By Col. Wilbur E. Gray
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This sample scenario is not what was originally intended. However, Austerlitz offers several advantages over the 1813 battles of Gross Beeren and Dennewitz, the two engagements previously considered. First the battle is relatively large, though not overly so, and thus appropriate for a brigade level game. Second, the sides are about numerically equal with few reinforcements hitting the table and this means nearly all players will have a chance to play from the outset. Third, the battle features three separate armies French, Austrian and Russian - and this adds a bit more color than a two-army match. Finally, and most importantly, the scenario features the French Grande Armee at its very best pitted against what is essentially a Frederickan conglomeration. It is the perfect battle to highlight those NFF game systems that rover Command-Control, National Doctrine, skirmishers and so on. While this does mean the battle favors the French, an Allied victory is not impossible. Nevertheless, if you want to learn why Napoleon and his hard marching Grognards were able to pound most of Europe into submission in three short years, Austerlitz is hard to top. The historical background to this battle is well known and will not be repeated here. Instead the players are referred to Scott Bowden's Napoleon and Austerlitz (The Emperor's Press, Chicago, 1997), which, despite a few minor errors, remains definitive. For a shorter narrative please see the author's own " Battle of Three Emperor's: Austerlitz," Strategy & Tactics, No 181, Aug 96, pp 1738. The Order of Baffle information below (slightly modified to fit within the constraints of the game) is taken from this work, based on numerous reputable sources (von Schonhalls for example), all of which quoted "archival" information and all of which were contradictory. Units with an asterisk are Austrian. AUSTRO-RUSSIAN ARMYCommander in Chief: Alexandr 1, Czar of all the Russias (1 Army Command Stand - 2)
Emperor of Austria: Francis I*
Bde MG Stutterheim - O'Reilly Chevauleger Regiment (Regt) (8 squadrons (sqn)/900 men) & Merveldt Uhlan Regt (1/4 sqn/40 men)* (E 8/5/3 Lt Cav) Bde MG Graf Nostiz - Schwarzenburg Uhlan Regt (1/4 sqn/40 men), Hessen-Homburg Hussar Regt (8 sqns/300 men)* (attached to Bde MG Stutterheim) Bde MG Furst Moritz Liechtenstein - Two Austrian Cavalry Battaries (Bttys) (12 guns)*, Sesajew & Melentiev Cossacks (5 sqns each/1000 men total) (C 5/4/3 Irregular Lt Cav; 2 Artillery Stands) DIVISION OF LTG DOCTUROV (I Division Command Stand)
Bde MG Urasov - Vladamir, Briansk, Viatzk, Moscow Musketeer & Kiev Grenadier Regts (3 bns each/8400 men total - some sources indicate two brigades), 2 Light Battys (24 guns) (per some sources, split into two brigades, each R 12/9/6; 2 Artillery Stands) DIVISION OF LTG LANGERON (1 Division Command Stand)
Bde MG Kamersky - Kursk, Riask Musketeer & Fanagoria Grenadier Regts (3 bns each/6000 men total) (R 18/14/9) DIVISION OF LTG PRZYBCZEVSKY (1 Division Command Stand)
Bde MG Struck - Gallizi, Budiersk, Poldosk, Norva & Asov Musketeer Regts (3 btns each16600 men total) (R 18/14/9) CENTER OF THE ALLIED ARMIES: PRINCE KUTUSOV (1 Corps Command Stand) DIVISION OF LTG MILORADOVITCH (1 Division Command Stand)
Bde MG Berg - Novgorod Musketeer & Malorosiski Grenadier Regts (3 bns each), 2 companies of Pioneers (3840 men total) (R 11/8/6) Bde MG Repninsky - Smolensk & Apcheronski Musketeer Regts (3 bns each/1 500 men), Artillery Reserve: Russian Heavy Btty (12 guns) & 2 Austrian Heavy Bttys (12 guns)* (R 6/6/3 to include one stand Hvy Cav; 3 Artillery Stands) DIVISION OF FML KOLLOWRATH* (1 Division Command Stand)
Bde MG Juschek - Kaiser # 1, Czartorisky # 9, Reuss-Greutz # 55, Wurttemburg # 38, Beaulieu # 58, Kerpen # 49, Lindenau 29 IR's (1 bn each/3400 men total), Pioneers* (C 9/815; 1 stand Pioneers) RIGHT WING: LTG FURST BAGRATION (1 Corps Command Stand) DIVISION OF LTG FURST BAGRATION (11 Division Command Stand) (the exact composition of this wing, as with the entire Allied army, remains uncertain)
Bde MG Wittgenstein - Pavlograd & Mariopol Hussar Regts (10 sqns each/2000 men total) (E 11/715 Lt Cav) Bde MG Englehardt - Stary Ingermanland Musketeer Regt (3 bns/2400 men) (R 917/5) Bde MG MG Czaplitz - Isajev, Kusilev, Charsumkov & Malakov Cossacks (5 sqns each/2000 men) (C 11/9/6 Irregular Lt Cav) Tver Dragoon Regiment (5 sqns/500 men) (R 3/42 Hvy Cav) 2 Horse Artillery Bttys (24 guns) (2 Artillery Stands) CAVALRY CORPS: FML FURST LIECHTENSTEIN (1 Corps Command Stand) DIVISION OF FML FURST HOHENLOHE' (1 Division Command Stand)
Bde MG Weber - Kaiser Cuirassier Regiment (8 sqns/500 men)* (E 3/2/- Armored Hvy Cav) DIVISION OF LTG ESSEN (1 Division Command Stand)
DIVISION OF LTG UVAROV (1 Division Command Stand)
GUARD ARTILLERY - 2 Horse Btlys (16 guns), 2 Light Bttys; (24 guns) & 2 Austrian Hvy Position Bttys (12 guns) (6 Artillery Stands) THE GRAND ARMY OF FRANCECommander in Chief: Napoleon I, Emperor and King, Commanding in Person (1 Army Command Stand +3)
I CORPS: MARSHAL BERNADOTTE (1 Corps Command Stand) DIVISION OF MG RIVAUX (1 Division Command Stand)
Bde BG Pacthod - 54th Ligne Regt (3 btns, 1614 men total) (R 614/3 Skirmish) DIVISION OF MG D'ERLON (11 Division Command Stand)
Bde BG Frere - 94th & 95th Ligne Regts (3 btns each, 3717 men total) (R 12/9/6 Skirmish) ARTILLERY
III CORPS: MARSHAL DAVOUT (1 Corps Command Stand) DIVISION OF MG FRIANT (1 Division Command Stand)
Bde BG Lochet - 48th & 11 Ith Ligne Regts (2 bns each, 2805 men total) (E 9/6/4 Skirmish) Bde BG Heudelet - 108th Ligne Regt (2 bris, 1637 men total) (E 6/312 Skirmish) ARTILLERY
Bde BG Sahuc - 19th, 25th & 28th Dragoon Regts (3 sqns each, 1169 men total) (E 7/6/3 Hvy Cav) Artillery - one half Horse Battery (3 guns) (included in Artillery above) IV CORPS: MARSHAL SOULT (1 Corps Command Stand) DIVISION OF MG VANDAMME (1 Division Command Stand)
Bde BG Fery - 28th & 46th Ligne Regts (2 bns each, 2949 men total) (R 9/7/5 Skirmish) Bde BG Candras - 57th ("the Terrible") Ligne Regt ( 2 btns, 1743 men total) (E 5/3/2 Skirmish) DIVISION OF MG ST HILAIRE (1 Division Command Stand)
Bde BG Thiebaut - 36th & 43d Ligne Regts (2 btns each, 3084 men) (R 10/8/15 Skirmish) Bde BG Ware - 55th Ligne (2 bns, 1709 men) (R 5/3/2 Skirmish) DIVISION OF MG LEGRAND (1 Division Command Stand)
Bde BG Ferey - 3d Ligne Regt (2 bns) & Po Valley Tirailleur Bn (1952 men total) (R 6/5/3 Skirmish) Bde BG Levasseur - 18th & 75th Ligne Regts (2 btns each, 3090 men total) (R 10/8/5 Skirmish) LIGHT CAVALRY BDE OF MG MARGARON (1 Brigade Command Stand)
Bde BG Scalfort - 12th & 16th Dragoon Regts (3 sqns each, 570 men total) (E 4/3/2 Hvy Cav) Artillery - one half Horse Batty (3 guns) (included in Artillery below) ARTILLERY
V CORPS: MARSHAL LANNES (1 Corps Command Stand) DIVISION OF MG SUCHET (1 Division Command Stand)
Bde BG Valhubert - 40th & 64th Ligne Regts (2 btns each, 2568 men total) (R 8/6/4 Skirmish) Bde BG Claparede - 88th Ligne Regt (2 bris, 1596 men) (R 5/4/3 Skirmish) DIVISION OF MG CAFARELLI (1 Division Command Stand)
Bde BG Eppler - 13th Legere & 61 st Ligne Regts (2 btns each, 2613 men total) (R 8/6/4 Skirmish) GRENADIER DIVISION OF MG OUDINOT (1 Division Command Stand)
Bde BG Dupas - 3d & 4th Regts (2 btns each, from 2d, 3d, 28th & 31st Legere Regts, 1798 men) (E 6/4/2 Skirmish) Bde BG Ruffin - 5th Regt (2 btns, from 12th & 15th Legere Regts, 1070 men) (E 3/2/- Skirmish) LIGHT CAVALRY BDE OF BG TREILHARD (1 Brigade Command Stand)
Bde BG Milhaud - 16th & 22d Chasseur a Cheval Regts (4 sqns each, 554 men total) (R 4/3/2 Lt Cav) Bde Commander Unknown - 5th Chasseur a Cheval & 5th Hussar Regts (4 sqns each, 659 men total) (Ft 4/3/2 Lt Cav) DRAGOON DIVISION OF MG WATHIER (11 Division Command Stand)
Bde BG Boussard - 11th, 13th & 22nd Dragoon Regts (3 sqns each, 652 men total) (E 4/3/2 Hvy Cav) HEAVY CAVALRY DIVISION OF MG D-HAUTPOL (1 Division Command Stand)
Bde Commander Unknown - 10th & 11th Cuirassier Regts (4 sqns each, 581 men total) (E 4/3/2 Armored Hvy Cav) HEAVY CAVALRY DIVISION OF MG NANSOUTY (1 Division Command Stand)
Bde BG l'Houssaye - 2d & 9th Cuirassier Regts (4 sqns each, 584 men total) (E 6/4/2 Armored Hvy Cav) Bde BG St Germaine - 3d & 12th Cuirassier Regts (4 sqns each, 610 men total) (E 4/3/2 Armored Hvy Cav) ARTILLERY
Bde BG Soules - 1st & 2d Chasseur a Pied Regts (2 bns each, 1346 men total) (include with Grenadiers as a single unit) Bde BG Lecchi - Royal Italian Guard Regt (2 bns, 693 men) (include with Grenadiers as a single unit) Bde BG Oedener - Grenadier a Cheval Regt (4 sqns, 600 men) (E 7/5/3 Hvy Cav Old Guard) Bde Col Morland - Chasseur a Cheval Regt (4 sqns) & Mamaluke Sqn (376 men total) (include with Hvy Cav as a single unit) Bde BG Savary - Elite Gendarme Regt (1 sqn, 200 men) (include With Hvy Cav as a single unit) Artillery - Two French and one Italian Guard Horse Artillery Batteries (24 guns, 298 men) (3 Artillery Stands, of which 2 are Old Guard) Map from the US Military Academy (West Point) Napoleonic Atlas Website at hftp://www.dean.usma-edu/historyldhistorymaps/NapoleonPages/NapToC.htm ![]() Scenario Data:1. NFF game data is bolded in Order of Battle above (C = Conscript, R = Regular, E = Elite)l 2. Map Information:
b: All built up areas and the fortifications on the Santon receive a 2 modifier in favor of the defender except for the Sokolnitz Castle and its associated Pheasantry which is +3. c. Note map scale, as it is doubtful that the game area will cover all of the terrain included above 3. Fog. The first 4 turns of the game are "Fog" turns in that fog covers all low lying areas, as opposed to elevated terrain such as the Pratzen. Infantry fire range, including skirmishers whose range then begins at I inch, is halved and artillery fire is reduced to 2 inches. Further, no charge may be initiated against a unit further than 3 inches away. Cavalry countercharge begins at the 3 inch mark as well. 4. Reinforcements. Depending on the dimensions of the gaming table, some French and Allied units may be off the table (likely the Russian Guard, Bagration and Davout). Activate normally for Reserve Movement (RM) but add 3 turns worth of movement to Marshal Davout's forces as historically he was enroute from Raigern Abbey by 0500, shattering several speed records as a consequence. Bagration's Division may be considered in Road March. 5.The Allied Armies. Their command structure was a mess. Few Orders of Battle agree as to who led what, indicating that Alexandr, Francis and Kutusov likely did not know themselves. This is generally why the map above seems to disagree with the Order of Battle given. However, on the map:
b.The red unit position just west of Kollowrath is Miloradovitch as some sources indicate the two were in a single combined formation. c.Yes, Liechtenstein is subordinate to Bagration (who doubles as both a Division and Corps/Wing Commander) and yes, he is way out of position, being the theoretical linchpin between Bagration and the rest of the Allied Army. Thank the abysmal Allied Staff System for bivouacing him in the wrong spot the night before. d.Russian Musketter/Grenadier/Guard Brigades include 1 extra stand to account for Regimental Guns. e.The Russian Artillery Commander may be used to mass guns, but may not use the 1 M. x FP bonus. f.Charismatic Commanders. Alexandr and Bagration. 6. The French Army.
b.MG Oudinot's Grenadier Division is the blue unit position below the word Bessieres on the map. c. Charismatic Commanders. Napoleon and Murat. 7. Infantry. The French are Impulse/Skirmish and the Allies are Linear/NO Skirmish (regardless of unit designation). 8. Game Length. Begins at 0600 hours and ends at 1800 hours. 9. Victory Conditions. Per original Fire & Fury, page 16. The very essence of Napoleonic Warfare was the destruction of the enemy army, vice control of terrain. Thus for Austerlitz, the elimination of the enemy, and not holding specific pieces of ground, is the only victory criteria. Rules: Age of Eagles: Fire and Fury Variant Back to MWAN #108 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2000 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |