by Hal Thinglum
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The summer is flying by; this is Usually the time, for most of us, where it is difficult to find time for hobby activities. I've managed to fit in some hobby time; even did some painting, which I hadn't attempted in some time! About four months ago, I got the "bug" to try my hand at painting again and picked Out a 24-figure battalion of 15mm Malburian French infantry. I primed them white, my usual color, as I use the painting method where you water down the major color (coat) and let it splash all over the figure, and jumped in! Although I had some trouble with depth perception and doing really fine lines like leather belts and white lacing on the tricorn, I was pleasantly surprised by my efforts. This encouraged me to paint four more battalions of French foot and two 2-gun batteries with limbers. I'd forgotten how much I used to enjoy the relaxation involved with painting; I even got out my old painting record book and dutifully recorded the date, number and type of figures painted. I found that the more I painted, the better I did with depth perception, except for white tricorn lace(!), which made me feel Much better! Something else I started doing which I had never done before is to mount six 15rnrn foot figures to a tongue depressor with Elmer's White Glue for ease of painting. This works Out well for me as I don't have to touch tile figures and since I paint a whole unit at a time, by the time I am finished putting the trousers color on tile 24"' figures, the first figure is dry enough for me to do start another color. MWANer Len Brewer came up from Decatur the other night for a short visit. We've been good friends for more years than I can remember and he has done a considerable amount of painting for me over the years. Len utilizes the black priming method which I had tried some years ago with 15mm ACW figures. At that time, I found that it worked well for "greys" and "browns" though I had no luck with darker colors, such as "blues" for the Union. I asked Len to sit down with me this visit and show me how he paints. After watching him paint a figure, I realized I really didn't understand previously how to paint with this method. I was applying the colors on over the black way too heavy - your brush should be almost "clean" of paint after wiping it off on a paper napkin; in addition, once you pick out the color you are going to use, you select a second color, somewhat lighter than your first color, and apply that very lightly over the first. The night after he left, I tried it out on a Mounted limber horse rider and was very pleased with the result. I'm going to give this method another try, I think. It really gives you the "campaign" look, which I prefer, over what I call my "block" painting method of solid colors. I also learned another simple pointer from Len regarding painting. I had always painted the hair prior to painting the face. Len does it the other way around and it makes sense as I found it easier to work around the face with the hair color rather than the other way around. The realization that I could again do some painting has got me excited again about different periods I had planned on doing but had to hold off on. I have my 15mm Malburians bagged in battalions of foot (24), regiments of horse (12), and batteries of artillery (2 guns, limbers, limber horse teams/rider, and eight gunners) so they are ready to be Mounted on sticks, spray painted for priming, and set on the painting table. I have some serious reservations about painting British infantry red coats, but I suppose I shall give that a try as well. I'll let yoU know how that goes! Len and I took a trip out to THE EMPEROR'S HEADQUARTERS and I was very pleased to see that 0LD GLORY/19th CENTURY MINIATURES had released their 15mm Sudan line, which looked very good! The Sudan in 15mm has been on my list of "Periods of Interest" for years and I had stock piled about 500 painted ESSEX figures for this period. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear as though they are going to mix with the new releases as the new line is considerably larger although I didn't get a chance to compare them side-to-side. I don't have a listing, however, I remember seeing British infantry command (which John Brewer told me contains command from other types of British units as well), British infantry, Egyptian infantry, Sudanese infantry, Indian Infantry, carrels carrying guns, camels carrying baggage, horse or mule baggage carriers, Dervish foot, Fuzzy Wuzzy foot, Dervish horse, and Dervish Camels. They must have artillery in there someplace although I don't recall it. There is something about tile Sudan, which fascinates me; perhaps it is the idea of armies essentially armed with swords and spears against modern fire-power. This new line will force me to put the Sudan much higher on my list than it was before. I'm already going through catalogs looking for appropriate buildings and will make a trip to tile fabric store this weekend to pick up a piece of "desert" cloth to cover my table. I have a 15mm gunboat - can't recall from who - which will be perfect for river actions along the Nile! This period really lends itself to campaigns, doesn't it! It is also a period which I could paint myself and the black priming method would be great for painting Dervish and Fuzzy Wuzzies in their off-white/tan clothing. They should paint up very quickly. I really lean toward the early Sudan with Flicks Pasha and Charles Gordon. Oh, I hope OLD GLORY/19th CENTURY MINIATURES will consider doing some Bashi-Bazouks and other Arab types which Hicks and Gordon used a lot. If not, maybe someone out there can advise me on what else might be available to substitute for them. I've been getting more and more 20mm FPW figures back from my painters and this excites me as well. I have some terrific 20mm buildings from SENTRY MODELS, COLIN RUTHERFORD (via Bob Bowling of RLBPS) and TCS for France in the 1970's. In early June, my family and I attended BAYOU WARS in New Orleans and had a great time! The convention was very enjoyable as was the banquet and the company. They even have their own website ( which also connects you to their dealers there's a good idea, uh? If you are interested in joining this group, e-inail Chris Johnson ( who is a very pleasant gentleman. I'd like to thank Hilton McManus and Serena Lacour for making our arrangements. HMGS GULF SOUTH President Dwaine Balius was a perfect host (good luck on your upcoming marriage, Dwaine!). I had to admire the hard work put in by Serena Lacour and her children, in taking care of the registration booth and the refreshments area. Every convention has those individuals whose hard work and dedication make Such events possible and it was clear to see that Serena and her family qualify highly in this area. The convention ran from Friday at 9:00am till Sunday at 4:00pm ran my first game in years Edgehill in 15mm using Howard Whitehouse's IRONSIDES rules, which everyone liked. MWANers Jason Burnett, Mark Brown, and Dwaine Balius were kind enough to take part in my game and I enjoyed meeting them for the first time. I had some apprehension about tile game as I hadn't played the rules before and although I studied them intensively, it is different when YOU play it on the tabletop. Luckily, all players who were in the game were there because they were looking for a set of ECW rules and they were great about helping me work out some situations, which came up in the game. It was a very good game with the same historical result - a draw with both sides being a bit mangled! I'm going to tinker with Howard's rules a bit to suit my needs but if YOU are looking for a good set of ECW rules, YOU might consider these. They were in MWAN #93. The one section I had some difficulty with was the idea of commanders dispensing points to the units under their command. As the umpire, I didn't do a good job of making sure that units receiving points (for movement, etc) were within the proper distance of the general giving them out. This seemed a bit clumsy to me, but it may have just been that it was the first time I've tried the rules. I, as well as the players, loved the "rerolls" concept in Howard's game in which each general rolls each turn to determine how many re-rolls he has for that turn. They are used to reroll one (not two) die for firing, morale, etc., if you receive a dice roll you aren't happy with. During the long drive back to Illinois (16 hours) I thought about how I might entirely drop the points system but expand upon the re-rolls idea. It seems to me that you might just use the rerolls and base the number of re-rolls upon the ability of the general. Worth some thought at least. Anyway, thanks to the BAYOU WARS group for having me; nice friendly convention with lots of dealers, good looking games, friendly gamers, and a good location - can't beat that combination! Thanks again! My 20mm ACW project is coming along very nicely. I've got about 1500 or so Union and Confederate infantry painted Lip and twenty guns. Using the FIRE & FURY rules system and getting pretty close to being able to put a game on the tabletop. I just need to get more artillery and some cavalry (perhaps two brigades for each side) and I'll be finished with the figures. I want to pick up some 20mm fences from MUSKET MINIATURES and have them painted and mounted on metal stands (special ordered from WARGAMES ACCESSORIES) by Andrew Doyle of 3-D CONTOURS. Have you seen these fences'? Very effectively done! Speaking of FIRE & FURY, Rich HaseriaLuer has released his long awaited WWII rules (see ad in this issue). I've been waiting for thern because of my interest ill WWII Eastern Front. I've been picking up 15mm WWII figures, vehicles, and buildings in preparation for him to release his rules set. I suspect Rich's rules will be as popular, perhaps more if this is possible, as his ACW FIRE & FURY set is. Seeing as how there would appear to be a lot of WWII gamers, this may be a real boon to Our hobby! Let me know what you think of thern. I'm trying to get back to doing more MWAN interviews with wargamers; if YOU are interested in finding out more about anyone, please drop me a line with the name and why, or do the interview with that person on your own and send it to Inc. I think these are always interesting! By the way, if you want to e-mail me all article or letter, please do so ( as I've had good luck in putting them on my computer for use in MWAN. This makes correspondence so much faster. If you also have questions/address changes, please use my e- mail as much as possible. This brings up the issue Of house moves for MWANers; the post office does not forward bulk mail. This means that if I send you out a copy after you have moved, the post office eats that copy and neither you or I will ever see it again. My policy has always been to replace that copy at no charge once I receive your new address although this is a costly approach and I would prefer that you inform rue as soon as possible re address changes. Thank you. I would like to mention that the rules set "ON TO PHILADELPHIA" by Tom Barkalow and Rick Stoffel published in MWAN 102, were based Upon the ON TO RICHMOND set by Paul Koch published by THE COURIER. I should have mentioned this at the time but neglected to do so. The TERMINAL HOBBY SHOP, PO Box 3039, Milwaukee, WI 53201-3039 is a terrific place to locate terrain items and wargamirig plastic buildings. MWANer Tom Wirsing of TOMMY GUNNER 15's, 1402 Henry St., Normal, 11. 61761 *309-454-2015) offers 15mm painted WWII figures and vehicles. I think Torn is also interested in picking up painted armies for this period. GAJO, 930 Mellish Drive, Lapeer, MI 48446 (810-664-5655) has added painted 25mmACW figures to his 15mm painted offerings. Foot figures come 24 to a unit while you call purchase a gun and five crew or four Mounted Generals in 25mm ACW. ARTICLES OF WAR, 3 Rodeo Rd., Silver City, NM 88061-8710 (505-534-8840; email: always has out-of-print books available. In addition, they have all extensive line of military history books and publish their own volumes as well. MINIATURE SERVICE CENTER, 1525 Bridge St., Apt 163, Yuba City, CA 95993 (530-673- 5 169) not only carries Redoubt 25mm Figures, but has added I Corps Productions, Village Green, Harlequin, Helion, and Banasik flags. SMOKE & FIRE CO., PO Box 166, Grand Rapids, Ohio, 43522 (419-878-8535; sent a catalog of colonial, Scottish, and Medieval patterns, books and clothing. Re-enactors Would be interested in this stuff. Clem Clemens put me on the mailing list for BELLE & BLADE DISTRIBUTORS, 124 Penn Ave., Dover, NJ 07801 (973-3288488) and I received a 140-page catalog of videos devoted to historical filins. Excellent selections! The FIRE & FURY GAMES company has a web site - www.fireandfury.corn - which Should get even better once the rules are released ' Check it out; it describes the new WWII rules set! TRUE NORTH PRODUCTIONS , PO Box 579, Merrickville, Ontario, Canada KOGINO (613-269-2557; e-mail: JACKSON@DFO- MPO.GC.CA sends Out frequent updates re product releases via e-ruail for their 15mm WWII, 15mm Napoleonics, Realinwerks 1/144"' scale aircraft, and Perrin Miniatures (10mm WWII). I saw some of the TRUE NORTH PRODUCTIONS stuff while at EHQ the other night and it is very impressive! HELION & COMPANY, 26 Willow Road, Soliliull, West Midlands, B91 IUE UK (0121-705-3393~ e-mail: website: has a great collection of military books as well as a 25mm growing figure range for 1866 Austrian-Prussian War. MWANer Bob Burke, 4726 Apaloosa Court, Antioch, CA 94509 (e-mail: has back issues of SAVAGE & SOLDIER (photocopies for $2.75) and some later original issues for $2.50. These little gems contained some great information! Apparently there is a SAVAGE & SOLDIER website ( I'll have to check this out. GHQ, 28100 Woodside Road, Shorewood, MN 55331 (612-374-2693; website: not only have their well-known and respected line of 1/285th WWII, they have a 10mm line of ACW which I've never seen though I suspect it is of high quality. While at EHQ, I noted GHQ had a new line of metal 1/295"' buildings in the $5-10.00 range. Our long-time friend Pat Condray, 8 S. Somerset Ave., Crisfield, MD 21817 (410- 9682692, e-rnail: was my co-host at BAYOU WARS and the main speaker at the banquet. Pat spoke oil the "history of HMGS" from his book THE UNEXPURGATED HISTORY OF THE HISTORICAL MINIATURES GAMING SOCIETY Volume 1. You won't find Patrick's book on, though Barnes & Noble haven't approached me about carrying MWAN neither. I have what is apparently a prepublication copy and it provides an in-depth history of HMGS as well as something far more important - a list of who actually signed the attendance sheet in Wally Simon's basement when the organization was formed. Obviously this list is incomplete as my name does not show up on it; if my memory serves me correctly, I not only was the cornerstone of this infamous group, but I baked cookies for the group and drove fourteen hours to host the meeting in Wally's basement! While reading the list of twenty-two signatures and two others who were present but didn't sign, I was reminded of what happened to the signers of the Declaration of Independence - on the Fourth of July, I received a number of e-mails from people outlining the sacrifices made by this group because of there patriotism. I wondered what similarities there may be in this regard between the two groups given some of tile activities that have taken place in the last few years within HMGS-EAST. I did notice the name of one HMGS founder who, from what I've heard, became a "casualty" reportedly due to his involvement with the organization and no longer is involved in the hobby. This is indeed all unfortunate occurrence though one to be expected when organizations are formed. Given enough time, individuals whose egos are placed before organizational needs inevitably become involved. Anyway, Patrick also handles HISTORICAL PRODUCTS COMPANY (20mm Spanish Civil War) and EDITIONS BROKAW (15mm Malburian, including a number of excellent publications on uniforms and a rules set for this interesting period). Patrick is ail excellent writer and I suppose it is a good thing to have a written history of how HMGS was formed - it is part of our hobby's history and I've often thought we should have a written history. In my mind, Patrick could do this as could Bob Beattie. The Summer 2000 Edition of GAMES QUARTERLY, a catalog devoted to Adventure Gaining is interesting. Tile publication has been around for awhile and serves as a listing of Adventure Gaining products including some historical miniatures lines though it is primarily devoted to board games and fantasy miniatures. They listed the "Top 50 most influential people in the Adventure Gaming Market for Y2000. How many of these names do you recognize out of the "Top Ten" - Peter Adkisoil (CEO of Wizards of the Coast), Steve Jackson, Mike Stackpole, Vince Caluori, John Zinser, Tom Kirby, Richard Garfield, James Ernest, Steve Wieck, and Larry Elmore. I recognize Steve Jackson's name - that's it! Gary Gygax is #23. I think this illustrates the fact(?) that historical miniatures wargaming is a quite small portion of what some people consider "Adventure Gaining." Makes me wonder what "Our" Top Fifty list would look like? This would be a full thing to do at some point via a survey to MWANers. I've long thought that "we" should have our own awards for accomplishments Within our portion of the hobby other than what HMGS does via the JACK SCRUBY and LEGION OF HONOR awards. Off the top of my head, I would see this as consisting of tile following on a yearly basis:
I tried doing something of this nature by making an MWAN award for about seven or eight years by selecting someone and giving them a plaque and write-up in MWAN but I haven't done it for sometime. The forum I would see this taking is for MWAN to include a survey each year with each of the above named categories so that MWANers could cast their votes. Does anyone have any thoughts oil the above topic? I'd sure like to hear what you think about it. Painting Going back to my earlier "excitement" about being able to do some painting again, I sat down a few days ago and jotted down my "periods of interest". This is something I do when I am bored (I was at the airport waiting to pick up someone) and looking for an enjoyable activity. Do you ever do this? It's great fun, plus it makes you aware that you are probably far too expansive in your plans (dreams) and it might not hurt to become a little more focused. Anyway, I'm going to list them here along with their status and my plans:
Oh my! Twenty possible figure scales! I think I've achieved all all-time high! There aren't too many I call eliminate as many are already underway in a sizeable fashion. Do I have enough years, money, and/or painting time to complete this'? I seriously doubt it. I've got to stop looking at new figure lines, watching historical movies, reading wargaming publications, talking to historical wargamers, and devouring history books! After paring down my periods of interest at least twice over the last tell years, it would appear I've done it again. I'd be interested in hearing what your lists would consist of. Drop me a line re this. Well, with MWAN #106, I broke one of my "cardinal rules" in publishing; I took all action without thinking about it very much and added 32 pages - the minimum I call increase all issue. We are back to 192 pages this issue and the cover price decreases from $8 (#106) to the regular $7; hope this didn't pose a problem for anyone. I'd really like someone to do an article on terraining 6mm figure bases. With my 6rum SYW Project, I'm unsure of the figure bases and terraining method I'll use. Usually, I use static grass, which is quick, simple, and effective. However, I'm afraid the figures will be "lost" in high grass with this approach. LONE WOLF DEVELOPMENT, (650-726-9689; e-mail:; offers ARMY BUILDING Version II ($36.99) which allows miniatures "gamers to create rosters in minutes." ARMORCAST, PO Box 14485, Santa Rosa, CA 95402-6485 ( produces 1/60th scale one to three story buildings, fortifications, bridges, medieval buildings and other accessories as well as a few 6mm fortifications. BLUE SKY ENTERPRISES, John Stanoch, 6 Brookfield Way, Robbinsvile, NJ 08691 (609-897-0735) not only offers their SQUADRONS 1/300th Battle of Britain ($18.95) rules, but a large section of 1/300"' aircraft decals. The HARNWORLD modules are available from COLUMBIA GAMES, PO Box 3457, Blaine, WA 98231 ( I used to have several booklets and they would be great for campaigns. Also many historical books. CHIPCO GAMES, 616 Spar Dr., Redwood City, CA 94065 ( offers plastic bases in about twenty different sizes (24 stands in the $5.00/7.00 range. CRUSADER 29, 1180 Horizon Dr., Suite G., Fairfield, CA 94533 ( offers what would appear to be 25mm buildings for the Medieval period as well as "Gothic-type" buildings and ruins. Looks interesting! CUSTOM SCENERY, 601 W. Cliveden St., #B-112B, Philadelphia, PA 19119 (215-848-6432), whom I've never heard of before, has a line of grass, ground cover, "hi-liting" materials, and stone. EASY EIGHT ENTERPRISES, Brad Sanders, 10036 Caenen, Lenexa, KS 66215 (www.battlegroundwwii.coim has some really nice looking 25mm WWII figures which I've seen. However, the figures don't have bases and need to be attached to plastic bases. They also have an extensive line of WWII rules (10 sets) ranging in price from $15/$30 as well as 25mm resin accessories, which look interesting. BROOKHURST HOBBIES (see address in their ad in this issue) carries the FIREBASE GAMES 20mm/15mm/6mm scenery, terrain, and buildings for Vietnam and WWII (both 20mm); WWII, Vietnam, East European, Roman, and ACW (all 15mm); and modern urban (6mm) buildings. They also carry four wargarnes rules sets: Age of the Country at War (Samurai Warfare 1550-1615), Fire Free Zone Version 2.1 (Vietnam), Overlord (1944), and Grey Storm, Red Steel (Eastern Front Tactical, 1941-45). MINIFIGS USA (MWANers Tom Dye and Bill Winski), Attractix, 15107 E. Hampden Ave., Aurora, CO 80014 (303-699-3349) have 12mm WWII, 15mm Napoleonics, War of 1812, Alexandrian Macedonians, ACW, and Malburian/Great Northern War figures available. GEO-HEX, 2126 North Lewis, Portland, OR 97227 ( has an excellent looking 25/28mm Star Fortress ($75.00) measuring 30" square. Would be perfect for ECW/SYW! They also offer 25mm pirates & swashbucklers by Mike Broadbent consisting of 24 different packs. Haven't mentioned IRON BRIGADE MILITARY MINIATURES 2121 W. Shawnee, Muskogee, OK 74401 (918-687- 5281) for some time but they offer 25mm ranges including the ACW Confeclerals range (listed as 25rnm, 1/72 and 1/76 00 gauge), FFL, Boxers, Soldiers of the Queen, Pirates, AWL WWI, Thermopolites, Persians, and many wargaming accessories. JR MINIATURES, 2479 Selenium Ct., Loveland, CO 80537 (888-959-6600) has an excellent line of 1/285"' European and Middle East buildings as well as 15mm ACW and Napoleonic buildings and boxed sets. KLEER KASE, 11307 Isleta St., Suite 3, Los Angeles, CA 90049-3047 (; has acrylic display cases ranging from $45/$100 for figure display (1-5 shelves). MYSTIC MOLDWYRKS, 5301 Buckeystown Pike, Suite 103-182, Frederick MD 21703 has 25/29mm castles, towers, huts, houses, stockades (Wild West), and accessories which look interesting. OLD DOMINION GAMEWORKS, PO Box 1456, Winchester, PA 22604-7956 (, has a 6mm "MEIN PANZER" line of WWII figures and accessories including aircraft basing systems, railroad tracks (handy in 6mm modern games); 10mm ACW buildings and figures; and 15mm Ancient camps, pits, ditches, and other accessories. Haven't seen any of this stuff. Pictures of the buildings look quite good! PEWTERCRAFT CORP, Lee Sowers, Box 1134 (or Box 1222?), Jackson, NJ 08527 ( has a 1/285"' line of micro-scale WWII armor as well as buildings/ruins and accessories; 1/432nd scale aircraft, and 1/2400th WWII Waterline warships. PRINCE AUGUST LTD, Mal Green, 3 Rockpoint Ave., Wallasey, Merseyside, 1-45 INB, UK ( carries 54mm molds for casting your own armies for Napoleonics and chess sets. Haven't heard anything about RAFM, 36-A Faston Rd., Brantford, Ontario, N3P IJ5, Canada (519-759-2739) for a long tirne but they have 25mm Hellenistic figures, FIW, SYW, ACW, Wild West, British Colonials as well as l51um ACW. I used to like their 25mm British Colonial and SYW figures! STONE MOUNTAIN MINIATURES (see their ad ill this issue) Still offers the extensive 6mm ADLER MINIATURES encompassing WWII, Napoleonics, ACW, and SYW. NEWLINE DESIGNS, 6 Ardley Close, Ruislip, Middlesex, HA4 7PL UK (01895621706) reports they have a new range of 20mm Napolconics; I saw some of their Napolconics which are carried by Vince Clyant of THE LONDON WAR ROOM (41 Beverly Hills Loop, Petal, Ms 39465 and they look good; not sure I saw the new ones however. French foot (1808-12), Guard, horse, artillery, and foot (1812-15), casualties, and for 1812-15 they offer Russians and Prussians. They also have a 25mm Punic Wars line. IRREGULAR MINIATURES, 3 Apollo St., Heslington Road, York YO1 5AP (phone/fax 01904-671101) is adding lots of lines/scales/periods (as usual!). In 10mm, they have Imperial Rome and Her Enemies, Dark Ages, and Medievals while in 20mm, they are offering Napolconics, ACW, and Malburians. In 25mrn they have all Egyptian line out as well as 54rnm Gladiators (nine figures at 2.50 pds per figure or 20 Pounds for the lot). Check Out their listings; they have a very wide range of items/periods/scales! They also offer the fastest mail order services! AB FIGURES, Ffos Yr Ewig, LIanfynydd, Carmarthen, SA21 7DD UK phone/fax +44(0)1558-668771 has released 20mm WWII British tank riders and infantry sections marching, advancing, and kneefing/prone. In 15mm Napoleonics, they've added French Imperial Guard Lancers and AB flags for British foot and Guard regiments. GRIPPING BEAST, 15 Field View, Bucklesham, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP10 OEE (phone/fax 01473-659771) has added 25mm "Rome's Desert Frontier" with Sasanid elephants, infantry, camels and cavalry. DIXON (available from WARGAMES - see ad on last page) has released a 25mm Ancient Chinese line as well as Stearn Boats (for your Darkest Africa project). They also have 25mm French Colonial Africa & Dahomey War figures including pack mules (a useful item for many different periods). WEST WIND PRODUCTIONS, PO Box 178, Oldham, OL2 7FP, UK (obtainable from OLD GLORY, PO Box 20, Calumet, PA 15621) has added to their 25mm WWII line with German veteran campaigners and British Commandos. These are outstanding figures! Russ Dunaway of OLD GLORY informs me that it will be a very extensive line and that the vehicles will be released at HISTORICON. OLD GLORY has also released an extensive (34 packs) line of 100 Years War - Part One The Crecy War. ESSEX MINIATURES, Unit 1, Shannon Square, Thames Estuary Estate, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 OPE UK has released 15mm Huns and Napoleonic Portuguese (line infantry, grenadiers, militia, cacadores and armed civilians/guerrilas). Available from WARGAMES in US. They also have a new 15mm Chin Chinese & Warring States (480BC202BC and Shang or Clion Chinese 2000771 BC) line. FRONTLINE WARGAMING, Gibraltar Farm, Ham Lane, Gillingham, Kent ME7 3JJ (01634-832189) released more 20mm WWII items including a Grant, 3 variants of the Crusdaer, two Panzer Mk2's, one MkI, Renault R40, M3 Lee, German light flank gun position, and British coastal observation post. Available in US from RLBPS, 4927 Treeview Tern, Rockford, IL 61109. IT FIGURES, 193 St. Margaret's Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 4HN, UK (01502518340) has a 20mm trench system for WWI as well as their WWI 20mm line of figures and vehicles including Germans, British, French, Italians, Americans, Turks, Belgians, Russians, Austrians and artillery. Also available from WARGAMES in USA. ELLERBURN ARMIES, Boxtree, Thornton Dale, nr Pickering, N. Yorks YO 18 7SD, UK has released a set of 25rnm Gladiators. Available from Colonial Connection, 226 Wareham's Point, Williamsburg, VA 23185 (phone/fax 757-229-1499). If you are looking for 25mm HINCHLIFFE, including the excellent 25mm Napoleonic additions by Peter Gilder, you'll find them here - as well as their great 25mm vehicles. GLADIATOR GAMES, 11 Derwent Ave., Biggleswade, Beds SG18 8LY UK (phone/fax 01767-314881; web: e-mail: has a set of skirmish rules "Morituri te salutant" for 7.50 pds as well as 25mm Gladiators (nine packs of three different models each for 2.20 pds). TIN SOLDIER, 18 Lion Lane, Billericaay, Essex, CM12 9DL (phone/fax 01277-623697 email: Website: has a line of 25mm Scythians. QUALITY CASTINGS, PO Box 11714 Alexandria, CA 22312 has a new e-mail address and website: - they have an excellent line of WWII and modern 15mm items in pewter. MUSKET MINIATURES, PO Box 1976, Broomfield, CO 80038 (phone/fax 303-439- 9336; email has a nice line of 20mm WWII Russian-type buildings. RENAISSANCE INK, 335 Torrance Ave., Vestal, NY 13850 (607-748-1665; e-mail offers six different types of wargame bases with 20 different sizes for each type. STARLANCE PUBLICATIONS, 5104 Cooperstown Ln., Pasco, WA 99301 has a new set of skirmish rules for the Indian Wars and Wild West PONY SOLDIERS ($9.00 including P/H). G.K.G. GAMING, 86 Regan Rd., Ridgefield, CT 06877 (phone/fax 203-431-8726 ( offers the Italian MIRLITON Napoleonic line. I've never seen this line; Would appreciate a review from someone who has. BATTLEFRONT 15mm WWII figures are available from MILITARY MINIATURES USA (425-822-855 1) website - these are outstanding 15mm WWII items with the vehicles cast in resin and metal. Back to MWAN #107 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2000 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |