by Hal Thinglum
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By Hal Thinglum - THE FOUNDRY's 'BEN ROBSON APPEAL' - THE FOUNDRY LTD., 24-34 St. Marks Street, Nottingham, NG3 IDE, UK (phone 0115-841-3000; fax 0115-841- 3250~ www, advertised the following in the August, 2000 issue of WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED (I hope Duncan Macfarlane will forgive me for reproducing it without his permission) "Ben Robson was just 3 years old when he was diagnosed with Autism. Although obviously quite bright in some respects he had no means of communicating verbally or otherwise. Speech was totally meaningless to him, his eye contact with other people was non-existent. Although he always wore a smile he was completely locked in a world of his own. Obviously Ben's parents, Ken and Janine, were devastated when his condition was confirmed. Unable to accept that there was nothing they could do, Ben's parents looked for options. Eventually, Janine discovered a therapy system called the Lovass program, which was being used with great success in Norway. The program is very intensive for Ben and works by providing him with 1 on 1 trained therapists for 40 hours per week. The programme runs for two years during which Ben is allowed only one week off a year. A tough programme for a 3 year old. After 3 months of this therapy, it is said that you will have a good idea if the child will be successful or not, and you will therqfore be able to decide whether to continue or not. Ben's 3 month check went extremely well, and the therapists were delighted with his progress. In all respects he was progressing at a rate that was consistent with a good chance of success. Ben was 4 years old on June 14th, and after 12 months of therapy, his eye contact and comprehension of other people is all but normal. He is able to count and can recognise all of his numbers and letters. He joins in with nursery rhymes and songs, which he really enjoys. For the first time he can also interact and play with other children. With continued hard work it is almost certain Ben will attend mainstream school. It is also possible that on completion of his 2 year programme he will have the tools required to lead a normal life in every way. The cost of this therapy accounts to about 1200 pounds per month, which is very expensive, hence this appeal. You can help Ben by purchasing this strictly limited edition model sculpted by Alan Perty for a donation of 5 pounds $8. The entire amount will go to Ben, no costs for production, etc. will be taken by Foundry. The model will only be available for the period of the appeal. We'd like to think you'll purchase this figure along with a regular order, in which case we'll pack it with your parcel. However, if you wish to purchase it as an individual piece, it will be subject to our normal minimum postage charge of 3.50 pounds $6. Many thanks for your support." The figure they're offering in this noble cause is a mounted figure of Napoleon crossing the Alps from the famous painting. This is a figure you would enjoy having on your mantlepiece even if you aren't a Napoleonics gamer it is also an extremely good cause. As a very young speech pathologist I worked with a child with Autism and as a parent, my heart goes out to Ben's parents. Ben apparently has an opportunity to lead a much more normal life With this treatment, something we want for all human beings. I hope you'll support this appeal, Congratulations to THE FOUNDRY for taking up Ben's cause! By Hal Thinglum - SIGNIFER WARGAMES FLAGS - SIGNIFER, 2001 E. Lohman, Suite 149, Las Cruses, NM 88001 (505-525-2378: sent along some new releases from their 15mm/25mrn SYW period and I always welcome their offerings as they soon make their way into my still-growing SYW armies! In 25mm, there are SYW2557 French Infantry III (Artois, Berr'r. Bourgonge and Cambis regiments) and SYW2552 British (four flags for the 42" and 6011, regiments - Regimental flags and King's Colours). In 15mm there are SYW2560 (Austrian Infantry) and SYW2565 Prussian Infantry 1): each set has four different regimental flags. Prices were not included but I am sure if vou access their web site, you'll have no difficulty locating them. Not only do they offer a fine product. thev are nice people to deal with - a hard combination to beat! Quality is very good as is color. They need to be cut out and applied to the flag pole with white glue. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - TSATF SCENARIO PORTFOLIO 2000 - "AND THAT'S THE WAY IT WAS..", 213 Third Street, NE. Hickory, NC 28601 (Website: released THE SWORD AND THE FLAME SCENARIO PORTFOLIO 2000, From what I understand, this is available only via subscription ($38 US/Canada plus $6 postage international) and consists of a total of 24 scenarios complete with maps at the rate of two per month. This can be purchased with credit card via Amazon.corn Shops with a search using TSATF Scenario Portfolio. This is another fine effort bv TSTAF author Larry Brom. It comes in an attractive folder and consists of a three-page introduction and 15 pages devoted to six scenarios as well as a variation to TSATF which TSATF gamers will be interested in. Scenario information is complete consisting of the mission, forces, set-on, terrain, and scenario options both sides. In addition, there are two maps per scenario, one for each side, which are very well done. The entire effort is done in the "Larry Brom" style from the original TSATF, which I found so appealing and fun to read. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - GAUNTLET PUBLICATIONS - Our good friend in Russia, Craig Martelle, informs me that he will no longer be publishing the US version of THE GAUNTLET. This is a loss. however, Craig just has too much to do obtaining priceless materials in Russia for us and this is completely understandable. I found I enjoyed his publication very much and looked forward to receiving it. I obtained several WWII-type publications from Craig as I was interested in doing something ruleswise with my 25mm WWII project and I always like to look over what is currently available before attempting to write my own home-grown rules. CROSS OF IRON WWII EASTERN FRONT INDIVIDUALIZED SKIRMISH RULES by Mathew Sparkes with "Steiner" mini-campaign rules by Mark Hannam is an excellent MWAN-sized (52 pages) effort. One figure - one man in 20/25mm 1" - 5 metres and for 15mm, 1cm = 5 metres. Your figures become "characters" in this rules set and as such. are assigned "characteristics". The rules were "designed to be played with around a section of WWII German infantry facing up to a platoon or two of Soviets.- The rules are short and casv to understand. There is a section of German small unit tactics and organization, which I found helpful. Mark's "Steiner" minicampaign is intended to provide scenarios for the famous Cpl/Sgt. Steiner and you'll find lots of helpful information in this section. Cost is $12.00. PANZERKNACKER - A Game of Infantry Tank Killing for Miniatures by Dave Popplewell is MWAN-sized 56 pages effort dealing with gaming German infantry anti-tank combat on the Eastern Front during WWII and can be fit into any existing set of rules. One turn = from 10 seconds to 10 minutes, ground scale is 1"=5 metres (20/25mm) 1cm=5 metres(15mm), and 1"=2.5 ruetres (1/35'h). One figure = one man/vehicle. Dave provides interesting information rc the Panzer-Jagd Kommandos and their tactics, weapons info, spotting and firing, etc., as well as ten scenarios. Both are highly recommended and will increase your gaming enjoyable, All GAUNTLET products are now available from WARHAWK HOBBIES, 3206 S. Alpine Rd.. Rockford, IL 61109 (phone 815-837-9144, fax 815-873-8203, e-mail By Joseph P. Cairo - BOOK REVIEW - THE FRENCH & INDIAN WAR 1754-63: THE IMPERIAL STRUGGLE FOR NORTH AMERICA - by Seymour I. Schwartz ISBN 07858- 1165-6. Castle Books reprint, retails for approximately $25.00. This book is hard bound, approximately 7.5 X 10.5" and 168 pages long. There is an index and bibliography. Each chapter covers a specific year of the war and contains a chronology of significant events for that year. The book is lavishly illustrated and contains many prints of period maps. The author is a surgeon and a collector of early American maps, his love of cartography clearly shows. This book is, however, a very good general history of the conflict. Points of interest to the gamer: period illustrations showing layouts of forts, maps showing forts in relation to each other, detailed illustrations of Braddock's defeat en rout to Fort Duquesne, to include several detailed breakdowns of specific troop placement within the column of march. Recommendations: If you have a passing interest in the F&FW. Save your money and check out a book from the local library. If you are looking for detailed organization and uniform information - it's not here. If you are a serious student of the war, this book is a must for your library. You already have the information from the above two points, but what you probably don't have are reproductions of these period illustrations and maps. Highly recommended to the F&IW enthusiast. By Hal Thinglum - CASTAWAY ARTS NEW 25MM RELEASES - CASTAWAY ARTS. PO Box 7599, Cairns, 4870 Australia phone/fax -61(0)7-4041-2079) has released some 25mm Gladiators ($1.50 each) consisting of G1helmet/sword: G2 helmet, sword & large shield. G3 Thracian helmet/sword. G4 Armoured sleeve/trident. and G5 helmet sword & small shield. The) measure nearly 29mm from top of base to eye level: have separate weapons (except for one swordsman) and shields. Detail is very good and they are probably anatomically correct as they seem a bit "slight" in comparison to our usual fare of "overfed" 28mm figures. The second line is Camel Nomads/Midianite Arabs (foot = $1.50/camel riders = $3: no mention re camel prices): there are seven foot (3 infantry w/javclin, 2 archers, and 2 slingers): four camel riders all with bow & one with camel stick (camels can carry one or two riders), and three variants of camels of which I have two. The camels are very good and the riders fit very well: I placed two on one of the camels and they look very good! I have four of the foot figures: a slinger, archer (separate be"), and two javelin (separate javelins). Weapons are well cast as are the figures. These figures arc ~xelconic additions to the Ancients period Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - QUALITICAST 25MM MONGOLS - QUALITICAST is primarily a 20mni manufacturer and their products are available from BROOKHURST HOBBIES- 12188 Brookhurst St. Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714-636-3580). The line consists of a personality pack ($23.50) with Genghis Khan and six figures, two horses. a cheetah. battle standard- spear tripod and decapitated heads: three command packs ($11.25 to $11.99) including one Mounted (commander & two signal flag bearers), Naccara drums (two camel-mounted drummers), and Dtinum Warriors (3 straw warriors on horses), four packs of light cavalry (w/bows, sidearms/polearms for $4.50 each) four packs of heavy cavalry, and two packs of horses (light and heavy for $6.70 each). These are simply outstanding figures some of them are two-piece castings split at the hip to allow for more variance. The sidearms/polearms are cast separatelv and very well done while the horses arc just fantastic as to detail. The heavies are armored. Highly rccommended. An interesting period. I would think I'd love to see the Genghis Khan command pack! By Hal Thinglum - MICROMARK PAINTING SERVICE - MICROMARK- 15 Herbert Street. Burnley, Lanes. BB 11. 4JX UK (phone 01282-712993) painted up some 6mm Heroics & ROS SYW for me the 40th and 42nd Prussian line infantry. I really like his painting and he is quite prompt! Flags are excellently done re detail colors as are the 6mm figures. If you want to know how I really feel about his painting, I just sent him about forty packs of 6mm SYW figures! Very highly recommended! Markl By Hal Thinglum - OLD NORTH STATE 10MM ACW RANGE - OLD NORTH STATE FIGURE COMPANY, 104 Omni Ct.. Stephens Citv, VA 22655 (phone: 540-869-6964) has a very extensive 10mm ACW line which also includes ironclads and naval ships. There are five packs w/blanket roll (advancing. charging, defending, marching & firing - the firing pack has 5 different poses), seven w/back pack, six command packs, four artillery packs. four cavalry packs including one command, as well as limber and covered wagon packs. There are "starter' . packs of 112 men/21 cadre for $20 for infantry. 36 cavalry/9 cadre ($20), 8 guns w/limbers & 33 men ($20) as well as smaller "custom" packs, Samples of all types were received. Cavalry are one-piece castings, which I prefer there are casualty figures (both infantry and horses), limbers & wagons fit together easilv as do guns, and standard bearers have cast-on poles. There is a wide variation of figure poses and the figures are cleanly cast and well-detailed! I would think they would paint up very quickly using the "black undercoating" method and be a pleasure to paint. I really think I'm going to try these! I've always wanted a 10mm army! Obtain a listing even if you aren't a "10mm gamer" - I think you'd be very pleased with the 10mm ironclads - I saw these last year at HISTORICON and was very impressed. You can use your 10mm figures with them - that would look great, wouldn't it! Very highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - THE SKIRMISH LINE PAINTING SERVICE - Charles Van Norman. 347 N. Maple Ave.. Green Bay, WI 54303 (920-435-6337) recently did some more 20mm FPW units for me French, Baden and Prussian infantry, as well as a Saxon battery. You know how I love my 20mm FPW figures and they look so good painted up: Charles uses a black undercoating method which looks great with the blue uniforms. A very good job - nice color mix some shading. good detail painting. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - HALLMARK 15MM - While at THE EMPEROR'S HEADQUARTERS, 7047 Barry Ave., Des Plaines, IL 60018-3401 last week, I picked up some more HALLMARK FIGURES products. From their League of Augsburg 15mm line, I found musketeers advancing (LA5) and marching (LA31) w/flintlocks (03): cuirassier troopers in helmet (LAC9) and hat (LAC10) and command (LAC6) there are five riders ($2.00) and three command w/horses ($2.75): horses are 552.50. These are true 15mm figures a little slight, but they mix well with my ESSEX and MINIFIG units They paint LIP quickly, there's no flash, and they are "'statelv figures ideal for the period. I also picked up some Highlanders - five different packs - I can't locate a listing of them, but there's a command pack (pipers. officers and stan-1ard bearers), swordsmen w/shields attacking. swordsmen w/shields charging. axcmen. and two-handed swordsmen. My intention is to add them to my ESSEX Highlanders for the ECW period, I was very pleased to find these Highlanders as I had no idea HALLMARK carried them. By Hal Thinglum - GHQ MICRO ARMOUR BUILDINGS - Also picked this up at EHQ for my 6mm SYW project, BDG8 Gatehouse & 6 walls ($4.95) has a gatehouse and six straight walls made of metal, Detail appears somewhat limited, but they should be very functional in this scale. GHQ, 28100 Woodside Rd. Shorewood, MI 55331 (612-374-2693) has a listing available of buildings in this scale. By Hal Thinglum - IMEX 1:32 ACW CONFEDERATE LIMBER WAGON SET - Honest, my intention was going to my local model hobby shop was only to pick Lip some more Super glue! I was wandering the isles when boxes of 54mm figures caught my eye. ACW, Napoleonics, and more! I had to get a box for old times sakes - the box contains a rifled gun, limber, four limber horses, two limber riders. one limber horse rider, and three artillery crew. Boy, would I have loved this set when I was a youngsterl Heck, I love it now! I'm sorely tempted to do something with 54mm ACW - these are very good figures - there have been several articles in MWAN re how to go about painting plastic figures - I'll have to look them up. A nice selection - next time I go there, I'll get some infantry. By Len Brewer - BP Casts - BR - 105 Indian Armored Carrier with 2 crew & boys anti- tank rifle. A nice and interesting carrier. This is a resin and white metal kit in 20mm scale. The only assembly that is required is the gluing of the wheels on and the placement of the ATR. There was no flash on this kit. Outstanding detail oil the carrier bed-,. There are several rolled blankets crates, canvas and toolboxes on both sides. This model will fit in with the other kits that are available now. A very useful addition for the World War II range. Available from wherever BP Casts is sold for $9.95. RS-110 RUSSIAN KATYUSHA. Another resin and white metal kit for the World War II East front. This consists of the standard Russian truck with the rocket artillery attached to it. There is some assembly required. The rocket sleds were close to being, totally enclosed with flash. Care must be taken when you are cutting the flash awaN. The kits go together very well. This kit will fit in with other kits that are currently available. Available for $8.95 from wherever BP Casts are sold. By Len Brewer - CRUSADER MODELS - CMB-18 ITALY 1 TON PRIME MOVER. A resin kit for one of the axis powers. A nice kit with little assembly required. The steering wheel is a little tricky. This is a 1/76-scale kit. A nice kit that was used on all fronts by the Italians and the Germans. Available for $6.50 from wherever CRUSADER MODELS are sold. CMB 17a ITALY 1 TON TRUCK ($6.40). This is ' your typical truck of another World War II power. Since it is always nice to have some variety, this would make a nice addition to the Germans. This has the short cargo bed. Both of these kits are on the large side. They do fit in with other kits that are available. By Len Brewer - THE LONDON WAR ROOM - 25mm TWO STORY BUILDINGS. Available from LONDON WAR ROOM, 41 Beverly Hills Loop. Petal, MS. 39465. This is a very nice 25mm building. This sample came pre-painted and consisted of a bottom floor, second floor, balcony and roof On the bottom level, there is a door plus a set of swinging doors. There is also what looks like a set of open doors in the front. The second level has a set of doors and window. The roof consists of red tile. The building stands 5 1/2 inches high in the font and 4 1/2 inches in the rear. It is 9 inches long by 3 1/2 wide. Old West figures look very nice in this as will your 25mm Spanish and French. Write for details on this and other kits. Very highly recommended. By Len Brewer - "THE WARGAMES CD" BY IMAGINE IMAGE MULTIMEDIA c/o Terry Cabak, 2284 Woodside Drive, Carventersville, ILLINOIS 60110. This CD has rules, programs and utilities for historical miniature wargaming. Included on this computer - CD - are ACW & WWII scenarios, Internet links, history sites, catalogs, award certificates, and much more. This " CD " has very easy instructions that will allow you to access everything on this. There are rules that a gamer can view and printout, The order of battle that is included is very nice. A person can see that this is a labor of love. There is a great deal of information included. The award certificates are great to give out to the younger players at convention games. If you are a historical gamer who is serious about this hobby, then you should check out this product. The regular retail price is $45.00. All MWAN subscribers get a price break if they order this CD. The price for this is $35.00. This product is very worthwhile and it comes highly recommended. By Len Brewer - EUREKA MINIATURES ITEMS - AB 15mm Napole2nics and 25mm Greeks. Available from EUREKA MINIATURES, 10 Woorayl Street, Carricig, Vic 3163, Australia, I received the recent order in a very short time. I ordered some of the Prussians Napoleonics. The infantry and cavalry are made to very high standards. The detail is outstanding in all aspects. Some of the Prussian Landwehr has the oilcloth that covers their shakos. The staff set is especially nice. The set consists of six horses and six riders. All of the horses and riders are different from each other. Some of the infantry officers have large plumes on their shakos and others have a small plain plume. The figures go along with the other figures from other companies. If you are interested in very good napoleonic figures, then you owe it to yourself to check out this very fine line. Very highly recommended. The 25mm Greeks is a new line that AB miniatures are getting into. These figures measure 28mm according to the Barrett scale. Included in this were 14 figures for review. The figures all have slotted bases that they are put in. they are in a variety of poses with very nice animation. The weapons consist of spears. javelins, and swords at the side and large round shields. There was no flash of any kind on the figures. I am not into ancients, but if I were to be, this range of figures would tempt a person. For information about this new line contact AB miniatures about this. Very highly recommended. By Grez Principato - WARGAME RUINS - Wargame Ruins, P.O. Box 336 - Grantsville, Utah - 84029 U.S.A. puts out a very limited but fantastic range of 20th Century European buildings listed as 15/20mm. They currently have the following: Russian House - two story brick 14.5cm X 12.5cm X l4cm (15 to 20mm) $20.00 Stalingrad Factory - brick 25.5cm X 18cm X 11.5cm (15 to 20mm) $25.00 ' French Tavern - stucco covered brick 12cm X 8cm X 13cm (15 to 20mm) $15.00; and Stalingrad Apartment - stucco covered brick & stone 32cm X 18cm X 15cm $30.00. All of the above are resin kits that need assembly. I purchased the f iench tavern and have to say that it is one of the best buildings that I have ever seen for the price. All of the pieces fit together with very little work. My kit had virtually no flash. Each kit comes with clear assembly instructions and their web site has tips and suggestions for their customers. At their web site you can view pictures of the completed kits, simply beautiful. But the real jewel from this company is their latest release, the Pirate Ship (25mm/30mm). This kit includes 18 guns, masts, spars and sails. The ship measures 49cm long overall, 34cm long at the waterline and 37cm high. This ship is made for 25mm to 30mm figures. You can easily get 20 figures on the deck without crowding. The parts of my kit were cleanly cast with very little flash. Again clear instructions were included for assembly. I must say at this time though that you should take some time and go over the instructions a few times before actually starting construction. Make sure that you are clear on the assembly as they suggest using 5 minute epoxy which is not very forgiving if you make a mistake, The bast part of this kit though is the price, $45.00! My brother, who currently has models on display at the museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, says that the detail work is superb. I can not praise this company enough for this kit. By Hal Thinglum - ROYAL OAKS MINIATURES PAINTING SERVICE - Fred Bultman, 1013 W. 12 Mile, Royal Oak, Mich., 48073, has painted my 15mm buildings for many years and I have accumulated a great many European and English type wargames buildings. I really like Fred's promptness, painting style, and in general, his overall professionalism' He has gone so far as to study paintings of European towns, villages, and cities to obtain a "feel" for how to do my buildings! This shipment contained a number of stucco walls from TCS which Fred really did a nice job on; you can see the different colored bricks underneath the stucco and the four gate sections were all painted a different color, I also had him do several bridges which look very good dry-brushed. Whenever there is any "grass" on a model, Fred will drybrush it several different colors so as to make it stand out. TCS has a number of 20mm cottages with thatched roofs and Fred made these look great - again with dry-brushing a number of different greens, yellows, browns, etc. My favorite is a cottage with a large circular chimney in which the painting style makes it stand out so well. A Tudor style house has a shingled roof and again, a number of different browns were used along with a black "streak" leading down from the roof chimney as you would normally find - great eye for detail, Fred! Also in 15mm, I had a TCS house with walled in yard which Fred terrained with grass attached to the yard he did the same thing for a 6mm walled field and the effect is very good. TCS has some metal picket fencing which I find ideal for towns they were painted and off-white with grey stones on top of each post and the grass again was dry-brushed. Lastly, my 6mm houses and bridges are great - Fred used some outlining techniques on the house which really stand out. Highly recommended and thanks again for a great job, Fred! Much appreciated! By Hal Thinglum - THE LONDON WAR ROOM SCRATCH-BUILT TREES & HEDGES - While at BAYOU WARS in June, I had the chance to see Vince Clyant's (41 Beverly Hills Loop, Petal, MIS 39465 phone: 601-584-8533; e-mail: scratchbuilt trees terrained on bases for 25mm/30mm. The trees varied as to height and size as did the tree bases. They were going like "hotcakes" and his supply was gone in short order. I'd check them out if you are interested in trees. I had Vince make me some 15mm hedges for my Battle of Edgehill game in 15mm and I picked them up at BAYOU WARS, I was very pleased. Vince took strips of wood and sculpted them so that the tops were slightly rounded and somewhat irregular as to height. He then attached ground cover on them and even put two trees (scratchbuilt) into two different pieces of hedge. Vince made me a number of hedges of differing lengths to allow me to create various sized enclosures. Very effective work and they were greatly admired by the gamers who played in my game! Highly recommended, Vince can make virtually anything for you - give him a call or e-mail re your needs. I've seen several beautiful forts that he's made in 25mm as well as 25mm skirmish type buildings with removable roofs. Thanks, Vince! By Hal Thinglum - AMERICANA ACRYLIC PAINTS & APPLE BARREL COLORS When I decided to try my hand at painting again, I went to my local MICHAEL'S CRAFT STORE and checked out their paints Years ago, I used to get many of my paints from MICHAELS. AMERICANA has a very wide range of paints in many different variations of the main colors and I was in luck - they were on sale for .50/bottle (half-price) for 2 fluid oz. I like these paints - they are a little thick perhaps, but that only takes watering down a bit. Since I have been using Len Brewer's black priming method. I look for colors differing in shade for example, two different shades of gray - the darker one goes on first and the lighter is dry-brushed on. The look is very effective. APPLE BARREL COLORS had the only silver and gold acrylic paints I could find there; I believe they were a little over a buck each (2 fluid oz.) and spread well. I used to use RAL PARTHA silver/gold as I thought they were the best on the market for these two colors, and they still might be, but these work very well! You might also check out FRANK'S NURSERY & CRAFT store for inexpensive paints, but I think MICHAELS has the best sales! I also picked up some brushes from their sales bin while I was there not outstanding quality but cheap and the type I can use for non-detail work. Back to MWAN #107 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2000 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |