by Robert Burke
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I have been a wargamer for 30 years and a professional indexer for the past 15 years, so I suppose it is only natural that my two interests should coincide at some point. I love collecting wargame magazines. However, like most wargamers, I have spent a fiustrating hour or two searching for an article that I had read just a month or two ago, only to give up after being unable to find it. That is why, in addition to collecting wargame magazines, I also collect indexes for wargame magazines. Indexes are a wonderful research tool. They can help you pinpoint what you are looking for in a matter of minutes, thereby saving you hours that can be better spent painting figures. I have collected indexes for various magazines and have even written a couple myself This article lists the indexes that I know of which are available for various wargaming and hobby- related magazines. However, before I start listing the indexes I need to clarify a few terms. According to Webster, an index can be defined as "a list... arranged usually in alphabetical order of some specified datum." The British standard is that an index is a "systematic arrangement of entries designed to enable users to locate information in a document." Unfortunately, not all indexes for wargarner magazines are organized in a logical, alphabetical arrangement. Some are merely database entries, listing articles in the order in which they were published (although these are better than nothing). Some indexes are a hybrid form of an index, listing articles in a chronological order according to date of publication, but organizing the listings under broad, general headings. I have tried to assign a label to each index listed below, based on whether they are a true index, hybrid, or database. The magazines orjoumals for which I have found indexes are: Civil War Times and Civil War Times Illustrated (Index): The index for the Civil War Times and ifs successor magazine, the Civil War Times, Illustrated, covers articles published from 1959-1989. It costs $29.95. There are also two other index volumes covering other popular civil war magazines. These magazines are Arnerica's Civil War (issue # I through 1995); American History (May, 1966 through October 1995), Blue & Gray (issue #I through 1995); Civil War Magazine (issue #1 through 1995); Civil War Regiments (Volume 1 through Volume 4, #4); Civil War Times. Illustrated (same as above, March 1989 through 1995); Gettysburg, Magazine, (issue #1 through #13); Military History (Civil War only, issue #1 through 1995i; Civil War News (book reviews only, 1988-1995). Volume I costs $37.00 (or $32.00 for paperback) and Volume II costs $39.95 (cloth
only). Shipping costs are $4.00 for the first book and $2.00 for each additional book. Contact
Historical Indexes, PO Box 64142, Sunnyvale, CA 94088-1 Courier. The (1969-1975: Index): The first version of The Courier was published
from 1969-1975. The Courier published indexes for the first six volumes. Unfortunately, they
ceased publication without publishing an index for Volume Seven. That lack of completeness
bothered me so I wrote an index for Volume Seven, following the same indexing style used for the first six volumes. Anyone who would like a copy of my index for Volume Seven can order one
by sending me a large (9"X 12") SASE with $0.52 postage.
Courier. The (present edition; Index): The Courier resumed publication in 1979,
starting over with Volume I. They published indexes for each volume and continue to publish
indexes for periodic groupings of issues . The first two indexes were separate publications.
Starting with the index for Volume III, they publish an index within an issue of The Courier. The last index published was for issues #67-70. 1 am hoping that someday they will combine all of the separate indexes into one large, comprehensive index. The annual subscription rate is $19. Contact The Courier, PO Box 1878, Brockton, MA 02303.
E1 Dorado (Index): This magazine is devoted to the military history Of Latin America.
Paul Walsh is the US agent for El Dorado. Subscriptions can be ordered from him and cost $25.00 per
year. Paul has also written a comprehensive index for El Dorado, which is now up to date with the
current issue (Volume VII, #3). The index costs $10.00. Contact Paul Walsh, 3412 Huey Ave, Drexel
Hill, PA, 19026; or El Dorado, c/o Terry Hooker, 27 Hallgate, Cottingham, East Yorkshire, HU16
4DN, UK.
Foreign Correspondent (Database): The Foreign Correspondent is the newsletter of The
Continental Wars Society. This is a wonderful magazine for anyone interested in post-Napoleonic,
19th century European warfare. The annual subscription rate is £ 10. The index lists articles by
the issue in which they appeared. It costs 2.50 pounds. Contact The Foreign Correspondent, c/o Mr. Ralph Weaver, 37 Yeading Ave, Rayners Lane, Harrow, Middlesex HA2 9RL, United Kingdom.
Gorget & Sash (Database)- This magazine only lasted 12 issues (unfortunately). It covered
early modern warfare (1400-1700). The index lists the articles that appeared in each issue. It is on the Internet and can be accessed at Heliograph. The (index): I wrote an index for the first 60 issues of The Heliograph. It has
proven quite popular with Heliograph readers. It lists, among other things, every rules variant for The Sword and the Flame that was published in the first 60 issues of The Heliograph. The index costs $ 10 and can be ordered directly from me. The annual subscription rate for The Heliograph is $12.
Contact Richard Brooks, Rt. 6, Box 771, Saluda, SC 29138.
Historical Gamer (Hybrid): The Historical Gamer published two indexes for their
magazine. The first covered issues #1 -9 and was published in Historical Gamer #9. The second index
covered the first three years of Historical Gainer (issues #1 - 18) and was published in Historical
Gainer #19. Historical Gamer ceased publication after issue #29.
Hobilar. The (Index): I fell in love with the Hobilar the first time that I read that they
covered the Middle Ages from 1272 until 1487 (the Battle of Stokes, the last battle of the Wars of
the Roses, was in 1487). I have written a 36 page index, covering the first 16 issues of the Hobilar.
As of now, the Index is only available from the Lance & Longbow Society (but that may change in
the near future). The annual subscription rate for the Hobilar is £ 16 for US subscribers. I have
just been appointed the US agent for the Hobilar. Anyone interested in subscribing to the Hobilar can
send me a check for $28.00. 1 will forward their name, address, and money to the Lance & Longbow
Society. Persons residing outside the US (or persons interested in purchasing a copy of the index) should contact David Lanchester, c/o Lance and Longbow Society, I I Westmeade Close, Cheshunt, Herts, EN7 6JP, United Kingdom.
Irish Sword (index): The Irish Sword is the journal for anyone who is interested in Irish
military history. Volume XVIII, #74 was their index issue. It covered Volumes IXVIII. It is an
excellent index and allows a user to pinpoint any article that ever appeared in the Irish Sword. Even if you don't subscribe to the Irish Sword, the index issue is worth ordering just in case you ever want to order individual articles from the Irish Sword through Inter-Library Loan. The index issue cost 9.00 (they will accept British Pounds). Contact The Irish Sword, c/o Dr. K.P. Ferguson, University College Dublin, Newman House, 86 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland.
MHQ The Quarterly Journal of Military History (Database): MHQ used to include in
each issue a list of articles that appeared in back issues. I don't know if they still do this. Contact MHQ, PO Box 597. Mt. Morris, IL 61054; 800/827-1218.
Military Hobbies (Hybrid): Military Hobbies (the successor magazine to Army &
Navy Modelworld) ceased publication after issue #40. An index for issues #1 -24 was published in issue 427.
Military Illustrated (Hybrid): Military Illustrated published an index in issue #51,
which covered issues #1-48. There may have been other indexes published since then. In
addition, they usually publish an Archive (e.g. database) in the back of each issue, listing the
main articles that appeared in each issue. Unfortunately, the Archive is incomplete because it
only covers the magazines for which back issues are available. Annual subscription in the US is
$80 for one year, $150 for two years. US subscribers should contact Wise Owl Worldwide
Publications, 4314W 238th Street, Torrance, California, 90505; 310/375-6258. Other interested
persons should contact Military Illustrated, 45 Willowhayne Avenue, East Preston, West
Sussex, BN 16 1 PL, United Kingdom.
Miniature Wargames (Hybrid): Miniature Wargames offers a separate index. They
will mail it to US customers for 6 IRCs (international Reply Coupons). Contact Pireme
Publishing Ltd, Suite 10, Wessex House, St. Leonard's Road, Bournemouth BH8 8QS, United
Kingdom. Annual subscriptions are $69.50 (pay for 10 issues and get 12). Contact Wargames,
Inc, Box 278, Route 40 East, Triadelphia, WV 26059.
Slingshot (Index): There have been several indexes published for Slingshot. I
purchased a printed index a few years ago that covered the years 1965-1995. The Slingshot index
is now available on the Internet. It can be accessed from the Society of Ancients' web page
War Correspondent (Database): The War Correspondent is published by The
Crimean War Research Society. The index consists of a database. Articles are listed by the
volume and issue in which they appeared. The index costs £ 1.00. The annual subscription rate
for US subscribers is $34. Contact The Crimean War Research Society, c/o David Cliff, 4
Castle Estate, Ripponden, West Yorkshire, HX6 4JY, United Kingdom.
Sea Classics (Database): I must confess that I know very little about this magazine.
They published a database of articles for volumes 1-28 in February 1996. Contact Sea Classics,
PO Box 16149, North Hollywood, CA 91615.
Soldiers of the Queen (index): Again, I don't know very much about this magazine.
They published an index for issues 1-72, but that was a few years ago. Contact Soldiers of the
Queen, c/o Dan Allen, 20 Priory Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG 14 70N, United Kingdom for
more information.
Tactical Notebook (Hybrid/Database): The index for Volume I of Tactical notebook
was a hybrid index. The combined index for Volumes I and I I was a database listing of articles. I
don't know if any more indexes were ever published. Contact Institute for Tactical Education,
Old Headquarters Building, PO Box 125, Quantico, VA 22134 for more information.
Tradition Magazine (Index)- Tradition magazine was one of the finest British
wargaming magazines ever published. Unfortunately, it ceased publication after issue 476. A very
comprehensive index is available from Allan D. Satin, 3728 Frontenac Ave, Cincinnati, OH
45236. The index is excellent. My only regret is that other wargaming magazine indexes are not as
good as this one. I believe the index costs $20.00, but interested readers should contact Mr. Satin
before ordering a copy.
Volunteer. The (Database): The Volunteer was short lived (13 issues) English
wargaming magazine. The database list of articles covered volumes 1-12.
There are other indexes that deserve mention. At one time, Caliver Books in the UK
sold an index written by John Aston that covered eight different magazines: Historical Garner,
Miniature Wargames, Practical Wargamer, Ragnarok, The Journal, Wargames!, Wargames
Illustrated and Wargames World. This index was published in 1992. Unfortunately, it was never
updated and is now out of print. If anyone is lucky enough to find it for sale at a wargame
convention flea market I suggest you snap it up.
Dave Ryan at Caliver books has also informed me that he plans to put indexes for the
following magazines on the Caliver Books web page- Age of Napoleon, ECW Times, Battlefields,
Age of Empires, 18th CeBtury Notes an Queries, and Renaissance Notes and Querie . The first
two indexes, Age of Napoleon and ECW Times are currently available as separate publications. I
have not seen any of these indexes so I cannot comment on them. Interested persons should
contact Caliver Books, 26 Cliffsea Grove, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex SS9 INO, United Kingdom or
check their web site at
Most MWAN readers have probably heard of Magweb. Magweb offers over 60
magazines on line. They have a search engine that allows users to search for articles by topic. In
my opinion, search engines will never replace indexes, they can be an excellent research tool in
addition to indexes. Magweb's web site address is
Lastly, MWAN's own Dave Love has created a database of several thousand wargame
articles on the Internet. They can be at Ed
Allen and Nils Hedglin also contributed to the database. The database includes articles from the
following magazines: Armchair General. Battlefields. Colonial Conquest, Courier, ECW Notes
and Queries. ECW Times. Historical Garner, Midwest Wargamers Association Newsletter
(MWAN), Miniature Wargames. Napoleon Magazine (Dana Lombardy), Practical Wargamer,
Renaissance Notes and Queries. Wargames' (Pre-Practical Wargamer from Stuart Asquith),
Wargarner's Digest (USA, not Featherstone, changed name to Military Digest in 1984), Wargames
Illustrated. Wargames World.
If any MWANers would like to contact me, either to order an index, correct any
mistakes in this article. or (better yet) let me know of indexes available for other wargaming
magazines, they can write to me at: 4726 Appaloosa Court, Antioch, CA 94509;