By Charley Elsden
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CASA DEL CARLOS A Filibuster (Mercenary Expedition) from the U.S. into Nicaragua 1856 - with rules adapted for man to man scale combat. 1. THE RULESAlthough this a man to man scale (1 figure = 1 soldier), this is NOT a skirmish, but a small battle. SMOOTHBORE DAWNS (Copyright Charles Elsden) or other rules being used are modified in the following ways: INITIATIVE MOVEMENT: At the start of each turn, a card is drawn from a standard deck of playing cards including the two Jokers. A Faction moves when it's suit is drawn (Hearts for the Southern Peasant Faction, Diamonds for the Northern Peasant Faction, Spades for the Filibuster Faction, and Clubs for the Government Faction/Landowners). Each faction's player(s) goes through one entire Player Turn after its card is drawn. Any and all other factions may make Ambush, Interdiction, or other Defensive Fire at any time during the phasing Faction's movement! If an Ace or King is drawn, see the special rules below (Diplomacy and Surrender). Otherwise, one card is like another. If a Joker is drawn, reshuffle the deck. FORMATIONS: Factions may combine figures or detach figures according to normal rules (at least five figures per formation at start, except for peasants "recruiting" - see below). Any number of single figures may be broken off from formations and count as Skirmishers. Skirmishers now get one firing die roll per figure (all other Skirmisher rules are in effect). Skirmishers do not need leaders. LEADERS: Leader rules replace SBD "General" section rules. Each starting formation has one Leader (except Peasants after their faction's initial formation). Designate Leaders with a field marker. If for some reason, there is more than one Leader figure per formation, designate one as Acting Leader (highest level Leader/Acting Commander). A leader may be shot at by only one figure per faction per phase, and gets a 50% saving roll for each kill result (an even number means he lives on with a minor wound; an odd number means he is killed). A killed Leader forces a morale roll for his formation, even if another Leader is present. If another Leader figure is already present in the formation when their Leader is killed, the next Leader automatically takes over. If there is no other Leader present in the formation, another friendly Leader of the same type or unit may be moved (with or without his own formation) to take over the formation. In some cases where the formation Leader is designated as "Leader Replaceable" a new Leader may be designated by a non-Routing formation. This takes the entire turn, during which no other action may be taken, the faction's player merely declaring "New Leader" when his turn comes up, and marking the new Leader figure as such from one of the original non-Leader figures. Leaders may have many special abilities/detriments attached to them according to the scenario chosen. Formations without Leaders fight at one morale level lower than they started! II. THE SCENARIOIntroduction: In the 1850's, bands of U.S. citizens, often of Southern Birth and organization, along with other foreign soldiers of fortune, actually invaded several Central or South American countries. Some were motivated by personal visions of glory or gain. Others were part of secret societies planning to extend U.S. manifest destiny and expand the nation southward by creating an independent state by overthrowing the local government, as did the Republic of Texas. Officially, the U.S. never supported these private ventures. These expeditions were defeated so we will never know whether such petitions would have been accepted. William Walker was recognized by the U.S. as President of Nicaragua in 1856, but came to an untimely end when his arrogant personality became too much for his own supporters! Oddly enough, the leaders of some of these expeditions were sometimes repatriated alive after capture or defeat. After returning to the U.S., some would organize another adventure and try again in a different locale! This simple scenario, playable perhaps in three hours with from two to perhaps six players, reenacts the fate of one such expedition, perhaps in Nicaragua, or somewhere else south of the Border. ARMAMENTS: All figures are armed with pre-ACW muskets, dragoon carbines, or field artillery. That is, flintlocks rather than rifled muskets are the order of the day. BATTLEFIELD SETUP: In the middle of the field is a large defensible hacienda (such as the one from the BMC San Juan playset, for your 54mm buffs out there). Scattered around it are ten figures of Village women doing the chores. Inside are the local Landowners - five figures including Leader Carlos Valdez, allied to the government. All seems quiet. To the west is a large stripe of jungle running the length of the western edge of the field. Before the jungle are two ploughed fields with an open pathway in the middle and to either side (fields are prohibited to government cavalry or artillery. To the east is the road which runs from the walled gate of the estate (about halfway from the main building to the eastern edge) off the eastern edge. The gate's wall only extends about 12" in both directions. To the south are two miserable huts; the Village. To the north is a stream cutting between raised banks (hard cover) running east/west. The stream meanders on and off the field for about one third of the length of the northern border, centered north of the hacienda. THE FACTIONS: Note: A "Faction" is a player's troops who move and fight at the same time in one player phase (card draw). A "Group" is part of a Faction, which may be set up in any number of Formations at the same time and place. A "Formation" is a set of figures that actually move and fight together in the same manner - this is the basic "piece" of the game. 1. Landowner Faction: Five figures with one Leader (Carlos Valdez) which starts in the hacienda as above and is allied to the Government Faction, moving when they do. Rated Average for morale. May be played by Government player if no separate player is available. 2. Filibuster Faction: Two groups of ten mercenary figures each; rated Crack for morale. One group starts in the southern village (five in each hovel). The other starts anywhere in the northern stream. Each group gets two Leaders. If a Filibuster formation enters the hacienda and throws the Landowner faction outside (or kill or captures them), they may raise their flag at the hacienda, igniting the Peasant Revolution! 3. Northern and Southern Peasant Factions: These two factions are allied to each other and the Filibusters, but may be played by separate players. They can not combine formations/Leaders with each other or the Filibusters. The figures of each should be easily distinguishable from each other. 4. The Government Faction: This consists of one three-unit column, which enters on the road from the east one unit at a time (cavalry, infantry or artillery). This column is considered to be entered into the game all at the same time, although it may take several turns to fit onto the board, as it must enter one unit at a time in column formation, and only on the road (unless blocked). The column enters on the Government player's fifth card draw (keep track). All government units are rated Average for morale. Separate players, but move and fight on the same player phase may operate government units. The Government column consists of:
B. Five groups of ten infantry figures, each with one Leader. C. A group of ten mounted dragoons including one Leader. D. A light artillery piece with four gunners including one Leader, one caisson and a horse team (counts of one formation). 5. Village Women (non-player Faction): The village women run shrieking into the hacienda on the first turn of any non- Landowner/Government turn, and take no further independent action thereafter. The VW can not be shot, captured, or otherwise abused during the game unless they individually join a faction during recruitment "Chick Check"). Each turn (card draw) a faction controls the entire hacienda (except the Landowners, who already hold them enslaved but non-active, and is too male chauvinistic to let them fight), that faction may make a Chick Check recruiting one woman figure on a roll of six. In this case, replace the unarmed woman figure with an armed one. No more than one faction may recruit women each turn or get more than one roll. Treat recruited and armed women as a figure belonging to the owning faction for all purposes. Will they fight each other if recruited to opposing factions? Sure, why not? Control of the hacienda means having the only figure(s) inside (other than that of allied figures). Varying Number of Players: For games with more than four players, any faction may be split up among players (give at least ten figures to each player). For fewer than four players, the Landowners may be combined with the Government and the two Peasant factions with each other (drawing cards separately). For a two player game it's the Government/Landowners versus the Filibusters/Peasants. Diplomacy and Surrender: Each time a faction's Ace card is drawn (Surrender Check): All formations the faction controls directly (not Allies) with fewer than half their figures let (whether including any Leaders or not) must check for surrender. Roll a D6; a one means they give up and are taken prisoner (placed with the nearest enemy formation). They may take no further action unless recaptured; no guards are required. Captured artillerymen will not fire their cannon for the enemy. Each time a faction's King is drawn (Diplomacy Option): The faction (either of the two Peasant factions or the Landowner Faction only) has an option to change sides! The players on the other side can have one minute of diplomacy to help persuade them. Usually this will occur only if the King-drawing faction is on a side that is clearly losing. A faction that changes sides now has the victory conditions of the side it has joined replace it's original one and shares final victory or defeat with them, unless it changes sides again back to its original side. There is no limit as to the number of times a faction may change sides! Game Time Limit: A. The game ends immediately when the previously agreed upon game time limit (usually three hours) has expired (keep track). If no faction has achieved victory, the game is a tie. B. One side wipes out or captures all opposing figures. C. Enough factions voluntarily surrender at any time so that there is a clear victor. Victory Conditions: The Landowners win if less than half the Village Women are recruited by any faction unless they have no figures left alive and uncaptured on the field. But the Landowners lose if the Peasants or Filibusters fulfill their victory conditions! The Filibusters win if they or their peasant allies control the Hacienda by occupying it without any active enemy figures inside when the game ends. But the Filibusters lose if the Government (not Landowners) fulfills its victory conditions! However, surviving Filibusters are repatriated back to the U.S. where they may try again next game (go figure). The Peasants win (both factions) if the Government forces are defeated (take 50% casualties or are captured or chased off the board). But the Peasants lose if the Government or Landowners fulfill their victory conditions! The Government wins if all Peasant formations are killed, surrender, change sides to become Government Allies, or are chased from the board or into the jungle (fewer than ten Peasant figures do not count as "surviving" on the board. However, the ten may be from both factions). But the Government loses if the Peasants (not the Filibusters) win! The Village Women as nonplayers sadly can not win, but can only survive. But for them, survival is a kind of victory. As Chris says in the film THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN "The Farmers always win." III. 54MM FIGURE LISTThis scenario will work for any scale figures and any small scale rules. Since hobbyists are less familiar with the 54mm figure lines, several MWANers have expressed appreciation in the past for suggested figures to be used. I have used the following: Landowners: Mexican armed civilians, especially swoppets by Britains, Timpo, Platy, etc., Cherleia soldiers (5), Village Women: Any 19th century western or other female figures, especially farm figures. Armed women by Atlantic, Auburn, Barzo, Marx, Reamsa/Jecsan, etc (10). Filibusters: Alamo defenders such as BMC, Classic Toy Soldiers, Marx, etc, Western cowboys, Mexican War or coonskin wearing North Americans. Don't forget a flag, such as the BMC Alamo "Texican" (20). Government Column:
CASA DEL CARLOS PLAYER AIDE Card Suits: Clubs (Landowners/Government); Spades (Filibusters); Diamonds (Northern Peasants); Hearts (Southern Peasants). Things to Keep Track of: Game Time limit; first five Government Card Draws; First ten Peasant Recruitment Rolls (South and North factions separately); Turn Sequence (Add to rules being used); Player turn after card draw (Ace drawn - possible surrender rolls; King Drawn - possible side change); At Start: Recruit Village Women if control hacienda (any except landowners); Recruit Peasants (Northern or Southern Peasants; 6 = Leader included; auto-Leader Turn One). After Action Report: Casa Del Carlos Back to MWAN #110 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2001 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |