURST HOBBIES, 12188 Brookhurst St., Garden Grove, CA 92840 (phone: 714-636-3585; e-mail: web site:, has released more items to their 20mm AWI and Samurai line. AR-17 British Light Dragoons dismounted, AR-5 British Grenadiers charging, AR-45 Loyalist Infantry in soft hat advancing and from the Samurai line, SAM-20 Armored Samurai with swords (20 figures/$22.50) and Ashigaru with polearms (20/$22.50). These releases expand the AWI line to 21 British packs, 14 Hessian, 12 Loyalist, and 27 American. The Samurai line has seven hero packs, eight mounted packs, and 15 foot packs. The AWI packs are $27.50 for foot (24) and $32.50 for mounted (12). One of the Light Dragoons has a separate right arm with musket; the other five samples are onepiece castings. These figures are not as "chunky" as their excellent Franco-Prussian War line, but I like them a lot! Good castings, much less breakage re bayonets, and cast-on flag poles. The Samurai have separate weapons and they are finely cast. Detail on these figures is very good. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - KENNINGTON MINIATURES 20MM ACW - Kennington Miniatures, 4 Church Vale, Forest Hill, London, SE23 2UW (e-mail: produces my favorite 20mm ACW line - chunky figures with character and detail! I needed mounted and dismounted cavalry and they provide a very nice listing. They have cavalry in kepi (command consisting of officer, standard bearer and trumpeter), with carbine, with pistol, and firing carbine; cavalry in hat (same poses as in kepi but they have a fifth pack with shotgun); four packs of Virginian cavalry (command, w/carbine, w/pistol, and firing carbine); and a single pack of Rush's lancers (though I didn't get these). The mounted cavalry all have three figures and horses per pack and cost 2.50 pounds per pack. There are five packs of dismounted cavalry (command has four figures for 1.35 pounds and enlisted men packs have six figures for 2 pounds) for kepi, hat, and Virginian cavalry. There is a dismounted command and then packs of firing, loading, advancing, and horse holder with two horses. Some of the figure packs have multiple poses. I really like the style of Kennington figures. If you like 20mm, make sure you take a look at these! Outstanding figures with a minimum of flash. Highly recommended! Kennington Miniatures has greatly expanded and now offers many 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm and 25mm resin building and wargames accessories. Received for mention was ACW11 Gun platform with gabions (3.50 pds), ACW3 Ruined Cabin (5 pds), AC16 log bridge ($3.50 pds), AC7 Earthwork end pieces (4 for 2 pds), AC12 walls, stone capped (3 for 2.25 pds), and AC15 earthwork corners (2 for 2 pds). This range must have been purchased from another company - perhaps Hovels? - as I have several of these items in my painted collection. They are very nice pieces; the log bridge is perfect for 25mm WWII Russian Front gaming as well for any period actually. Lastly, Kennington purchased the New Hope Design line, a very extensive line of what I believe are 54mm metal figures, though I could be wrong - strangely enough I can not find the size listed in the catalog - they also offer 1:32, 1:48 and 1:72n, scale metal figures. Also offered are "Fine Scale Factory" items in 20mm with a number of artillery and wagons for the TYW, SYW and Napoleonic periods as well as the Middle Ages and "antique" period (Roman), ACW, WWI, WWII, including a "Tank" line which includes an armoured train. 20mm wargamers may want to check this out! By Hal Thinglum - MARK BROWN'S PAINTING SERVICE - I have been using Mark's services for a number of years now (11574 Dueling Oaks Ct., Pensacola, FL 32514; phone: 850-968-4776). His prices are very fair and he provides quality work. I recently received a 24-man unit of OLD GLORY Indian Mutiny mutineer foot and a 12man unit of mutineer cavalry. The paint job is nicely done using the black primer method of painting; with basically what I would call a "block-type" approach where all of the areas are cleanly painted and there is a clear-cut distinction between one color and another. Mark always gives me some painting differences within a unit, which I much prefer. Dependable service and a pleasure to work with. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - RENAISSANCE INK PAINTING SERVICE - Jay Wirth, of Renaissance Ink, 335 Torrance Ave., Vestal, NY 13850, is another painting service I have used for a long time. Jay seems to have the ability to take on very large orders and finish them within a reasonable time frame, a very important factor for many individuals who wish to have figures painted for their armies. Jay also uses the black primer method, for me at least, and his painting style is more along what the black primer method was designed for - at least in my uneducated mind - that is, to allow the painter some liberty in that he doesn't have to cover every bit of surface with the color he is working on because the undercoating (black) is supposed to provide a small portion of what you see when you look at the finished product. In this way, painting is (1) faster, and (2) you get more a shaded look without spending the time doing so. Jay has been painting portions of my 20mm FPW collection and I got back quite a few Prussian, Saxon, and Wurttemburg infantry units. I am very pleased with the final result; the figures have more of a "campaign" look to them with the weapon and headgear trim standing out nicely. Highly recommended painting service! By Hal Thinglum - CAPTAIN - GENERAL WARGAME RULES FOR 1660-1721 BY THE PIKE & SHOT SOCIETY - The Pike & Shot Society has been around for a long time and I have at times seen a small newsletter they publish. In addition, I believe they published a set of ECW boarclgame rules some years ago which I picked up. CAPTAIN- GENERAL: Wargame Rules and Army Lists for Land Battles 1660-1721 is written by Tom Smith with Army Guides provided by Iain Stanford (version 2.0). This is a 52 page professionally printed effort which looks well laid out in an 8 112 X 11 inch style with heavy stock cover. Scale is in centimeters with one cm = 20 yards; rules were written for 15mm and they recommend halving distances and base sizes for 6/10mm and doubling them for 25mm. I've seen this suggestion often in rules - I can understand how it may work out for distances, but wonder if it is that easy to halve or double the base sizes and still have it work out? D10 and D6 are used. Platoon firing foot are based three to a stand while rank firing foot have six and foot skirmishers have two; horse are mounted three to a stand while horse skirmishers have two. The basic units are the battalion for foot, regiment for horse, and battery for artillery. There are four types of "training" ranging from Elite, Veteran, Line and Raw. Horse are divided into six types: gallopers, trotters, early and late pistoleers, lancers, and skirmishers while foot is divided into shock, rank or platoon firing, and skirmishers. There is an interesting "pre-game Setup" of 11 steps which includes scouting, engineering, deployment, and preparatory bombardment which I find well done. Units are assigned to a brigade with a commander. There is a nice section on determining officer's character which is broken down for Army commanders and Second in Charge, Generals, and Brigadiers. "Out-scouting" is determined by totaling up the number of skirmishing foot and horse, Dragoons, and Light Horse, modifying them by training type and comparing the total to the other side. There is a section on determining how much engineering can take place prior to the game as well as one on preparatory artillery bombardment. There is also a short weather section. "Command Dice" are distributed according to an officer's "Character" and these dice may be allocated to subordinate officers within command distance. Command orders are also used to replicate the problems of command control. Brigades are given order markers. There are nine phases in a game turn; movement for foot in column/short line is 12/8cm with the first figure representing movement for "unengaged" units; horse in the same formation move at 20/14cm. There is a nice section on engineering, The Army Lists cover the British, Dutch, Hanover, French, Savoy Piedmont, Bavaria, Austrian, Hesse-Kassel, Spanish, Portugalm Pfalz, Russians, Swedes, Cossack/Tartar, Brandenburg-Prussia, Danes, Scots Jacobites, Poland, minor German states,, Hungarian Rebels, Venice, Saxony, English Monmouth, Irish Jacobites,, and Ottoman Turks. Historical generals are also ranked. I found these rules to be very well laid out with lots of explanations. Also comes with heavy gloss cardstock order sheet with types of allowable orders and a two-sided "cheat" sheet. What I look for in a rules set that is not within my period of interest is 11 are there things I can steal from it?" Yes, there are in this case worth a look at - I don't know the cost, but check out their website at www.pikeandshot.or or write to Neil Rennoldson at 16 Cobbetts Way, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8TL UK; e-mail: neil. rennold sonCa)virgin. net). Nice job, Gentlemen! Back to MWAN #116 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2002 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |