by Hal and the readers
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By Terry Hangy - OLD GLORY FRANCO-PRUSSIAN 15MM RANGE - "A full range of figures that captures the feel of the period. These figures are accurate in every detail. Multiple poses for each troop are available, capturing the dynamic poses of the Detaille and Deneuville paintings of the conflict. Do I sound impressed? Well, since my brother and I are the sculptors of the figures..." Comments byJon Cooley at his website cischippewatec. T77e Franco Prussian War. Posted on his review page of all 15mm Agures avallable. I agree entirely with his assessment. Having gamed this period for almost 15 years, I've seen a lot of different figures, from Frontier, Pioneer (a short lived English company), Minifigs, Falcon, Eagle, Rank and File, and most recently, Outpost. Typical of Old Glory, each bag contains a variety of poses. They match up very well with Essex, but not as hefty. Sorry, I lost my Barrett Scale, so this review will rely on my subjective description of the bags purchased to date. Prussians: FPW-01 Command - the usual assortment - officers - several waving a pistol instead of a sword, very nice addition for this period. Drummer and flag bearers - standard mix. Buglers - several poses from advancing with the bugle in hand or slung to blowing. No mounted officers. FPW-02 Line Skirmishing - most of the poses in the bag I got were standing firing, very few kneeling firing, several poses either loading or preparing to fire, and a few kneeling as if to direct fire. FPW-04 Jagers - Similar to the Line Advancing, but with less variety of poses and many in march attack. FPW-13 Artillery - what can you say - the regular mix of guns and crew in the standard Old Glory poses. Bavarians: FPW-36 Command - same as the Prussians. FPW-37 and 38 Line and Jagers advancing and skirmishing - they are all Bavarians, same poses as the Prussians. FPW42 Artillery - same poses and mix as the Prussians. Overall this is classic Old Glory. The sculpting is clean and crisp with no flash. I liked the way that most of the Prussian and Bavarian infantry and jagers appear combat ready - sculpted without backpacks and extra equipment hanging all over. The picklehaube, jager shako and raupenhern are in excellent proportion to the rest of the figure. My only compliant is that some of the advancing poses have thin rifles and can break off at the hands. The French are not reviewed as I only have two bags - Line Command and Line Advancing. My initial impression is they are not as good as the Prussia ns/Bava ria ns. They are small and thin, reminds me of the first release of the Napoleonic Russians. And, while the Prussian infantry carries minimal equipment, these French carry enough for six months campaigning - tent pole, pots and pans, blankets, etc. As a final note, the Prussians painted up very nicely, and the Bavarians are at the painters now. Comments welcome: Terry Haney, 2414C Dunwoody Crossing, Atlanta, GA 30338. By Hal Thinglum - A SEVEN YEARS WARGAME CAMPAIGN VOLS 1 AND 2 - Several years ago I saw an ad in an English publication for Volume 1 (by James Woods, 14 Barrs Crescent, Cardross, Dunbartonshire, G82 5PB, UK) and obtained a copy. I then promptly lost James' address before I could review it in MWAN. Anyway, these two volumes (a third is already written and a fourth in progress) are obviously a "labor of love" for James, whose enthusiasm for the SYW period shines throughout the pages. Volume 1 is a glossy 69-page effort with many color and black/white photos. In his introduction, he states his purpose is to present a solo SYW 15mm campaign utilizing Tod Kershner's AGE OF REASON rules which he modified. James makes it clear (both in print and photos) that he does not have a fortune to spend on his chosen hobby, thus, many wargamers should be able to relate to his approach to gaming. He provides some helpful information on how he planned out this solo campaign basically, it is based upon the historical situation in 1756. Volume 1 encompasses the period 1756-57 and covers not only a narrative on the campaign, but, four battles as well (turn by turn accounts). In the two years that I've had Volume 1, it was the book I would most frequently pull from the bookshelf for an enjoyable read before going to sleep. If you expect color pictures of well-painted miniatures on stunning wargames terrain, you won't find it here (in either volume). If you expect a detailed "how-to" book on wargames campaigns, you better look elsewhere. However, if you would enjoy reading a "wargamer's" diary account of his solo SYW 1737 campaign (no doubt his favorite period!), using a simple approach with "down-to-earth" common sense regarding collecting armies (I could learn something from James in this area), you will greatly enjoy his efforts. I finally caught up with James and he sent me Volume 2 which takes up where Vol 1 left off (April, 1757). Although the cover is glossy, the inner pages are not (they were in Volume 1) and there is a reduction in the number of color pages - however, there is not a reduction in James' written account! Of particular interest to me was how James uses various "solo" techniques to set up the battles arising from the campaign. As usual, army order of battles and casualties are listed. It has long been my "dream" to write such a book on a period of interest. I personally would spend a lot of time as to figure/accessory availability, something James does not do; however, James does a far better job than I would in relating the events of the campaign. Volume 2 is available to MWANers for $15 (including airmail postage) in cash (US or UK) or sterling checks from the author, while Volume 1 is available from Caliver Books, 816-818 London Rd., Leigh-on-Sea, Essex SS9 3NH, UK. A well-done effort and one to be admired! Highly recommended! Looking forward to Volumes 3 and 4, James! By Hal Thinglum - WODENSFELD MINIATURES 20MM ACW - Wodensfeld Miniatures, 6 Swallowfields Drive, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS12 5UQ produces a nice line of 20mm (billed as 1/72 scale) ACW and SYW (French infantry). I have many of their ACW figures in my ACW armies and am very pleased with them. I was sent the three command packs: CWPI (Lee & Major Taylor), CWP2 (Stuart & Sweeney), and CWP3 Longstreet & Jackson - each two figure mounted pack is 1.60 pounds and well worth it. The "likelinesses" (is that a word?) are good if that is important to you. Actually, they are very well done - Major Taylor, Lee's aide, has a banjo on his back! The rest of the ACW line consists of infantry advancing at right shoulder shift in shell jacket or sack coat with or without gaiters, blanket roll, and kepi or hat (10 different figures/3.00 pds) with the figures in each set of ten having different variations in equipment/facial hair/etc. They match up well with Kennington Miniatures 20mm ACW line as well as Musket Miniatures. They also have Louisiana Tigers and 5 th New York advancing/charging, US Sharpshooters skirmishing, and command packs (2 officers, 2 standard bearers, and one drummer for 1.60 pc1s) to match the already mentioned enlisted men packs. Detail of the personality packs is very good; no flash that I noted - recommended highly! Postage is 10% for the UK, 20% for Europe, and 30% for the rest of the world. Available in Australia from The Ordnance Depot, 5 Granya Ct., Blackburn South, Melbourne, Victoria 3130. By Hal Thinglum - 27mm Imperialist Enterprises 1806 Prussians - Imperialist Enterprises, Robert Haggerty, 229 N. 2 nd St., Apt C, Elkhart, IN 46516 (219-293-4398 after 4pm) has released a wonderfully detailed 27mm line of 1806 Prussian infantry consisting of an officer w/sword, flag bearer, drummer, and EM advancing as well as grenadier poses for an NCO, drummer and EM ($1.25 each). These figures are very good and can stand next to figures from any manufacturer being produced today. The standard bearer requires a wire staff and needs his hands drilled out to fit the pole and as Bob Hagerty, the owner told me, the sword on the officer should be longer. Exceedingly little flash, well cast, and in general, little gems! Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - FEDUAL CASTINGS 151MM SIKH WARVINDIAN MUTINY - I'd only heard of this line several months ago (Steve Shaw, Feudal Castings, 15, Quarry Park, Kirremuir, Angus, DD8, 4DR Scotland, UK) and was anxious to see them as this has always been one of my favorite periods. There are nineteen listings and the figures come 8 infantry/6 command/4 cavalry (1.50 pds); four of the packs come with multiple poses - the three Ghorchurra cavalry packs and the Akali infantry. There are two packs of Skinner's Horse/irregular horse (one firing at the gallop and one w/lance & shield), Madras and Bombay infantry, Sikh gunners in bearskin, Bengal horse artillery crew, Sikh regular infantry w/command, British infantry w/command (peaked forage cap and covered shako/havlock), and Sikh regular dragoons, lancers, and cuirassier. There are no guns available at this time. They appear to be about 16-17mm from top of base to eye level and are cleanly cast with good detail; they remind of Essex 15mm figures and are very good indeed! In the pack of Akali foot, there were three different poses: advancing w/jazeil, sword/shield, and sword/dagger. The Skinner's Horse/irregular horse are nice done; lance and shield cast on and one pose of running horse (good horse). The Sikh gun crew has four different poses (officer pointing w/sword resting on left shoulder, w/bucket, at ease, and w/ramrod) and have nice uniform detail on the front the jacket. The British infantry w/covered shako and havlock are nicely done - bayonets - nice detail on musket. The Ghorchurra cavalry w/musket pack had two different poses - with and w/o shield; the horse appears to be the same as for Skinner's horse except the saddle items are different. Lastly, British infantry w/peaked forage cap appears to have two slightly different poses as to the angle of the musket. In general, I was very impressed with the items I saw and can recommend it highly. If you are doing the Sikh War in 15mm, this is the only manufacturer I am aware of and you won't go wrong with these figures. ESSEX has a large number of figures in their Indian line which would fit very well for the Sikh War. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - MERRIMACK MINIATURES 25mm "STOCKADES & SETTLEMENTS" Joel Gregory of Merrimack Miniatures, 31216 County Rd 112, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 (218568-7447) continues to impress me! Not only does he make outstanding ships, he has released a new 25mm line of stockades and settlements. Thus far, he offers MF201 The Trappers & Fur Traders Fort (15" X 12" for $115), MF202 Outpost Fort (24" X 18" for $270), MF203 Settlement Fort (36" X 21" for $400), MW201 Tombstone's Gunfight at the OK Corral (2 buildings, a backdrop (?), and the ten major figures ($75) as well as a series of early Russian buildings: MR201 Russian Farm Stead (house, barn, storage shed, and log fence for $75), and MR202 Russian Cherta Defense Network (gate tower, defensive tower and four palisades for $90). All items I've listed can be purchased individually. I saw them all at LITTLE WARS yesterday and they are really nice! If you are into Cossacks (Foundry and OLD GLORY), you have get these Russian sets! I got the Russian farm stead for my 25mm WWII Eastern Front project and am very pleased. The buildings (7" X 3 1/2" X 4" high w/rooo, are well detailed (inside and outside), the roofs are detachable, the house has separate metal windows and door, the barn roof is thatched (very well done, Joel!), there is a water trough, four nearly 5" sections of wooden log fence 1 1/2" high, two gate sections w/separate metal doors ("heavy metal" I might add), and a smaller storage shed (2" X 3" X almost 2). Cast of resin, it is a beautiful set and comes with a set of instructions for assembly. Cost is $75 (well worth the price!). Gentlemen, we are getting spoiled rotten! For my 15mm Sudan project, I also picked up a 15mm Colonial gunboat ($40) and it is the best 15mm gunboat I've seen for the Sudan! Again made of resin, the main part of the gunboat measures nearly 12" X 3 1/2" and the cabin section (set in the middle) measures 5" X 4" X nearly 1" high; thus, the sides of the cabin jut out over the sides of the ship. There are 11 pieces designed to serve, I believe, as timbers to defend the crew, a beautifully done timber defense piece for a gun, and a square timber piece (1 1/4" square; not sure what the purpose of this one is - sorry). Hey, that's not all - a British field gun w/4 crew (Old Glory?) in puttees must represent the 1898 campaign. Joel told me the name of the gunboat and I can't recall it; I know there were about four gunboats brought to Egypt in the 1898 campaign and assembled there (maybe something like the Selik?). Whatever the name was, this one is very good! Highly recommended! - Great work, Joel! By Hal Thinglum - RLBPS NEW STEVE BARBER & HONOURABLE LEAD BOILER SUIT CO 25mm RELEASES - Bob Bowling, of RLBPS, 4827 Treeview Terrace, Rockford, IL 61109 (815-874-5351; e-mail: rlbpsb(, web carries BP Cast, Colin Rumford buildings, Frontline Wargaming, Grand Manner, HLBS, Raventhorpe, Sentry Models, Steve Barber Models, and Wessex Games. The HONOURABLE LEAD BOILER SUIT has released a British Home Service 25mm line for the Sci-Fi (I think it would be called that) 1890's. There are 24 packs of infantry (Grenadier Guards, infantry, riflemen, and Fusiliers; all with command) and cavalry (Household, Dragoons, Scots Greys, Hussars, Lancers, and Carabiniers; again, all with command). Foot packs are 5/$7.50, foot command (officer, std br, NCO, drummer) are 4/$6; cavalry EM are 2/$7.50 and cavalry command packs are $10.50 (unknown number of figures). Foot figures measure 29mm from top of base to eye level; I have two packs of infantry BAN1 Grenadier Guards firing in bearskin and BAN11 infantry at attention in Glengarry (w/separate right arm w/rifle) and one of cavalry BCN1 Household Cavalry w/separate sword arm on standing horses. Good detail, clean casting, and very good figures; don't exactly understand this recent move toward separate sword/rifle arms for figures by many companies. REDOUBT ENTERPRISES has released a number of vehicles for this 1890's Sci-Fi (?) line and I have no doubt that many gamers would be interested in them. Nice stuff! STEVE BARBER MODELS from the UK has released 25mm Mongols - 6 packs of figures, a Yurt ($15), Knight's Tent ($15), and pack camel ($5). Five of the six Mongol packs are mounted (4/$16) and there is one pack of foot w/bows (8/$14). I have MON2 four mounted w/swords - two different poses of well done horses, both running/galloping, and four different riders: sword/shield, standard bearer (you need your own pole and they supply the spear head), in armor w/sword at side, and w/sword overhead. "large" 25mm figures and very nice indeed! Finally, from Steve's 25mm Gladiators" line (16 packs) comes G12 Draba, the Ethiopian gladiator champion & weapons ($3.50). standing w/separate metal spear with animal hide/head over his head and down to his feet in back - separate shield. Holds two other spears in his left hand. I would expect a little more animation in the pose since these are intended for skirmish games, but it's still a nicely done figure. By Hal Thinglum - STELLAR SYSTEMS 25MM RAL PARTHA/THUNDERBOLT MOUNTAIN FIGURES - Stellar Systems, 2382 Gibson Dr., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 (e-mail: SBGames999@AOL.Com) has obtained the Rai Partha 25mm Renaissance and Colonial figures. I remember the excitement I felt when Rai Partha released these 25mm Colonials many years ago; they were an outstanding line then and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the samples received are still good! The Colonial line consists of Zulus, Boers, NWF, and the Sudan campaign. There are 10 foot/5 cavalry/3 camelmen/2 guns in packs for $8.50 so prices are quite reasonable. Many of the natives, as I recall, have separate weapons and shields. The figures have some flash with a little bit of flash along the mold lines, so the molds are showing their age, but it would just take a little cleaning. I painted many of these figures and liked them a lot! The 25mm Renaissance line is also available - 6 foot/3 cavalry for $6.50 to $7.95. By Hal Thinglum - THOROUGHBRED FIGURES ACW 1/600 RELEASES - Toby Barrett, 4106 Timberland Drive, Portsmouth, VA 23703 (phone/fax: 757-686-1048; e-mail: TRBARRETT@WORLDNET.ATT.NET; offers the best 1/6001h ACW ship models and has released two new ships - TS64 CSS Tuscaloosa ($12) and TS65 USS Benton ($16.50) giving him a total of 65, not including three packs which come with two ships! The USS Benton comes with the main body and five extra pieces (smokestacks and poles) as well as a paper 1/600th flag. Simply beautiful! What workmanship! You will not find better detail/casting elsewhere. Measures nearly 4" long and just over 1 1/2" wide. All guns are cast on. What a model this would make on the tabletop! All ships come with a fact sheet listing specifications and assembly/painting tips. The CSS Tuscaloosa (and CSS Huntsville - there were two ships in this class) has separate parts - smokestack, two vents, and a flag and staff. 3 112" long X almost 1" wide, this ship is a real beauty as well! Wonderful line! By Hal Thinglum - WARGAME ACCESSORIES METAL STANDS Jeff Lista,7566 20th St No., St. Petersburg, FL 33702-4812 (727-522-6203) offers a wide variety of different sized metal stands for wargames figures and I have been using them for all of my periods now for quite a few years including 15, 20, and 25mm. They work very well for mounting figures/terraining, and I love the way they adhere to my figure storage boxes which are lined with magnetic strips. Check out his ad in this issue for sizes/prices; however, packs (ranging from 24-36; one of 50, one of 15) are only $4.50. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - REDOUBT ENTERPRISES 28mm NAPOLEONICS AND ACW Redoubt Enterprises, 49 Channel View Rd., Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 7LN, UK (phone: 01323-738022) has released ACW dismounted cavalry (6 packs) in shirt, shell jacket, and regular cavalry (6 figures/4 pds) w/separate heads and trunks, thus allowing for a huge amount of position variety! Outstanding figures! Also new is ACX45 Ambulance figure set of rider (for ambulance wagon already released), surgeon, three wounded men, and two stretchers - all have kepi separate heads (4 pds). For the Napoleonic period, they have British Dragoon Guards: 2-piece officer waving sword above head, trumpeter blowing charge, standard bearer with cast-on pole, enlisted man leaning forward w/sword at side, and enlisted man charging with separate sword arm (65 pence each) along with four Dragoon Guard horses (95 pence each) walking, trotting, cantering, and galloping. Simply outstanding horses! Redoubt just gets better and better! Also available from the Miniature Service Center, 1386 Portofino Dr., Yuba City, CA 95993 (phone: 530-673-5169). Most highly recommended - great work, Peter! Also new is a 25mm Confederate Ram (35 pounds) with two 12" guns on swivel mounts for their ACW ship series. By Hal Thinglum - SKIRMISH LINE PAINTING SERVICE - Charles Van Norman, 347 N. Maple Ave., Green Bay, WI 54303 (920-435-6337) recently finished 12 French FPW Line Lancers for me and did a fantastic job! He's been painting for me for some years now and I am always pleased with his services. The horses are especially well done and, he uses some black outlining techniques, and the colors are so vibrant! I always feel I get my money's worth from Charles! Thanks, Charles - great work as usual! By Hal Thinglum - ROYAL OAK MINIATURES PAINTING SERVICE - Fred Bultman, 1013 West 12 Mile Rd., Royal Oak, MI 48073 (e-mail: ROYALOAKMINAHOME.COM) recently finished up my TCS river/stream sections for me and I used them in my 20mm FPW game the other day! Very nice work, Fred! Fred always puts lots of effort into any buildings he paints for me and I was very pleased to see that he does the same for terrain. The TCS river/stream pieces have lots of terrain along the banks and depending upon what pack, rocks, islands, etc., in the river/stream. Fred made all of this look very beautiful and realistic. Rocks are different colors; I think Fred used some gloss painting techniques with the water to make it look so good, and there are different shades of colors for the water to denote the flow. Highly recommended! By Len Brewer "IRON BRIGADE PAINT STIRRER" available from Iron Brigade Miniatures, 2121 West Shawnee, Muskogee, Ok. 74401-2225. This is a simple and practicable available for the gamer. This paint stirrer is made to be used any of the popular motor tools. This is a metal piece that is three and one half inches long. On the top is a small pick, which is inserted into the motor tool. The bottom has a small circle about a quarter of an inch wide. Use this on low speed settings only. This stir will fit in most of the commercial available paints. This is available for $5.00, which includes postage. Included is a two page instruction booklet. By Hal Thinglum - NEW RULES RELEASES FROM BROOKHURST HOBBIES - Brookhurst Hobbies, 12188 Brookhurst St., Garden Grove, CA 92840 (phone: 714-636-3585; e-mail:; website: continues to release new rules sets. WARSHIP - Naval Wargames Rules for WWI/WWII ($14.98) by Andrew Finch and Alan Butler is a 76-page 8 1/2" X 11" spiral bound booklet which are intended to cover 1914-45 for 1:2400, 1:3000 or 1:1200 scale. The authors state the rules are intended for smaller battles though larger battles can be played. Scale is one turn = three minutes; one unit (1 cm) = 100 yards, thus, for 1/2400/3000 scale, 1000 yards = 10cm and for 1:1200 scale, one unit = one inch and 10" = 1000 yards. There are chapters on command structures, ship structure/damage, game objectives/morale, weather, observation, sailing, gunfire, torpedoes, catapults/aircraft carriers, aircraft, submarines, mines, MTBs, and game data tables for the major countries. There are eight phases to a turn: initiative, movement of bad weather/smoke/wrecks, movement/actions, attack resolution, gunfire, second air/MTB movement, morale, and clean up phase. There are also game record sheets, a section on calculating game data/factors, and quick play sheets. Iron and Fire - Naval Wargames Rules for the American Civil War and Ironclad Period 1850-80 by David Manley ($14.98) bills itself as a "quick and simple set of rules that capture the feel of ironclad naval warfare"(44 pages, spiral bound). They were written for 1/1200, scale is I" = 300 feet, one turn = 3 minutes, and 6D, 10D, and 20D dice are used. Chapter include ship/gun definitions, terra i n/cu rrent/wi nd/visibi I ity, sequence of play, movement, firing, ramming/collisions, optional rules (torpedoes, grounding, shore batteries, mortars, obstacles, MG's, snipers, morale, boarding, illumination, submarines, temporary armor, ships alongside, grapeshot, turret traverse, towing, forts, and movement under sail), as well as four scenarios (Hampton Roads, Iquiqui, Angamos, Yazoo River). There are ship data tables for the US/CSA, Austria, Italy, Denmark, UK, France, Russia, Turkey, and "generic" vessels. In addition, there are firing arcs/turning circles, ship record cards and quick play tables. Blue Steel, Grey Thunder - An American Civil War Supplement for Iron & Fire ($14.98; 32 pages, spiral bound) by David Manley and features a listing of all the major and many lesser warships as well as transports, mortar craft, and barges. It also offers new rules for troops/breastworks, troops on-shore & land actions, heated shot, elevation/plunging fire, cargo, minded obstacles, shot & shell, fire rafts, and wargaming in 1/600. Chapters include ACW gunnery tables, chance cards, a solo campaign system, convention campaign rules, and much information on warship data for the USA and CSA ships as well as forts and field defenses. The campaign systems look interesting. Ironclads at War - The Second Schleswig War, Lissa Campaign, Franco-Prussian War - A European Supplement for Iron & Fire by David Manley ($14.98; 36 pages, spiral bound) is another supplement and covers the three major wars in Europe in the 1860's/70's. A detailed history of the wars is provided