by Hal Thinglum and Others
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By Hal Thinglum - REDOUBT ENTERPRISES 25MM ACW/NAPOLEONIC RELEASES - REDOUBT ENTERPRISES, 49 Channel View Rd., Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 7LN has released some really nice 25mm ACW/Napoleonic items! For the ACW, they offer artillery items including Union and Confederate Battery Command (mounted and dismounted officer with mounted guidon); limber crew in shirts, shell jackets, or regular cavalry tunic (two seated crewmen, two outriders, and two dismounted crew - one at "attention", another leading the team perhaps); horseholder in shirt, shell jacket or regular cavalry tunic with three horses; and lastly two pairs of limber horses (wheel and swing). Each pack is four pounds, As usual, their ACW figures come with separate heads and there is a wide selection of heads available (additional heads available for 50 pence for pack of six). These are "large" 25mm and probably closer to 31/32mm from top of base to eye level. Truly excellent castings. I especially like their horses. In the artillery command set, there is a beautiftil horse munching on grass while the guidon figure holds the ruins in his left hand and the guidon in his right. This would make a nice set for your artillery batteries or for your artillery commander. The limber horses are great - four different castings. Heads are easily handled -- just clip off a bit of the lead stem and use a bit of epoxy and superglue for a good fitting. Then we have Napoleonic French Line Lancers with crested helmets, fantastic figures and horses! Officer w/separate arm, trumpeter, standard bearer with cast on eagle standard pole, trooper w/cast-on upright lance, and trooper charging w/lance attached to separate arm (.65 pence each) with three horses (walking, trotting, galloping at .95p each). The REDOUBT Napoleonic samples always make their way into my "Peninsular Napoleonic" box for future use! Excellent detail, little or no flash, great animation, and they offer so much variety! Highly recommended! Oops -just got a second shipment of 25 mm samples from REDOUBT! French line Lancers officers waving sword w/separate arm, trumpeter, standard bearer with eagle (cast on pole), lancer riding w/cast on lance, and lancer charging w/separate arm w/lance. There are also three beautifully done horses: walking, trotting, and galloping (horses 98 pence ' figures 65p). These figures are going to push me over the brink eventually - the only question is will it be the single figure "skirmish" or regular "units!" Great looking figures and the best horses in the businessi There are also British Heavy Cavalry for the Horse or Life Guards in crested helmets: officer with separate sword arm, half turned, standard bearer with cast on pole; trumpeter holding trumpet up trooper with upraised sword, and trooper with separate torso with sword thrust out. These separate torso figures are just great as they offer a lot of variety in your units and are easy to work with. I use a bit of epoxy and superglue to hold them together. There are also four Guard's horses: standing/walking, trotting, cantering, or galloping. Great looking Napoleonic figures! For the ACWer, there are ACX41 Union Commander U.S.S. Grant mounted and dismounted with horse and ACX42 General Robert E. Lee in the same poses (4 pounds each). Both figures have separate heads which are easy to attach; just cut down the sprue a bit and use epoxy and superglue. Very nicely done! REDOUBT also offers a set of pirate rules "Them as Dies is the Lucky Ones" by Bill Johnson and David Ratcliffe, based on one-to-one man combat with ship-to-ship combat as well (7 pounds, UK postage 75p). For the ship gainers out there, they have released the David torpedo boat (18 pounds) and the Monitor (30 pounds), The Monitor is 21" long with a turning turret and two 11" guns and six crew, The David is 8" long with a crew of two. These ships are designed with lift-off roofs to reveal the figures. Some more great stuff from REDOUBT! Great work, Peter! Third Shipment of samples! First of all, ACW 25mm - ACX43 Civilian set (4 pds) consisting of two ladies in full dresses with bonnets, a gentleman in top hat, cane and tails(!), a farmer holding his hat with his right hand his suspenders with the left, a bearded preacher holding a bible in his right hand, and a male black holding his hat in his hands. Very good stuff. for the 28mm ACW gamer! Also new is AC 119 Cadets/Young Soldiers (4 pds) - six Virginia Military Institute cadets at double march, right shoulder shift with separate heads/weapons. A beautiful pack! These are the cadets from their special pack of 30 or so. Now, my favorites! Napoleonic PX31 French Command set (4 pds) consisting of mounted General de Brigade point and passing a message to an aide on foot and a mounted ADC in senior Hussar's uniform on a galloping horse (Redoubt makes just about the best horses!) w/leopard skin shabraque and PX30 British command set (4 pds) with a Mounted Major General w/telescope leaning back on his horse's rump, a mounted Captain/ADC arriving with dispatch waving it above his head, and an ADC on foot with dispatch. Excellent stuff for the 28mm Napoleonic gamer - these will be put in my 28mm Peninsular War box! Great work! They have also released an ACW church/courthouse (32 pounds including civilians) measuring 6" X 9" with a separate roof and tower which looks great. REDOUBT also sent along a copy of 'THEM AS DIES IS THE LUCKY ONES" by Bill Johnson and David Ratcliffe, a 32-page of pirates rules (7 pounds plus I pd P&P in UK), It is intended for 25mm figures and based on a man-to-man type wargame rather than ship fighting although they include some rules for sailing and ship to ship combat. They state that cannon "are reduced to largely to anti-personnel weapons". There are five phases with (movement, shooting, melee, morale, and end phase). They use 2D10 and a D8 or compass die. Pirates are rated as to four combat classes (poor/raw, average, good, expert). One "pace" equals 2.5 feet (a walking figure covers 10 paces, for example), and I cm on the table equals one pace. Musket long range goes out to 100 cm and fire every other bound so you need one bound to load. The game takes wounds into account so it is pretty much a skirmish type game. There are five pages covering ship to ship combat. Four scenarios are provided as well as a muster roll (for listing your figures in a game), ship speed and wind indicator templates, and a front & back quick reference sheet. Looks like a good set of skirmish type rules for pirates gamers out there! By Hal Thinglum - STENHOUSE GAMES AWI SCENARIOS BOOK - MWANer Robert Haworth (STENHOUSE GAMES, PO Box 1173, Greenbelt, MID 20768-1173; e-mail], web-site: has released HE HAS WAGED CRUEL WAR: Still More American War of Independence Scenarios for Busy People ($11.95), his third AWI scenario booklet. This is a 48-page effort with six scenarios: Bennington, Wetzell's Mill, White Plains, Brier Creek, Goshen, and Basseterre. Each is well laid out/written/presented and consists of a summary re number of players, turns, number of figures; background; map laid out in wargaming table squares; terrain notes ' unit rosters; setup; reinforcements; special rules; victory determination, variants; and historical outcome. Figure ratios range from 1:10 to 1:50; Robert states they were written for 15mm figures but are playable in other scales w/modifications. His goal has been to make the AWI playable for those who don't own large armies and does so by having most battles on a 4' X 6' table, no more than 225 figures/20 combat units per side; and one to two players per side. I like his writing style and one can tell this is a labor of love for Robert. Nice work, Robert! In the works are the following: PEOPLE'S WAR (rules for small-unit infantry for Vietnam), NO FORTUNATE SON (gamer's guide to small-unit infantry tactics in Vietnam), and HEAR ME, MY CHIEFS (ArmyIndian scenarios). I have all four of Robert's efforts and have been highly impressed with all of them. Highly recommended - a quality product at a reasonable price! By Len Brewer True North Miniatures NFC - 3. French Foot Dragoons. True North Productions, P.O. Box 579, Merrickville, Ontario, Canada, K0G 1NO. This pack consist of 24 French Foot Dragoons 1806 - 1812, skirmishing. Included are two officers two standards, two drummers, fourteen center companies and four elite's. These figures will fit in very nice with Essex, Old Glory and the other major figure lines. There was very little flash on the figures, The figures are very well annimated. The figures range from your typical standard bearer and drummer to figures standing firing and figures loading their muskets. The figures have the typical French Dragoon horsehair plume on the helmet. A very useful range of figures that will help the Napoleonic gamer. This package of figures retails for $8.95. Available from True North Miniatures. By Len Brewer Prussian Cavalry of the Napoleonic Wars 1792-1807 Volume 1, Volume 2 1807-1815. These are two of the latest listing for the Napoleonic Wars by Men-at- Arms-Series. Both books will describe in general detail the basic information that the gamer needs for painting and fielding the Prussian Cavalry. Both books have eight full pages of color prints. Included are light and heavy cavalry regiments. A very useful book that has a lot of information in it. Available for $12.95 at your local hobby store or from wherever Men-at-Arms books are sold. By Len Brewer Prussian Line Infantry 1792-1815 and Prussian Light Infantry 1792-1815. Two more listing dealing with the Prussian infantry during the Napoleonic Wars. Both of these books will give you the basic information on the Prussian army. Very useful books if you want just the basics. Both of these books have eight pages of color plates. Available from your local store or from wherever Men-at-Arms books are sold. By Hal Thinglum - ROYAL OAKS MINIATURES PAINTING SERVICE I've been using Fred Bultman's (1013 W. 12 Mile, Royal Oak, MI 48073) excellent painting service for my 15mm and omm buildings for some years and have always been pleased - this time is no exception! I sent Fred a variety of 15mm European structures, the vast majority from SCENIC EFFECTS, First of all is the walled church complex with church, small building, three wall sections and a gate. The wooded section of the gate is very weathered (in grey); the grass along the walls and gate is high-lighted one of the doors to the small building is painted in blue/white (which looks great!); and the bottom of the walls is dry-brushed with a dirt-type color. The main redoubt for Borodino and long line of entrenchments was also done very well - lots of drybrushing with various browns; gun wheel tracks leading up to the revetments on the main redoubt; a very effective paint job! The walled cemetery has lot of dry-brushing with a blue gate and brownish-color stone walls. I always like Fred's color selections. There are five other SCENIC EFFECTS buildings designed to form a village - very vibrant colors with houses having different colored shutters, window screens, doors - done to give each an individual look though done with color schemes so that they look like they belong together. Lastly, a three building set from Ian Weekley - timbered buildings for the ECW or European area - the large chimney is great as Fred did different colored stones which stand out nicely! Thatched roofs painted as if they were real thatch! Nice work, Fred! Highly recommended and good turn-around time! By Hal Thinglum - RLBPS 20MM RESIN BUILDINGS - Bob Bowling, 4827 Treeview Terrace, Rockford, IL 61109 (815-874-5351; FAX: 815-874-4829; e-mail: offers a wide variety of 20mm items including the Raventhorpe line, Frontline, Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Co., BP CAST. Rapid Fire rules, Banasik flags, and 20mm buildings by Colin Rumford and Sentry Models by Mick Sewell. I'd been looking for more 20mm buildings for my 20mm SYW and FPW collections and liked the stuff I'd obtained previously from the Rumford and Sentry lines so I ordered some more. From Sentry Models is AT23 Small factory building with yard ($59.95) - this is a terrific resin structure on a large base (8" X 10 1/2") coming in three pieces - walled base with large factory, twin tiled roof in one section, and tall chimney. All windows and doors and gates are resin so you can't open them or stick figures behind windows so you can see them. This building would be great for any period after 1870. AT19 Town Hall ($65.00) is a large walled structure in four pieces - resin base (8 1/2" square) with walls and large "T" shaped building (main section is two stories, small section in back is one story), two roof sections, and a lift-out section for the main building to allow you to place figures on the first floor. The walk and some portions of the side of the building have some scrub growing on them (which I always like); the building is of a stucco-type, tiled roof with twin chimneys and a large Structure on the front roof housing a large clock. I can use this for the Malburian period on and I'll bet it could be used for a mansion in the TYW. Very attractive building! From the Colin Rumford building series comes the following: CMG7 Detached small hotel ($43.50) 3 1/2" X 4" very well done - two-story building in front and one-story in the rear with separate roof tiled roofs; small entrance off the one-story building in back and separate sky-light on the one-story section. Floors are designed with stone (in back) and wooded floors (on two-story section). Would fit for SYW (city structure) on. CMGI Detached House ($37.50) is a large (4 1/2" X 4 '/2" with a I" X 1 1/2" addition off one side) house with separate roof with two dormers and two chimneys on the lift-off roof The inside has two separate rooms with a stone floor. There is a separate balcony for the second story window in front. Tiled roof Can be used for FPW period on. CMG3 Detached Bungalow ($40.50) is a two-piece brick structure (4 1/2" X 4 '/2" with attached entrance in back. The front of the building has a large picture window which makes it resemble a store front. This can only be used for WWII in my opinion. I should add that I think both manufacturers intend for their buildings to be used for WWII France. MG4 Set of four outbuildings ($15.00) has a wooden toilet, brick "cold frame", and two wooden sheds. From FRONTLINE WARGAMING is FM14, a 20mm set of a stack of barrels, boxes and sandbags and a trailer with separate wheels (no info re price) - I plan on using the stack for the factory yard. Also FF12 a 3" X 4" dirt/sandbag emplacement one-half inch high (no price info) in 20mm for WWII. I've been very pleased with the Rumford and Sentry Models buildings and they paint up extremely well. Highly recommended. I might add that they are large enough so as to fit 25mm figures as well. Oh, turn-around time was around forty days, which is very good, as the buildings had to be ordered from the UK. By Hal Thinglum - NEW WARGAMES MAGAZINE - "STRATEGIKON" Stephen Phenow is the "Senior Editor" of this new wargames publication "A magazine for fans and fanatics of miniature lead soldiers, with in-depth historical studies of the pre-gunpowder period." Address is Strategikon, 5715 Menaul Blvd., NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 (e-mail:, phone 505-883-5335; FAX 505-883-7192). This is a glossy B/W 8 1/2" X 11" twenty-five page effort which shows much promise. Articles in this introductory issue include "The Resistive Spanish", a scenario for CLASSICAL HACK "A Campaign in Spain (76BC/75BC)", and "Focus on the Battle of 1" Cremona (April 69CE, Italy). The maps are well done; there are BAV pictures of toy soldiers; and the strong historical sections are followed by detailed wargaming information. Looks very good; my congratulations to Stephen Phenow and publisher K. Patrick Reagan. Four issues are priced at $18.00 (US) or $22.00 (elsewhere). Good luck, Stephen and Patrick! Worth a look for pre-gunpowder gamers! By Hal Thinglum - FLAKLIGHTER RULES - by David Gregory - rules for WWII Coastal Boat actions in 1/600th scale ($17.50) published by THE LAST SQUARE, 5944 Odana Road, Madison, WI 53719 (phone: 608-278-4401; toll free 1-800-750-4401; FAX: 608-278-4402 website:, e-mail: This is an 8 1/2" X 11" spiralbound rules set 33 pages plus another 13 pages of ship data, four play sheets, one-page wheeling device, and clear plastic torpedo angle template. There is a three page historical background introduction re coastal boat warfare and the actual rules cover 25 pages with an additional two page section on optional rules. One inch = 50 yards; one turn = 30 seconds; and movement is in 3 knot increments. D10 and D20 die are utilized for the game. There are seven phases in a turn (spotting, movement, torpedoes, depth charge, gunfire, star shell/flares, and random events (optional). Vessels are classified A (MTB<100') through E (large merchant ship 1000 tons +). Spotting ability is influenced by weather and the noise made by a vessel. There are three weapon categories: light automatic (up to 20mm), medium (25-57mm), and single load (weapons loaded one round at a time from 37mm to 6"). David informs us a torpedo in 1942 cost about $10,000 each - WOW! There is a section on ramming/collisions and a section on submarines. The random events section allows for unexpected events and allows for such things as a gun jamming, fire on vessel, hitting debris, radar/radio out, and loss of speed. The optional rules cover smoke puff disengagement, vessel identification/friendly fire, and aircraft operations. The ship data sections covers game date for coastal vessels from virtually every country that used them in WWII. The data covers class, presence of radar, Spot Class, speed, fuel, damage points for hull and superstructure, weapons by position on vessel. A very nice effort which is well written and presented. The rules appear to be simple and seem quite playable. Recommended for coastal boat wargamers! By Hal Thinglum - WOODLAND SCENICS FROM THE LAST SQUARE - THE LAST SQUARE, 5944 Odana Rd., Madison, WI 53719 (toll free: 1-800-750-4401; carries the new static grass produced by WOODLAND SCENICS. There are six types: wild honey, harvest gold, burnt grass, and light, medium and dark green. I recently obtained the light and medium green ($7.98 each) giving me all six. First of all, it is of great value - 32 ozs in a plastic shaker. Much less expensive than the usual price you pay for static grass. Secondly, I've used the wild honey color on figure stands and it adheres very well - paint the stand your base color and just drop on the static grass and let it dry for about five minutes. Looks very effective. Base coverings are just a personal matter as to color so you'll have to take a look at these and decide which one(s) are appropriate for your taste. If you are doing a terraining project - terrain squares, wooded areas, or hills, this is the stuff for you! Inexpensive, quality coverings! Highly recommended! I'd also like to mention THE LAST SQUARE's service and commitment to our hobby - I called my order in and had it within four to five days (thanks Bev and Kurt!)! We haven't heard from them in several years, but they also sponsor a "Game Day" once a year with about two or three different large games you have to make reservations, I believe - and from MWANer reports, it has been a huge success. I'm going to have to make it up there sometime! My daughter, Annie, called the other day and is starting to look for grad schools having bilingual speech pathology programs and the University of Wisconsin is one of about a dozen in the country. I must admit that the first thing that came to mind was that THE LAST SQUARE is in Madison where the U. of W. is located. I guess she wouldn't consider that in favor of the U. of W. however, would she? Anyway, they carry printers/posters, books, figures (ROS-Heroics, Essex, Rank & File, Two Dragons, Old Glory, Battle Honors, GHQ, wargaming ships, 54mm figures, and more, and have a 200 square foot gaming area with open gaming (check out their website for calendar information. By Hal Thinglum - ORV BANASIK'S PRAIRIE PRODUCTS WARGAMES FLAGS MWANer Orv Banasik, 395 West 33rd Ave,, Marion, Iowa 52302 ( sent along some 15mm flags for the English Civil War: #5 and #6, both Royalist Horse (15 flags in each set), American Civil War #42 (Bull Run Confederates; 7 infantry and the Washington Artillery) and #43 (Bull Run Union (8 infantry), and 1806 Prussian Napoleonics infantry #13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 (12 foot regimental flags per set! Total of 60 flags!) and cavalry #18 (17 regimental flags). These are in great color. Orv offers flags for all scales - 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, and 25mm. Great bargains here! By Hal Thinglum - LEVA PRODUCTIONS - LEVA PRODUCTIONS, 11, 260 Rue Bellevois, Montreal-Nord, Quebec, Canada H1H 3E2 (phone: 514-389-5759) offers a great many wargames accessories resin items for us in 1/72 nd and 1/285th , and a growing number of 15mm terrain items. I received obtained their 1/72nd four package set of Hougomount; each set was $26.00. There is the Gardener house, Great barn, Barn #2, and walls & doorway. I note from their current ad they have added garden walls ($17.00) and toolshed ($13) for Hougomount. Thus, to purchase the entire Hougomount set, it would cost $134.00. Prices are, I believe, in Canadian dollars so us United States guys can plan on paying somewhat less. LEVA started out many years ago, according to my memory, making "plastic-like" models which were very prone to breakage. They have resolved that difficulty by using resin and the quality is quite good. Although it is billed as 1/72 nd scale, it is a bit "large" (for 20mm wargaming) in my mind, for 20mm figures. However, if you want a "true" scale model in 20mm, this is it! ALSO, if you are doing 25mm Napoleonics instead of 20mm, and most of us are in 25mm, this is the model of Hougomount for you if you are looking for such a structure! No doubt about it! This is a kit type structure so expect to do some construction. The front of the Gardener house measures 8 1/2" long and 4" high (not including the roof). There is no inner detail and you will have to cut out the windows if you wish to have figures firing through them, The Great barn is 10" long by 2" high (again w/o roof); the barn is 7" long by 2 1/2" high (w/o root) and the walls measure 7 1/4's" long and 1 1/4" high (six straight, two corners and two gate sections. I haven't tried to piece this together yet, but it should make a beautiful, "HUGE" model of this famous structure. Recommended for the gamer who "has" to have Hougomount in 20mm or 25mm! In 1/28th scale, I picked up some items for my 6mm SYW project: P12 stone bridge ($4.50) in five pieces including the two approaches, two bridge sections, and support , should measure about 7 1/2" including approaches. P12 Stone bridge ($4.50)consi sting of two approaches and the main bridge which is about 5" including approaches. BA 19 is a 6mm medieval church ($7.50) which is very well done with great detail - all in one casting. P 16 has two small 6mm bridges (2 1/2" each) and a third 3" long bridge ($6); P08 German pneumatic pontoon bridge (#7.50) consisting of seven 1 1/2" sections (nicely done!); BA16 half-timbered European type two story "L" shaped building; BA24 thatch windmilll ($4.50) which has the main body of the windmill and four "arms" (what do you call them?) - a very nice structure! P13 is a 4" stone bridge ($4.50) in one piece , BA,22 stone wall sections ($5.00) has eight stone wall sections in 1/285th (2 1/4" long) as well as corners and gates. BA23 thatch farmhouse is a stone/wooden structure and finally, a 20mm (1/72 d actually) "Burnside" -type bridge with two 3" long approaches and a 7" main bridge ($23) - very nice indeed! Just what I need for my 20mm ACW/FPW periods! In 15mm is 15HO3, a shingle farmhouse perfect for the ACW ($13.00); should paint up great! LEVA produces a huge number of 1/72 d and 1/285th scale wargames accessories. Give them a try and get their listings. It will be worth your while! Highly recommended! By Bill Widrick - NAPOLEONIC FIGURES FROM REDOUBT ENTERPRISES REDOUBT ENTERPRISES, 49 Channel View Rd., Eastborne, East Sussex, BN22 7LN, UK. Having been given an opportunity to obtain some of these figures, I eagerly awaited their arrival. Inspecting the contents of the package, I was overjoyed at what I saw. These are truly wonderful figures! The castings are clean and very minor cleaning of flash is needed. Most figures have no flash at all. A light filing of the bottom of the stand provides a nice gluing surface for mounting. The figures might be considered "large" 25mm's as they measure 27mm from the bottom of the feet to the top of the head (not headgear). I made the measurements on figures that were in a slightly crouched pose. I have a few Connoisseur figures and the Redoubt fit in nicely with them. Also, it is my understanding that ESSEX and EAGLE lines will match up with the REDOUBT figures. I obtained 12 different types of French line infantry FR20-22, 25, 32-38 and 40. All of the different poses came with at least two different head styles, most having three. This, along with the many types of poses available, provides the ability to build units with a lot of variety. No need for difficult and time-consuming figure modification to gain individuality in a mass. All of the poses are very well detailed with all the equipment you would expect. There are also three (I think) different canteen types, adding to variety in the same pose. The clothing has plenty of folds and creases, and raised portions to highlight. Some poses have patched trousers, and some others have tied their trousers closed around their ankles. There is a variety of footwear modeled. Hands and faces are very well detailed, fingers and knuckles are very well done. The muskets are nicely detailed and are barely thicker than what would be scale, but, as with other figures with jumbo weapon syndrome, it is barely noticeable. Although the bayonets are very thick for scale, I kind of like this. It does not detract from the appearance of the figure, and strengthens that part of the weapon to the degree that they are hard to bend. I suspect that is the purpose behind making that design decision. All told, these are beautiful, excellently sculpted figures. REDOUBT does a great job providing quality and variety. Highly recommended. By Curt Traina - LIGHTING BRIGADE - I've noticed a new line of die-cast vehicles that could be useful to gamers. The company that makes them is called JOHNNY LIGHTING and the new line is called THE LIGHTING BRIGADE. There are six vehicles in the line at present. First is an M998 cargo Hummer in desert tan. The Hummer is an excellent fit for 20mm figures. Next is a US WWII Ambulance truck in olive drab; it too fits 20mm miniatures. There is also a WWII Willy's Jeep with a pedestal mounted 30 cal. MG, again in Olive drab, The jeep is closer to 25mm scale, but you could use it for 20mm if you're not too picky. The last three vehicles are an M1A1 Abraham's tank in desert tan, a WWII GMC 6 X 6 truck in olive drab, and a WWII US half-track in olive drab. The half-truck is the mortar carrier variant. These last three look like they would fit 15mm miniatures. All six are well detailed and accurately painted, and can be used straight out of the package. They're available at TARGET stores for $5.00. By Hal Thinglum - THE LONDON WAR ROOM NEW RELEASES - The London War Room, 41 Beverly Hills Loop, Petal, NIS 39465 (phone: 601-584-8533 e-mail: website: has released their 25mm War of the Spanish Succession Spanish Dragoons which can also be used for the Seven Years War. I just got a 24-man regiment for my SYW project! There is an officer with sword held upright, drummer, stand bearer (supply your own pole), and trooper with sword on shoulder. There are also two horses, one running and one galloping. Both are well done. The figures are crisp and well detailed. They will fit with any of the larger 25mm SYW lines and will stand up detail/quality-wise as well. Six mounted figures w/horses are $20 while 18 foot are $20.00. If you are a 25mm SYW gamer, you'll want to add some Spanish to your armies and Vince's Spanish line is steadily growing. Highly recommended! Vince and Sharron also carry NEWLINE DESIGN'S 20mm line of Napoleonics. I have a pack of BR6/2 British line infantry advancing in shako. There is some variety as to head positioning. Very nice figures being a "true" 20mm from top of the base to eye level. No flash and good detail. Recommended! Price is $4.00/8 foot figures. A new line for NEWLINE is 25mm Ancients. Vince sent GR5, which appears to be a Greek infantryman with separate spear and shield; price is $1.60/foot figure. This is an excellent figure about 26/27mm tall from top of stand to eye level. Great detail, Contact Vince and Sharron or check out their web site for listings of these lines. By Hal Thinglum - FAA SPANISH CIVIL WAR VEHICLES - FAA, 17 Oakfield Dv., Upton Heath, Chester CH2 ILG, UK (available from BROOKHURST HOBBIES - see address in their ads in this issue) has a great line of 25mm Spanish Civil War vehicles many of which can be used for WWII 25mm gaming. I recently had them painted up for me by Len Brewer, who does a great job on vehicles. LSV06 Armoured Lorry #12 Militia lorry with turret; LSV05 Armoured lorry #09 Nationalist APC (8.0 pds); LSV07 Pzfkw 113 (10 pds; would be great for recon or rear lines partisan duty on Eastern Front, has twin MG's on turret), LSV02 Armoured lorry #10 Militia lorry w/turret (10 pds); LSV03 Renault FT tank w/37mm gun/MG option (8 pds; these were also used on the Eastern Front WWII for anti-partisan duty), LSV01 Bilbao armoured car (8 pds; great vehicle!); LSV04 T-26B Republican tank (10 pds , this could be used on the Eastern Front as it was a Russian tank). These are great vehicles, you might not be able to use the armoured lorries anywhere except for Spain but the others sure have applicability for other periods. I am told we can expect more exciting 25mm 1930's/40's items from FAA and I am greatly looking forward to them! These vehicles have very outstanding detail. They are cast from resin and require assembly though it is quite easy, There is also a light (8 pds) and heavy civilian lorry (10 pds) available though I haven't seen them. Also available is a M1897 75mm field gun with Nationalist crew and coming soon will be a Pak 35/36 37mm anti-tank gun. Thus far, there are 17 packs of 25mm SCW figures including Moroccans, Foreign Legion, Assault Guards, FAI Anarchist militia, Nationalists, and Carlists, as well as Nationalist Hotchkiss MMG moving and firing. Excellent figures which match up very well with the now available 25mm WWII stuff I bave a large number of my SCW figures painted up as German allies for the Eastern Front and they look great! Highly recommended! If you need buildings for Spain, check out OLD GLORY's buildings for their 25mm pirates, HOVELS, and lastly, GRAND MANNER's Latin/Hispanic (available from Bob Bowling, 4827 Treeview Terrace, Rockford, IL 61109); you could put together some great Spanish wargaming scenes with these items to go along with the wonderful FAA figures! Most highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - THE LAST SQUARE'S FIFTH ANNUAL INVITATIONAL - THE LAST SQUARE, 5944 Odana Rd., Madison, WI 53719 (phone: 1-800-750-4401 e-mail info@lastsquare com) is holding it's fifth annual "Invitational" at the Radisson Inn in Madison, Wisconsin on February 2d -4 th , 2001 - they are having two huge games - Kharkov Winter of '42-'43 Tigers in the Snow and Leipzig, 1813 The Battle of the Nations, both in 15mm scale. They have room for 25+ players in each game. Prices are $285 (gaming, food/drinks/private double room Friday/Saturday nights); $230 (as above but share a double room with another participant); $165 (as above but no motel); $80 (food/drink for spouse). I've heard this is a great event and would like to hear from someone who attended. Great idea, Bev and Karl! By Hal Thinglum - SUPERGLUE - Len Brewer told me about this glue quite awhile ago and I've been using nothing else. It's called MAXI-CURE and should be available at quality model railroading shops. It comes in 1/2 ounce ($3.29) and one ounce ($5.49). I'd been using the fast gluing variety, from the same company, but this works better as it is thicker and much easier to work with. I went through a whole bottle without gluing my fingers together - a real first! It lasts quite a long time, Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - PROSEK'S MILITARY HOBBY SHOP - My daughter, Katie, a freshman in high school had a cross country meet yesterday up in Wheaton, and my wife and I watched her run and then made a quick dash to my old friend, Charlie Prosek's hobby shop (28 W 140 High Lake Road, Winfield, IL 60190; 708-231-4991). It was great seeing Charlie again ' when we had the hospital games years ago, Charlie was a regular attendee and we had a very nice time talking about old times, Charlie is a Marine combat infantryman veteran of the Korean War and one the nicest guys you'll meet. I've always loved going to Charlie's shop as I know I will find something hidden away in his isles that I've been looking for and I was right! Picked up many packs of Dixon 15mm Malburians and many 15mm terrain items including GALLIA and HOVELS stone walls at very inexpensive prices. The HOVELS stone walls 6AC5 have four 4" great sections for $3.99. GALLIA's 15412 stone walls are a little taller and measure 4 1/4" long coming two to a pack. Their 15308A Hedge Rows are 4 1/2" long and come two to a pack. I think I'll be able to use the stone walls, especially the GALLIA, for 20mm FPW as well. DIXON makes a fairly extensive Malburian and Great Northern War line and I like their figures. There are 23 packs of foot and I I of horse along with two guns/one pack of crew in their Malburian line and 14 packs of foot/3 horse in the GNW line. I especially like their command figures and "sentinel" enlisted men poses. If you are in the area, stop by and see Charlie's shop. You won't be disappointed! Good to see you, Charlie! By Hal Thinglum - BATTLEFRONT WWII RULES - Rich Hasenauer's BATTLEFRONT WWII rules are out! The game concept comes from Greg Lyle and there are a number of MWANer's involved in development of the set. This is an 81 page glossy 8 1/2" X 11" beautiful production effort with two sets of reference sheets, four sheets of game aids, and 12 sheets of unit and vehicle cards - all glossy stock paper! Another first-class effort by Rich and his team (Fire & Fury Games, PO Box 360, Burtonsville, MD 20866; website:! The introduction states: "Battlefront. WWII is a miniature wargame designed to keep a player at a consistent level of command between these two scales (one to one scale and one stand of figures equals a platoon). The smallest tactical unit is the squad or section. A stand of guns or heavy weapons is considered a unit of two or three qf the same weapon type. Similarly, vehicle castings represent two or three vehicles. Squads and sections are organized into company-sized maneuver elements and hattalion or regimental-sized battlegroups. The game.focuses on the tactical decisions faced by a battlegroup commander during a small unit action. " The rules were designed for 10mm/15mm though they mention larger or smaller scales can be handled with the rules. DIO dice are used, 1" = 40 yards; one turn equals 10 minutes; and as stated above, the basic unit is the squad or section with one stand equaling 6/15 soldiers or 2/3 heavy weapon s/vehicle s/aircraft. As to number of figures per stand, in 15mm, the recommend two figures per stand, They use the term "maneuver element" which usually "represents all or part of "a company-sized force" and they recommend that an experienced player can handle two to four maneuver elements. As mentioned above, there are 12 glossy color heavy stock sheets of "Unit Data Cards" - there are nine cards to a sheet covering the various types of units and they are very well done. Would serve well as a paint guide actually. These cover Germans (53), Russians (29) and the US (26) thus far though others are planned. Each data card provides all the information on that "unit" (vehicle, gun, infantry, etc) you need. A nice approach! There are unit status markers (suppressed, disordered, hull down/improved position, overwatch, & improving position time record) as well as hidden unit markers. Unit ratings consist of elite, veteran, experienced, trained, and raw and they are broken down for US, Russian & German units in the book. There is information re development of your own scenarios, a victory points table, two scenarios, and an excellent 18 page table of organization. The rules themselves cover 43 pages with many illustrations/explanations, I find this effort to be very well organized and written, as I would expect from Rich and his team. There are four phases in a turn: offensive fire combat, maneuver, defensive fire combat, and close combat (including spotting). Rules cover air to ground attacks, indirect and direct fire, fire support, opportunity fire, off-board fire support, close air support, and more. For example, there are six types of fire missions: shelling, smoke, mixed shelling/smoke, concentration, time on target, and barrage (standing, rolling, and lifting barrages). The maneuver phase combines movement, command, control and morale. These rules, in my opinion, are more complex than the FIRE & FURY ACW rules; however, they deal with a far more complex period of warfare than the ACW. A first class effort and most highly recommended! If they are as influential a set of rules for WWII as FIRE & FURY was for the ACW, we are in for a real treat! Cost is $33 (rules & one set of data cards), $45 (rules & two sets), $18 for one set of data cards. Postage is $2 (US), $3.20 (US Priority), $5 (Canada), and $9 (Overseas). Visa/master card accepted (phone/fax: 410-381-1632). By Hal Thinglum - SCALE SPECIALTIES MERCHANT & MILITARY VESSELS OF WWII REVIEWED VOL I - Scale Specialities, PO Box 4996, Anaheim, CA 92803-4996 (phone/fax: 714-535-7486; website: e-mail: smsnew@earth link, net) has released a CD -Rom by Norman E. Harms consisting of publications from the original WWII Office of Naval Intelligence (March, 1945) ONI 208-J - Supplement 2 - Far Eastern Small Craft and ONI 223M - Merchant Ship Shapes (1945) and provide information re minor combatant warships and Merchant vessels under 1,000 gross tons. It covers patrol/gunboats and a full range of merchant vessels ranging from passenger, passenger/cargo, freighters, tankers, fishing/utility vessels, and most of the Japanese amphibious craft as well as merchant ship shapes found in all theaters. The purpose of the manual in 1945 was to assist Allied forces in identification of merchant vessels. Mr. Harms provides a commentary supplementing the original publications. Within the 245 pages, there are over 600 photos and drawings. Cost is $40 plus p/h and it can also be obtained from Regal Miniatures, 1980 NW 94th St., Suite D, Clive, IA 50325. They report this is the first of ten volumes of this series. Highly recommended for the WWII Naval gamer! By Hal Thinglum - THE SKIRMISH LINE - Charles Van Norman, 347 N. Maple Ave., Green Bay, WI 54303 (920-435-6337) has painted for me for some time - 15mm ECW/TYW and 20mm FPW figures. I recently received four battalions of B&B 20mm FPW French Line Infantry from Charles and was very pleased, per usual. Charles drilled holes for flag poles and super glued Eagles to the poles for me at no extra cost. He uses the black undercoating method of painting and does a nice job. I especially like the way he does faces; colors are vibrant and welldone as is detailing. I also like his use of gold and metal colors as they are very effective. Prices are very reasonable and service is friendly. Highly recommended! Thanks, Charles! Back to MWAN #108 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2000 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |