by Hal Thinglum
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It's been almost two months since the surgery on my left eye and although it is still sensitive to light and the vision is not back to normal, I can tolerate working on the computer for spurts of time and can do short periods of reading. I had scar tissue from the first laser surgery for a torn retina two years ago and had to have it removed. They found a hole in the back of my eye during surgery and had to insert a gel which necessitated me laying flat on my stomach for two weeks to allow the gel to become solid. This got a little boring after awhile! I did sneak away to the computer when Barbara wasn't looking to finish up #112 and she helped me get #112 in the mail when it came back from the printer. Sorting by zip code when you can't read is quite a trick, believe me! I very much appreciate the assistance Barbara has provided me with as regards MWAN; we usually get it ready for the printer together in the basement and this cuts the required time in half sometimes. Hey, I grew a beard. After the surgery, I couldn't shower for awhile (quite awhile!) and thought "I have nothing better to do!" Always wanted to see what Id look like in a beard! Have to get my editorial drawing adjusted! If you are in your fifties you'll be able to relate to this next bit - prior to the surgery, I was averaging five miles a day jogging and feeling very good physically. The doctor said I couldn't run for a month so I laid off. I've been back running for a month now and I've had to cut back to between a mile and a mile and a half and that distance wipes me out completely for the evening! Not easy getting old, is it! Several weeks ago I got out my paint brush and static grass and painted/grassed 20mm FPW figures gluing them to their stands and then painting the stands. I was much slower than in the past, but at least I was able to do it. This was encouraging! About a month ago, I started picking up some plastic 54mm ACW figures thinking that perhaps in time I could paint these but haven't tried it out yet. It was exciting finding hobby shops, train shops actually, that carried them! They sure are neat figures! I had in my mind that I would mount them individually on metal bases and constructing some 54mm terrain items such as fences. I am seriously considering reterraining my 28mm WWII collection. I have been using static grass for years now to terrain the figures and bases and it does give a nice look in a very short time, something that is important to me. However, I was looking at the figures and felt that they would look better if I used another technique. I picked up lots of Woodland Scenics terrain items and am going to fool around a bit and see how they look. I am not the kind of person who has a "feel" for this sort of thing. If anyone has done terraining figure bases with Woodland Scenics, I'd appreciate an article on the subject. I don't anticipate a lot of trouble getting the static grass off as I have done this with some of my 20mm FPW collection when I used a different shade of static grass and didn't like the visual effect. Even though I used a good quality super glue to adhere the figure to the metal base, I found I could still pop it off with an exacto knife and then scrape off the static grass enough so as to be able to repaint it. I'm still searching for a set of WWII rules to use with my figures; any ideas out there? WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED has had a series of articles on 28mm WWII wargaming using the characters from the movie CROSS OF IRON. Has anyone, by the way, seen the movie WINTER WAR, which is a Finnish film on the RussianFinnish War? I've seen it listed and keep meaning to order it. I'll bet it is quite good! I've been checking out Bartertown quite often and have picked up three or four items. Very handy place! I've noted a significant decrease in the use of "The Sutler's Wagon" as of late and think it may only be a matter of time before this becomes a column of the past as it is too easy, and quick, to post your wants and needs on the internet. Amazing, isn't it! I've also been using e-bay to collect APBA baseball card sets which I started playing in 1962 though I haven't played it since about 1973. However, it's been fun picking up seasons I'm interested in. I've tried to find historical figures on e-bay, but have not been successful; I did find listings for 54mm figures though. Len Brewer reports that the following web site has some interesting palm trees, regular trees and barbed wire accessories: Stephen Lawrence reports OLD GLORY has a web site now: International Historic Films, PO Box 29035, Chicago, IL 60629 ( has the video "The Franco-Prussian War" - 55 minutes for $24.95. Has anyone seen this yet? Would like a review of it if so. Geo-Hex (e-mail: announces they are carrying the old 25mm Pass of the North figures that Jeff Caruso used to produce. There were some interesting figures in these lines. Some sad news - the St. Louis hobby shop GAMES, CRAFTS, HOBBIES & STUFF closed it's doors several months ago. Kevin Fitzpatrick was one of the first advertisers to support MWAN and did a lot for the hobby. Sorry to hear this and hope all is well, Kevin! Bob Bowling of RLBPS reports he is now distributing the GRIPPING BEAST 25mm figure line as well as COPPLESTONE CASTINGS (28mm Future Wars). Also GRAND MANNER has released a new Norman fort and a 20mm WWII sewer system, and Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Co has released 1:48th scale modern figure packs. CASTAWAY ARTS, PO Box 7599, Cairns 4870, Australia has released a 28mm line for the FrancoPrussian War line thus far consisting of French and Prussian line infantry and command (email: web: Received a catalog Soveitski Collection featuring Soviet items (www.sovietski,com ) Game Figures Inc., 538 Olathe Street, Unit E, Aurora, CO 80011 (phone: 303-361-6465; fax: 3033616474; web:, just released a new catalog with AIM10 and Minifigs N scale WWII and a number of 15mm Minifigs line. Check them out; you'll find many useful 15mm Minifigs! MWANer Bill Winski, who stayed at my house for LITTLE WARS, collects 10mm Minifig WWII - would like to see an article on this from you, Bill! Check out for KwaAndy - An Introduction to Colonial Wargaming. Howard Whitehouse's "Science vs Pluck" is on this site as are a number of other rules sets. WARGAMES, Box 278, Rt 40 East, Triadelphia, WV 26059-0278 ( announces they have Warhammer Ancient Battles books back in stock; Cotton Jim flags, and the new Hovels Hougoumount. They also carry the excellent ESSEX 15mm lines. Smoke & Fire Co., 27 N. River Rd., Waterville, OH 43566 (phone: 800766-5334; web: sent along a catalog featuring items for living history. Dan Schorr mentions he has War of Spanish Succession uniform books on CD ROM; check out his web at Fidelis Models ( reports they are offering new kits from Military Depot including Karl Morser 60cm, Ammo carrier for same, Karl Morser 54cm, and an 88mm AA gun on Buessing flatbed truck; all in 1/87 1h scale. They also are offering the Trident line of HO 1/87th scale plastic military kits as well as Rocco kits. SHAKO has a internet support site ( AB Figures ( announces they have released 20mm German mortars and British "Tommies". Caliver Books ( sent a 19th Century Warfare (1815-1905) book listing as well as an Age of Reason & Napoleonic Wars (1660-1820). Mr. GAJO, 930 Mellish Drive, Lapeer, MI 48446 (810-664-5655; web: sent along a massive list of used painted armies as well as brand new painted armies - you won't find a more honest man in this hobby than George Johnson! The Miniature Service Center is adding more figure companies to their list. In addition to Redoubt Enterprises, they carry Helion & Company, Front Rank, Village Green, ICON MINIATURES and Calpe. 1386 Portofino Dr., Yuba City, CA 95993 (phone/fax: 5306735169; e-mail: MSCID!AOL.COM). I noticed that Redoubt has added a pair of ECW 28mm battalion guns with four crew ($25); also they are producing a new Victorian range and PMC Victorian items such as a crew of eight figures ($15.95) and a large artillery piece ($19.95). For the ACW in 28mm, they have released the Iron Brigade, a set of 30 figures ($47.95). Lovely stuff indeed! ICON is expanding their 28mm WWII line and has added Soviet HMG (Maxim) teams, riflemen scouts, assault group, dismounted tank riders, sailors, snipers, more riflemen, NKVD HMG teams, and NKVD riflemen. For the Germans, they've added more infantry with rifles, SMG's, another character set, HMG teams, casualties, motorcycle and sidecar, a mortar section, and tank killers '44. Matt Irsik ( has been producing WARNING ORDER, the newsletter for the WASATCH Front Historical Gaming Society and has done an outstanding job - color publication with lots of quality pictures and information. It would appear as though the printed version will not appear again as he will be doing it over the web. He produced an excellent supplement 'ASSEGAI!"The 1879 British Campaign in Zululand including rules, map, counters, terrain cards, event cards, orders of battle, and organizational displays. Really nice stuff, Matt; you have some talent, young man! John Bruce of FAA announces that FAA has been sold to Baxter Key of Fat Cat Miniatures, 2819 Colombine Pl., Nashville, TN 37204 (615-298-4010); it will be called FAA(USA). John will be retaining his 28mm Spanish Civil War range which will be sold under the name FORCE OF ARMS. Good luck, John! I'm anxious to see what else you'll be doing with the 28mm Spanish Civil War line and which period(s) you'll do next. Charles Sharp has an extensive order of battle in this issue for the Battle of Blenheim featuring both the historical OB as well as his OB for his wargames armies. I know this is quite long and I wasn't sure about running it but you won't find better research for this battle. I decided to do 15mm SYW armies with the excellent Essex figures available from WARGAMES (see ads on last two pages of MWAN). I've been picking them up from time to time and really like the castings. I'm supplementing them with the 19th Century Miniatures Old Glory SYW line as well. I think I'll do AGE OF REASON (Todd Kershner) with 12 man battalions and two to three battalions per regiment. I started out picking up Prussians and Austrians but have added Russians in a recent trip to THE EMPEROR'S HEADQUARTERS - couldn't turn them down, I'm afraid! Another period I've long been interested in and is on my "to do" list is the Russian Civil War. At first, I was going to do it in 20mm with B&B Miniatures but due to expense, I have decided to go with 15mm (Peter Pig and now, True North Productions with their 1920 Russo-Polish War line). Peter Pig makes an armored train in 15mm which should be very interesting! Have to pick up some Peter Pig 15mm RCW/WWI figures and see how they match up against True North Productions. There have been quite a few articles on the RCW in WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED. Franco-Prussian War Project I'm putting the finishing touches on my 20mm Franco-Prussian War project and it has grown to be quite massive - surprise! It consists entirely of B&B Miniatures figures except for some 20mm ACW mounted officers which I am using as French command figures. I did hold a game in April using THEY DIED FOR GLORY and was very pleased with the rules set. It moved along quite quickly and was easy to learn to play. I contacted B&B Miniatures and asked if they would put together a special order of French Guard Chasseur infantry advancing and standing at ready and they were kind enough to honor my request. They don't make Voltigeurs of the Guard and from what I can tell, the Guard Chasseurs' uniform is close enough to the Guard Voltigeurs; close enough for me anyway! I'm looking at the following for my French force: 1st Division
2nd Brigade: 6 line 2nd Division
2nd Brigade: 6 line 3rd Division
2nd Division: 6 Guarde Mobile 4th Division
2nd Division: 6 Zouave All regiments are of three battalions each of 16 figures. In addition, each division has a chasseur battalion of 24 figures as well as two artillery batteries and one milltraileuse battery. The Guard will be as follows:
2nd Brigade: six grenadier bns. There would also be two batteries of Guard foot artillery and one of Miltralleuse. I have about nine or ten regiments of French cavalry, guard and line and also French horse line and guard artillery. The total comes to about 60 battalions of foot/approximately 1100 figures or at a 1:50 ratio (They Died For Glory), 55,200 men. The German Army also has four divisions with 18 Prussian regiments, three Baden, 9 Saxon, 12 Bavarian, and four Wurttemburg, as well as Jagers, cavalry, and horse and foot artillery. I'll have to do an update article on this project when I have time to write up the battle report for the FPW game we had back in April. I wonder if anyone will produce a line of 20mm Austrian figures from 1866; itd be nice to have them available and put together an Austrian army so the 1870 Prussians could be used two ways. I've mentioned how I make out lists of periods/projects I am interested in. Well, I recently did this and lopped off several projects. I put my Malburian 15mm project on hold till I can paint again. Last year, I was pumping out quick a few units of artillery, infantry and cavalry; was quite exciting - like old days! This period still appeals to me because of the uniform colors and the short campaigning season - seems like it would be perfect for solo wargame campaigns. I'm undecided about what to do with my 28mm WWII vehicles as to whether or not I should base them. I saw photos of 28mm WWII vehicles in the last copy of WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED and they were on bases and looked really good! Not that mine would look that good, but - one of the problems is that I like metal bases and where do you find metal bases large enough to fit a 28mm Tiger tank? Also, how does a based 28mm Tiger tank look climbing up an incline and most of the base is off the wargames table?! This hobby is so intellectual, isn't it! I'm waiting for Howard Whitehouse to complete my desert cloth mat so I can try out my 25mm NWF/Sikh War/Indian Mutiny/2nd Afghan War figures. I picked up lots of them when WARGAMES FOUNDRY first came out with them (when they were affordable), thought I'd finished the period and then picked up some OLD GLORY Indian Mutiny and Pathans which I've been having painted up. I'm looking forward to doing Maiwand in the 2nd Afghan War and some Sikh War battles. I recently picked up a bunch of Dixon 15mm Indian Mutiny figures on sale and tossed them in my plastic sweater box labeled "Sikh War/Indian Mutiny." Now I know I don't need to do this period in 15mm when I have it in 25mm and it is almost completed. But, you know how it is - couldn't pass them up again! MWANer Brian Bradford and I have been e-mailing off and on about finding appropriate figures for this period and Brian is off on a mission. How about an article on your "quest", Brian? The box contains packs of Essex 15mm which didn't fit for the Sudan but would be perfect for the Sikh War, Irregular Miniatures Sikhs and Pathans, and samples of the Feudal Castings (UK) line featuring the Sikh War/Indian Mutiny. I always figure that I can collect figures like this for a period that I am interesting in doing in the future. If I decide not to do it, I can always sell/trade them off. Britannia Miniatures, 77 Church St., Runcorn Cheshire, WA7 ILG ( continues to pump out 20mm Vietnam and WWII figures. Available in the USA from Combined Arms Inc., 5132 E. Princess Anne Rd., Norfolk, VA (phone/fax: 757 857-7698; web: ( Old Glory has added to their 15mm FrancoPrussian War line (available via 19th Century Miniatures, Old Glory 15's, 300 Watson St., Coopersville, MI 49404 (phone: 616837-7045). They now have 25 different packs of figures. They also have a 15mm Sudan War which is quite extensive. I just heard OLD GLORY released a 25mm WWI line at the recent HISTORICON convention. That would be interesting, wouldn't it! You could use the figures for so many other periods other than WWI, I would think. When I did my French Foreign Legion project, I used lots of Wargames Foundry WWI French for regular French infantry in Algeria following WWI. Irregular Miniatures, 3 Apollo Rd., Heslington Rd. York, Y01 5AP (web: has added 25mm Picts & Caledonians, Gauls & British, Early Imperial Romans, Republican Romans, Early Germans, and a Gladiator range. They have the best mail order service in the business! The old QT Models figures are now available from Amazon Miniatures (e-mail:, web : These were multipart 25mm figures if I recall correctly. Strategiae Tattica, S.r.l., Via Cavour, 250-00184 Roma, Italy, has a line of 25mm Italian Colonial Wars figures of 21 packs consisting of Italians, Askaris, and Abyssinians (email: When I did my 25mm Sudan project, I was really hoping to do the Italian Colonial period as well but there weren't any figures available. Helion & Company, 26 Willow Rd., Solihull, West Midlands, B91 1UE, UK (phone: 01210705 3393; (e-mail: wargames@hel web: has a growing listing of 25mm 1866 Austro-Prussian War figures as well as an extensive listing of books for the period. I saw these figures some years ago and they are terrific! Would match great with Wargames Foundry. Antonio Matassa of Freikorps (web: reports they have started up a new company A&A MINIATURES which offers 2528mm figures for Sassanid Persians. He would also like to announce that he has a new distributor for FreiKorps, David Clayton - see David's ad in this issue. Check out Stone Mountain Miniatures ad in this issue; they've listed their 15mm "Edge of the Empire" British Colonial line encompassing British, Dervish, and Zulus. I haven't seen the Zulus or the British, but the Dervish foot are quite good. I noticed they do have casualty figures which I need to pick up. Over the years, MWAN's production schedule has shifted so that it is currently about a month late. This bothers me as I feel a little funny sending out the July-August issue in the middle of July, although I am not quite sure what to do about it. My printer requires me to submit MWAN at least five weeks before I get it back. It's not just a simple matter of putting together one issue shortly after the last one (i.e., five weeks sooner than usual) as I wouldn't have enough articles, nor enough cash, to do so. I hope this doesn't pose a problem for anyone other than myself! Thanks for your continued support of MWAN. 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