by Stephen Lawrence
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With the introduction of a new line of figures for the Roaring 20's, I was asked to covert a set of rules for a friend to use to run games at conventions and such. Well, I tried several sets and came up with the following conversions from Desperado, and my own sets published by Old Glory called Sons of the Desert and Warpaint. The basic movement, morale and hand-to-hand combat systems only needed changes to the names and simplification of weapons types, but the Shooting Chart had to change and I needed to add vehicles, so I set to work. I wanted to keep both simple and playable, but with a modicum of uncertainty left in them. After some work, i came up with the following charts I added the .45 Colt Automatic Pistol, a separate line for the sawn-off shotgun, and the Tommy Gun and the BAR (a favorite of the State Police in several states, as well as local police, G-Men, and even Clyde Barrow, "Bonnie and Clyde" notwithstanding), Note in Sons of the Syndicate, that although the Tommy Gun can fire a truly deadly fusilade of shots, it is limited to a 6" spread (3" to either side of a central target figure). As for vehicles, I broke them down into several general types-- getaway cars/G-Men cars are late model, big, have well kept engines and are well driven. Police cars are not as well kept up and have generally got more miles and not quite as good maintenance. Jallopies are the "bit o' this, and bit o' than" cars of kids and young fellows, often well driven but of dubious staying power. Older cars or Model A and Model T's, generally driven hard and by older folks or farmers. Pick up trucks are just that, solid and durable. Delivery trucks would be step vans and such, but would also include "armored cards" for the transport of large sums of money from place to place. Driver skill is used for making turns when Flooring It, or in OffFoad Driving, and when a I is rolled for movement. Remember, the roads in this era are poor, even in larger cities, where cobblestone is the most common surface, Mix a rolling gun battle and a high speed chase and its truly a deadly mix. Well, that's the spiel. If any questions arise, just get out your set of the rules I use as the base for the set and check what is in them. God bless and Good Gaming to all. SONS OF THE SYNDICATESEQUENCE OF PLAY 1 . Dice for first move: high roll moves first (use Q-die of leader),
Modifiers to Movement
Cross ditch, stream, or hedge -d6" Turn mounted 90 degrees -d6" Mounted jump ditch/hedge/wall-d6" Climb flight of stairs -2" RANGED COMBAT
Modifiers to the die roll to hit
Running/Galloping -3 Resting Long Gun +1 Marksman +1 Mounted -1 Firing up or down -1 TARGET IS
Running/Galloping -2 Obscured -1 Behind soft cover -2 Behind hard cover -3 Mounted +1 Out of Ammo: If a 1 is rolled on a to hit:
Outlaws 5+ Others 4+ HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT Modifiers to the die roll:
You are G-man or Pugilist +1 Enemy is above you * -1 You are wounded -1 Your morale is bad -1 Hand-to-hand combat results:
Beat your foe by 1 or 2: Foe is wounded Beat his roll by 3 or more: Foe is killed outright Two wounds equals a kill. Wounded figures fight as d6 Quality die. Wounded figures may not run, and have a penalty of two to any horsemanship or driver skill rolls. MORALE
A figure is wounded, or a group sustains casualties. A figure or group comes under fire from a Tommy gun or BAR. A unit is surrounded or cut off from their escape route. A group reaches 20%, 30% or 50% losses. Any one attempting to close into hand-to-hand combat. Modifiers to the Base Number
Group is cut off or surrounded -1 Each casualty +1 Getaway car crashed -2 Losses exceed 25% +1 Outlaws defending a solid structure -2 Losses exceed 50% +2 Civilians entering hand-to-hand +1 Unit is outnumbered +1 Results of a morale failure:
2. Run for cover. Full move away until no longer fired upon. 3. Figure panics and will fire as d6 man next round. 4 Unit retreats as full speed until rallied. 5. Does not close with enemy. DYNAMITE One figure can light one dynamite fuse or bundle per turn. Roll a d6 as follows: 1-4 ignites the explosives, 5 all lit but roll for dud, 6 fuses won't light, try again next turn,
Structures vs TNT: Roll a d 12 to equal or beat the following numbers.
HAND GRENADES Throw Q-die +2" for distance. Roll of 1 is a PROBLEM. Burst radius is 2". 6+ on d10 for wound. 9+ is a kill. +1 to the roll if grenade explodes inside a building+ Collapses wooden building on a roll of 10+ PROBLEM: Roll a d6, 1-5 = dud. 6 - dropped, explodes 1" from thrower. SONS OF THE SYNDICATE
Vehicles | Basic | Floored* | Offf-road * | Driver (3+) | Parts (3+) |
Getaway cars | d6+8" | 24+2d6" | 3d6" | d12 | d12 |
Police cars | d6+8" | 20+2d6" | 3d6" | d10 | d10 |
G-man cars | d6+8" | 21+2d6" | 3d6" | d12 | d12 |
Jalopies | d6+6" | 20+2d6" | 3d6" | d10 | d6 |
Old model cars | 2d6" | 12+2d6" | 2d6" | d8 | d8 |
New model cars | d6+8" | 18+2d6" | 3d6" | d8 | d10 |
Pick-up trucks | d6+6" | 16+2d6" | 3d6" | d10 | d12 |
Delivery trucks | d6+6" | 12+2d6" | 2d6" | d6 | d10 |
Any time a roll of 1 (s) comes up, that vehicle must roll on the Driver Parts Chart. If the roll is equal to or higher than the number listed, no problems. If the roll is lower, the vehicle rolls against the appropriate chart. The first 1 is driver, the second 1 is parts, and three 1's are rolled, subtract one from each die roll, including the roll.for any failures!
Driver failures:
1 . Car crashes and rolls over. All occupants roll on crash
2. Car crashes. All occupants make a roll on crash
3. Driver loses control. Lose half speed and roll against driver next turn.
4. Driver loses control. Lose half speed.
5. Swerve, lose 2d6" speed
6. Swerve, lose 2d6" speed
Parts failures:
1. Tire blown. Car crashes. All occupants roll on crash
2. Steering damaged, Roll against driver each turn except for basic speed
3. Bent rod. No floored speed. Roll on parts if moving off road.
4. Overheating! -d6" and roll on Parts each turn.
5. Swerve, lose 2d6" speed
6. Swerve, lose 2d6" speed
Crash Chart:
1 D-E-A-D, Dead!
2. Severely injured, no movement,
3. Injured, -1 to shooting and hand-to-hand, no running.
4. Injured, -1 to hand-to-hand, -1 to shooting (except
5. Stunned.
6. Stunned.
The following charts are for the Sons of the Syndicate version of the Desparadoes rules.
Movement (6 sider)
Modifiers to Movement:
Mount/Dismount -1
Reload pistol 1
Window/Door -1
Reload rifle 2 turns
Jump fence/low wall -
Encumbered - 1/2 turn
Light wound - 1
Brokelegs crawl
Take careful aim -2"
Shot dead no move
Hand-to-Hand Combat:
Final Die Roll : Effect
Protected: When a target is in hard cover (i.e., a wall, window, or doorway), all shots which would strike a body part in cover ore No Effect, as follows: WALL - only head, shoulder, chest, and arms/hand hits count. WINDOW - only head, shoulder, and hand/arm hits count DOORWAY - only head, arm/hand (and exposed side of body count if using a rifle or shotgun).
Opportunity Fire:
A character may withhold fire as follows
Weapons (Rds) | Up & C | Short | Medium | Long | Extreme |
Pistols (2) | 1"/80% | 6"/60% | 12"/40% | 18"/30% | 24"/10% |
.45 Auto (4) | 1"/80% | 6"/60% | 12"/35% | 18"/25% | 24"/5% |
Greener(2) | 1"/120% | 3"/90% | 6"/50% | 9"/10% | - |
Sawn-off (2) | 1"/90% | 7"/70% | 10"/40% | 15"/20% | - |
Tommy Gun (single shot) (2) | 1"/85% | 6"/75% | 10"/40% | 18"/20% | 36"/10% |
Tommy Gun (auto) (9) | 1"/80% | 6"/70% | 10"/35% | 18"/15% | - |
Rifle (2) | 1"/75% | 15"/65% | 30"/50% | 35"/40% | 60"/10% |
Knife (1) | 1"/80% | 3"/50% | 5"/30% | 8"/5% | - |
Tommy gun split: 2", Autofire: -20%
Shotguns split: 2", Greener split: -3"
Modifiers to Hit:
Fire Effect Chart: Red die =10's, white die = 1's
Die Roll | Hit is to: | Wound | Pts | Effects |
1-5% | Head | Fatal | All | Eat lead, G-man! |
6-10% | Rt Arm | Light | 1/2 roll | Ya rurnt my shirt! |
11-15% | Chest | Bad | Full* | Dat's fer Guido |
16-20% | Groin | Bad | Full* | Singin' soprano |
21-25% | Left leg | Broke | Full | Crawl only, copper |
26-30% | L. shoulder | Light | 1/2 roll | Close but no cigar |
31-35% | Left arm | Broke | Full | Knocked down |
36-40% | Stomach | Bad | Full* | Gut shot, Ma! |
41-45% | Head | Grazed | 5 pts | Da next Scarface |
46-50% | Chest | Fatal | All | Drilled 'em, Ness! |
51-53% | Left foot | Light | 1/2 roll | Gimp (1/2 move) |
54-55% | Right foot | Light | 1/2 roll | Four-toed Eddy (1/2 move) |
56-60% | Right leg | Broke | Full | Crawl only, cockroach |
61-65% | Side | Graze | 5 Pts | Out of uniform |
66-70% | Left leg | Light | 1/2 roll | No running, ya scum |
71-75% | Right arm | Broke | Full | Knocked down again |
76-80% | Chest | Graze | 5 Pts | Dented badge of courage |
81-85% | Right leg | Light | 1/2 roll | No running, ya bum |
86-88% | Left hand | Graze | 5 Pts | Drop yer weapon |
89-90% | Right hand | Graze | 5 Pts | Drop yer weapon |
91-95% | Left arm | Light | 1/2 roll . | Edgar'll replace it |
96-97% | Side | Bad | Full* | Just lie dere and wait |
98-00% | Weapon | Broke | None | Weapon damaged beyond repair! |
*Bleeding/Full % every turn intil gone. |
Revolver 0000000000
Shotgun 0000000000
Rifle 0000000000 0000000000
BAR 0000000000 0000000000
0000000000 0000000000 0000000000
0000000000 0000000000 0000000000
0000000000 0000000000
Thompson 0000000000 0000000000
0000000000 0000000000 0000000000
0000000000 0000000000 0000000000
0000000000 0000000000
Body Points: 0000000000 0000000000
0000000000 0000000000 0000000000
0000000000 0000000000 0000000000
000000000 0000000000
Broken: RA LA RL LL
No Run
1/2 Movement
Crawl Only