by John Stafford
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My apologies in advance friends-this will be short and sweet as I am leaving on a trip around the world tomorrow and I am in a time crunch. I've gotten feedback that some club listings are inaccurate for contacts--if that is you, please give me an update and I'll print it. Thanks! HMGS South's Rebel Yell has begun a good idea--highlighting one of their member clubs in each issue--this one featured the South Florida Wargamers. There was also a good scenario for the Battle of Perryville-ACW. The Northwest HMGS Citadel included Dave Schueler's excellent mini-campaign system centered on the Flying Tigers using Mustangs rules. Trumpeter Salute, put on by member group Trumpeter Tabletop Gaming Society is next weekend-I hope to be home to go to it. HMGS Mid-South's Dispatch featured Pete Panzeri's Catastrophic Kill armor rules as well as a scenario-very interesting. Howard Whitehouse included a number of witty wargaming rules for good guys, bad guys, and special characters. The Messenger of the HMGS Pacific South West contained Bill Heizer's review of German infantry tactics in WWI, and of course Part 8 of Steve Verdoliva's Third Silesian War article. HMGS Great Lakes Herald reviewed the new Battlefront WW@ rules from the makers of Fire and Furyhighly recommended. A detailed scenario for WWII Engebi Island (Marines, 1944) is also included. More from Tom Oxley on Task Force Smith in Korea. HMGS West Battlefield has Chris Salander telling you how to pack figures for shipment (useful), as well as describing figure "generations" and what to look for when buying older figures. A lukewarm review of AIM 10mm figures also. Historical Garners of Indianapolis continues their Tuesday/Saturday game schedule. Fire & Fury, Desperado, Shako, and Squad Leader remain favorites, with other periods thrown in. The Last Dispatch of the Last Square Gamers described a skirmish game by Bill Checovich run like the skirmish S.L.A. Marshall ran-54mm and quick and full. Lots of stuff on club's 3rd anniversary. Jim Stuht is running a gladiator campaign-Sounds fun. Craig Livingston teaches at Montgomery College in Conroe, TX where his students call fight miniatures battles for class credit (where Were You When I was in college?). You call see more at his website or write to Pete Panzeri is running games in Korea! His project lately is Napoleon's Battles-fighting Marengo and Eylau--Yongsan is the locations for anyone in the area. Reach Pete at DSN 3 15-725-6715 (military phone #) or . Pete also fronts for HMGS Gamers International (see new website below), whose focus is getting overseas military folks hooked up With games overseas and keeping them plugged into tile wargaming Community. Wes Rogers wrote to talk about his email/local Napoleonics camipaign. His strategic generals play out-ofstate via e-mail while local players fight the battles-similar to a campaign I'm involved in Colorado. He posts results oil a site or Write to Chris Pagano wrote to tell the the Upstate SC Wargaming Society has three new members from Our pages and is playing 20mm ACW, ACW ships, 25mm Naps in Spain, Zulus, Franco-Prussian, 54mm AWR and Wild West, and DBA in the Greenville-Clemson-Spartanburg area. Rob Eubanks tells me the Old Dominion Military Society is going strong with 30 members, and meeting on Thursdays at World's Best Comics in Newport News VA and History in Miniature in Williamsburg. 15mm anything from ancients to modern and all major periods in between are played. 10mm and 25mm are also played, as well as ships and planes of various periods/sizes. Brothers in True Scale (BITTS) play 54mm largely in the UK, but have wandered to Our shores for Historicon, as well as down under. They also play 25mm and 120mm!-the latter on a 9'x6'x9' table/building/terrain block. Interesting! They have a nice newsletter describing their activities and where to get figures, upcoming events, etc. Try Mike "Botch" Blake at . "Colonel" Bob Breen of the American Civil War Game club dropped me a line. He and his group of 400 players from all over, including UK, Canada, and Germany play ACW games via the web using Talonsoft Battleground series games. It's essentially PBM via the web. You join as a butter bar Lt and earn rank by playing and winning, and of course, you have to choose a side (CSA or USA). The Operational Studies Group has a website and newsletter covering all their games, new and old, with FAQs, an Essay Contest, rules and game mechanics discussions El Camino Real Post advertises search for Middle Earth DBM ... hmmm, not very historical, but added five new gamers to their rolls and are sponsoring a game Day April 28th in Albuquerque. Send me more!!! or Back to MWAN #111 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2001 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |