By Hal Thinglum
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By Hal Thinglum - WARGAMES WORLD ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB - I don't remember how I came about this neat place but they are a very helpful location. Accessing will provide you with a vast listing of wargaming products including Alternative Armies, Navigator Miniatures, Wargames Foundry, Redoubt, Lancashire, Britannia, IT Figures, Dixon, Donnington, Frontier Miniatures, Outpost, Eagle, BP CAST and more, and you can order on line. You can contact them by mail at WARGAMES WORLD, MidgeHall Farm, Low Snowden, Otley, West Yorkshire, LS21 NE UK (Phone: 01943-467382; e-mail: I've long wanted to obtain more DIXON 15mm Malburian figures to fill in the gaps in my Malburian Project but had pretty much exhausted the US sources. I was very pleased to note that WW carried the DIXON figures and they take credit cards so this was perfect. Service was excellent; I received my items in three shipments to reduce postage and turn around time was excellent. WW had everything I wanted on hand - no back orders! Highly recommended service! On to the DIXONS! This is not a new line; I don't know when it came out but the figures are quite good. There are 23 foot figures encompassing Musketeers (5 poses with an additional Russian pose; 5 command including two officers and two standard bearers), Grenadiers/Fusiliers (10 poses including command), pikeman (1), dismounted Dragoons (1), Cuirassier (2 poses; tricorn and pot helmet, along with three command), Cavalry (4 nice poses including an excellent trooper firing his pistol away from his right side; three command), mounted Dragoons (2 poses; one in tricorn and one Continental; no Dragoon command for the Continental figure; they offer a Dragoon drummer and you can purchase a Cavalry command set and substitute the drummer for the trumpeter and use the trumpeter for an Army Command stand), Horse Grenadiers (1 pose; no command), Hussar (1 pose; no command), two guns (heavy and medium) and an artillery crew pack (six excellently done crew including linstock, handspike, sponge, rammer, w/water bucket, and Matross carrying shot). The mounted command pack includes horses and you have to purchase separate horses for all other mounted figures. There are four possible horse poses. DIXON also offers a Swedish line (14 foot with choice of tricorn or Karpus hat) for the Great Northern War with pikemen, musketeers, and command; three cavalry (line, dragoon, dragoon drummer) and a cavalry command pack of three figures. There are separate horses available for the Swedish line and they don't mix with the Malburian horses as the Swedes have the saddle cast to the cavalryman and the Malburian horse has the saddle cast on the horse. I didn't order any of the Swedes but I've seen them in the past. What do I think of this line? I like it. It is a nice little line that does have some holes in it; there are two types of foot command: line and "grenadier/fusilier" in a low mitre. This means the grenadiers in tall mitre and Imperial Grenadier do not have command figures. You can, of course, just use line command and there won't be a problem. They fit in very well with Essex, Roundway, Minifigs, and Irregular Miniatures. Standards and flags are cast separate and you can purchase metal standards which are well done. I prefer to use paper flags as I hate painting flags. The figures are finely cast with very little flash. Two of the poses - musketeer and grenadier/fusilier poses are "lunging forward with the bayonet" and have their legs quite spread out, thus they may have a little difficulty fitting on a stand. The line foot command are exceptionally well done; two great officers w/spontoon (one holding his tricorn in his left hand) and two ensigns. There are no officers in the artillery crew packs but I use the foot officers. There are four very nice trooper horse figures and you could make up some very nice horse regiments with them (drawn sword, drawn pistol, drawn sword w/carbine, and firing pistol). Another thing I like about this line is that you can purchase foot command packs with all three figures (officer, standard bearer, drummer) or you can purchase packs (5 each) of the officers, standard bearers or drummers. This resolves a lot of unwanted figure purchases. Cost is 10 foot/foot or horse command packs = 1.75 pounds and 5 figure packs/5 horses/1 gun = 1.20 pounds. I like ordering with credit card from the UK as most places will charge you actual postage; I always ask about this before placing my order. Highly recommended line for the Malburian/Great Northern War wargamer! By Hal Thinglum - K&M TREES FROM "KEEP WARGAMING" - K&M trees (from the UK) are by far my favorite wargaming trees. Critics claim they are "too perfect" as trees and I suppose they are correct in a way; there are five different heights (5cm, 6cm, 7cm, 10cm, and 12cm) and each size has the same circumference (5 different heights each with their own circumference). However, they are lovely trees and I've gone over almost entirely to this line for my table. Prices per tree are .75, .85, 1.20, 1.45, and 2.00 pounds each. They come in four shades of green, 3 shades of autumn, and 3 of blossom. In addition, they offer conifer and poplar trees 17cmm tall for 2.60. I've never seen these. I've always had Andrew Doyle of 3-D Contours (see ad in this issue for address) mount them on bases for me and he does a great job! Paul and Teresa Bailey of KEEP WARGAMING responded very quickly to my e-mail order (I had my trees from the UK within ten days of my order!) and kept my postage costs down as much as possible. I appreciate this! I also obtained a "small" hedge (6" long/15mm scale) for 1.20 pounds; it is really good; I've had the "large country hedge" (7" long/2.50pds) for years and it is a "rough" looking hedge ideal for England. They also offer a "micro" hedge (6" long/1.20pds for 6mm/10mm) and "large" hedge (7"/25mm/1.80 pds). They also have pines and poplars measuring 2" and 2 3/4" which are labeled as "1A" in two shades of green (dark and light). In my opinion, you can't do better than K&M trees for your wargaming table. They can also take some punishment, another plus! Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - COMBINED ARMS, INC. BRITANNIA MINIATURES COMBINED ARMS, 5132 E. Princess Anne Rd., Norfolk, VA 23502 (phone/fax: 757-857 7698; e-mail: is a new company carrying the excellent Britannia line from the UK (33 St. Mary's Road, Malton Village, Runcorn, Cheshire, UK) and offering them at reasonable prices - glad to see this! Within the last year or so, they came out with a 25mm line for the Great Pathan Revolt in the NWF and I wanted to obtain some figures for my NWF Project. They offer 14 Highlander items (officer, piper, sergeant, four EM - charging, advancing firing, advancing, and advancing at slope - falling wounded, dead, advancing w/ammo mule, the famous piper Findlater, 3-man heliograph team, figure carrying wounded man, and 4-man night piquet team). There are 12 tribesman poses: Malik, five with swords, and six with jezzails. Prices are very good: $1.20/foot figure; $3.50 for figure w/mule, figure carrying wounded man, and Findlater; and $5.40 for the excellently done heliograph team and night piquet. However, if you order five or more of any pose, the cost decreases to $1.00/figure! These are excellent 25mm figures being closer to 27/28mm, thus, they mix very well with Wargames Foundry and Old Glory! Animation is very good as is casting (no flash to speak of), and detail is outstanding! Everything is cast on (thank goodness! I hate gluing shields and swords!) except for the pipes. Piper Findlater is sitting, as in the painting, playing the pipes (excellent figure) and the figure carrying a wounded comrade is very well done; he has him over his left shoulder and is carrying his rifle in his right. The 4-man piquet has one figure covered with a blanket laying down, one sitting with blanket over his back, one sort of "at present arms" , while the fourth is standing w/metford rifle at his left side. If you do NWF gaming, you need all of these; the British did everything possible not to leave their wounded behind and the Pathans knew this: every wounded man took probably another two men out of action. Skirmish gamers need the figure carrying his comrade to represent this! The heliograph set has two standing figures, the heliograph on a stand, and a kneeling figure taking notes. Excellent stuff indeed and highly recommended! They also offer four NWF buildings and a wall section. Britannia offers an excellent 20mm WWII line which is very extensive (.85/each; order 5 or more of same pose and price drops to .80) and of highest quality; WWI (British, Germans, French), and 25mm lines for the Sudan, Crimean War, Waterloo, Little Big Horn, Pancho Villa, Plains Indians, Wild West, Ancients & Dark Ages. They are just now releasing a 20mm Vietnam range which promises to be quite extensive. A website ( is in the process of being developed. I strongly feel this company is making a real effort to bring this fine UK company to US customers at a reasonable price and they deserve our support. Most highly recommended. By Hal Thinglum - OUALITICAST 20MM ANCIENTS - QUALITICAST, 29 The Quantocks, Flitwick, Bedfordshire, MK45 1TG, UK (available from BROOKHURST HOBBIES, 12188 Brookhurst St., Garden Grove, CA 92840; phone: 714-636-3585; email:; website: has released 20mm (1/72nd scale) pewter Romans (Mid 2nd C. AD) and Greeks. Pack 430116 Hoplites (8 at ease standing w/spear at rest; 8 at attention w/shoulder spear; $16.98) was sent for mention as was #4112 - 4 Roman Auxiliaries attacking with lances ($3.98). There are four other packs of Auxiliary Romans (archers, advancing w/gladius, and attacking w/gladius) and two other Greek packs (16 Hoplites of which 4 are on guard and 12 advancing and another pack of 16 with 4 striking and 12 advancing). They all come with separate shields and spears. These are excellent figures: no flash, spears and shields very well cast - the spears clearly have the point on them; four of the Greek shields have a cloth hanging from the bottom of the shield - I don't know why this is, but I'm sure Ancient gamers know about this. Four of the figures have a much taller plume and I assume the shields with cloth at the bottom go with them. The open hand is cast well, meaning the spear fits right into it. The figures have a lot of detail and should look great painted up! Is anyone out there doing 20mm Ancients? These are the figures for you, if so! Highly recommended line! By Hal Thinglum - THE LONDON WAR ROOM - Vince & Sharron Clyant of THE LONDON WAR ROOM, 41 Beverly Hills Loop, Petal, MS 39465 (phone: 601-584-8533; email:; website: has released some 25mm resin barrels (4/$3.75) and wooden boxes (4/$3.50; 3 different sizes). These are very handy items for either 25mm "skirmish" gaming or for 11 spicing up" your 25mm wargames table. I plan on using mine for my WWII 25mm Eastern Front project, providing some cover for my figures. Nicely done and highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - C&O EOUIPMENT CO. - C&Q Equipment Co., 11521 S.W. 601h Terrace, Miami, FL 33173 (Phone: 305-271-5418; e-mail: SCO@IX.NETCOM.COM; website: http://pw2.netcom/-scq/cqfigs.htm) has an excellent and interesting line of 20mm WWI figures for Africa and the Middle East. New releases include Gurka advancing, African porter w/blanket roll and a second one w/jug, German sailor advancing in sailor hat and a second advancing in sun helmet, and a Turkish staff officer. Nicely cast figures; no flash Oust run a file under the stand); and a very helpful line for the WWI gamer. Figures are .90/foot; MG teams/$2.10; and cavalry are $2.10. They also offer a number of 20mm resin Colonial buildings and accessories and 20mm resin vehicles. They report they are working on Americans, Germans, Russians, Artillery, cavalry officers, WWI Arabs and French Foreign Legion. Sounds as if they are expanding quite a bit! An excellent line for the WWI gamer - highly recommended! Good luck, Stephen, in your efforts with C&Q! By Hal Thinglum - HELION & COMPANY - HELION & COMPANY, 26 Willow Rd., Solihull, West Midlands, B91 1UE, UK (Phone: 0121-705-3393; FAX: 0121-711-1315; website:; E-mail: books@ u k) is a UK book company which also offers a nice line of 25mm Austrians and Prussians from the 1866 War. I recently ordered several books and received very good service. The first is GOING TO THE WARS: The Experience of the British Civil Wars, 1638-1651 by Charles Carlton (1992; paperback/428 pages); 18.99 pounds). This is one of the best books of the ECW that I've seen! It covers the "down-to-earth" activities and events of the common man (and woman) during the period by drawing upon personal letters and period records. This provides the wargamer with a real "feel" for the period and it is one of those books which can really get you excited about a period! We all love those, don't we! Highly recommended to the ECW wargamer! By Hal Thinglum - "CODE OF THE WEST" RULES by MELEES GLORIOSUS MELEES GLORIOSUS, PO Box 2493, South Bend, IN 46680-2493 (e-mail:; phone: 219-876-3610; website: has released CODE OF THE WEST, a 26- page 8 112" X 11" rules set with color cover. (($10.00 & S&H) by David P. Gundt. The game is played with a deck of poker cards w/two jokers, and two D10 or two D20 & one D6. Figures are mounted individually. There is no information as to scale and figure/ground ratio, however, I don't think you really need this information for skirmish gaming, do you? The rules run 19 pages; one page is devoted to famous personalities of the West, and there is a four and one-half page scenario. Characters are generated as to strength, stamina, quickness, agility, life level (the amount of damage/harm the figure can take), brawling, handedness, and number of actions per turn the character is allowed). In addition, characters are provided with a 11 grade of experience" (tenderfoot, civilians/townsfolk, ruffian, rogue, cowboy, gunslinger); there are six weapon types and figures are assigned a certain amount of ammo for the game. Once character generation is carried out, playing cards are provided to players which determines the order in which their figures can act (highest ranked cards play first). Figures are allowed one "action" per card in their hand. Movement is 3" walking with an additional D6 inches per action, for example. Shooting is influenced by the figures' "quickness" value as to how many shots per action he can perform. Ranges are point-blank, short, medium and long (i.e., a rifle ranges from 0-3" for point-blank to 32" for long range) and modified percentile dice are used to determine hits; at this time, one refers to a "body location" table to determine where the wound is. There is even a section for medical attention! To brawl, figures must be 2" apart and percentile dice are again used; various "weapons" (bottles, chairs, whip, etc) can be used while brawling. Rules for a "showdown" are included, as is a table for "throwing" items. There are rules for powder kegs, setting fires, acrobatic/dangerous maneuvers, damage from falling from a vehicle, getting on saddles from above (a risky business!), dropping to ground from above, and a "generic" acrobatic maneuver table, which is a very handy table for an umpire to have during a game to rule on player requests out of the ordinary! A very interesting set of value to the Wild West skirmish gamer. Even if you don't skirmish game Wild West, I'll bet you can find something interesting to "steal" from this well-presented rules set! Good stuff; congratulations, David! By Hal Thinglum - TACFIRE WWII RULES FROM BROOKHURST - BROOKHURST HOBBIES (see address info above) has released TACFIRE Land & Air-Combined Arms Combat Rules (1943-53) by L.L. Gill with 3. Palmer and N.E. Harms ($29.98); they report it has been in development for about 30 years. This is an attractive three-ring binder rules set of 108 8 1/2" X 11" pages with eight cardstock "cheat sheets". The authors state that the main emphasis is on "armor" and recommend the use of cardboard "counters" for infantry in 1/285th scale. The rules can apparently be used for 15mm, 20mm, and 25mm as well. D10 are used; a "section" (basic unit in these rules is the platoon consisting of two sections) represents two or three vehicles, planes, towed weapons or half a platoon (15-25 men). They recommend using a hex system for ranges and distances with each hex equaling 200 yards; without hexes, 1"=100 yards in 1/825 th , 50 yards in 15mm, 33 yards in 20mm, and 25 yards in 25mm. A game turn is ten minutes. Apparently this group offers hex maps (grid of 2.2" hexes) for sale called TacMaps. I don't know about you, but if I see a miniatures game using metal tanks and vehicles with cardboard counters representing infantry, I am really 'turned off" but perhaps this is a personal issue. The turn sequence has four 'segments" (indirect fire, tactical interaction, command control, and smoke & illumination removal) with three to five steps within each of the segments. They report the "tactical interaction" segment is "the heart of the game turn" as it is "composed of a myriad of small intervals in which only a few units are active" and "one interval's actions lead to a response by other units." Each "unit" can act only once per turn with some exceptions. The basic rules cover about 36 pages; there are advanced rules (about 13 pages) and optional rules (9 pages). In addition, there is a section on flight training and three scenarios. The section on "order of battle charts" is very well done with a lot of information as to makeup of various types of WWII units. The player's role in this set is as a company, platoon or battalion commander. Lots of information in this set and as I said, I found the organization section to be of great value. I'm sure there are WWII gamers out there who will find this a helpful set of rules. By Hal Thinglum - MICROMARK PAINTING SERVICE - Mark Bevis of 15 Herbert St., Burnley, Lancs, BB11 4JX UK (01282-712983; e-mail: has been painting 6mm Heroics & ROS SYW figures for me and sent along two more painted bags of Hungarian infantry (50+ figures to a bag with mounted figure and command). As usual, I was very pleased with the result; facings on the coat, white trim on the tircorne, neatly painted in general for these little 6mm figures! H&R figures come with cast on flag and Mark paints these flags up very well: you can easily make out the Austrian eagle and the trim on the edges of the flag is very well done (diamonds). Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - HAIL CAESAR! GLADIATOR RULES - MWANer David Gundt, PO Box 2493, South Bend, Indiana 46680-2493 (phone: 219-876-3610; has produced another nicely done rules set. This is a 15 page 81/2" X 11" effort with color cover designed for 54mm figures but David states it can be adapted for 25mm. He reports the average game runs 30-45 minutes and the rules are easily learned. Ten or twenty-sided dice are used; the playing area is intended to be in hexes; one figure equals one man; and one hex equals ten feet. There is a two page history of gladiators and the various weaponry is explained. This is truly a skirmish type game with figures rated for speed (movement), armor, weaponry, and life level (how much damage a figure can take). In addition, there are rules for animal combat, dwarves, victory and rewards (lending itself to a "campaign-type" game in which figures can increase their abilities via victories), recovering from wounds, using unfamiliar weapons, chariot combat, and more. Seems as though I see more companies producing figures for this period so it must be of interest to gamers. A nicely done rules set for those interested in gladiator combat! Congratulations, David! By Hal Thinglum - BACCUS 6MM SCENICS - BACCUS 6MM, 29 Highcliffe Drive, Sheffield, S11 7LT, UK (Phone/FAX: 0114-2302761; e-mail:; recently sent samples of their scenics line in 6mm. There is a huge (but to scale, I am sure) model of "city walls" and dwellings in plaster. Obviously, they are not as durable as resin, though they are considerably cheaper. I might add that none of the models were damaged during shipment from the UK. There are seven pieces for the city walls: CW1 City wall section (1.35 pds), CW2 City Gate Section (1.65), CW3 Demi-Lune/Ravelin (1.10), CW4 Bastion section (2.75), CW5 Breached wall section (1.65), CW6 Breached bastion (3.00), and CW7 Breached DemiLune (1.20). For being produced in plaster, I find the detail is very good and this would make quite a model on your tabletop for 6mm scale! I plan on mounting mine on a terrained base. I don't believe you can find a similar model in 6mm on the market. Check out their website for color photos of this structure! The dwellings are also in plaster and there are seven different building packs: DWI double storey town house rendered (1.33 pds), DW2 double storey town house brick (1.35), DW3 double storey town house w/offshoot (1.35), DW4 double storey town house w/stable doors (1.35), DW5 single storey town house brick (.65), DW6 ten small cottages/hovels (3.30), and DW7 small Romanesque church (1.65). 1 have DWI through 5, all of which come with separate roofs allowing a wider variety of structures. Detail is adequate for this scale and they should paint up well making a nice little "city" for the city walls! They also make trees (poplar, small, tall, and big), camp sites (Roman march camp and wagon circle), and earthworks. Recommended for the 6mm gamer! By Hal Thinglum - SKIRMISH LINE PAINTING SERVICE - Charles Van Norman, 347 N. Maple Ave., Green Bay, WISC 54303 (phone 920-435-6337) has been painting 20mm FPW figures for me for some time and I have always been highly satisfied with his work. He recently sent me a unit of Prussian line Jagers and they were very well done! Very good detail and nice coloring! Uniform facings are outlined in black and other uniform trim is very well done. I especially like the faces! Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - MARK'S PAINTING SHED - MWANer Mark Brown, 11574 Dueling Oaks Ct., Pensacola, FL 32514 (e-mail: has been painting for me for some years and has recently decided to paint for others (check out his prices in his ad in this issue). I recently received a 30-man unit of 20mm SYW Austrian Horse Grenadiers which were exceedingly well done! I especially liked the drummer figure with all of his uniform detail! Excellent work, Mark! He also did about 90 25mm OLD GLORY Indian Mutiny and NWF native figures in a variety of colors to add to my NWF collection and provide me with Mutiny natives (I already have the British/Allies). I like the "rag-tag" look of the natives with the various hues. Nice work, Mark! Highly Recommended! By Hal Thinglum - BELLE & BLADE HOME VIDEO CATALOG - Belle & Blade, 124 Penn Ave., Dover, NJ 07801 (973-328-8488; FAX: 973-442-0669) has an excellent catalog of 156 pages of movies of interest to the wargamer. In addition, they carry the OSPREY books. I have never seen so many "war" movies in one catalog! Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - REDOUBT ENTERPRISES 25MM RELEASES - Redoubt Enterprises, 49 Channel View Rd. Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 7LN, UK (Phone: 01323- 738022; FAX: 01323-738032) has released some neat new items in 25mm. For the ACW, they have added Negro heads (kepis, slouch hats, bare, casualty heads in both kepi and slouch hat) as well as ACX ACW Ambulance Cart (6.00 pounds) with single horse. This is an extremely well detailed model which requires assembly; all parts are cleanly cast and it comes with an illustrated assembly sheet. Very well done! Also new are 25mm Scots Greys for the Napoleonic period consisting of an officer, standard bearer, trumpeter, and three enlisted men (two part casting slashing out, sword out with separate arm, and sword held across body). There are also four Scots Greys horses (trotting, cantering, and two galloping poses); figures are .65 pence each while horses are .95 pence. The standard bearer has a cast-on flag pole. The riders are very well done, but I am most impressed with the REDOUBT horses! Excellent work and most highly recommended! BY LEN BREWER BP CASTS WARGAMING ACCESSORIES. Available from wherever these fine 20mm resin and white metal kits is sold. RS-110 BM-13N "Katyusha" Multiply Rocket Launcher, which is available for $8.95. This is a resin kit consisting of eleven pieces. There is a little flash that need to be cleaned from around the wheels. This kit goes together very well. The instructions are well written. A very nice kit that fits in with the other kits that is available. A delightful addition for the East front games. RS-107 is a Gaz truck with the open bed, which is available for $8.95. A nice truck consisting of six pieces of resin. The instructions are well written and assembly of this model is very easy. There was no flash on this model. A very good truck for the Russian army. RS-111 is the Russian BA-10 armored car, which is available for $8.95, This is a resin and white metal kit. There are eight resin pieces and one white metal piece. This arinortd car has extra blankets and trunks on the fenders. The gun is the 45mm, which was typically found on this piece. A useful model for the Russian recon forces. RS-047 is the massive Russian 203mi-n- tracked howitzer M-1931, with four crewmen, which is available for $11.95. This is a white metal kit consisting of fourteen pieces. Some care must be taken, when assembly is done. Some of the pieces and holes do not line up just right. Once finished this is a large and impressive artillery piece. RS-027 is the Russian 76mm anti-tank guri/howitzer with three crewmen, which is available for $8 9S. This is a white metal kit consisting of eleven pieces. The instructions are good, but there are several small pieces that are a little hard to place. A good super fast setting is necessary here. There is very good detail on this model. The crewmen are a little small and stiff looking on this piece. RS-068 is the artillery limber with two horses and a rider, which is available for $8.95, This accessory is often overlooked on the tabletop. This piece consists of eleven pieces. Assembly is very easy of this piece. There was no flash of any kind on this model. The only complaint is that the rider's head is a little large, when compared to other figures. GR-032 is the 75mm LE infantry gun with three crewmen, which retail, for $8.95. This piece consists of three crewmen and the gun that consists of six pieces Assembly is very easy. There is a large amount of flash on the wheel. This is the only drawback to this nice little model. GR-084 is the 150mm heavy infantry gun with three crewmen, which retails for $8.95. The basic gun model consists of eight pieces. A little care is needed when assembly is done, since there are three very small parts on this model. The gun when finished is very impressive looking. On this model again, there is an unusual amount of flash on the wheels. GR-072 is the German artillery limber with two horses and rider, which is available for $8.95. This version is very similar to RS-069. On this version, both of the horses have extra blankets and amno boxes on thern. A nice model to assembly and to have on the tabletop. SP- 117 is the German RSO with 75mm Pak 40 with three crewmen, which retails for $15.95. This is a very nice resin and white metal kit. The RSO consists of three pieces of resin. Assembly of this is very easy and clean. There is no flash on this model. The Pak 40 consist of nine pieces of white metal. Assembly is very easy and neat. There is no flash of any kind on this model. The three crewmen are kneeling in various poses. All of the crewmen are crisp and clean figures. SP-t20 is the German RSO late war tracked truck with a 150mm heavy infantry gun with three crewmen, which retails for $15,95. The RSO is a resin kit that consists of three pieces. Assembly is very clean and easy. The 150 heavy infantry gun and crew is the same as the previous one reviewed. This is one of the German special sets that BP Casts has put together. They offer numerous special sets that combine various trucks, guns and crew figures in one package. A very useful addition to the WWII gamer. SP-123 is another German special set that consists of the German artillery truck with a 50mm Pak 38 anti-tank gun with three crewmen, with a retail price of $15.95. The artillery truck consists of fourteen white metal pieces. Assembly is very easy. There is no flash on this model. The Pak 38, 50mm anti-tank gun consist of eight white metal pieces. Assembly is very easy. All of the small wheels are molded into the model. In this kit, there was an extra main wheel. The three crewmen are the same as reviewed in the above review. SP-122 is another German special set that contains the German KFZ 69 artillery truck, 75mm infantry gun and three crew figures. This truck is the same as the one reviewed in the above example. The 75mm infantry gun is the same as reviewed above with the same crew figures. This set is another good example of getting a good gun, truck and crew in one package. All of these models and the entire line of BP Casts models and accessories are very highly recommended to the WWII gamer. Available from wherever these fine models are sold. By Hal Thinglum - ULTIMATE MINIATURES - Ultimate Miniatures PO Box 3959, Visalia, CA 93278-3959 (web-site: is carrying the old SCRUBY line of wargames figures and this should be good news for "old-timers" who have Scruby armies and wish to add to them. I have had a number of requests for this address recently so it should make people happy! I don't have a listing of figures catalogs are $6.00 and the web site doesn't provide a listing of figures. However, Bill Grant of Ultimate, was kind enough to send along a number of 30mm Thirty Years War and 25mm American Revolutionary War figures from mention First of all, these are not " State- of-the- Art" figures; they were made by Jack Scruby many years ago. If you are an old-timer, you know what the quality is if you are not aware of the Scruby figures, order some samples and make up your own mind. Cast in pewter, these figures are very sturdy ' the pikemen have cast-on pikes which you probably don't have to worry about breaking. Detail is less than what we are used to with today's figures, however, these figures were unavailable for awhile and the prices are quite reasonable. All weapons and shields are cast on, which I also like. Prices for the 30mm (30mm from top of base to eye level) are .90 for foot; $1.90 for cavalry figures: $1.25 for artillery horses/horses without riders, and $1.25 for guns/limbers/wagons. Very minimal flash on these figures, you essentially just need to run a file under the base on some of them, The 25mm American Rev line prices are .65 for foot, $1.40 for cavalry; .90 for artillery horses/horses without riders and $1.00 per gun/wagon/limber (25mm from top of base to eye level), again not the kind of detail we're used to; virtually flash free. "Scruby" figure owners will be very glad to see these figures available again at reasonable prices. They offer Napoleonics (N-gauge, 20/25/30mm), SYW (N-Gauge, 25mm), American Rev (N, 25mm/30mm), Mexican-American War (25mm), ACW (N, 15/20/25/30mm), TYW (N, 20/30mm), Crimean War (25mm), FPW (25mm), Ancients (N, 20mm), Crusades (20mm), Medieval (25/30mm), African Wars (25/30mm), and WWII (20/25mm) figures and equipment of WWII (N Gauge). Bill deserves a "thank you" for making these figures available again to us, By Hal Thinglum - LA PETITE ARMEE 10MM NAPOLEONIC SYSTEM FROM SIGNIFER - "Gunner" Bearden of SIGNIFER, 2001 E. Lohman, Suite 149, Las Cruces, NM 88001 (phone 505-525-2378 has released an interesting wargames item~ a complete 10mm Napoleonic system consisting of painted, mounted and terrained figures and buildings, and terrain, and a set of rules, LaPetit Armee. There are initially twenty-six different items in their listing, including a complete set ($225) consisting of rules; two starter armies (French and your choice of a second army) painted and based on flocked stands with a piece of metal glued to the bottom of the stand flocked Battlefield (3' X 2') hills, roads, river, towns, buildings, hedges, stone walls, and forest. In addition, it includes dice, casualty caps, counters, and a carrying box! WOW! This is a great idea and I wonder if it will catch on! $250 for a "complete" wargames project is not expensive! Let's take a look at the painted hard-plastic figures, which come from the RISK game, of which I received six French stands first of all, there is a gun with two kneeling figures and a pike of cannon balls, two line cavalry, two lancers, a mounted officer, and two stands of kneeling infantry (one in blue, one in green). The paint jobs would not disgrace anyone, especially for this scale (10mm)! I am impressed and find the cavalry especially well done with what would appear to be glued on lances with pennants. Very nice indeed] To give you an idea of what is available for how much - a "starter army" of 102 figures is $70 an infantry brigade of 12 figures is $8 with a six figure cavalry brigade going for $8 while lancers are $12 ' an artillery battery (I gun/] crew) is $2 ' and a leader set of four figures is $4.00. Not bad, uh! The flocked hill set of three is $4, felt road/rivers (2') are $1 each scratch built towns with three buildings on a base are $9~ four hedges are $2 ' four stone walls are $3 a forest section w/ten trees and felt base is $12, and they also offer t-oop stands ($3 for 24 magnetic mattboards). The rules are $12 and the campaign and tournament rules are $12. The rules set is a spiral-bound 36-page set with color cover and two reference cards written by Gunner himself who states: "Players play the part of Corps or Army Commanders controlling six or more "Brigades" of infantry and cavalry with supporting artillery. Scale is one figure equals 180 infantry and 120 cavalry or artillery. Infantry brigades at,- 12 figures representing a formation (regiment or brigade) of 2,160 men. Cavalry brigades are six figures representing 720 men. Each battery represents eight guns. One inch equals approximately 100 yards for 10/15mm (75 yards for 20/25mm) and a turn equals 30 minutes. There are rules regarding setting up the battlefield, objectives, flank marches, break points, and victory conditions. Gunner continues "The heart of the rules is the Command and Control system. The command elements of a Corps or Army are represented by the General and a number of Lieutenants. Lieutenants do not represent actual Division or Brigade Commanders, but rather reprc-,ent the relative command assets of the army." Units are given a base morale number (1 through 4) as well as fire (3" range for 10/15mm) and melee potential numbers Command points are used to move/Fally units. Movement is influenced by the ability of the commanding General and there is a command response chart to represent the uncertainty of command and control, Infantry/artillery move 3" while cavalry moves 5" in the 10/15mm rules. Melee is determined by unit morale. There are many illustrations of the rules and I find them to be well written and quite understandable. There are five pages of advanced rules and four pages of army lists. Quite interesting and very well done, Gunner - my congratulations for a fine product! Gunner included a number of color pictures of all the game components and everything looks very nice indeed! I can highly recommended this new product - if anyone has a set, please consider doing an in-depth review! BY LEN BREWER - LEVA PRODUCTIONS - LEVA PRODUCTIONS, 11 260 Rue Bellevois, Montreal-Nord, Qc, Canada H1H 3E2. Leva Productions offers the wargamer some very well made model kits and accessories in resin. Item 72FO6 is a Japanese concrete anti-tank emplacement. This resin kit consists of five pieces. The emplacement measures two 1/2" long and is 1 3/4" deep. There is very little flash on this model. The emplacement is open in the back, which allows easy access of the models. A Japanese gun up to 90mm can fit in this very nice. A great addition for the Island games of the Pacific area. This kit is available for $4.00. Item 721306 is a Russian SU152 tank destroyer. This is a very impressive kit. It consists of 12 pieces. Care will be needed when cutting the search light out along with trimming around the hatches. This model was a joy to assembly and paint. The detail is very good and when compared to the German Tiger I tank, this SU-152 is a monster. The Russian gamer will want one of these models for his game table. This model will fit in very well with the majority of the other vehicles from other manufactures. This kit is available for $17.50. Very highly recommended for the East front gamer. Item 72DO1 is a defensive position with a disabled KV-1 tank. This is an irregular shape terrain item. It measures 7 1/2" by 5 1/2". The disabled tank can be removed form the piece. There is two shell holes plus a connecting trench on the model. In this piece, there are several rifles; ammo sacks; gas cans; mines, grenades and other useful accessories that the infantry used. The disabled KV-1, has some dirt piled along it boggie wheels, the turret is missing, along with a hatch and the engine grate cover. One of the tracks is missing a large section while on the other side part of the track is lying behind the model. The retail price is $20.00. This is a very highly recommended kit. Item 72N02 is an Armored patrol LCVP. This kit measures 6" long and 2" wide. There are 12 pieces in this kit. The interior detail is outstanding. Inside you can see chains; ropes, crates; sandbags; ammo cans; backpacks and other items, The floor has been reinforcing with extra planks. There is a place for a floor mounted machine gun. There are two machine gun mounts on the rear of the model. Care will have to be used when removing the machine guns from the plastic spruce. The loading ramps can be in the lowered or up position. The retail price is $19.00. 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