By Hal Thinglum
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By Hal Thinglum - SCENIC EFFECTS BUILDINGS/TERRAIN - Scenic Effects, PO Box 70332, Point Richmond, CA 94807 (phone 510-235-1955; FAX 510-233-9901) has released some great new 20mm buildings from their "Battle of Normandy Bocage Country" line. First of all is WB52 St. Eglise Church, which comes in 4 pieces ($50.00) including two steeples (one destroyed and one intact plus a 20mm metal paratrooper who can hang from the steeple. This is a large model measuring 5 1/4" X 9" X 4 1/4" high (not including the steeple), There is room in the ruined steeple for a machine gun team! WB46 is a two storey Villager's house with a separate shed ($25.00) 3 1/4" X 3 1/2 X 4 1/4" high. WB41 is a two storey farm house with on outbuilding attachment which can fit onto one wall ($25.00) 2 3/4's" X 3" X 3 '/2" high. WB42 is a barn with attached wall and O.P. roof ($30.00) as well as a metal cow and a covered well. There is a 2 1/2" adjoining wall jutting out from the long side of the barn. WB47 is a high village wall ($3.00) with a small shed; the wall is four inches long. These are in lightweight resin and beautifully detailed; they will took great painted up and on the wargames table. I am planning on using them for my 20mm Franco-Prussian War project. Scenic Effects offers a number of other items from this line - including three different hedge row sets; MG nest, farm animals, ambush with dead cow roadblock(!); German sniper in haybail; Pak Bunker, and obstacle set. Some great new items and very helpful! Highly recommended! Scenic Effects is branching out into 6mm houses and doing a fine job. There are three items available: MM1 4 story buildings (3 buildings; 2" X 3") on a city block ($10); MM2 three story large guest house on a city block ($10; 2" X 3") and my favorite, MM3 Rural crossroads ($20; 6" X 5" with four buildings, shrubs, fields and walls. These are truly excellently done structures! They are intended for the European area. Highly recommended. If you are a 6mm gamer, these are for you! I wanted to obtain some items for my 15mm musket period(s) so I obtained C134- two piece Grand Redoubt ($25) which has a long curved redoubt separate from the large 4" X 8" "raised" redoubt with room for four guns! A real beauty! C133 is an intact graveyard ($ 10) measuring 4" X 4" with 26 gravestones. Will look great next to one of my l5mm churches! Lastly I've been studying Scenic Effects terrain items in their listings and wondering what they'd look like. RS8 is a two piece swamp ($25) available in either "mud" or "blue/green" they are irregular in shape and measure about 5" X 12" when placed together. Mine is the "blue/green" and very effective. TE3 is a large trampled wheatfield ($15) 5 1/? X 9" which won't need painting - neither will the swamp, by the way. These items are made of latex. TE I is a small trampled wheatfield ($8) which is 4" X 5 1/2". TE2 is a five piece wheatfield ($15) with various sized pieces; would be good for 6mm-15mm. TE4 is a two-piece plowed field 3 1/4" X 5" and 2" X 3 '/2". The last item is TE6 a four piece set of crop fields ($15). None of these items require painting; they are flexible and would easily adapt themselves to a gentle sloping hill on the wargames table. Drop Scenic Effects an SASE for a listing of their products; there are many, many items you'll find very useful for your table! Highly recommended items! By Hal Thinglum - ROYAL OAK MINIATURES - MWANer Fred Bultman, 10 13 W. 12 Mile, Royal Oak, Michigan 48073 is by far the best painter of wargames buildings and accessories that I've come across in twenty-five years in this hobby! I have a weakness for wargames buildings of all scales (!) and I tend to pick them up whenever I run across an interesting item for my table. I used to paint them myself, however, I was so unhappy with the results and finally took the plunge and sent Fred some buildings a number of years ago. I have been very pleased with the results! Recently I got back a beautifully done huge 15mm European building - perhaps a Hovels, I don't remember - the stones leading to the doorway are highlighted; grass an vines look very realistic; the roof is shaded; and much more! I also had him do a Hovels 15mm stone bridge which turned out great! The roadway is done in shades of brown while the stone bridge is done in black, gray and shades of white. He also did a small 15mm redoubt for two guns - the dirt looks like dirt(!); the gabions are a slightly different color than the dirt, which I liked - and the wooden supports for the guns are done in grays. Excellent work! Now, iny favorites - 6mm buildings - I found 13 6mm structures at a couple of different hobby shops this summer and sent them to Fred for painting. They are just fantastic! These are European type buildings - the bridge has shades of grays with realistic grass along the sides; there is a beautifully done railway station called "Halheim" (thanks, Fred!) - Fred always does special things such as this! The buildings are all so well done - comer stones are painted different colors than the main structure giving them a very nice took; Fred has a real "feel" for what colors should be used. If I tell him that the buildings are from the same town, he will make sure that they are painted so that they look that way; wonderful work, Fred - Thanks! Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - PRACTICAL WARGAMER YEAR BOOK 1999 - I was very pleased to receive this 98-page glossy publication edited by my good friend, Stuart Asquith, so soon after receiving word that PW had ceased publication! There are eighteen quality articles for $13.00 (7.95 pds); it should be available from hobby shops or you can order directly from Customer Services, Nexus Media Limited, Nexus House, Azalea Drive, Swanley, Kent BR8 8HU, UK (phone 0 1322 616300); add 10% postage for UK, 15% Europe and 20% elsewhere. There are four articles concerned with Colonial actions (Boxer Rebellion, Boer War, and 1898 Nile), ACW, Poitiers, an interesting article on 6mm wargaming, terrain making, Adrianople, Nagashino, Culloden (including rules), skirmish gaming, several WWII pieces, writing scenarios, and a fantasy article. All good stuff and highly recommended! Good to see you back in action, Stuart! By Hal Thinglum - JEFF LISTA'S WARGAMES ACCESSORIES - MWANers will know that I have converted all of my wargaming periods, except for my 25mm SYW collection, to metal stands from Jeff Lista and am very pleased with them. I have found Jeff to be highly responsive to my requests and as late, I have been requesting items which require "special" considerations as they are not "standard" sizes. I recently ordered 1/2" X 6" metal stands which are intended to be used for Musket Miniatures' 20mm ACW wooden fences. I wasn't sure if Jeff could produce these, but I received them within ten days of my order! Cost was seventeen cents each, a most reasonably price and I am looking forward to how nice my fences will look based upon these metal bases. If you are interested in using high quality metal bases, or have special needs, you can't do any better than Jeff s products! Highly recommended! by Hal Thinglum - 28mm CANNON FODDER MINIATURES - Cannon Fodder Miniatures, PO Box 36604, Winnellie, 0821 N.T. Australia (Phone 08-89816283; e-mail: is a new wargames company and their goal is to represent "those warriors and soldiers who made up the vast bulk of armies throughout history." Gregory Blake, of CFM, also states "Another important aspect of CFM is a desire wherever possible to keep our prices to a reasonable level. We really want to offer wargamers the opportunity to amass large armies without breaking the bank." Gregory currently offers 28mm figures for the Mahdists (19); Egyptians 1877-85 (10); Cape Wars (6); and Jungle Drums (8 African Warriors, which would appear appropriate for the recent releases for African explorers). Also offered are a small, but growing, collection of 20mm Viet Cong (3). Sent for mention within this column were the following: Hadendowah advancing w/sword , charging throwing stick, and advancing w/spear; Ansar w/sword and w/Remington rifle; Egyptian infantry lunging w/bayonet, standing, and bugler-standard bearer; from the Jungle Wars line African Warriors in feathered bonnet, shaved head w/topknot, and with knife and severed head; and from their Cape Wars line Xhosa Warrior with knobkerrie & musket, with musket, and in short trousers w/musket. Some figures have open hands and they offer 18 packs of weapons (6 pieces for $1.50 Australian dollars, which, by the way, are roughly equal to $1.00 US). Figures are $1.50 Australian dollars each while 20mm are $1.00. Overseas orders need to include 25% extra for airmail. These are rather nicely done figures. All figures received had cast on shields, which I prefer. Detail is good and I did not notice any flash at all! I was impressed with the initial offerings from CFM. Gregory reported they have plans to add figures for the Australian Colonial era; more African Warriors, Sudan and Cape Wars; "some ACW"; Garibaldini, Neapolitans and Papal troops; Vietnam 20mm and Rhodesian Bush War 20mm. Highly recommended figures and good luck, Gregory! Just before going to print, Gregory sent a second package of figures - these are for the Colonial Egyptian Army and there are twelve figures consisting of five Egyptian enlisted men ( three marching, one firing, and one in headcloth), two officers (one marching, the other is my favorite as he is attacking w/sword and would appear to have an enemy on the ground with his sword poised above him - or he could be drawing a line in the sand!),two Sudanese (one is a Gendarme in Zouave uniform), a Bashi Bazouk, Arab infantryman, and a Black Sudanese Bazinger rifleman. I like these figures - I can tell the weapon is a Remington rifle and it appears well proportioned in relation to the rest of the body. Personally, for the Sudan, I would prefer not to have my figures marching - perhaps a variety of advancing poses, but this, as mentioned, is highly personal. I know I'm getting spoiled, but I would also like several varieties of poses within each unit. I really like the fact that Gregory is making the "odd" units such as Bashi Bazouks, Gendarmes, Arabs, etc., as if I were doing the Sudan, I would do the Gordon period where he had a hodge-podge of units in addition to his regular Egyptian and Sudanese troops. These figures would fit in perfectly with the Colonial figures from the Peter Gilder Connisseur line now available from J&T Miniatures in bulk packs at very inexpensive prices, by the way. Thus far, I really like what I see from CANNON FODDER! By Hal Thinglum - RLBPS PRODUCTS - RLBPS, 4827 Treeview Terrace, Rockford, IL 61109 (815-874-535 1; FAX 815-874-4829; e-mail: r1bpsbgearthl ink. net; WEB: http://home.earthi ink. net/rlbpsb/) continues to expand their foreign imports offering Raventhorpe, Frontline, Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Company, Colin Rumford buildings, Mick Sewell's Sentry Models, BPCAST, Raid Fire Rules, and Banasik flags (Iowa is a foreign country, isn't it, Orv?). A new offering is Steve Barber Models, which for those who haven't heard of Steve, consists of 25mm Prohibition Wars figures as well as a large collection of 1/300th, 1/200th, 15mm and 25mm buildings. Two Prohibition Wars figures were sent for review ($1.70 each); one is a man in a suit firing a pistol and the second is a figure with longer coat with both hands in his coat pockets. Detail is good and there are a total of 26 figures in the line. In addition, there are listings for roads, streetlights, dust bins (what are they?), table/chairs, and weapons/bottles as well as rules for the period ($19) and three buildings: speakeasy/shop ($90), tenement block ($45) and bank ($95). Prices seem to be more than what wargamers are used to paying for their figures though I suspect Steve Barber has taken a lesson from Fantasy/role playing figure companies as regards the pricing and Bob Bowling of RLBPS is making the best of that pricing approach. From RAVENTHORPE MINIATURES, long a 20mm WWII producer, comes 20mm Colonial figures: seven Fuzzy Wuzzies for the Sudan : advancing w/rifle, standing firing, advancing w/spear, w/sword (3 types) as well as British from the Boer Wars in 20mm who can be ordered with separate heads (sun helmets, covered sun helmets, and bush hats). These are very attractive 20mm figures (.90 each) and 20mm gamers will be thrilled to hear that they also offer a selection of Zulu War figures (25 total figures for Zulus, British, NNC, Frontier Light Horse, Sikhali horse, and 17th Lancers) as well as NWF tribesmen (four poses and three porters). Very tempting 20mm figures! From THE HONOURABLE LEAD BOILER SUIT COMPANY, who offers an extensive 25mm Russian Civil War line, comes an interesting line of 25mm of "Dinosauria" consisting of 19 different Dinosaurs - deinonychus anfirrhopus, velociraptor, gallimimus, pteranodon, tylosaurus dyspelor, elasmosaururs platyurus, tyrannosaurus rex, styracosaurus, chasmosaurus, triceratops, hadrosaur, nannotyrannus, phgororhacos, allosauros, coitasogivathus, albertasaurus, stegosaurus, and protoceratops (prices range from $15/pack of six or two, to $15 to $37.50 for one, depending upon size (my spell checker will have a great time with these!). I received a pack of D3 Gallimimus - six for $15.00; they are, of course, in lead, and require assembly. They also offer two steam launches ($18 for the small one and $24.75 for the medium) and a new line of African animals (12 ranging in price from $6.95 to $15.95) and six packs of African Hunters (four for $6.00) - hunters with big guns, with normal guns, with mixed guns, in foul weather gear, "femmes fatales" and military rescue team (five in this pack for $7.50). The Hunters line is quite interesting and Bob sent five of the six packs for mention leaving out only the female pack. Very nice figures and I would think they would be a nice addition to the FOUNDRY's line of African figures! Each of the four figures in a pack are differently posed with good detail and animation. The big guns are "big" indeed; I don't know anything about these types of guns! The "mixed" guns set has different figures than the big/normal packs. The figures in the foul weather gear pack would make great Wild West figures (you just have shave the band off one of the figures' hats). The military rescue pack is neat - consists of one officer w/sword and four enlisted men with fixed bayonets. All are wearing pith helmets. You could have some interesting scenarios with this line of figures combined with natives from the Foundry! All good stuff! Finally, the RAPID FIRE rules by Colin Rumford and Richard Marsh fascinate me; there are five different sets: the basic set ($24.95), NW Europe organizations ($19.95), Russian Front Organizations ($34.95), Scenarios for the Russian Front ($22.95), and Guide to the Operation Market Garden ($24.95) which was kindly provided for mention by Bob. This is a high quality, glossy 72 page publication with many well-done and motivating color pictures! It offers information on a summary of the operation, wargaming notes consisting of general rule modifications to Rapid Fire, the campaign area in 8' X 5' tables consisting of ten pages of well-done wargame maps, eight scenarios, organizational tables, the 1st Airborne 'Grand Manner' game which can be played by four to eight players over a two day period and allows the gamer to field an entire airborne division, and vehicle and weapon classifications for the Allies and Germans. A very nicely done booklet and highly recommended. I would love to see the Russian Front booklet! Highly recommended to the WWII gamer and for those wargamers who enjoy seeing and reading quality publications! By Hal Thinglum - MICHAEL BANASIK'S 'SERVING WITH HONOR' ACW DIARY MWANer Michael Banasik continues his praiseworthy effort of publishing ACW volumes with Volume 3 in his series UNWRITTEN CHAPTERS OF THE CIVIL WAR WEST OF THE RIVER with SERVING WITH HONOR, the Diary of Captain Eathan Allen Pinnell of the Eight Missouri Infantry (Confederate). Cost is $19.95 for this 448 page effort; postage is $2.50 (Press of the Camp Pope Bookshop, PO Box 2232, Iowa City, Iowa 52244; vis/MC 800-204-2407/FAX 319-339-5964; e-mail: The diary covers the period August 1862 to June 1865 and three battles: Prairie Grove, Pleasant Hill and Jenkins' Ferry and presents an account of the battlefield actions, camp life, and the Captain's opinion of how the war should have been conducted. Good work, Michael! By Russell Thompson - FEUDAL CASTINGS' 15MM 16TH CENTURYJAPANESE - Available from DIVISION AFTER DIVISION (e-mail: from Roger Dospil, who is well known for his friendly, fast mail order service. SAM 1: Advancing Samurai with yari in armor. Yari held in both hands at a 45-degree angle, no variation in pose. No flashing on the body of this figure, only minor amount on yari of some of the figures in the bag. l7mm from feet to eyes. SAM 2: Ashigaru advancing with yari in armor. Yari held in both hands at 45 degree angle, no variation of pose. Very minor amount of lashing on some of the Yari. The 'cooking pot' helmjingasa is cast a little too small for my liking. But looking at the Osprey books, they look in scale. All details are sharp and clean. 17mm. SAM 3 Mounted Samurai with yari in armor. The catalog, an old one, noted this figure had a separate molded weapon arm. None of the figures in the pack I bought had separate arms. All of them were cast on. This figure looks a little smaller than the foot in the line. The detail on this figure's armor/clothes is not as sharp as the high level on the others in the line. There is no variation of pose in the bag. Very little flashing on horse, but none on the Samurai. SAM 4: Ashigaru with musket in armor. Half of the figures are holding the musket 'at ready'; the others have it at the shoulder 'firing.' All details are sharp and clean, no flashing on any figures - 16mm. COMMENTS: This small, but growing line, is the best 16th Century Samurai figure line I've seen. The poses are a bit 'stifr when compared to the contorted poses of TWO DRAGON, but the detail is outstanding. Not reviewed was SAM 5 Warlords. I'll pick them up when I order my reinforcements. Packs are $3.25 for eight infantry/six command/four cavalry. So, will they mix with TWO DRAGON Samurai? The cavalry - yes, just fine. The foot - yes, if you don't mind some Samurai being taller than the Taoist Yoga poses of the TWO DRAGON brand. The Ashigaru - yes, when next to an upright figure. When the feudal is next to one of those strange crouching TWO DRAGON poses, it will look a bit off. This is because of TWO DRAGON's variable size, 16mm down to 13mm. By Hal Thinglum - MARBETH DESIGNS TERRAIN ITEMS - MARBETH DESIGNS, 26, The Park Pale, Tutbury, Burton on Trent, Staffordshire, DE 13 9LB, UK - available from Spirit Games, 98 Station Street, Burton on Trent, Straffordshire, DE 14 1 BT, UK. Jim Dickinson of Marbeth Designs states that he "specializes in sci-fi, WWII and modem periods; all items are molded in a polyurethane that does not shatter like most do." Having seen Marbeth Designs listings in wargames publications, I've wondered what they are like. They offer a wide range of terrain items. They have a 6/10mm road system complete with hedges and walls; rivers suitable for any scale; canal systems in 6/10mm, post 1850 period; 6mm buildings, blockhouses and defenses; 10mm buildings, bridges and roads, 8mm (1/200th) Arab and European buildings; 15mm DBM encampments and WWII blockhouses/bunkers; 20mm buildings; as well as a large range of 25mm fantasy vehicles, figures and accessories. Sent for mention in this column were the following: hedge, high wall, low wall, road, log road, road lane, river, canal, 20mm barrel pack, 25mm dry stone wall, and 1/300 bunkers (hex, square, and MG bunker), and a "Man" mag - personnel carrier with AP laser or missiles or MG (7.50 pds), a beautifully done large vehicle with small metal parts. I really like the road system as well as the canal system. The road systems without hedges have low 'ground' sides and would be perfect for 6/10mm figure sizes. I would say that the canals could be used effectively for 15mm as well as one doesn't always want "real" length canals on their tabletop, as with rivers. The log road is very interesting; I'd love to see this in 15mm to be used in WWII 15mm Russian Front scenarios! Roads lined with hedges are well done; again, I'd like to see them done in 15mm. Cost of the road sections is .50p each for 100mm long sections; main roads with hedges are .85p for 125mm sections. The 25mm dry stone walling sections are very good (90p for 100mm section) with gates, comer sections, "tee" sections, and collapsed sections also available. They also offer 25mm log roads with ditches, and hasty barricades from the Fantasy line which can be used for historical games as well. Very good stuff and highly recommended. Write for an extensive catalog! By Mike Adams - 25mm OLD GLORY ANCIENTS - I got some new packs of OLD GLORY Ancients from Norm and Robbie Flam of THE TOY SOLDIER GALLERY. PRR 10 - Roman Ballista and crew ($27) - you get four ballista (two pieces, easy to fit together!); they look great, but you also get ten crew in various poses! They are pointing, two with levers, two with baskets filled with darts for ballista. All figures measure about 28mm from foot to helmet brim. A great buy for great figures. All have lorica segmenta and coolus helmet. PRR I I Roman Stone Thrower ($27) - you get one stone thrower; there's about ten pieces, but it's easy to put together. Also, you get a crew of seven, again in various poses - three with levers, one with stone, one right hand raised, one kneeling and my favorite hands on hip! All figures measure 28mm and all have lorica segmenta and coolus helmet. To make Roman engineers use the extra figures and OGSE-12 Empty Wagons (two for $15) from OLD GLORY siege range with FOUNDRY Roman sappers. If you can still get them! PRR12 - Roman Legionaries 2nd Century ($24 for 30 figures). They all measure 28mm; all have lorica segmenta and coolus helmet. These figures fit well in the time frame of at least 35 AD to 250 AD. These figures have five poses in the pack but there are different head variants, facial expressions, etc. Great looking figures from a company that is listening to the wargamer! A great job and great figures from OLD GLORY - thanks Russ & Connie. Figures and catalog available at local hobby shops or from OLD GLORY, PO Box 20, Calumet, PA 1562 1. By Hal Thinglum - THE SPANISH ARMY OF PHILLIP V - Pat Condray (from May to November: 8 South Somerset Ave., Crisfield, MD 21817; From November to May: 2225 S. Gulfwater Pt., Crystal River, FL 34429) offers THE SPANISH ARMY OF PHILLIP V ($3), a 26- page MWANsized digest book which is concerned with the War of the Spanish Succession. This is only one of the many booklets offered by Pat for this fascinating and little known period. His booklets provide a great deal of information which is otherwise quite difficult to find. I have almost all of the booklets and have referred to them often in my organizational planning stage for this period in 15mm. The booklet consists of an introduction to the period, infantry organization, listing of infantry units, flags, hair styles, foot uniform colors, special corps, infantry arms, artillery organization/uniforms/equipment, mounted organizations, standards, uniforms, mounted units, weapons, and command/staff uniforms. Very useful information and highly worthwhile! By Hal Thinglum - 28MM FOUNDRY RELEASES - The Foundry, Mount Street, New Basford, Nottingham, NG7 7HX, UK (phone 0115-979-2002; FAX 0115-979-2209) has a number of new releases in 28mm. First of all from their "Darkest Africa" line which seems to have really taken off comes seven new packs: Baluchi swordsmen, European traders and travelers, Masai characters, British officers and adventurers, Belgian officers and NCO's, Belgian Askaris, and Belgian Askaris in straw hats. I have packs of the Baluchi swordsmen and European Traders/travelers for mention within this column and they are gems! They do measure 28mm from top of the stand to eye level and are extremely well detailed and animated! As usual, they possess a great deal of applicability for other periods; for example, one of the European traders/travelers is standing with his right hand behind his back and his left on his hip and would make a great ship's captain for a riverboat on the Nile! The Baluchi's are "wild- looking" with all weapons and shields cast on. Great Stuff indeed! The next period with releases is from the Renaissance (16th Q with five packs offered: Gendarmes (two packs), Gendarmes with plumes, Demi-Cannon, and crew. The cannon/crew and Gendarmes with plumes were sent for mention and they are fantastic, as you would expect! The cannon is a huge sucker - great detail! There are seven crew - also a stack of cannon balls - all crew in different poses. The Gendarmes with plumes have separate lances (nicely cast) - the plumes would appear to be slightly different from each other. There are also four differently poses beautiful horses. From their CUTTHROAT line of Pirates comes seven new packs - Boarding axes, Maroons 1, gun crew, freebooters, floating filth, scurvy swabs and cannon. The freebooter pack has seven figures with a variety of weaponry (swords, pistols, muskets) and one with beer mug! There are six gunners in different poses; two guns on ship carriages with extra ramrods (beautiful little ship's cannons!). Eight differently posed figures in the Maroons I pack - all with muskets and plainly dressed - in comparison to the Pirates who are mostly dressed in fancy clothes! The scurvy swabs are "scurvy - One appears to be a "gentleman" with his hands tied behind him; another is a woman, while the other six are armed with swords/pistols. There are eight differently posed boarding axe figures with boarding axes and some of them also have swords. They are in fantastic poses and would look great posed alongside the ship's side ready to swing over to the unfortunate victim! Lastly the floating filth pack has eight figures with muskets/swords/pistols in a variety of poses/clothing. Great stuff from the Foundry! Lastly, they included a pack of Macedonian/Sucessor Phalangites which they are currently working on. These are well-detailed figures, all with separate pikes and shields. They have Phalangites in heavy armour, helmets, felt caps, straw caps, trousers, bare legs, kausia, greaves and a selection of pike poses. Highly recommended figures from a highly productive company! Hold the Press! Just got home and there in the mail is another package from THE FOUNDRY! The Darkest Africa line has been expanded to include Stark Naked Warrios, Baluchi Swordsmen II, British Sikh and Askari NCO's, Belgium Askaris in Waist Sashes, and Belgium Officers and NCO's II. Submitted were the Baluchi Swordsmen II pack and Belgian officers/NCO's II. The Baluchi swordsmen feature eight differently posed swordsmen - some with shields - all have cast on shields and swords. These are great figures - it just occurred to me that I could use them for my 25mm NWF project - they would fit perfectly - I can imagine a British infantry line flinching as the await these "wild" irregulars to hit them! One has a twohanded sword and is bringing it back over his left shoulder. Great figures indeed! The Belgian officers/NCO's II pack is interesting - again figures which can be used for a variety of periods/settings. Having built a 25mm Sudan army years ago, I love the figure in Fez with pistol upright - would make a great Egyptian infantry officer! There's another possible ship's officer in this pack - great possibilities! The Foundry reports they are continuing work on Early Germans, Macedonians, Assyrians, Sumarians, Trojans, Vikings, Old West, and Prussian/Russian SYW. By Hal Thinglum - RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR BOOKS FROM THE GAUNTLE - Craig Martelle, The Gauntlet US, American Embassy Moscow, PSC-77, DTRO-M, APO AE 09721, has been transferred by the Marines to Moscow and we, as wargamers, are greatly benefiting from his being there. Craig has a great deal of energy and has been out on the Moscow streets picking up any items which would be of interest/assistance to us as wargamers! I ordered three books on the Russian Civil War - THE WHITE ARMY, THE RED ARMY, and THE NATIONALIST ARMY - all forty- six pages in the Osprey format with black/white illustrations, photographs and color drawings of uniforms. These are fantastic books - they are in Russian, but Craig provides translations of the captions for the color uniform plates, which is very helpful (of course!). Each book is underpriced at $ 10.00 - they are all hard cover books! Highly recommended. Write Craig for a listing of products which are available or e-mail him at or check out the Website: All products shipped postpaid to the US; overseas orders are 20% extra. Service is very fast! He has also picked up a number of great 70mm metal miniatures encompassing Ancients, Napoleonic, Medieval, Renaissance, Russian Revolution and WWII - they are unpainted and only $6.50 each. Also available painted ($25) to a collector's quality and mounted on a wooden display stand. I have one of the figures and am very impressed with it - I plan on ordering many more and displaying them! Check out his listings - you won't be disappointed! You just won't see these items again once they are gone! Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - REDOUBT ENTERPRISES 25MM NEW RELEASES - REDOUBT ENTERPRISES, 49 Channel View Rd., Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 7LN UK (Phone 0 1323738022; FAX 01323-738032) has released additions to their fine 25mm ACW range in the form of 25mm American Civil War Zouaves - ACW105 Eastern Zouave command has an officer, drummer, two open-handed standard bearers and two sergeants in Zouave pants &jacket, leather greaves/gaiters. ACW106 Western Zouave command has the same mix but they are in normal trousers with light equipment and some figures have gaiters In addition, there are three Zouave heads available: Tiger (fez & straw hat), Fez hats (with raised pom-poms), and turbans with raised pom-poms. AC 107 Eastern Zouaves in baggy trousers and AC 108 Western Zouaves in straight trousers (both marching at right shoulder shift) and AC 109 Eastern Command, AC I 10 Western command, both advancing at the double. Each of the enlisted men packs contains six figures in different poses. They come with separate heads. Figure packs are 4.00 pds each including heads while head packs are sold separately for .50p each. My favorite is ACX34 (19 pounds) which is Wheats Tiger Zouaves with thirty figures in firing and skirmish poses including commands with a mixture of straw hats and fezes which, Redoubt reports, make up the First Special Battalion of the Louisiana Tiger Zouaves. Within this pack are two casualty figures as well. All figures have separate heads. This set would make a great firing line as they are in differing loading/firing poses. I really like the kneeling firing and loading poses who both have their left foot pushed far forward! This line would really paint up great! I also like the drummer carrying his drum behind him over his shoulder in the 109 pack! What a wargames unit these Zouaves would make! Highly recommended to the ACW garner or a wargamer who wants to paint up a diorama of these fantastic ACW figures! Also released was Napoleonic French Horse Artillery - five figures including officer and four crew with rammer, mallet, trailspike, and wormscrew. The officer is especially well done as he is standing leaning forward pointing with his right arm and shouting to his left (cost is 65p each). As usual, the Redoubt figures are essentially flash free, have fantastic animation, and great detail! Also just released is HAVE PIKE, WILL TRAVEL! Renaissance Rules (7 pounds plus 50 pence postage), a set of skirmish rules for the period by Bill Johnson and David Ratcliffe. These rules are 40 pages long and the authors report it "is a game of conflicts between small mercenary companies in the treacherous world of Europe around the turn of the 15th Century." They add "Your task is to raise a company of determined soldiers and outfight your opponents in an attempt to achieve the aims of your employers." The period covered is from the late 100 Years War through the Wars of the Roses. One figure equals one real man except that with "groups" of pikemen, melee results are worked out as a group. Ten-sided percentage dice are used and base sizes don't matter. The authors state that 18 to 20 "characters" are the most that can be easily played in a small skirmish though more can be handled if playing larger sized games, especially if using the group concept mentioned above. There are four classes of figures (poor/raw, average, good and expert). The rules provide information on putting together a "mercenary campaign" in which each player is a mercenary Captain who hires himself and his company out to employers with the purpose being to accumulate money. Troops are priced as to type, armor and arms and specialists such as surgeons, assassins, engineers and thieves can be purchased. Players can also utilize spying, bribery, and "treats" (in the event someone tries to bribe your troops). Eleven types of "missions" are offered: acquiring the mission (done randomly), guard convoy, assassination, stealing, protection, sally, capturing tower/building, major battle, destroying/defending property, and patrol. These possibilities are interestingly presented. There is a three page section on developing scenarios which is interesting. There are six major phases with sub phases within each: Initial Phase (2 subphases), movement (7), Shooting (7), melee (2), morale (2), end phase (7). There are two "quick reference" sheets, a summary sheet for expenses/earnings, and an "events" chart (randomly done) which is referred to during the initial phase. Movement is carried out in "paces" (one pace equals 2.5 feet); to give you some idea of movement, walking for foot and mounted figures is ten paces. There is a two page section devoted to examples of play, which I always find helpful. Lastly, they offer a three page scenario for four players. An interesting set of rules; as usual, even if you are not interested in this period, there are some good ideas in this set which can be applied to other periods. Nicely done! By Hal Thinglum - IRREGULAR MINIATURES - Irregular Miniatures, 3 Apollo Street, Heslington Road, York, YO10 5AP UK has been releasing a large number of figures in a variety of scales. I don't have any samples of them, but they are worth mentioning. There are 25 new 25mm Pirates (55p), a new line of 25mm Mariburians, 15mm Modern Soviet and enemies, 10mm Napoleonics/Medievals/Imperial Rome, 6mm Late Renaissance/moderns, 25mm Gladiators, 54mm assorted, and a large number of 42mm figures (75p for foot/1.50 pds for mounted) for Ancients, Medievals, Austro-Prussian War, Colonials, Indian Mutiny, WWII Russians/Germans/Ameri cans, SYW, AWI, Crimean War, Balkan Wars/Russo/Turkish Wars, ACW, Napoleonics, and Spanish Civil War. I think 42mm figures could be quite interesting. IM has a large number of well-done catalogs; I suspect a five dollar bill would bring you the catalog(s) you are interested in. Give them a try; you'll be surprised by the number of figures/periods/scales/accessories they have available. I recently decided to add some horse units to my Thirty Years War 15mm collection and ordered 12-figure units of SR4 Polish Lisowski Cossacks, SR5 Polish Panerni, SR6 Polish Winged Hussars, SR7 Early Polish Knights, SRI 0 Serbian or Croat Light Cavalry. All are one-piece castings - I much, much prefer onepiece 15mm cavalry castings - the Winged Hussars have their wings cast on (another plus); there are minor variations amongst each figure type; detail is good and flash is minimal. I like the 15mm IM lines - they fit in very well with the other 15mm manufacturers I have. Highly recommended! Again, I urge you to obtain a catalog of their extensive lines! By Hal Thinglum - HOUSERULES NAPOLEONICS III - Brian Stokes, PO Box 2074, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067-2074 sent a copy of his HOUSERULES NAPOLEONICS III($24.95 not including P&P from BROOKHURST HOBBIES). This is a spiral bound 115 plus page volume; Brian reports it can be "used with any scale of military miniature" and doesn't require remounting of figures. Time scale is ten minutes/turn though with 25mm, one figure equals 60 real men, ground scale is one inch equals 100 yds (6mm), 1" = 50 yds (10-20mm), and V = 25 yds for 25mm, five minutes equals one turn. D6 are used and the author states "These are not grand tactical rules and are best used in battles where each individual controls no more than 30 active units at any one time." He further reports that this edition differs from the first two primarily in the manner in which combat is calculated. There is an excellent index (these are always very helpful). There are 14 phases inn a turn: initiative roll, command distance check, declaration, forced movement/pursuit, movement, opportunity fire, artillery re-alignment, removal of halt markers, defensive morale check and fire, offensive morale check, combat, skirmish resolution, post combat morale check, and cavalry pursuit and control. Movement initiative is influenced by what Brian calls the "relative qualities of the lower echelon command cadre available to each nation." There are many examples of play and the rules are explained in a very clear fashion. I must admit to being impressed with Brian's writing abilities and organizational skills - very important factors in rules writing. There are tables for unit capabilities for the combatants as well as army organizations which are presented by time frames (i.e., Austria is divided into 1801-05, 1806-12, and 1813-15). This is an interesting set of rules; I'd love to have an article from someone who plays the system! By Hal Thinglum - 3-D CONTOURS - Andrew Doyle, 3-D Contours, 120 McPhail Rd., Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (phone 601-583-4321) has been doing my tree basing for a number of years and I have never been disappointed. I recently sent him a number of 15mm and 6mm trees and asked him to base them anywhere from four to six trees for 15mm and more trees on the 6mm bases. Andrew does a great job with trees and adds little extra items on the base such as brush, rocks, etc. Cost was .75 per tree which I find highly worthwhile as I don't have the skills as someone such as Andrew does. Andrew constructs any type of terrain features; write him with your needs and get a cost estimate. Highly recommended!
By Hal Thinglum - 20MM SENTRY MODELS - RLBPS, 4817 Treeview Terrace, Rockford, IL 61109 (phone 815-874-535 1; FAX 815-874-4829; e-mail: carries the excellent 20mm line of Mick Sewell's Sentry Models. These are "in-scale" 20mm buildings; to me that means they are large enough for 25mm. I obtained these with the intention of using them for my 20mm Franco-Prussian War and Seven Years War Projects and must admit that I am very pleased with the quality. First of all, AT01 Norman Church ($40) 3 1.2" X 7" X 3 3/4" high with separate roof and tower (6" tall) with removable roof. AT02 Raised Graveyard ($45) - an 8" base with stone wall and gate for the Norman church to sit upon. AT07 Row of shops ($62.50) on an 8" X 7" base; two shops, one two stories and the other three stories, each with an enclosed back yard. For you skirmish gainers, the roofs are lift off and they provide floors which are removable. The three storey building has an attached shed in the back. AT 15 Detached house with high walled garden ($37) is on a 6" X 7" base and is a two storey structure, again with removable roof and removable floor. The side of the house and the back have an enclosed garden with brick wall. AT16 Large Farm Complex ($85.50) is on a huge 10" X 11" base with a main farm building (two stories) with removable roof and floor, an "L" shaped barn with removable roof, two smaller attached sheds, a tall main wooden gate, and a small gate in the rear of the complex. These structures are made of resin and are quite heavy - thus the reason for the hefty prices - can you imagine how much it costs to ship these over from the UK? Whew! Quality is extremely high with fantastic detail! There are vines growing on the sides of many of the buildings and walls and grass on the bases. They do require some cleaning of resin for windows and around some edges but this is not bad. Because of the removable roofs and floors, they would make great skirmish level buildings; however, my intention is to glue them in place. I have no doubt that these buildings will look great painted up! There are a number of other structures available including a number of ruined buildings. They match up well with SCENIC EFFECTS structures of the same scale (20mm). About a year ago, I saw the Norman Church and raised graveyard painted up and it was most impressive indeed! They also offer a concrete MG bunker ($9), Town Hall ($65), and schoolhouse ($41.25). This line is, I believe, intended for French/Northern Europe for WWII gaming, however, as you would expect, they can easily be used as far back, in my opinion, as the Seven Years War. Highly recommended for the 20mm gamer! By Hal Thinglum - MELEES GLORIOSUS WARGAMES RULES - David Gundt, PO Box 2493, South Bend, IN46680-2493 (Phone 219-876-3610; e-mail:; has published his rules set - Melees Gloriosus - a 96-page effort. These rules are designed for conducting miniature warfare in the Age of Antiquity 2500BC-500AD and encompass land, naval and siege warfare. 2D6 are used; each figure equals fifty men, each chariot represents ten, each elephant equals five. One inch represents 15 minutes and the rules were written for 15mm and 25mm scale figures. Although David recommends that light infantry should be based three to a base and heavy four to a base, he states that if you already have a basing system other than what the game uses, it is fine as long as it is consistent. The sequence of play is Movement, Missile Fire, Melee, Morale Checks, and Bonus Breakthrough. Command figures have a "sphere of influence" of 10/12". MG is a move/countermove game; to give you some idea of movement, skirmishers/light & heavy infantry move 6" while light & heavy cavalry move 10". A point system is provided for units, ships and equipment. The naval rules again use 2136 and are 12 pages long. The siege warfare section is 14 pages long. There is an appendix for optional rules and a six page section regarding strategy and tactics of the period. David also provides a four page glossary of ancient terms. There are three "cheat sheets" covered in plastic and four separate army lists (New Kingdom Egyptian, Assyrian, Roman Cohortal, and Barbarian Celt). What has been described thus far constitutes the "basic" version ($26); another version is available with a CD ($38) and a third "deluxe" version includes the CD, dice, shaker and "original music" ($44). The rules seem to be well-written and organized; by the way, David is Herb Gundt's brother (H.G. Walls). Recommended for Ancients gainers who are always looking for an interesting set of rules! A Short History of the 30 Years War By George Dullaghan In 1618 Emperor Ferdinand ruled the Austrian Hapsburg Empire. He was allied to the Hapsburgs of Spain. Frederick, a Protestant, was chosen Elector of Bohemia. Since he was in a position then to threaten the Emperor and insulted his ministers, the war began. In 1620 the Hapsburg army defeated the Bohemians at White Mountain. After this victory, the German Protestants were supported by the Dutch, English, and French in order to maintain a balance of power in Europe. The Danes invaded Germany, but Wallenstein, the great imperial general, thwarted all their efforts, and in 1632 they conceded. In 1630 a Gustavus Adolphus led Swedish army invaded Germany. in 1631 and 1632 Gustavus defeated the Imperialists at Breitenfeld and Lutien, losing his own life. Wallenstein was assassinated in 1634, allegedly for plotting to overthrow the Emperor. Ferdinand of Spain, who would by the successor of Ferdinand of Austria defeated the Swedes at Nordlingen and restored equality of power. The war was no longer religious in nature after this. Richelieu led the Catholic French in a collation against Austria and Spain. At Wittstock in 1636 the Swedes beat Imperialists allied with Saxon Protestants to prove the point. Ferdinand died in 1637 and was succeeded by the Spanish Ferdinand. The invincible Spaniards invaded France and headed for Paris. At Rocroi, Prince Conde smashed the Spanish, ending a 150-year military reputation of perfection in open battle. Other defeats led the Hapsburgs to compromise and the war ended with the peace of Westphalia. Thirteen million died. Out of this came states with professional armies, a partial end to feudalism and more centralized government. BY LEN BREWER - RAVENTHORPE MINIATURES 20mm WORLD WAR II VEHICLES Available from RLBPS 4827 Treeview Terrace, Rockford, Illinois, 61109- 4135. Recently received several kits for review. RTR - 70 US Sherman with a 75mm gun. This is a resin model on a resin base. The gun barrel is metal. This kit fits in with other manufactures lines of vehicles. The kit comes with 4 pieces. Hull on a base, turret, hull machine gun and the barrel. Very clean model with crisp detail. The only problem that I have is that the turret just sits upon the hull. I added a small piece of wire to the hull and drilled a small hole in the turret, so that the model can rotate its turret. A very good and inexpensive model to add to any US army. Cost is only $14.50. Highly recommended for the gamer. RTR - 71 is a Sherman Firefly with the 171b. Gun.this is a resin model on a resin base. The gun barrel is the only metal part. The machine gun barrel was left out in this kit, but a small piece of wire made do for this. Once again a clean crisp model with good detail. The model fits in with other lines very well. I did add a small piece of wire to the base and drilled a small hole in the turret, so that it could rotate. A very nice model for the British army gamer. Cost is only $14.50. Highly recommended for the WW II gamer. RTR - 51 is a German Stug III, with the long barrel 75mm gun. A resin kit with a metal gun barrel. The kit fits in very nicely with other lines. This kit has extra boogie wheels on top of the engine compartment, along with the extra track that is placed on the front of the vehicle. If you are inclined to add side skirts, this is very easily done, since there are brackets on both sides the model. The model is very clean and crisp in detail. The cost is only $14.50. Very highly recommended to the German WWII gamer. BY LEN BREWER - TACTICAL CONFLICT SYSTEMS 545 NEWPORT AVE. SUITE 155, PAWTUCKET. RL 02861. First for review is a 15mm wagon. The ones that I received didn't have a code number. Cost is $4.00 each. This is your basic wagon that can be used for several ranges. This is a metal kit that will require assembly. The pieces goes together smooth and easy. There is a very small amount of flash between some on the wagon wheels spokes. A sharp hobby knife can get rid of this flash very fast. I will use these with my ACW army and the wagons fits in very nicely with other models. Highly recommended. Also received some Catus kits. Cost is $3.50 per kit with three models in each package. This is a 25mm kit. This kit consist of a white metal catus with two extra arms. All, that you have to do is to cut these off the spruce and glue to the catus. These short arms goes into the predrilled holes very easy. Highly recommended for the Wild West gamer. #70 is a set of 10, 25mm tombstones. These are in various shapes and sizes. There was some excess flash on some of the bases. A good knife and hobby file got rid of this. #71 is a set of 12, 25mm tombstones. These are in various shapes and sizes. There are a couple of open graves in this package. Both of these sets was used for my boot hill. If you play the Wild West in 25mm, then you owe it to yourself to look at these models. Sodbuster kit A. the following are from TCS 25mm Hollow Houses range. These kits are resin and white metal kits. In the first kit " A ", there was excess flash in the doorways and windows. This is removed very easily. The house is 4" by 4" and stands Ttall. This kit sits upon a nice wood plank base and has a separate shingled roof. There is a front porch available. The windows and porch columns are white metal. The windows had to be trimmed just a little to fit. The next kit "C" is of a store front building. The kit measures 3 1/2" by 3 1/2" and stands 2" high. The store has wood plank siding and sits upon a wood base. The roof is shingled. There are several boxes stacked on top of each other for the outside of the building. The door and windows fit together very good in this kit. Kit "D" is the barn. As before this kit has separate doors and windows. The barn is the same size as kit "C" there are boxes, an anvil and a smokestack available for this kit. Kit " E " is another storefront building. Measurements are the same as before. Had a little extra flash on this kit. All parts went together very easily. The kit has wood plank walls with a shingled roof. There are several barrels for placement outside of the kit. All of these kits was $22.00 each. Very highly recommended for the Wild West gamer. By Len Brewer - BRITANNIA MINIATURES RUS 40 120mm MIR - This is a very nice model of the Russian 120 nun mortar from WW 11. This pack comes with one mortar and three crewmen in overcoats. The mortar is a one piece casting. Very sturdy and impressive. The detail is very good as expected from Britannia. The three crewmen are in various poses. There was no flash on any of the figures or on the mortar. This is a very good addition to the Russian range for WWII. Available from " THE GAME ROOM " 1293 PEORIA STREET, WASHINGTON, IL. 61571. The price is only $4.50. If you are interested in east front gaming, you should look into this. By Len Brewer - LATEST PRODUCTS FROM RUSSIA - Available from Craig Martelle The Gauntlet U.S.Recently I ordered some products from Craig Martelle of the Gauntlet. These are available from The Gauntlet U.S.." THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR OF 1812. " the defense of Russia against Napoleon. This is a 20 page glossy magazine with very good pictures and captions in English and Russian. The color is outstanding in the pictures. A very good source of information from the Napoleonic Wars. " THE RUSSIAN ARMY OF 1812" . This is a collection of 32 postcard size 4 1/8" by 5 7/8" color cards showing various units from the command of General Kutuzov in 1812. The color is outstanding on these cards. Detail is sharp and clear. There is an English translation available for each card. On the back of each card, there is a good amount of Russian, if you can read it. " THE BATTLE OF BORODINO " is a collection of 21 large postcard size 7 1/4" by 5 1/2' size cards that recreates the battle of BORODINO. These cards will line up and show the entire battle from the Russian point of view. This is a very interesting set of cards. " ALL RUSSIA REMEMBERS " is a collection of 16 postcard size 5 7/8" by 4 1/8" cards showing various items from the Great Patriotic War of 1812. Included in this are scenes from various battles, captured French equipment and other interesting items. All of these items are available for $5.00 each. These items are available from Craig Martelle, Major (sel), USMC, American Embassy, Moscow PSC-77, DTRO-M, APO AE 09721 or from the The Gauntlet has a complete listing of other products that deserves to be looked at. These items are a must for the Russian gamer of the Napoleonic Wars. BY LEN BREWER - RAPID FIRE FAST PLAY WORLD WAR TWO RULES FOR USE WITH 20mm MINIATURES. These rules and the supplements that follows are available at most hobby stores. All of the books are in the English glossy form. Each book is 8 1/2" by 11 1/2". Pages vary from 64 to 102 in later supplements. These are a set of fast play World War I I rules. The basic company has 8 figures in it. The battalion has about 48 figures with support weapons. The rules was made for playing large games. We have used these rules and have had over 200 figures on the table with armor support. The company will fire as a whole instead of individual. When the battalion loses 20 figures or 50%, they check morale. You can get a good feel with these rules. Yes, there are some holes in the rules, but you can always make one up to cover it. In the basic rules there are 8 different scenarios. The following supplements are available and they use the same basic rules and each volume will add some special rules. Rapid Fire supplement #1: UNIT ORGANIZATION FOR THE 1944-1945 CAMPAIGN IN NORTH WEST EUROPE; Rapid Fire supplement #2: UNIT ORGANIZATIONS FOR THE RUSSIAN FRONT 1941-1945; Rapid Fire supplement #3; SCENARIOS FOR THE RUSSIAN FRONT 1941-1945 and Rapid Fire campaign guide; OPERATION MARKET GARDEN, SEPTEMBER 1944. All of these books gives the basics units plus any support that is available. When using these rules, it's possible to play a large game and to finish it in the same evening. If you are into WWII gaming, took at these rules and guides. You wont be sorry that you did. Prices range from $18.00 to $25.00 per book. Back to MWAN #102 Table of Contents Back to MWAN List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1999 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |