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'Army' Support (Counts as Corps level)Up to: 4 Heavy Tank Regiments (1945 only)@
1 Recce platoon: 3x M3A1 S/C or Carriers, 3 PTRD41, 1 SMG sqd 4 'Companies'@ 5x Is-2m 25th SP Artillery Regiment (1945 only):
1 Recce platoon: 3x M3A1 S/C or Carriers, 3 PTRD41, 1 SMG sqd 4 'Companies'@ 5x ISU-122 4 SP Artillery Regiments@
4 batteries@ 5x Su-76, Assigned FC 1 Tank Destroyer Battalion:
3 batteries@ 5x Su-57 T48 halftracks 3 Engineer Companies@
3 platoons@ 3 rifle/engineer sqds, 1 flamegun 3 Pioneer Companies@
3 platoons@ 3 rifle/pioneer sqds 2. 'Front' or Army SupportUp to: 9 Rocket Battalions@
2 batteries@ 4x BM-13-16, radio van 3 Mortar Battalions@
6 batteries@ 6x 120mm mortars, 3 PTRD41, horse or truck tows, Assigned FC 3 Artillery Battalions@
4 batteries@ 6x 76mm M42, horse or truck tows, Assigned FC 2 Artillery Battalions@
4 batteries@ 6x 122mm M38, horses or trucks, Assigned FC 1 Artillery Battalion:
4 batteries@ 6x 152mm M43, horses or trucks, Assigned FC 2 Artillery Battalions@
4 batteries@ 6x 122mm M31/37, horse or truck tows, Assigned FC 1 Artillery Battalion:
4 batteries@ 6x 152mm M37, horse or lorry tows, Assigned FC 3 Artillery Battalions@
3 batteries@ 6x 203mm M31, 6 lorries or Stalinets, radio van 1 Recce Company:
3 platoons@ 3x T-34/76F or T-70A 2 Recce Companies@
3 platoons@ 3 rifle sqds, PTRD41, 3 LMG, M/C Combos 1 Recce Company:
3 platoons@ 3x Carriers, 1 SMG sqd, 1 PTRD41 9 AA Batteries@ 6x 37mm M39 AA, horse or truck tows 3 AA Batteries@ 6x 85mm M39 AA, horse or truck tows 4 AA Companies@
3 platoons@ 4x 12.7mm HMG/AA tripods, horses or 2 trucks 3 A/T Regiments@
6 batteries@ 4x 76mm M42 or 45mm M42 or 57mm M43, horse or truck tows 3. Notesa) Radios are in all CHQ and Battery HQs, possibly in recce PHQs.
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