by Hal Thinglum
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By Hal Thinglum - NEW 20MM TERRAIN RELEASES FROM SCENIC EFFECTS Scenic Effects, PO Box 70332, Point Richmond, CA 94807 (phone: 510-235-1955; FAX: 510-233-9901; e-mail: has released two new items in 20mm. WB55 is a Waco Glider crash site ($23) measuring 9 1/2" square, a one piece resin base in gray color featuring a crashed glider with torn wings, lots of anti-glider posts knocked down, a tree stump embedded in the left detached wing, two dead crew covered with blankets resting by the plane. The right wing is over a stone wall or sand bag emplacement and there is lots of damaged terrain. In general, a very well done product! Secondly, another nice piece - WB54 Industrial Ruined Factory with gun emplacement ($25) 6 1/2" X 10" on resin base (gray); there are two "drive-in" areas where you might park a vehicle or place troops and two other higher elevations representing separate buildings where figures can be placed. Lots of rubble; again a very nicely done piece. Congratulations Rick & Wendy - nice effort! Highly recommended. I plan on using this piece for 20mm FPW and I believe it would work for 25mm WWII as well. By Hal Thinglum - OLD GLORY ITEMS - OLD GLORY, PO Box 20, Calumet, PA 15621 (phone: 724-423-3580; FAX: 724-423-6898) has added to their WEST WIND Productions ( 25MM "Berlin or Bust" WWII line in pewter. I have 44WGER-20 PAK 40 crew consisting of eight different German crew figures all either kneeling or lying down manning a PAK 40 gun. These are excellent figures and poses - various types of clothing including smocks, very realistic poses - this gun team is "in action" - lugging an ammo box while trying to "stay low", leaning forward with binoculars, etc ($10/pack). WVG-4 PAK 40 Anti-tank gun ($10/2 guns) is a finely cast model; I haven't tried to assemble it yet but everything is very clean. WVG-3 is a 251c German halftrack vehicle ($25) for rifle squads in Panzer Grenadier battalions and comes in two main pieces with a separate machine gun and shield. Very nice indeed and easily assembled! WVG1 Tiger 1H ($30) is a monster of a tank; the body is resin as is the separate turret while everything else is metal. There is a separate metal track piece (I remember replacing these on the M-60 tank in the middle of winted), tank commander half-cast (upper body, of course!), hatch cover, machine gun, the main gun is great! A fantastic model! From their 25mm French-Indian War come FIW24 Indians in long canoe - two long canoes, each joined together in the middle with ten paddling Indians; FIW25 Indians with short canoes four canoes/eight Indians, no assembly required for canoes; FIW26 French trappers in long canoes and FIW27 French Trappers in short canoes. Great stuff for a SYW scenario! No flash noted, long canoes are easily assembled. $27/pack. From their Warpaint Wild West line of 31 packs comes WP-18 stagecoach ($30) w/six beautifully done running horses. a one-piece casting of two riders (driver w/whip and firing shotgun to left side) and a metal coach which requires assembly (about 20 parts) - great model! WP28 Marshals, Sheriffs & Lawmen ($17) has 15 different beautifully posed figures in action poses; perfect for a wild west scenario! WP29 Gunfighters & Shootists ($17/15 figures) is a troublesome looking group; several are carrying saddle bags or bank bags, one looks like Clint Eastwood with the Mexican type poncho; good stuff! WP30 Buckboard w/crew ($30) has four horses, two identical looking riders w/whip, and an 18-piece buckboard. All of these items have very little flash and are very reasonably priced, especially when compared to 25mm figures today! Highly recommended! Now, my personal favorites! 25mm Spanish/Pirate Village which can be used for the Peninsular! SPAN-01 Church with bell tower and walled graveyard, lift-off church roof and bell tower ($45); SPAN-02 block of three buildings with exterior steps with three lift-off roofs ($45); SPAN-03 Block of two buildings with lift-off roofs and arched thatched market stalls ($35); SPAN-04 warehouse with two lift-off roofs ($35); and SPAN-05 Customs house - a municipal building with arched balcony and lift-off roof ($35). WOW! These are "large" 25mm buildings and perfect for skirmish wargaming (Pirates/Peninsular/Mexico Wild West/etc); I'll use mine for Spanish Civil War and the Peninsula! They are made of light-weight resin, are very well 86 detailed, have lots of room for figure stands on the steps/ balcony/graveyard, and you can have open windows for figures to shoot through. $195 for five high quality pieces - VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Just the five of these will make up a village large enough to fight over! Spray paint them black and do some dry-brushing and you'll have a great village scene. OLD GLORY makes a nice line of 6mm Central European buildings consisting of 15 different models ranging in price from $2 to $8.50 in the MI series: MI1 Granary at Essling ($8.50), 2-Aspern village church ($8), 3-Aspern Village church Gardner's house ($2), 4- Rectory ($3.50), 5-village church ($6.50), 6-Gatehouse from village of Markgrafineusiedel ($4), 7- Rathaus ($4), 8-cattle barn ($3.50), 9-timbered farm house or townhouse ($3.50), 10- carriage barn ($3.50), 11-hip-gabled row house ($3.50), 12-village row house ($3.50), 13shaped barn ($3.50), 14-long barn ($3), and 15-ruined watchtower ($4, which I didn't get). These are all resin cast buildings; #1, 2, and 5 are very large structures! I like the number of barns they offer as I like to have many farms scattered around the table. All are one-piece structures - I'll be using them for my 6mm SYW project - highly recommended! Lastly, from their 15mm Middle East offerings, there are only two buildings: ME1 village house w/external stairway ($8) and ME2 doomed village building ($16.50) - both come on cobblestoned bases in the same resin as the 6mm houses. Detail is good with brick showing through the sides of the buildings, titled roof on one side of the large doomed building over a six-door side section with large doomed tower with an open roof on the rest of the building. ME1 has an open roof. Very well done - I'll be using mine for the Sudan. Check out Old Glory's buildings - they have a very wide range covering many periods! Very high quality! By Hal Thinglum - IRON BRIGADE MINIATURES - Iron Brigade, 2121 W. Shawnee, Muskogee, OK 74401-2225 (phone 918-687-5281) offers plastic palm trees (the cake decorating type): 8034-small, 8035-large (both 3/bag) and 8044-big (1/bag) for $2.50 per bag. Terry Cannarsa reports "if you repaint them, use a 50/50 water & vinegar solution mixed together, submerge all tr,~es and move them around for ten minutes; then let sit for 24 hours and move around again for ten minutes; lay trees on towel and let dry at room temperature and paint." These trees are very functional for 15mm or 25mm; I use them for both scales. The small trees have two trunks, each w/two sets of leaves which are bright green; the large is a single trunk w/2 sets of leaves w/coconuts, and the big is one trunk w/3 sets of leaves. They have released a new line of 15mm ACW consisting of infantry so far: 80 figures/$25 which includes four 20figure regiments w/command. They also offer painted/based regiments of 20 figures for $100; sent was a Union regiment with 20 figures in various advancing poses mounted in single line w/four figures to a cardstock base. Command has an officer, drummer, standard bearer with nicely done paper flag blowing in the wind, and bugler. The enlisted men has a mix of blanket rolls/back packs and the figures are nicely done. Bases are terrained. Paint jobs are good and faces are especially well done. There is no shading done. I would say these are about a "6-7" on a 10 point scale. $100 for twenty 15mm ACW painted/based/terrained figures seems quite overpriced to me and way above what is available out there in painted figures. By Hal Thinglum - ULTIMATE MINIATURES 25MM - Ultimate Miniatures, PO Box 3959, Visalia, CA 93278-3959 ( sent some 30mm Danish Napoleonics in pewter. I don't have a listing of the figures but there are three cavalrymen, a hussar, one with a French dragoon style helmet, and perhaps a line cavalryman. All are one-piece castings holding a sword. There is an infantryman in bearskin at attention and four infantry, including an officer w/sword, in what appears to be a top hat with plume (standing firing, charging, and at ready). Lastly, there is an emptyhanded artilleryman with top hat w/plume. There is a fair amount of flash along the mold lines of some figures which will require cleaning. I should remind you that these are the old lack Scruby figures and, as such, are not state-of-the-art figures; however, they are inexpensive and I am sure wargamers owning Scruby armies are very glad to see them available again. The foot figures measure about 31mm from top of base to eye level. There is not a great amount of detail, as we are used to with today's figures - when I started wargaming, I saw many of the Scrubys in my group's armies! Catalogs are $6.00 (refundable with first order,. 30mm figures are .90/foot and $1.90/cavalry with guns/limbers/wagons priced at $1.25. By Hal Thinglum - BACCUS 6MM NEW NAPOLEONIC AUSTRIANS - Baccus 6mm, 29 Highcliffe Drive, Sheffield, S11 7LT, UK (phone: 0114-2302761; e-mail: baccus6(d); website: has released new 6mm Napoleonic Austrians. There are ten different packs: NAU1-line infantry in helmet; 2-line infantry in shako; 3-grenadiers; 4jaegers in helmet; 5-jaegers in Korsehut; 7-heavy cavalry; 8-Hussars; 9-Uhlans; and 10artillery. Infantry come 4 figures in line on a base with foot command having an officer, standard bearer w/cast on pole, and two drummers on a base. Cavalry are three figures in column on a base. These might be the best I've seen from Peter Barry of Baccus 6mm! Outstanding detail, especially the cavalry! Infantry are at march attack position; lagers are four figures to a base in column with indentations in the base between the figures making it easy to cut them apart and spread them out on a new base. Cavalry command have an officer, standard bearer (again with cast on pole and flag) and bugler. These cavalry make my mouth water - they are outstanding! The Uhlans have cast-on pennants on their lances (in 6mm, mind you)' There are also flag sheets (in color) for the Austrians for 1792, 1804 and 1806 (24 flags per sheet!) at one pound each (I believe). Very good detail on the flags. Figure prices are as follows: twenty 4-figure infantry bases for 2.80 pounds; fifteen 3-figure cavalry bases for 3.95 pounds. I didn't get any artillery but they are priced at 4 guns/crew for 1.80. Outstanding work, Peter; HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! By Hal Thinglum - NEW RULES FROM BROOKHURST HOBBIES - Brookhurst Hobbies, 12188 Brookhurst St., Garden Grove, CA 92840 (phone: 714-636-3585; FAX: 714-636-9150; website:; e-mail: has released several sets of rules; first of all, ACTION STATIONS! Naval Wargame Rules for Coastal Forces 1914-53 by David Manley, a 44-page 81/2" X 11" spiral-bound set written for 1/600 scale models though the author feels they can be used with 1/1200 as well ($14.98). Originally published in 1995, David reports "the torpedo, aircraft and submarine rules have been rewritten and some improvements made to the gunnery section." In addition, new optional rules have been added. Scale is Imm/2 yards and one turn equals twenty seconds. D10 and D6 are used. Ships are divided into three classes ranging from motor gun boats (Class 1), trawlers (2), to corvettes (3) and also classed as to maneuverability. Damage is recorded by checking off hull boxes and crew are put into three categories (green, experienced and veteran) as is the commanding officer. There are ten phases to a turn. Order of movement is interesting in that vessels unaware of the presence of enemy vessels move first while vessels aware of others' presence move next, thus allowing them to react to the movement of unaware vessels. In addition, commanders' ratings are used during the initiative throws for movement. Table movement for vessels is half of the vessels speed in knots converted to centimeters. The rules themselves are 20 pages long with the rest of the booklet consisting of data information, game aids, and quick play game tables. There are special rules for survivors, boat transfers, sinking vessels, holman projectors, swamping, and depth charge attacks on surface ships as well as a chapter on mines and another on aircraft. The rules seem well organized and laid out and well-written. If you enjoy small level naval actions, you should take a look at these! Another release from BROOKHURST HOBBIES is FORM LINE OF BATTLE - Naval Wargames Rules for the Age of Sail 1650-1820 by David Manley, a 32-page booklet in the same format as above. David states the first edition was done in the mid-1980's and concentrated on fleet actions while this edition (the third) allows for fleet or frigate actions. Changes include new sections for crew quality, oared warships, different ammo types, shore batteries, shore parties, boat operations, mortars, bomb vessels, fire ships and algerine ships and there are new rules for signaling and command/control, and the rules for fighting small actions (2-3 ships) have been rewritten with more detail. They were written for 1/1200 models but the author feels they can be used with 1/2400. D6 are used, ships are divided into classes by number of guns but have an additional rating within that class which affects gunnery. Maneuverability is also ranked as is hull (the material strength of the vessel) and broadship (offensive capability) ability. A vessel's offensive capability is divided into five gunnery classes and there are a number of tables breaking down ship abilities by time period. Playing cards are used to determine the order of play within a turn. An interesting rule to "seize the initiative" is carried out by allowing commanders rated more highly than their opponent to move first a certain number of times per game. Amount of ship movement is dependent upon the attitude of the wind which determines how many d6 you throw for movement. There is a section on the Dutch Wars and a points system is provided. There are two scenarios, The Battle of the Nile and The Battle of Bantry Bay. The actual rules cover some 21 pages and game aids, quick play sheets and a game record card round out the contents. Again, as in David's other set mentioned above, they seem well put together and naval gamers should take a look at both sets. By Hal Thinglum - ANDREW DOYLE'S 3-D CONTOUR TERRAIN - Andrew Doyle, 120 McPhail Road, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601-583-4321) offers a quality terrain construction service which I have used on numerous occasions and have always been well satisfied with both the quality and the service. I recently sent Andrew about a hundred K&M trees for him to base; he placed them on tempered hardboard (to reduce warping) and terrained the hardboard to resemble the floor of a forest. Andrew added lichen, tuffs of grass, etc., and the effect is very pleasing to the eye. Trees were placed anywhere from three to fifteen or so to a base. The bases are rounded around the edges so there is a gradual incline from the tabletop to the top of the tree base, a feature which looks good. I also sent him TCSs resin hill with a road going through the hill and asked him to paint it, base it, and put some trees on it. Andrew did a very nice job on this painting the scrubs and terraining the hill. What I like about the wooded sections is that they are very clearly defined as to the edge of the woods and all sections are irregular in shape. He also painted two bridges (25mm) for me and put them on nicely terrained river sections. Prices are very reasonable. Andrew sent along sample roads in 15mm and 25mm for mention. The 25mm road section is 12" long by 4" wide which includes the side of the road. The actual road is 2" wide and there is a groove along each side of the road and then it is terrained with grass. You get two 12" sections for $6. The 15mm roads were 6" long and 2" wide using the same concept outlined above for 25mm. I like these very much and the price is extremely reasonable! Andrew has a listing of terrain products he offers and also does scratch building to your specifications. Give him a call if you have a special need. Highly recommended - thanks, Andrew! By Hal Thinglum - EUREKA MINIATURES 15MM FIGURE - Eureka Miniatures, 10 Woorayl St., Carnegie, Vic, 3163, Australia carries the 15mm AB Figures range as well as Irregular Miniatures and others. However, what I'd like to talk about is owner Nic Robson's "300 Club" in which he offers a service to wargamers. If you have a figure you'd like but it is not available (that might be hard to believe, uh!), you can notify Nic (e-mail: and tell him what you want and how many; for example, I want a foot and mounted Bashi Bazouk for the Sudan (nobody makes them in 15mm that I am aware of) and I want 48 foot and 24 mounted. Nic puts this information on his web site ( and once enough other people sign up to reach the "300" mark, he commissions the figure(s) to be done. When I sign up, I give him my credit card information which will cover the number of figures I want. When they are available, I am charged for them. Sounds like a good deal to me! In addition, four variations of the figure are made so you don't end up with one pose! He already has a "100 Club" for 25mm figures so check out his web site. He sent me some 15mm samples of Boer War figures; they are done by Mike Broadbent, whose work I am very impressed with. I have four foot Boers 16mm from to of base to eye level: standing firing, two different advancing poses, and one running at trail. Detail is very good as is casting. Animation is especially good. The mounted figures are very well done - the lower body of the rider is cast on the horse and there is a sprue on the rider to allow insertion and "turning" of the upper body to create more variations. There are four different riders, all with rifles; one has the rifle slung over his back, one has the rifle butt resting on his right leg, another is holding the rifle out from his body, while the fourth is holding his rifle down to the right side. I received four horses but only one horse pose - galloping, but the horse is very good. I just checked out his web site and saw my Bashi-Bazouk listed as a choice along with WWI Italians, WWII Japanese cavalry, and more! Exciting stuff! Outstanding work and a great ideal Let's see what happens to my Bashi Bazouk request! I personally would be more than satisfied if my Bashi Bazouks turned out as well as these Boers - more than pleased! Great idea, Nic! By Hal Thinglum - MILITARY MINIATURES USA 15MM BATTLEFRONT RELEASE Military Miniatures USA, 8554 122nd Ave., NE, PMB 108, Kirkland, WA 98033 (phone: 4253980113; fax: 425-398-0118; e-mail: Sales@)MilMinUSA.COME Website: http://` carries the excellent 15mm Battlefront 15mm WWII line from New Zealand. If you haven't seen this line, you owe it to yourself to check it out if you are into 15mm WWII. There are 114 German vehicles available, 16 packs of German figures, Americans, Russians, British, French, and Italians. In addition, they offer decals, airplanes, and landing craft, and something brand new, 15mm buildings (42 encompassing ancients to WWII) and WWII fortifications (7). Packs include either one vehicle, one or two guns, or twenty infantry. The vehicle bodies are made of resin and tracks, guns and figures are made of lead. All packs are $5.95. New releases include: R037-KV01B Heavy tank w/bolted armor - the turret is cast separate (in resin) and what I do is drill a small hole in the bottom of the turret and the top of the vehicle where the turret is placed, and glue a small piece of wire in the hole on the top of the vehicle so that the turret can be placed over the top of the wire and turn easily. In lead, there are two turret hatches, the two tracks, the main gun, and the upper body of a tank commander. R413 Russian dismounted tank crew has 20 figures in six poses: running with SMG (4), firing pistol (3), holding upper right arm (3), running w/o weapon (4-bailing out?), on knees and one hand clutching stomach wound (3), and crouching down hold head with right hand (4). Because none are standing up straight, it is difficult to get a height, but they seem to be perhaps 16mm or so. Nicely done figures; they have more flash (easily cleaned) than the vehicles (very little) have. 1002-M11/39 Italian medium tank, 1003 Italian Semovente da 75/18 SP gun, I001 Italian M13/40 medium tank, and 1017 is an Italian Dovunque 35 covered truck. I am very impressed with this line of WWII 15mm vehicles and figures! I like the resin cast bodies and metal accessories; I find the resin castings require very little cleaning and detail is very sharp. An excellent, extensive line and highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - OLD GLORY SKYTREX 20MM WWII VEHICLES - Old Glory, P.O. Box 20, Calumet, Pa. 15621 (phone: 1-724-423-3580) is now the exclusive distributor in North America for these models. These models are 100% better than the older models of this line. On all of the models for review, there was no flash of any kind. All of the pieces went together very well. The detail is outstanding on these as well. All of these models are of the white metal kits. There are some simple instructions with some of the kits and most of these are assembled in very little time. 20/214 FRENCH CHAR BI HEAVY TANK ($16) - the main tank consists of three pieces; the body and two tracks section. There is a 75mm gun in a front mounted pantoon, while the turret has a 37mm gun in it. There is a nice gunner figure included. The main turret has a hatch than can be placed in a couple of positions. This piece will be used as a captured tank that ended up in the German army. 20/252 BRITISH AIRBORNE 6 PDR. AT GUN ($9)- This model consists of eight pieces. The only thing that I did on this kit as to straighten the two legs. A nice little kit of the good AT gun that the British used. All of the pieces went together very easy. 20/250 BRITISH PARA RECCE JEEP WITH CREW ($12) - a very nice jeep model. All that is needed to be done is to glue the axles to the jeep, put the wheels on and glue the four crewmen in. The jeep is a fine model of the standard jeep of WW-II. The crew figures consist of the driver and three other riders with a rifle at port arms. 20/1948 RUSSIA T34/76D M1943 ($16) - the standard Russian tank of WW-II. The kit consists of the body with two track sections. The turret can have opened or closed hatches. On the back of the tank there are places for four gas drums; in addition, there are two log sections for the tank. A very impressive looking kit. 20/66 RUSSIAN BA-10 ARMOURED CAR ($16) - a very easy and straight forward kit; glue the axles to the body and put the wheels on. After this, place the turret with the crew figure on and it is finished. A very good and useful model for the Russian gamer. 20/70 RUSSIAN BA - 64 ARMOURED CAR ($12) - another fine example of a Russian armored car. This is a smaller and earlier version of the BA-10. Glue the four wheels and the open top turret on and you are ready to go. Another good example of the Russian armored car series. 20/44 120mm M1938 RUSSIAN MORTAR ($7) - a very clean and useful kit which can be assembled in the firing position or the travelling position. In the firing position, there are only three pieces. In the towing position, there are eight pieces. After this piece was finished, you can see why the Russians had some heavy mortars. 20/45 160mm M1943 RUSSIAN MORTAR ($7) - a nice large mortar same as the kit above, except this is in a larger caliber. 20/133 ITALIAN FIAT STAFF CAR WITH DRIVER ($12) - a different type of an open top car. This kit consists of a body, four wheels and the driver, I plan to use this for the Germans. A nice useful addition for the German command section. 20/118 GERMAN SDKFZ 250/1 APC ($16) - consists of a one-piece body, two tracked sections two front wheels, two machine guns and a crew figure. All of the pieces are very nicely done. The only thing I don't like is that the standing crew figure is a little tall. A good addition to the smaller of the two German APC. 20/306 GERMAN JAGDPANZER IVF ($16) a very good kit of the German tank destroyer. The model consists of a one-piece hull, two tracked sections and two-side skirt sections. Two hatch covers can be placed in a couple of ways. There are two crewmen figures. The pin on the gun goes into the hole provided very nicely. A low profile kit that will be welcomed on the gaming table. 20/176 AMERICAN GMC 2 1/2 TON TRUCK HARD CAB ($16) - a very good model. This is the standard truck of WW-II. The truck can have the canvas top either on or off the model. These can be used by any of the powers in WW-II. 20/172 AMERICAN DODGE 3/4TON UTILITY TRUCK ($16) - the smaller truck of WW-II fame. Another standard light truck and a useful model for any country. Assembly is easy. An impressive looking kit. 20/78 AMERICAN M-8 ARMOURED CAR ($16) - the typical American armored car of WW-II which consists of six wheels, an open top turret with a machine gun ring and two crewmen. The 37mm gun is cast in the turret top. A useful addition for the American gamer. All of the above kits are highly recommended for the 20mm WW-II gamer. Glad to see OLD GLORY carrying this handy line! By Hal Thinallum - COMMAND POST PAINTING SERVICE - David Reynolds, 20578 Alliance-Sebring Rd., Alliance, Ohio 44601 has offered a painting service for many years and submitted a mini-diorama for mention - a very nicely painted set of four 25mm charging French Dragoons on a 3" X 6" terrained wood base - I like this! Each of the four is positioned differently as to sword arm/head position. I'm no expert at determining painting styles, but it would appear to me as though David used a black primer method; the horses are of slightly different hues; the riders' faces are painted with character in them and there is considerable outlining. A very nice piece which will assume a place of honor on my bookshelf! Something to think about - wouldn't it be nice to have a mini-diorama of your favorite unit done by a professional? Highly recommended - thanks much, David! By Hal Thinglum - THE SKIRMISH LINE PAINTING SERVICE - Charles Van Norman, 347 N. Maple Ave., Green Bay, WI 54303 (920-435-6337) finished off three units of 20mm B&B Miniatures Franco-Prussian War units for me and they are good! My favorite, by far, are the French Line Chasseurs which he did a fantastic job on! Using the black primer method, Charles did a masterful job the French fatigue cap is outlined in yellow as is the rest of the blue uniform, the collar is skillfully done in green outlined in yellow (I could never do this!), faces look great with almost a "shading" look, and crossbelts are colorfully emphasized. Great job, Charles! This unit will look great when mounted. Also received were a unit of French Marines and Guard Mobile - both well done in a straight-forward manner. I should mention that when Charles started doing FPW for me, he went out and purchased a rather expensive FPW painting guide on his own. He's been taking good care of me for a number of years and I think he'd do the same for you! Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - TWO DRAGONS PRODUCTIONS 15MM VICTORIA'S ENEMIES BROOKHURST HOBBIES, 12188 Brookhurst St., Garden Grove, CA 92840 carries the excellent 15mm Two Dragons (from the UK) line of Dervish and Fuzzy-Wuzzies for the Sudan. In addition, they have the British, Egyptians and Sudanese, though I haven't seen much of them. These are "true" 15mm figures measuring from the top of the base to eye level, thus, they are a little smaller than my ESSEX Sudan figures, however, if I don't mix the two manufacturers together, they go beautifully together on the tabletop! There are 33 packs of natives in this extensive line; the first 25 packs have ten figures ($4.99) while the other eight are more "specialty" figures. Received were the following: VE(E)1-Arab kneeling reaching for cartridge w/Remington rifle, 2-running w/Remington, 3running w/Remington at trail w/arm out for support; 5-Fuzzy running w/Remington (I should mention that although they are listed as "Fuzzies", they are designed for the "later" Sudan when the Fuzzies dressed as the Arabs did and, I believe, shaved their heads - thus, the Two Dragons line portrays the Fuzzies with a more Negroid face than the Arabs), 7-kneeling w/Remington loading; 8-Arab crouching w/Remington ready, 9-standing firing Remington; 14-Fuzzy cautiously advancing armed w/broadbladed spear and wicker shield, 15-Arab w/face covered w/wicker shield throwing spear, 16-face covered holding broad-banded spear and wicker shield startled under fire; 17Fuzzy charging w/bamboo spear and shield raised, 18-stabbing downwards w/bamboo spear in both hands; 19-Arab carrying broadbanded spear w/hide shield running under fire, 20-kneeling w/spear at ready and wicker shield, 31advancing sword ready. Talk about "character" and "animation" - these figures have it. A stand of ten or so figures would look great as they are all in "combat" poses - leaning forward, crouching, staying low to the ground, but charging! Excellent work! In my mention of individual packs above, I did not identify each pack as Arab or Fuzzy individually, rather, they are in order (i.e., the first Arab is identified as an Arab and I don't mention type again till it changes - GEEZ, with all that explanation, I could have easily mentioned them individually! All packs so far are 10 figures/$4.99. Now, the speciality packs (5 figures/$2.99): 42-Fuzzy charging pointing drawn sword, 43-advancing with cast-on flag staff, 44-playing small drum advancing, 45-standard bearer charging, 46-mounted Amir pointing w/sword shouting orders (three 1-piece castings/$4.99), 47-Arab wounded holding head; 48Fuzzy lying dead. Hey - an excellent line whose variety of poses allows for a really "native rabble" look! Highly recommended! I faxed this order to Brookhurst on a Monday morning and the figures were at my doorstep Wednesday when I got home - great service! Back to MWAN #110 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2001 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |