by Russ Lockwood
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Dashing this off before the New Year, I figure I can start on my three wargame-related New Years resolutions early, one of which is to create and develop more articles...and in the process, submit more material to MWAN. I enjoy a bit of historical research, and patching together ideas and concepts. Or simply just reviewing a book I've read. One other is to paint more--I've always found painting, and I must say my admittedly slow painting, to be relaxing. I had a custom painting table built for me last year, and it mostly sat unused. Indeed, most of my paints dried up! However, re-inforced with a brand new set of paint bottles, I fully intend to take time each week and sit down with the ol' paint and lead--er, pewter, er, plastic, er whatever figures, models, terrain, or anything else bobby-ish is made of, and pop a few of the goodies out. And finally, the third: to game some more, both in hosting (GMing) and playing. I've actually been fairly active with a once a month shot with the gang at MWANer Dave Mills' house, and the occasional mid-week couple of hours at other folks' houses. One thing I've found is that an e-mail campaign can be exciting. You can move along the strategic turns, and the GM can resolve smaller tactical battles without having to get everyone together. We'll see how that goes through the year, and then, follow through with resolution number one! And now, onto the magazines. Abanderado vol. 5 #1/2 (2000) double issue tackles the battle of la Corunna Road (1936), the Carlist Burgos Tercio At Guadalajara March 1937, Fokker F.IX in Spain in 1936, The "Iron Column" SCW Unit, Colonna Italiana 1936-1937, scenarios, book revies, and other product news. Citadel (Autumn 2000 and Autumn 1999) bring us news from the Northwest with NHMGS news, part 3 of Combined Arms Theory (USSR), Interview with Charles Sharp, Bomber Rules for the game Mustangs, and more. Citadel (Summer, Spring, Winter 2000) offers combined arms theory for the US, Operation Seelowe, King Amalric's 1164 invasion of Egypt, and a wide variety of product, store, and club news. Clash of Empires #7/8 (Spring 2000) contains a wealth of 19th military information. This double issue as articles on: First Schleswig-Holstein War: 1848 - 1851 Battle of Bov-Flensburg, Battle of Isted 1850, Sardinian Expeditionary Force 1855-56, Neapolitan Campaign Against Rome 1849, Prussian Needle Gun in the First Schleswig War, Disbanding of the Royal Cacciatori, Tchernaya River (The Battle of Tractir Bridge 16 August, 1855), and more. Clash of Empires #5/6 (Spring/Summer 1999) offers articles on the Prussian Cavalry 1870-71 (Uniform Guide), Battle of Navarino 1827, Battle of Langensalza: 26 June 1866, The Army of the Kingdom of Hanover: Uniforms and Organisation 1864-1866, Prussian Amphibious Assault on Alsen Island 29 June 1864, Louis Christophe Léon Juchault de Lamorcière biography, The Dannevirke and Dybbol Fortifications 1864, and book reviews. Courier #79 (2000) offers articles covering military history and historical miniatures. read about the battles of Marengo, Cannae, Caen 1944, and Gravelotte 1870, plus Nathanial Greene's 1781 Southern Army of 1781, 17th C. Campaign, Medieval siege, lots of product reviews, and more. Courier #78 (2000), a blend of history and wargaming, offers up a special campaign issue with operational Napoleonic campaign ideas and a scholarly discussion of a multitude of campaign system pros and cons. Also, Wayne's Legion (1794), 1865 Rio Grande scenario, The Gameloft teen hangout, the famous Big Battle DBA, terrain construction, lots of news, 18 product reviews, and more. Cry Havoc 31 (August 2000) and 32 (November 2000) offers a double dose of military history with Russian Civil War in the Ukraine, American Civil War Revolvers, Battle of Glorietta Pass (ACW), Women Warriors in the American Revolution, Touring The Imperial War Museum, The Jewish Revolt of 66-70 AD, some humor about "Real Sergeants," and more. Cry Havoc! #30 (May 2000) offers an oral history of a WWII Navy veteran, Finland's 1941-45 Continuation War against the USSR, and armed forces humor. Cry Havoc! #29 (February 2000), the current issue from Mensa, examines the campaign for Manchuria 1945, Biological Warfare of the USSR and Iraq, Women Warriors (Boudicca, Zenobia, Trung, and others), Armories of New York City, American Experience in Vietnam, WWII Survival-at-sea lecture, and more. HMGS Mid-South Dispatch (May, July, Aug, Sep 2000) brings news from the historical miniatures community with articles cover Viking rules, Type-Situation Mechanism rules, Kosovo, Pre-1947 US Phonetic Codes, Historical Action vs. Random Numbers, Fates of US Declaration of Signers, Herodotus and Buried Siwa Army, A History of HMGS Mid South, reviews, humor items, and more. El Dorado Booklet #8 provides primary source material concerning the British, French, and Spanish forces sent to Mexico 1861-1867. This booklet covers correspondence from 1861 to 1862, primarily between Earl Russell, Sir J. Crampton, Earl Cowley, Sir C. Wyke, and the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Other letters and entries are included, as well as Spanish Division and French ground forces tactical organization, Spanish naval order of battle, British Marines activies around Vera Cruz, and more. First Empire #55 (Nov-Dec 2000) brings Napoleonic history into focus with the Battles of Barba del Puerco, Italians at: Mockern, Weissig, Konigswartha, Pilgramsdorf, Lahn, and Wartenburg, and Somosierra. Plus, Part 3 ofthe Peter Bagration series, the last installment of the Fighting Marshal series with Perignon, Napoleonic Werden (home front), Evolution Of England's Naval Officers (1653-1805), re-enactments, news, reviews, and more. First Empire #53 (July-August 2000) and #54 (Sept-Oct 2000) bring Napoleonic information to you with articles covering battles of Friedland (1807), Casteggio-Montebello (1800), Maida (1806), as well as as bios on Bagration, Serurier, and Napoleon, plus re-enactments of the 9th Legere (and unit history) and Marengo 1800/2000. Also, Reproducing the Napoleonic Command Experience, Militia Summer Camp 1779, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, news, and more! These two issues should be on newsstands for those who wish a printed copy. First Empire #52 (May-June 2000) tackles Napoleonic history with articles on Battle of Lutzen 1813, Cavalry Skirmishes Around Mir (1812), The Russian Campaign of 1812, Fighting for Food, More on 'Plunket's Shot', European Napoleonic Society, 'Les Grenadiers de la Reserve' Organization, Uniforms, and Colours, What Price a Loaf of Bread? (1799-1814), and more. First Empire 51 (Mar-Apr 2000), the current issue available on newsstands, examines the Battle of Gohrde 1813, the Siege of Danzig 1813, Montereau 18 Feb 1814, Hohenlinden 2000 Battlefield Tour, French Marshal Moncey bio, Bonaparte's 1799 Landing (Re-enactment), Bernadotte Scapegoat for Intelligence Failure?, Napoleonic Books from Greenhill, and more. Frontline vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer 2000) brings a host of 20th century information our way with TO&Es on The Indonesian Army: 1995-1999, 32nd South African Battalion: 1982, Golani Infantry Brigade: 1982, Iraqi Mechanised Infantry Company 1991, and the WWII 500th SS Paratroop Battalion. Plus, WWII info on British Royal Artillery: 20th Anti-Tank Regiment, British Eighth Army Invasion of Sicily 1943 Order of Battle, Yugoslav Artillery 1941, and Panzer III FlameThrower in Action WWII. Finally, The Vietnam War: Diggers in Binh Ba Village (June 6, 1969), modern war scenarios including the Battle of 73 Easting (Gulf War), news, and more. Gauntlet #19, 20, and 21 (Spring, Summer, and Fall 2000) mark the end of the Gauntlet as the publisher concentrates on Russian militaria import and export, not to mention his new wife. Not to worry, will receive additional articles from time to time from Craig Martelle. Issue 21 concentrates on the Russian Civil War with extensive White Army OOB info (including exclusive material). Issue 20 features more RCW plus additional historical miniatures information and rules (Custer, Battle of Britain, and RCW). Issue 19 is more WWII oriented with articles on German armor, many wargaming rules and scenarios for Stalingrad, and more information. Gauntlet 18 (January 2000), brings a wide variety of articles covering history and wargaming. Included are: Russian Civil War Awards, and Shoulder Boards (with color illustrations), Napoleonic Battallion Distinctions in Russian Army 1802-1814, Chad vs. Libya War (1980s), Steamship Troopers 1898 Game, Brave Men's Blood Rules: Brits vs. Zulus, Hougoumont 1815 Rules, Web sites of interest, and more Greenhill Military Book News 102 (September 2000) provides information about a multitude of Greenhill books just published or in the works. Heliograph 120 (August 2000) tackles the Victorian colonial period with 14 book and product reviews, index to Issues 103-118, Kurram Valley Scenario (6 November, 1897), and lots more product news. Heliograph 121 (October 2000) covers Victorian era Colonial action with a bevy of product news and reviews plus a set of miniatures rules: Bugles, Bullets, and Blades. The Heliograph #119 (June 2000) prints a map of Dahomey, covers a wide variety of books and Victorian Colonial-era products, and lets you know what museums to visit in the UK. The Heliograph 117 and 118 (February 2000 and April 2000) covers the Victorian era with Italian Colonial Uniforms Straps, Sikh Wars Sources, A Small Skirmish with the Wanyaturu, Action at Kassassin: August 28, 1882, Spanish-American War Scenario, over a dozen book reviews, and a multitude of information about new products relating to the era. The HMGS-GL Herald has been pumping out a neat selection of issues with regularity for many a year. Besides giving listings of conventions and other Great Lankes region news, you'll find rules, game replays, campaigns, product reviews, and all sorts of interesting ideas in this 48-page newsletter. I've been particularly following Bretwalda (continuing 9th century campaign for Britain played out by various Columbus, OH-based GL members). The Herald will be on starting in the new year. It's only $10 per year dues. Kriegspieler #6 (Oct 1999), #7 (Dec 1999) and #8 (Mar 2000) provide an Australian perspective on military history and wargaming. Articles include French Army and Hessian troops in the American Revolution, Harold Hardrada's Invasion of England 1066, Thirty Years War, Flock of Fokkers WWI Air rules, CanCon 2000 report, Waterloo 1995 re-enactment, alternate Battle of Britain, SPQR Ancients Campaign, DBR amendments, a multitude of video, book, figure, and other product reviews, and more! All the way from Australia comes Kriegspieler #5 (July 1999), a blend of history and wargaming for fans of all eras. In this issue, Kriegspieler offers up Wargaming the Renaissance, Wargaming Lexington, a Varangian Rus Army List (860 AD to 1054 AD), Campaigning the Thirty Years War, a pair of H&M Wargaming Scenarios, Dicey Websites, a look at Elan: Tactical Rules for Napoleonic Battles, product reviews, and more. Lone Warrior #132 (Oct-Dec 2000) tackles solo wargaming with articles on the Graf Spee and Battle of River Platte, Mongols Invading China, product reviews, and a variety of fantasy scenarios. Lone Warrior #131 (July-Sept 2000) brings more solo gaming information to a wide variety of periods, including WWII, ancients, medieval, American Civil War, and more. Also, reviews, news, web sites, and opinions. Lone Warrior 130 (Apr-Jun 2000) from the Solo Wargamers Assn merges history with wargaming by covering topics as: Battle of Otterburn (19 August 1388), Solo Wargaming in the French and Indian War, The Cannonade of Sandgate (H.G. Wells profile), Generating Enemy Battle Orders, Air Warfare, Computer Games Corner, F-22 and Simulation, TV Wargames, reviews, and more. Lone Warrior 129 (Jan-Mar 2000) from the Solo Wargamers Assn merges history with wargaming by covering topics as: Battle of Salamis (480BC), Billy the Kid vs. Pat Garrett (US Wild West), ECW, Solo Napoleonic Campaign, Ideas for Miniature Battlefields, Computer games Corner, wargame references on the web, reviews, and more. Matrix Gamer 21 and 22 (Dec I and II 2000) describe Matrix Games in detail, including a sample two-part Sands of the Sahara colonial action, horror MGs, an Alternative Presidential Election MG, Bonaparte: A Solo Matrix Game 1805-1814, and other ideas. Matrix Gamer 20 (November 2000) expands on the premise of Matrix Gaming with ideas about structure. Napoleon 15 (Winter 1999/2000) covers Napoleonic history, including Suvorov's success at the battle of Novi, Napoleon's successes in Syria and ultimate failure at the siege of Acre, Napoleon's coup Brumaire. Napoleon Number 14 (Fall 1999) is now up on Great article on the Battle of Borodino (1812), the Waterloo Controversy of Peter Hofschroer, Napoleon's Scientific Exploration of Egypt, Interview with Dr. Gunther Rotherberg, Napoleonic Alliance, book and game reviews, news, and more. plus a variety of book reviews, uniform guides, news, and other information. Naval Sitrep #19 (October 2000) examines in detail the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk. Also, WWI Naval camoflage, Australasian and Asian Naval Race Update, Carrying Troops Aboard WWII Japanese Destroyers, Hypothetical Weapons in Wargaming, a couple of scenarios (Torch 1942 and Norway late 1980's), a variety of naval news and alerts, book reviews, CaS and Harpoon Data Sheets, and more. Naval SitRep #18 (April 2000) bring you a variety of modern naval news, plus updates on Harpoon and other simulations. Articles include US Maritime Prepositioning Force, Information On Asian Navies (India, China, etc), Mythbreaking of WWII, Midway Cruiser Action, Ship Camoflage, a masive list of Intelligence Websites, Cruisers of the Imperial Japanese Navy Part 2, harpoon modifications, alerts, book reviews, and much more. The Naval SITREP #17 (October 1999) offers a variety of WWII and modern naval articles, including: The Development of Radar in Italy in WWII (1933-1944), Cruisers of the Imperial Japanese Navy, Revisited (Part 1, WWII), Cape Spartivento á la Française (Italy vs. France Naval Battle Scenario, 27 November 1940), Radar Modeling in SSI's Harpoon 4 Computer Game (Equations and Formulas), Book Review: Rolling Thunder, Modern Naval News 1999, USS Hornet Loss Analyzed Report, WW II Bomb Loads: Japanese Bomb Allocation, a Special Naval Y2K humor Section (Admiral Dewey Named CNO!, Marines Sent to Legation Quarter in Peking, er, Beijing, and USS Iowa Commissioned), plus a variety of rules updates for Harpoon, and the usual array of CAS and Harpoon ship specifications. The Nugget: Journal of Wargame Developments comes from the UK and includes a number of ideas and such in short pieces. They're pretty big on Matrix Games as well as other experimental type games and concepts. Sometimes, I just don't understand some of them, othertimes, I've whacked forehead with palm and screamed "Idea-boy! Why didn't I think of that?" About $25 per year. OSG News (Oct and Nov 2000) brings news about OSG historical boardgames. OSG recently won a Games Magazine Award for Last Days of the Grande Armee. Congratulations Kevin Zucker! Penny Whistle #47 (March-April 2000) and #48 (May-June 2000) offer some gladiatorial combat and convention recap. Penny Whistle #45 and #46 (Nov/Dec 1999 and Jan/Feb 2000) are up. Electrobowl, Wild West, and Age of Sail Naval. Perfidious Albion 101 (August 2000), the UK magazine of historical game reviews, critically looks at such products as: Verdun, Preussisch-Eylau, Ostatnia Wojna Cesarzy: Last War of the Emperors, Battle Cry, Blood and Steel, Horse & Musket, Tannenberg: Eagles in the East, Galacia: The Forgotten Cauldron, Drive on Paris, The Jewish War, Normandie '44, The Forgotten War, Los Battles de Gringos, Guderian's Last Gamble, Brandywine, Pacific Victory, and Conquerors and Kings. Plus, 20+ book reviews, Origins 2000 report, design ideas, and more. Perfidious Albion #100 (January 2000) cracks the 100 mark with more reviews and analysis of historical war games and books of all types and periods. Reviews include Nuts, Normandie 1944, Fire In Mississippi, Death Ride Mars-La-Tour 1870, Cuba Libre, Paths of Glory, Iena, Combat!, and more. Plus, suggested war games for children, Origins '99 report, British Bomber Command history and design issues, and 15 book reviews. Congratulations Editor and Publisher Charles Vesey! Rebel Yell #13, #14, #15 and #16 (1998-2000) puts all the issues published up on Articles include Hood's 1864 Campaign (Battles of Spring Hill and Franklin), battle of Fredericksburg, Napoleonic Fireand Fury rules, Recon 2000 convention Recap, Seminole War rules, 1688 Revolution, French Foreign Legion Rules, and a variety of product reviews and news. Saga #77 (October-November 2000) just expanded to include the Renaissance period. Articles include the 3rd Punic War, Battle of Blore Heath (September 23, 1459), Second Battle of Saint Albans (1461), Roman Auxiliary Units in the XV Valeria Victrix Legion in Britain, Leadership and Command in Medieval Armies (Part 1), lots of AW, MW, and RW rules suggestions, intepretations, and ideas, reviews, and more. Saga (June-July 2000) features Part Three of the 2nd Punic War (Battle of Cannae), Part 2 of an examination of the Late Roman Army, more MA armies, rules ideas, book lists, Skirmish MW, and more. Saga 74 (Mar-May 2000) brings part 2 of the 2nd Punic War, Late Hebrews, Tang Dynasty Chinese Army (618-906 C.E), Note on the Khitan Liao Army List 907-1125AD, Part 11 (last) of Descriptions of Dark Age and Medieval Armies, rules erratta, and more. Seven Years War Association Journal v11n2 packs in the 18th Century information with Artillery of Hesse-Cassel, Notes on Landgraf Friedrich II of Hessen-Kassel, Affair of St. Johns Newfoundland, 1762), French Naval Uniforms 1755, Anglo-French Rivalry in India 1758, Hybrid Formations, Journal of Horace St. Paul 1757, Product News, Maps, and more. Seven Years War Asso. Journal Vol XI No. 1 (Fall 1999) concentrates on the battle of Lobowitz, first with a historical account and then with a recreation using the wargame rules Volley and bayonet. Also, a profile of Maurice: Comte de Saxe, the Battle on Snowshoes from the French and Indian War, books reviews, product news, and other news. The Skirmish Line, another UK newsletter, recaps skirmish gaming for all ages, including sci-fi. No price listed: e-mail:, or write to Mike Blake, The Moorings, Middle Lane, Whatstandwell, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE45EG UK. Slingshot 211 (Sep 2000) 212 (Nov 2000) by the UK Society of Ancients, continues with a mix of wargaming and ancient history (to medieval period, roughly). From the common to obscure, history and gaming recaps, rules, product reviews, and opinions, often mixing the history with army lists. All types, though Warhammer Ancients is having a bit of a run of late, although DBM remains the king of rules sets by and large. 60 pages an issue, sometimes a board-style game (like Lytel Gupan skirmish game) is included. 211: Aztec tactical doctrine, Britons 400-450AD, Greek Hoplites, love the "Missile Ranges and Wargaming Rules" survey! Much more. 212: Warriors of Majapahit (14c. Indonesia), Intersting look at Late Bronze Age warfare, Kingdom of Lan Xang, 20 Battles using Etruscans, 1066, etc. Strategikon Vol. 1, Issue 1 (July 2000) takes center stage courtesy of Steven Phenow. It focuses on the pre-gunpowder era, especially ancients. This is an ancients magazine to watch. Strategikon brings in-depth coverage of the First Battle of Cremona (69AD), Roman-era Spanish Troops and Tactics, a Spanish miniatures trio of scenarios, the origin of the word "Phalanx", a review of the historical aspects of the movie Gladiator, and more. Time Portal Passages (Summer 2000) features an entire issue on the Thirty Years War.. Time Portal Passages (Spring 2000) covers two main areas: Ancient Korea (from BC to to 1388), and Native American Conflicts (Mississippi Valley area). Time Portal Passages (Winter 2000) offers articles on Strange American Conflicts (includes The Walton War, Muskogee Free State War, Whiskey Rebellion, The Toledo War, and more), Northeastern Atlantic Seaboard and Eastern Canada Native American Indians (Overview and Chronology of Wars), and Forgotten Allies: Spain's Aid During the American Revolution (including units, strengths, and uniforms). South Jersey Confederation of Gamers The Volunteer (Fall 2000) brings a good-natured exposition of wargaming to your attention with a great trio of articles about Pirate Skirmishes (including the famed Angry Iguana Tavern!), Snappy Nappy 2000, and a bevy of product reviews. Volunteer (Summer 2000) from SJCW offers D-Day photos, the War at the Shore (WWII NJ sites), ACW studies, plenty of battle reports, and reviews of games, movies, and books. The Volunteer (Spring 2000) tackles a Surprise Zulu Attack at the Intombi River (March 11th 1880), a number of game reviews (including June 6: D-Day 1944 and Ace of Aces), a variety of miniatures battle reports, and more. Zouave #50,51,52 are the latest issues of this colorful American Civil War magazine--so has a complete set in its archive from Vol. I No. 1 (1987)! This trio includes articles on Herman Haupt (Union RR genius), three brothers from Massachusetts, and Part 1 of Napoleonic Tactics at Salamanca. Also, scenarios for Devil's Den, Gettysburg, McLemore's Cove, and Wright Farm, plus a wide variety of "how-to" terrain creation articles and a load of product reviews for the tabletop general. Back to MWAN #110 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2001 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |