The following charts and tables are to be used by players in the design ofbattles. Remember that a players detailed research of a battle will often give all the necessary information needed for unit and command design. Should a player feel that his research shows a unit to have a special ability or a superior leader and this is in conflict with the charts and tables below then the player should modify accordingly.
Nationality | Division Officer | Corp Commander*
| Wing/Small Army* | Large Army* (No Corps) |
France | 4" | 8" | 12" | 18" |
Britain | 4" | 6" | 10" | 16" |
& Russia | 3" | 6" | 10" | 16" |
Others | 3" | 5" | 8" | 14" |
* Exceptional Corp/Wing/Army commanders may add 2" to their command range. Replacement officers suffer a -1" to their command range. Minor nationalities allied with a major power may use that nations officer command chart.
commanders on the field) |
Commanders Quality Rating | Maneuver effects range | Modifier to
Maneuver Table |
Excellent | 6" | +4 |
Good | 4" | +3 |
Average | 2" | +2 |
Poor | 1" | +1 |
Brigade Effectiveness Level Chart (BEL)
No. of Stands | Grenadier/ Guard Infantry |
Veteran Infantry or Elite cavalry | Regular Infantry or
good cavalry | Conscript Infantry or Line cavalry | Militia or
poor cavalry |
NB Dis/Rt# | 4/5 or 3/5 | 3/4 or 2/5 | 2/4 | 2/3
| 1/2 or 1/3 |
3 | - | 3/1/- | 3/2/- | 3/2/1 | 3/-/2 |
4 | 4/2/- | 4/3/1 | 4/3/2 | 4/3/2 | 4/-/3 |
5 | 5/3/- | 5/3/1 | 5/4/2 | 5/4/3 | 5/-/4 |
6 | 6/3/1 | 6/4/2 | 6/5/3 | 6/5/4 | 6/-/5 |
7 | 7/3/2 | 7/4/3 | 7/5/4 | 7/6/4 | 7/6/5 |
**-(Between the years 1804-1807 when Napoleon starts on the field of battle in command, all French troops under his command are advanced one to the left [not higher then Veteran] when figuring quality levels.)
NB stands for "Napoleon's Battle". This line is given to help players convert unit information from that game system to Napoleonic Fury. Information is given is the Fire & Fury standard format of. Fresh/Worn/Spent.
Maneuver (1st) Phase:
The first side maneuvers their brigades, batteries and leaders. 1. Attach and detach leaders 2. Move brigades and batteries 3. Move detached leaders, replace fallen leaders
Reaction (2nd) Phase:
The non-phasing player may attempt to react with any of his good order cavalry. Cavalry Division officers may make a move if any of their units move during this phase. Reacting cavalry has 1/2 movement allowance for reaction purposes and cannot get breakthroughs. Eligible non-phasing cavalry may attempt to countercharge if charged by cavalry. React by rolling on appropriate maneuver chart. At least a "1/2 move" must be rolled in order to react.
Musketry and Cannonade (3rd) Phase:
The non-phasing player resolves his defensive fire and applies results. Then the phasing player resolves his fire and applies results.
Melee (4th) Phase:
The phasing player determines the order in which all melees will take place. Combat is considered simultaneous. All results are applied to both sides simultaneously at the resolution of combat.
Once one side has completed the sequence, then the 2nd player goes through the same sequence. Once both players have completed the sequence a game turn has been completed.
Infantry | Column Formation | Line Formation |
Rough Terrain* |
French/British | 12" | 5" | 2/1 |
Austrian** | 9"/11" | 4" | 3/1 / 2/1 |
Prussian** | 9"/12" | 5" | 2/1 |
Russian** | 8"/10" | 3" | 2/1 |
Spanish, Saxon, Neapolitan,Rhinebund | 9" | 3"
| 3/1 |
Ottoman | 9" | 4" | 2/1 |
Others** | 9"/11" | 4" | 3/1 / 2/1 |
**Numbers before the slash are used for dates 1792-1808, after the slash is 1809+
*Light infantry (LT, JG, Grenz) only pay 3/2 in rough terrain.
Unit Type | Column/ Line | Rough Terrain |
Light Cavalry | 16" | 3/1 |
Heavy Cavalry | 14" | 4/1 |
Horse Battery | 12" | 4/1 |
Heavy Battery | 9" | 6/1 |
Leaders | 18" | 2/1 |
March column bonus is X2 column movement allowance while moving along roads.
Formation changes cost a unit 1/2 of its Movement allowance measured against the units line MV.
Infantry in square formation have 1/2 their normal line MV. But may not enter rough terrain.
Passage of lines costs 3 " inches for all unit types. [Except: LT, JG, Grenz infantry which may pass
through and be passed through at no cost. (This may disallow some units from passing through due to
lack of MV.) Unlimbered artillery may be passed through at no additional cost for any unit type.
Artillery may prolong. Horse batteries get 2", while heavy batteries get 1". (Except Ottoman.)
Units may retreat straight backwards but do so at their rough terrain cost keeping there facing as is.
A unit may not change formation and charge/move into melee in the same MV phase.
MV- Stands for "Movement Allowance."
DISORDER TABLE (Units must roll)
Die Roll Result
1 or less Unit routs- remove from table
2,3 Broken- lose 1 stand and retreat a full move
4,5 Wavering- unit retreats 3" in disorder
6,7 Shaken- unit holds ground but rallys
8-10 Unit rallys and gets 1/2 movement. (No FC)
11+ Unit rallys with Elan. Full move.
GOOD ORDER TABLE (Units may roll) |
Excellent | Good | Average | Poor | Result |
2 or less | 2 or less | 2 or less | 3 or less | Unit retreats a
half move |
3,4 | 3,4 | 3,4 | 4,5 | Unit holds ground |
5 | 5,6 | 5,6 | 6,7 | Unit holds ground (May
FC) |
6 | 7 | 7,8 | 8,9 | Unit has 1/2 MV OR may
FC |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Unit has 2/3 MV and may
FC |
8+ | 9+ | 10+ | 11+ | Well handled. Full
move |
Use the rating of the Corp commander (or the Army Commander if no Corp commanders being used.) If the unit is unable to trace a valid command chain to the Corp commander than that unit must use a chart one below his Corp (army) rating.
FC stands for Formation Change.
+1 Exceptional brigade commander.
+1 Within range of brigades division officer.
+2 Within range of brigades exceptional divisional officer or officer attached.
+3 Exceptional officer attached.
+1 French old guard infantry.
+1 Light infantry (LT, Legere, JG, Grenz).
+1 Cavalry (+2 for Austrian/Saxon Cavalry)
+2 Fresh
+2 In March Column
+? National modifiers for formation
-2 Spent
-1 Non light infantry or cavalry in woods
Nationality | Column | Line |
France@ | +2 | 0 |
Britain | +1 | +1 |
Austria* | 0/+1 | 0 |
Prussia* | 0/+1 | +1/0 |
Russia | 0 | 0 |
Spain% | 0(+1$) | 0 |
Ottoman | 0 | 0 |
Minors* | 0/+1 | 0 |
* Numbers before the slash are for 1792-1808. After the slash are for 1809+.
$ Spanish allied to the French or British trained Spanish.
% Also Saxon, Neapolitan & Rhinebund troops.
@= Also Hesse, Baden, and Vistula Legion.
Infantry | Contact= 2 | Out to 2" = 1 | - | - |
Light Infantry | Contact= 2 | Out to 3"= 1 | - | - |
Horse Artillery | Contact to 2"= 8 | 2"+ to 8"= 3 | 8"+to 12 = 1 | - |
Heavy Artillery | Contact to 2"= 12 | 2"+ to 8" = 4 | 8"+ to 12" = 2
| 12"+ to 16" = 1 |
Dismntd Cav. | Contact to 1"= 1 | - | - | - |
All infantry stands may fire while in line formation. Only the front stands may fire while in column. Infantry/Dismounted Cavalry stands have a 45 degree firing arc. Artillery has a 30 degree firing arc.
Fire points | Desultory | Lively | Telling
| Deadly | Withering |
1/2 | 0-11 | 12+ | - | - | - |
1 | 0-10 | 11+ | - | - | - |
2 | 0-9 | 10+ | - | - | - |
3 | 0-8 | 9+ | - | - | - |
4 | 0-7 | 8-11 | 12+ | - | - |
5 | 0-7 | 8-10 | 11+ | - | - |
6,7 | 0-6 | 7-9 | 10+ | - | - |
8,9 | 0-6 | 7-9 | 10-11 | 12+ | - |
10,11 | 0-5 | 6-8 | 9-10 | 11+ | - |
12-14 | 0-4 | 5-7 | 8-10 | 11+ | - |
15-19 | 0-3 | 4-6 | 7-9 | 10+ | - |
20-24 | 0-2 | 3-5 | 6-8 | 9-11 | 12+ |
25-29 | 0-1 | 2-4 | 5-7 | 8-10 | 11+ |
30-34 | 0 | 1-3 | 4-6 | 7-9 | 10+ |
35-39 | - | 0-2 | 3-5 | 6-8 | 9+ |
40-45 | - | 0-1 | 2-4 | 5-7 | 8+ |
46-50 | - | 0 | 1-3 | 4-6 | 7+ |
51+ | - | 0 | 1-2 | 3-5 | 6+ |
Desultory No effect
Lively Target disordered, artillery suppressed
Telling Target disordered & 1 stand lost. Artillery silenced.
Deadly Target disordered & 1 stand lost. Unit retreats 3". Artillery damaged.
Withering Target disordered & 2 stands lost. Unit retreats 3". Artillery wrecked.
+1 All French/British artillery and Russian heavy artillery firing out to 8". +1 Artillery firing at 2" or less at mounted cavalry. +1 British Line, Grenadier or Guard infantry +1 Target changed formation in range of firing unit or is limbered artillery. +1 Light infantry (LT, Legere, JG, Grenz) firing (except for Russian, Spanish, Ottoman & Neapolitan)
+2 Target is enfiladed. +2 Target is infantry in square formation.
X2 Target is in March column formation.
x1/2 Firing unit is disordered, damaged battery, or firing at a breakthrough unit.
-1 Infantry firing at unlimbered artillery or counter-battery fire. - 1 Firing infantry is Landwher/Militia or Guerrilla -1 Target is in woods, behind a hedge, higher elevation or in a town area (not deployed). -1 Phasing Artillery firing after having unlimbered, prolonged or pivoted. (Not suffered by guard artillery.) -2 Target deployed in a town, behind a stone wall, in entrenchment or works. -2 Infantry firing at charging cavalry and not in square. -3 Target deployed in a fortified town.
Maximum cumulative modifiers are +/- 3.
Leader Loss:
On a natural roll of 12 there is a possibility that any attached officer has been killed. Roll again and on a result of 2-9 the officer is wounded/killed and removed. Any other result and the officer is fine.
Difference Effects
7+* Swept from the field. Defender retreat's a full move disordered/silenced. Two stands removed, one leader and/or battery captured if present. One additional stand removed for each die difference over 10. Attackers breakthrough and must continue to charge 1/2 move toward the nearest enemy.
4-6* Driven back. Defender retreat's a full move disordered/silenced. One stand removed, battery damaged. Attackers carry position or may continue to charge 1/2 move toward the nearest enemy unit. Charging cavalry may opt to pull back 1/2 move.
1-3 Hard Pressed. Defender retreat's 3" and is disordered. Batteries silenced & withdraw 9". Attackers carry position. If cavalry, disordered.
0 Desperate struggle. Both sides are disordered and each losses a stand. Roll again with adjusted modifiers.
-1 to -3 Assault checked. Attacker is disordered and fall's back 3". Defending cavalry is disordered.
-4 to -6 Assault Falters. Attacker disordered and loses one stand and retreat's a full move.
-7 or less Charge repulsed. Attacker disordered, losses two stands and retreats a full move. Leader captured, An additional stand is removed for each difference over -10.
+1 Attached leader or exceptional brigade commander (some leaders may give a +2)
+1 Breakthrough
+2 Fresh
+2 Mounted cavalry charging infantry or artillery in the open.
+1 Cavalry charging while in line formation. (Cavalry may not charge in woods.)
+1 Heavy Cavalry
+1 Armored Cavalry
+1 Guard Cavalry
+2 Grenadier/Guard infantry
+3 French Old Guard
+? National modifiers (Not used by infantry Vs cavalry)
+1 Defending in forest, higher elevation, hedges, wall, ford or hasty works.
+2 Defending sunken road, trench, town, entrenchment or breastworks.
+3 Defending fortified town.
+4 Infantry in square Vs Cavalry
-2 Spent
-2 Disordered or in march column.
-3 Infantry not in cover or square Vs cavalry or infantry Vs infantry when in square.
-1 Cossack/MC/LW[Militia infantry or guerrilla's.
-1 For each stand lost during current fire or melee phase.
-4 Cavalry Vs infantry in square.
-4 Cavalry Meleeing in/into woods.
-2 Outflanked.
-1 Outnumbered 3:2.
-2 Outnumbered 2: 1.
-3 outnumbered 3: 1 +.
Nationality Melee
France@ +2/+1 Column
Britain +1 Line
Austria* 0/+1 Column
Prussia* +1 Line/+1 Col
Russia +1 defending#
Spain* 0/-1 (0$)
Ottoman +1
Minors*% 1/+1 Column
* Numbers before the slash are for F 92-1808. After the slash are for 1809+.
# Applies to line, grenadier or guard infantry defending Vs other infantry.
$ Spanish allied to the French or British trained Spanish.
@ Also Hesse, Baden, and Vistula Legion. Reduce column melee bonus to +1 during 1813-1814 except for French Veteran class units and above.
% Saxon, Neapolitian and Rhinebund troops are -1/0 in Column.
Die Roll Result
4 or less unsuccessful, unit disordered
5-7 unsuccessful
8+ successful
Emergency formation change (FC) attempt modifiers
+1 Exceptional brigade commander or leader attached.
+2 Exceptional division/upper echelon leader attached.
+1 In Column formation (+2 Austrian Line/Grenadier infantry 1809+)
+1 Any Grenadier/Guard unit. (+2 for French Old Guard.)
+1 British/Pre- 1808 Prussians/Pre- 1813 French
+1 Cavalry charges over 1/2 their movement allowance.
-1 Spanish, Russian, Ottoman, Saxon, Neapolitan, Rhinebund, or pre- 18 10 Portuguese.
-1 Militia or Guerrilla infantry.
-1 Spent.
-2 disordered
-2 In march column.
Infantry uses this chart if charged by cavalry and the infantry is NOT IN square formation, deployed in a town or behind defensive works or wall.
A unit may not attempt emergency formation change if already in contact with an enemy unit.***
Unit Type Die Roll Needed to Evade
Good order Cavalry Automatic
Limbered Artillery Automatic
Disordered Cavalry 5+
Unlimbered horse artillery 7+
-1 if horse battery is suppressed
A cavalry brigade or artillery battery may only make one evasion attempt/move per phase.
Should the cavalry brigade or horse battery successfully evade, the attacking infantry occupies the ground and is then done with its movement.
Notes and Special rules:
Bridge column assaults.
Assaulting across a bridge is actually done at a lower level than NF represents but to cover those situations that may arise use the following:
a. For this type of combat only, allow the attacker to form march column formation and melee across the bridge. Any fire against the march column still gains the X2 bonus but for the immediate melee only, the march column unit does not suffer the normal -2 for being in march column.
Allied officer attachment. For those that wish to better represent the lack ofpersonal involvement that was common amongst the allied nations officers Corp, apply the following:
a. No Allied officer (Except Britain) may attach for the purposes of entering into melee unless he is an exceptional officer and/or has a +2 modifier for melee.
Terrain and battlefield effects. I intentionally left out detailed information on terrain in the rules section as it is impossible to cover all the various possibilities to be found on a Napoleonic battlefield. Ranging from the steep ravine like slopes of the rugged Spanish countryside, to the primordial forests of Russia I
would be at a loss to list them all. In an effort to @We some guidance however I offer the following information.
Rough Terrain. Woods, up or down steep slopes or ravines, fording, moving in mud or deep snow and movement through vineyards, broken ground or bocage.
River or stream banks. Units defending along a river or stream bank are considered to have favorable ground for melee purposes.
Bridges. Units in march column may cross bridges at no movement penalty. Otherwise movement at the bridge is considered lording.
I would like to thank my local gaming group, JAWS (Jacksonville Area Wargarning Society) and affiliates for their playtesting support in seeing this rule set created. JAWS is made up of Martin Sauls, David Wilkinson, Joey Wilson, Jeff Mathis, Andy Barmer, Eric Tueber and myself, David Bush. Affiliated playtesters are Joel Moon, Brock Thompson, Chris Collins and Miles Kehrer. I would also like to thank the members of the Napoleonic Fire&Fury egroups site for all their invaluable insight and suggestions.
Napoleonic Fury Rules
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