along with campaign rules and special new rules. Additional chance cards are available as is warship data cards for the participants. I would think ACW/Ironclad period gamers would be very interested in these rules sets! By Hal Thinglum - DAY OF BATTLE - 2nd EDITION - Christopher Parker, 23 Kirriemuir, Stratham, NH 03885 (e-mail: davol'battle0) mediaone. net; web: has released the second edition of DAY OF BATTLE (54 pages, 3-ring sheets for $20; also offered w/l/2" notebook for $30; prices include shipping). The rules cover the feudal period (AD 1050 to AD 1275). Players are "Warlords" (each with attributes and skills) leading bands into battle. The game uses a regular deck of playing cards to represent command; figure scale is 1:20 (1:40 for levy and militia), a single turn = 10/15 minutes, and 1" = 10 yards. Players need 50100 figures for a game. D20 are used and the rules can be used for 2mm/25mm figures. Figures are based on stands (1-4 figures per base) and base sizes are provided for 15mm/25mm. There are basic (for new players) and advanced (to increase historical accuracy/complexity) rules. Information re unit formations is provided. Attributes and skills for the Warlords is explained in detail; there is a section on "honor points" (designed to "encourage the Warlord to act his part'% and there is a section on a campaign. Organization and figure purchase cost is presented. Game sequence is as follows: challenges, first game move initiative, 1s' command phase, 2 n1 command phase, and sequence end. There is a section on command, and the usual game sections on morale/melee/movement/etc. There is a brief "historical analysis" of the time period, information re troop types, army lists, and quick play charts. Nicely presented! Chris reports the rules are "very heavy in role-playing". By Hal Thinglum - PUBLICATIONS FROM PARTIZAN PRESS - Partizan Press, 816-818 London Rd., Leigh-on-Sea, Essex SS9 3NH UK (phone/fax: 01702-473986; e-mail: dave(; web: publishes a large number of quality historical publications including the two I am going to mention: THE AGE OF NAPOLEON (#35) and BATTLEFIELDS (#10) (each is 3.75 pds/$7.50; available in the US from On Military Matters, 55 Taylor Terrace, Hopewell, NJ (phone: 609-466-2329). Both are glossy, color publications and number 46 pages. Battlefields is edited by Mike Oliver and this issue features a visit to Talavera de la Reina along with orders of battle, a scenario for the SYW re a raid on the French Coast, an in-depth review of the computer game "Cossacks", Wargaming the Sumerians by MWANer David Gundt, Valmy and Jernappes 1792 as wargame scenarios by Paddy Griffith, a short set of Napoleonic wargame rules, and a re-enactment article on the Zulu War/Boer War. Interesting stuff! #35 of The Age of Napoleon is edited by Richard Partridge and has an interesting article by Brent Nosworthy on "The Current State of Military History", Part I of the Bridge of Lodi (5-10-1796), Part II of the Water Campaign, further information re a Napoleonic rules set published in #34, Peter Hofschroer's "Old Myths Die Hard", an article on skirmishers in Napoleonic wargames (interesting), and book reviews. Both are highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - IRREGULAR MINIATURES LINE FROM EUREKA MINIATURES Nic Robson of Eureka Miniatures, 10 Woorayl St., Carynegie, Vic 3163, Australia, is one of the nicest guys in the hobby I've met and provides quality service. He carries the UK Irregular Miniatures line which I have just become more and more impressed with over the last few years. Their lines are very extensive! First of all, they have a very attractive 15mm Colonial line - I obtained a number of items for my 15mm Sudan project: first of all British: mounted bugler, mounted general, gun & four crew, infantry officer, naval brigade rating, camel corps mounted, and limber with 4-horses/2 riders. Dervish: foot w/spear or sword, foot w/musket, Moslem camelman, cavalry w/saber, cavalry w/musket, mounted standard bearer, and general. A Bengal Lancer, Sepoys attacking and advancing, Indian mountain gun with four crew, Egyptian infantry officer and gun with four crew, Arab civilians, and a western civilian. These are excellent figures and very helpful for the Sudan. The guns and crew sets are excellent; the camelmen are very good; the only item I wasn't able to use was the British limber w/four horses and two riders, the reason being that the limber horse riders are wearing caps which remind me of WWI, not helmets. The Dervish mounted standard bearer is also very good. The Sepoys attacking and advancing are perfect for the Sudan or the NWF. What I like about the IM range is that they have a large number of variations for each listed pose; there may be differences in equipment, facial hair, etc., and I like this with my wargames figures. Run a search for EUREKA MINIATURES and you'll pull up Nic's website right away. You can enter the type of currency you'll be paying and the price listings will be in that currency so you can tell the prices. US prices are .31/foot, .61/foot, $1.79 for gun & 4 crew, and .67 for a camelman. Very fair prices; postage is extra, of course. I also ordered IM palm trees - they come in large (5" - $2.90 US) and small (3" - $2.30 US); they are made of lead and very, very good! They come with a base to mount them on. Nic also carries the HALLMARK line and I ordered some 15mm Palm trees and was less pleased with them; they don't come with a base and the palm leaves are put on in layers - Len Brewer tells me he likes them and was able to assemble them well enough so get a sample and make up your own mind. I also obtained 15mm Hallmark water carts and wagons for the Sudan: CW1 2-wheeled ammo cart ($1.41US), CW3 2-wheeled pontoon carriage (for SYW $$1.02; you'll need to purchase pontoons from them for the carriage), CW4a and b - ammo wagon w/basketwork sides - two variants ($1.79), and CW8 cask cart with two casks ($2.05; to be used as water carts for the Sudan). Detail is excellent with all of the Hallmark wagons and I can't recommend them highly enough! Nic carries the entire IM line and I ordered some more 6mm SYW items including XT15 ammo wagon, EF11 50mm length hedge, EF12 50mm length low stone wall, EF18 hedge corner & small straight, EF19 wall corner & small straight, ES17 European 4-wheeled wagon w/2 horses, XT55 General's coach, XT11 limber w/horse team, XT54 2-wheeled supply wagon, RU52 walled orchard with 12 fruit trees (excellent!), RU40 10mm length heavily shrubbed hedgerow, GWV4 2-wheeled wagon w/horse (from the WWI range - very good and useable for SYW), ES19 2-wheeled ox cart, and RU48 set of three complete field perimeters (2 hedged, I walled w/sockets for five trees; all three have wooden gates). Again, check his web site for prices. All items will fit well with my Heroics & ROS 6mm SYW; quality items and very useful. In addition, he carries the MUSEUM MINIATURES 15mm line and they have an extensive line of 15mm wagons. Also for the Sudan, I obtained WG17 barrel cart ($2.82 US) and WG03 water cart ($4.23); both fit in well with Hallmark. Excellent products and service! Irregular Miniatures are available in the UK from 3, Apollo St., Heslington Road, York, Y01 5AP, UK. By Hal Thinglum - ORV BANASIK'S PRAIRIE PRODUCTS WARGAME FLAGS - Orv Banasik, 395 West 33rd Ave., Marion, Iowa 52302, as you know, offers an extensive collection of wargames paper color flags which can be easily cut out, glued, and attached to the pole. Flags are available in all wargames scales. He sent me new releases for the ACW in my favorite ACW scale - 20mm: #44 HQ'ers flags of the Army of the Potomac, #45, HQ'ers for Army of the Cumberland, #46 Minnesota flags, #47 Eagle Brigade-Vicksburg, #48 Iowa flags, #49 Illinois Flags, and #50 US colored troops. Each sheet has 8-13 flags on it. Highly recommended; they mount easily and look great! By Hal Thinglum - THE SWORD AND THE FLAME SCENARIO PORTFOLIO 2000 - Larry Brom's TSATF, 213 3"' St., NE, Hickory, NC 28601-5124 (e-mail:; web: released their scenario portfolio for the 2nd quarter of 2001. Available by subscription only ($38/US + $6 P&H), there are four releases per year with six scenarios in each release. This quarter features scenarios for Anglo-Indian/Pathan, British/Zulus, British/Boers, Europeans/African Tribesmen C'The Sword in Africa'~, British/Dervish and British/Egyptian. There is an excellent four page spread by Ian Croxall adapting TSATF to France in Africa (including a nicely done cardstock play sheet), Tactical Tips for TSTATF, and nicely done scenario maps. An excellent product and well worth the investment whether you play TSATF or just do colonial games. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - FIGURES, ARMOUR, ARTILLERY (FAA) 28MM SPANISH CIVIL WAR --FAA, 17 Oakfield Drive, Upton Heath, Chester, CH2 ILG (phone/fax: +44(0)1244379309) has a really excellent line of 28mm metal Spanish Civil War figures which is growing! John Bruce of FAA has done a very good job with this line, as well as his 20mm WWII listings. Use these figures with the OLD GLORY Spanish 25mm (large) buildings and you would have a beautiful wargames setting! Anyway, here we go: SCW03 1936/37 Foreign Legion - eight early period infantry in side caps with short sleeves w/rifies; only one w/bayonet attached. One has hand cupped to mouth shouting, at ready, advancing, kneeling at ready, two have separate right arms w/attached rifle (different poses), kneeling and standing firing. SCW04 Foreign Legion command with two officers w/pistol, firing and standing w/pistol pointing up; two NCO's w/rifle - one advancing briskly and second reaching for grenade; one NCO w/SMG advancing. SCW01 Moroccans in turbans in shirt sleeves - regulars w/rifles: standing/kneeling firing, charging w/bayoneted rifle, loading, possible NCO pointing with left arm, charging at porte, advancing in slight crouch, and advancing w/rifle held across body. SCW02 is the command pack: NCO running crouched low w/separate arm holding rifle, two officers - one in fez advancing w/leveled pistol and one in hat w/both arms raised w/pistol; standing w/slung rifle, and advancing. Next are the Carlists: SCW11 regular infantry in puttees with socks rolled over boots - kneeling and standing firing, pointing with left arm (separate arm w/rifle), two advancing porte arms (one faster than the other), two charging w/rifle pointed forward, and one charging porte arms w/bayonet. SCW15 is the command for the Carlists - standard bearer with cast-on standard, bugler w/slung rifle blowing bugle, advancing firing smg, at ease w/slung rifle, two officers advancing and standing w/pistol. SCW16 Carlist LMG moving and firing prone firing w/lmg cast to firer and tripod separate; prone loader w/slung rifle, and kneeling w/pistol. Moving figures consist of marching w/slung rifle carrying ammo box, advancing w/lmg across body (nice pose), and advancing w/slung rifle and right arm up ("follow me'). Excellent set! SCW09 Nationalist infantry in puttees w/socks rolled over boots, blanket rolls, in helmet and shirt sleeves - standing/kneeling firing, separate right arm w/rifle pointing w/left hand, five advancing in different poses. SCW10 Nationalist infantry in jackets - mix of side caps/helmets, some blanket rolls, standing/kneeling firing, five advancing different poses, one w/separate arm w/rifle pointing with left hand. SCW12 Nationalist infantry command - five figures including standard bearer advancing, bugler w/slung rifle blowing bugle, advancing w/smg, at ease w/slung rifle, and officer firing pistol. SCW14 Nationalist LMG infantry moving and firing in helmet - same as SCW 16 re poses. SCW13 Nationalist officers/NCO's - kneeling w/pistol and sidecap, standing w/upright pistol, at ease w/slung rifle in side cap, officer firing pistol, advancing with SMG, standing w/rifle grounded in left hand and right hand up (good pose). SCW8 Nationalist infantry in sidecap and shirt sleeves - stand i ng/kneel ing firing, five advancing, one w/separate right arm w/rifle. SCW17 Nationalist Hotchkiss HMG moving & firing - great pack! Moving set has sidecap w/short sleeves, HMG on right shoulder and leaning forward advancing, tripod on back of neck holding tripod with both hands, and slung rifle carrying two ammo boxes (I really like this set!); firing set has sitting firing, kneeling w/binoculars, kneeling loading, and HMG and one piece of tripod while second piece has two legs. SCW05 Assault Guard in cap has standing/kneeling firing, charging w/rifle, three at slow advance, and rifle grounded. SCW06 Assault Guard command has a great officer advancing with MG pistol and stock, advancing w/smg, officer firing pistol, running w/separate arm w/rifle, and advancing w/rifle at side (separate hand/rifle). SCW07 Anarchist militia in sidecaps has one advancing slow w/one bandoleer, motioning advance w/right hand w/clouble bandoleers, standing firing, kneeling loading, and four advancing. Next is ART01 - M1897 75mm field gun w/Nationalist crew - has four crew, two in helmet, two in side cap, two are kneeling (one w/shell), and two standing. The gun requires assembly (comes with carriage, wheels, barrel, shield, and some smaller pieces - I wouldn't know how to assemble it and instructions would be handy). FAA has some great vehicles for the SCW, many of which can be used for the Eastern Front - LSV7 Pzkfw1b Nationalist light tank - metal tracks, two MGs, resin body and turret. LSV4 T26B Republican tank (best tank in SCW) - metal tracks and main gun, mg, perhaps a storage container and resin body/turret. LSV08 light civilian lorry (1500 kg) - has resin body in two pieces, cap w/wooden box on back. Metal underbody for wheels and lights. LSV09 Large (4500 kg) civilian lorry - Bedford truck (would be good for Eastern Front WWII, I would think) - is a one piece resin with back box attached, metal wheels, axle, bumper with assorted pieces. LSV3 Renault FT tank (MG or 37mm gun) - I think the Germans used this for fighting partisans in rear areas - a two piece resin body and turret with metal tracks and guns. VEH01 Bilbao armoured car - an excellent model and useful for many wargaming 20th century periods - again resin body and metal parts. VEH06 Armoured Lorry #12 Republican militia - large resin armored body with cab and turret and metal parts - I guess the SCW featured many such modifications. Vehicles range in price from 8-10 pounds; figure packs are 5 pounds for enlisted men and 3.50 for command; gun w/crew is 6 pounds. FAA will soon be releasing a Pak 35/36 37mm anti-tank gun and I'm looking forward to it! Lots of variety re figures and poses (helmets, sidecaps, etc), and you won't find SCW 25mm figures anywhere else; good quality and clean castings. Highly recommended! A fascinating period! By Hal Thinglum - THIRTY YEARS WAR RULES AND SCENARIO BOOKLET - MWANer Bill Boyle, 15339 Lake Rd Two, Gardner, KS 66030, has published ODDS ITS A PIKEMAN - A Wargamer's Guide to the Thirty Years War and ODDS IT'S A PIKEMAN THIRTY YEARS WAR SCENARIOS. I am not aware of the price on either of these items but contact Bill for further information in this regard. The rules consist of an 80-page 8 1/2" X 11" publication with two sets of cardstock game sheets. Scale is 1:800 with 1" = 20 yards, I figure = 40 men in three ranks, 1 gun = 4-6 guns, and one turn = 15 minutes. There is a lot of information regarding the TYW presented and this type of information is very difficult to dig out of books dealing with the TYW. Sequence of play is as follows: check visibility, orders, artillery fire, declaration of charges, movement, small arms, and melee (morale checks). Artillery fire is conducted by having the players estimate the distance, which I have never liked although Bill provides an alternative method as well. Movement is simultaneous, to give you some idea of movement distances, pike can move 6" and light cavalry 10" at the trot (16" at the gallop). There is a section on tactical hints for the period which is useful, and there are 14 pages of information regarding army lists including the ECW (including the Royalists in Scotland) and Japan. Bill provides a section on the leaders during this period and their motivation, another useful section, and gives his impression (very helpful!) of the roles of the various countries involved in the TYW and the effect(s) upon them of the war. If you have read anything of the TYW, it is extremely confusing to know the "players" and I find Bill's commentaries very helpful indeed! There is an eight page section on uniforms of the TYW - of course, difficult to find if you are looking on your own - an extensive bibliography, time tables of the TYW, and two pages of color flags. All in all, a very useful reference source, even if you are not going to use the rules. The scenario booklet offers 24 scenarios of the TYW each of which offers a brief historical background, troop strengths, orders of battle by unit (including status of each unit), commanders of armies/individual units, goals, options, terrain, and a scenario map. The maps could have been better done, however, you will not find this type of detailed information in any other one source and I can't imagine how long it took Bill to put so much information together. There is an excellent bibliography in which Bill provides his impressions of the various sources. I don't know the prices, but give Bill an e-mail or letter. Highly recommended for the TYW gamer! By Hal Thinglum - SMALL UNIT TACTICAL INFANTRY COMBAT RULES - Rick Nance, 2550 W. 471h, Kansas City, KS 66103 (913-384-2519) is the author of this 8 1/2" X 11" spiral bound tome on gaming the middle half of the 20th century. I don't know the price but contact Rick re further information. Rick describes his effort as "designed to be less a rules set and more of a combat simulation" and "the charts and rules within this book can be used with any other game system." He provides an enormous amount of detailed information on infantry and vehicles/equipment for this period and the information provided could well be used to generate your own rules regarding movement, firing, etc. He states that "the games should predominately be small infantry battles with no more than one squad per player" and that the gamer will function as an officer/NCO. The number and type of charts are awesome and should be viewed by anyone considering putting a skirmish game together as they encompass movement, fatigue, combat psychology, sensory abilities, combat science, wounds, reactions, and much more including profiles of vehicles. Recommended for those gamers who enjoy a lot of detail in their skirmish games. By Hal Thinglum - ANNALS OF PIMA COUNTY - Long-time gamers will remember Michael Blake, The Moorings, Middle Lane, Whatstandwell, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 5EG (e-mail: botch. blakeAv irgin. ne ) as one of the early innovators of skirmish wargaming many years ago. He has continued in the hobby but has switched to 54mm plastic figures in a big way. I believe he is currently working on a 54mm project involving the Boxer Rebellion so contact him if you wish to receive his e-mail newsletter which is very interesting. Annals of Pima County, Vol 2, #1, 1999 is a 25 page publication (contact him re price) providing articles regarding skirmish wargaming. This volume contains articles on Fugitives' Drift (following Isandhlwana), the death of the Prince Imperial during the Zulu War, the NWF, Battle of Adwa, Boxer Rebellion, Small Wars and Skirmishes, and the Spanish Foreign Legion. Authors include Donald Featherstone, Mike, and Ted Herbert (another name you should recognize from the past!) as well as others. Highly recommended enjoyable reading! By Hal Thinglum - WWII MICRO ARMOUR - THE GAME - RULES BY GHQ - GHQ, 28100 Woodside Rd., Shorewood, MN 55331 ( is well known to everyone in the hobby, even if they don't game in 1/285 th scale - their products are of extreme high quality and their range is huge. They have published a set of rules (designed by John Fernandes, Jr) simulating tactical armored warfare in the mid-201h century ($29.95) in a 132 page glossy color booklet with 20 pages of weapons data, a scenario generator, and color graphics for artillery impacts, minefields, smoke screens, and wrecked vehicles, as well as eight historical scenarios. The rules, of course, are written with 1/285 th scale in mind, and D6, D8 and D20 are used. The sequence of play is as follows: initiative, posture cletermination(movement or firing posture), artillery/air strike, fire, joint plot (plotting points of impact for indirect artillery fire), movement, and marker removal. Terminology is well explained, the rules are well laid out, the color photos of games in progress are nice (using their terrain hexes), there are many examples of play, there is a nine page "designer's notes" section which I always enjoy in rules sets, weapons data and organizational information (very helpful), a section on designing scenarios as well as an example of such, and scenarios as mentioned. Lastly, there are game playing charts which are nicely done. In general, a quality looking product and I'm surprised GHQ hasn't done this until now. Highly recommended for the 1/285th or 1/300th WWII gamer! By Len Brewer - Britannia Miniatures - Britannia Miniatures are now available from COMBINED ARMS, INC. 5132 EAST PRINCESS ROAD, NORFOLK, VA. 23502. Telephone / FAX 757-857-7698, EMAIL: combined arms0) HOO 1: Vietnamese Hooch with lift off Roof. This is a cast resin model of Vietnamese hooch with a lift off roof, porch and cast on details in 20mm scale. This model comes on a base that measures 4" by 3". The hooch is made of bamboo poles with the palm leaves and straw for the sides and roof. There are several pots, pitches and a gas barrel around the building. There was no excess flash on this model. I plan to use this model for the Pacific Island campaigns that I am working on. Available for $12.24. RVM 126 GERMAN HETZER. Another fine late war model of the German Hetzer self propelled anti tank gun in 20mm scale. This model is a solid one piece casting with a very good assortment of detail on it. The only accessories that need to be added are the machine gun and the gun barrel. Both of these pieces are in white metal. This casting fits in very well with the other models that are currently available. There was no flash on this model. Available for $14.80. RVM-127 GERMAN PANZER 1. This is a 20mm scale model of the early war German panzer 1 tank. This is a resin and white metal kit. There is extra equipment and accessories on this tank. The white metal pieces are the twin 20mm machine guns barrels and the half hatch top. The hatch can be glued in the open or closed position. Again, there was no flash of any kind on this model. This early war kit will fit in with the other models that are currently available. Available for $12.95. FELD-5 GERMAN FIELD POLICE ADVANCING WITH PANZERFAUST, FELD-6, GERMAN FIELD POLICE ADVANCING WITH RIFLE LOWERED, FELD-7, GERMAN FIELD POLICE ADVANCING WITH MP40. These are three new figures representing the German Field Police units in the late stages of WW-II. The three figures are in different positions. They all have the German Greatcoats on. The equipment is different on each one. Very useful figures for the late war battles. The price of each figure is .85. All of the above items and the complete line of Britannia figures are highly recommended to the WW-II gamer. By Len Brewer - AMERICAN CIVIL WAR Volume 1 & 2. These books are the two books in the set that details the uniforms of the infantry, cavalry and artillery of the American Civil War. These books have 82 pages in each, one. In each book, there are 67 pages of color uniforms, state and national flags and the way they were organized. The balance of the book gives a short history of the civil war. The uniforms range from your typical ones to some of the state national guard units. The colors are very accurate when you compare these with others sources. These books are published by HISTOIRE & COLLECTIONS and are translated from the original French text. Available from Barnes & Nobles bookstores for $19.95. A very highly recommended set of books for the American civil war gamer. Back to MWAN #111 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2001 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. 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